Research on the Intelligence of Carbon Number in Data Center
Hongzhen Xie, Fang Zhou, Junlong Xu, Qi Chen
, Zhijun Mu and Zhisong Ge
Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, Shanghai, China
Keywords: Data Center, Carbon Verification, Intelligence, Monitoring Software, Accounting System.
Abstract: Introduced carbon verification in the data center and designed carbon monitoring software. Based on the R-
8555CDMA Modem wireless communication module, builds an intelligent accounting system for the energy
and carbon data of the data center, which realizes the intellectualization of the carbon emission verification
of the data center.
A data center is composed of a computer site
(computer room), other infrastructure, information
system hardware and software, information resources
(data) and personnel, and corresponding rules and
regulations. It is mainly a construction site that
provides an operating environment for centralized
electronic information equipment. It can be one or
several buildings, or it can be a part of a building
(GB/T32910.1, GB 50174). As an infrastructure for
storing, processing, and utilizing computing power,
data centers can be divided into enterprise data
centers (EDCs), internet data centers (IDCs), and
other institutional data centers (Wang Jiye, 2022).
The construction of data centers is one of the
seven key construction tasks of the "new
infrastructure", and it is also the key to the digital
transformation of the economy. With the rapid
development of social economy, data centers are also
expanding rapidly. As the infrastructure of the digital
economy, data centers occupy a large area, are mostly
located in urban centers, have a large number of
devices, and consume a lot of energy. Their huge
energy demand inevitably leads to an increase in
carbon emissions. The data center industry belongs to
the consumer side of energy in energy activities. The
main sources of its energy activities include the
consumption of electrical energy in the power supply
sector and the use and consumption of diesel
generators. Among them, diesel generators are used
to ensure continuous power supply for the data center
center.Its energy consumption accounts for a very
low proportion of the energy consumption of the
entire data center. Therefore, under the premise of
thermal power generation, the carbon emissions of
the data center mainly come from the power
consumption of the power supply department.
Article 6 of the Measures for the Administration of
Carbon Emission Trading (Trial) stipulates that the
formulation of technical specifications for national
carbon emission trading and related activities, as well
as the supervision and management of local carbon
emission quota allocation, greenhouse gas emission
reporting and verification shall be "the Ministry of
Ecology and Environment, with assistance from
relevant departments of The State Council."
Greenhouse gas emission reporting and verification is
the process of comprehensively verifying and
verifying the emission facility information,
accounting boundaries, accounting methods,
emission factors, activity data, and other relevant
information of carbon dioxide generated by national
key emission (quota management) units.
The verification of the carbon emissions of data
centers and the production of reports must be carried
out in accordance with the requirements of the
accounting methods and reporting standards for
greenhouse gas emissions in the Measures for the
Administration of Carbon Emissions Trading (Trial);
And relevant standards and technical specifications.
The verification process mainly includes: initiating
verification, arranging verification, establishing
verification technical working group, document
review, establishing on-site verification group, on-
site verification, writing verification report,
Xie, H., Zhou, F., Xu, J., Chen, Q., Mu, Z. and Ge, Z.
Research on the Intelligence of Carbon Number in Data Center.
DOI: 10.5220/0012284000003807
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology (ANIT 2023), pages 362-366
ISBN: 978-989-758-677-4
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.