4.2 Experimental Parameter Setting
This paper embeds the 64-dimensional word2vector
vector initialization word, and all weight parameters
are initialized uniformly. Adam is selected as the
optimizer for the hidden layer with a dimension of 64.
Use a learning rate of 0.001, a random inactivation
parameter of 0.01, and a batch size of 256. A random
initialization of 100 times was performed, and the
results of the average of those 100 times were taken
as the final results. Multiple dimensions are used to
evaluate the effectiveness and robustness of the
experimental results, including accuracy, recall, and
F1 value.
4.3 Experimental Structure Analysis
In Table 2, experimental results demonstrate that the
performance of this method is superior to that of other
comparable models, providing evidence for its
effectiveness. Using two network models to capture
semantic data from multiple directions, this paper
successfully reduces the gradient of model training
data by analyzing the SwissLog log and separating
the log workflow. This also improves the training
effect and efficiency, and eliminates the problem of
Table 4. Comparison of experimental effects
Several studies have been conducted on the text
classification of traditional texts, but little research
has been conducted on the text classification of
update logs. Update logs contain a great deal of
functional and security information, so they are
valuable for future security research and topic
annotation. In order to improve SwissLog's parsing
logs based on the characteristics of updating logs, we
propose a new TransformerGRU network model and
develop a new workflow for log serialization
preprocessing that is more efficient and accurate.
Furthermore, the self-attention model is used to
balance different log key data sets with a high degree
of quality, which further enhances the classification
effect. Experiments have demonstrated that this
method is highly accurate and efficient for classifying
This project is supported by Shan dong Province
Science and Technology Small and Medium
Enterprises Innovation Ability Enhancement Project
of China (No. 2023TSGC0449)
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