2.4 Construction of Vulnerability
Measurement Model of Global
Container Shipping Network
Network efficiency measurement is one of network
structure measurement methods, which is derived
from the concept of average shortest path length. The
measurement of network efficiency is not limited by
the weight, connectivity and sparsity of the system,
and can better measure the efficiency of network
information transmission and achieve accurate
quantitative analysis of weighted and unweighted
networks (Latora V, 2001). Therefore, in the relevant
research of shipping network, network efficiency
measurement is widely used to describe the change of
the transportation efficiency of the entire network
when the network is attacked, and measure the
connectivity of network. The network efficiency
measure can be expressed as
In formula (2),
is the network efficiency of
the shipping network; is the total number of nodes
in the shipping network ;
is the shortest path
length between node and node .
The global container shipping network is a
weighted network, and weight is an important part of
it. This paper takes the number of segments between
two ports as weight. During the COVID-19
pandemic, faced with uncertain cargo demand and
continuous market fluctuations, liner companies
rescheduled or canceled route services, resulting in
disconnection of container shipping network links
and decreased connectivity (Pan J J, 2022).
Therefore, this paper aims to study how the
vulnerability of the maritime network is affected by
the removal of a large number of segments. The
layered weighted network efficiency can better
describe this process. It can accurately identify the
impact of addition or deletion of segments and
increase or decrease of the number of segments on the
efficiency of the maritime network, which is helpful
to study the impact of route disconnection on the
overall network efficiency. Using the idea of network
disintegration, the shipping network is regarded as a
multi-layer network, and the number of layers on each
side is determined by the number of segments. The
weighted network is decomposed into several
unweighted subnetworks by deleting all the directly
connected edge segments from the remaining
network and forming a subnet with these deleted
segments in each step (Zhou Y, 2021). Then, the
network efficiency of each sub-network is calculated
using formula (2). The layered weighted network
efficiency of the original network is obtained by
summing the network efficiency of all subnetworks.
Any change in the route will change the structure
of the shipping network, and then change the network
efficiency of several subnets, which will then be
reflected in the efficiency calculation results of the
original network. Therefore, the layered weighted
network efficiency metric can well measure the
disconnection of the container shipping network
caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, this
study uses this index to measure the importance of
segment and the vulnerability of the maritime
network. In this paper, MATLAB software is used to
calculate the efficiency index of the layered weighted
network through the above steps, so as to measure the
vulnerability of the global container shipping network
under global interference.
3.1 Data Selection and Procession
The data of the global container shipping network
constructed in this paper comes from the websites of
the top seven liner companies in terms of global
shipping capacity collected by Alphaliner. The total
capacity of these seven shipping companies is 76.4%
worldwide, this is highly representative. As shown in
Table 1. The total service network of these seven liner
companies covers six continents in the world,
involving the world's most basic maritime ports.
Based on the shipping schedule on the website of each
shipping company, all the ports where liners call on
each route are tracked and obtained respectively, and
the tracking time is from April 2022 to June 2022.
Repeated routes were processed, resulting in 544
ports and 2,464 routes involving 138 countries. The
global container shipping network is abstracted as a
complex network
, consisting of 544
nodes and 2464 edges, as shown in Figure 1.
Table 1. Capacity and market share of the top 7 liner
shipping companies.
ANIT 2023 - The International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology