Figure 1: System architecture design.
From a holistic perspective, the system can be
divided into the following components:
Client. The system client based on C/S
architecture uses the relevant business of ERP
system through the form of client login.
Web server. The server is usually used to store
the management program of the whole management
system, realize the user request processing, realize
the interaction with the intranet database, and
transmit the result to the front client in time. It is
worth noting, however, that before the results are
transmitted to the client, the staff reorganizes the
data structures according to the client data
requirements to make them more client-friendly
(shown in Figure 2) . At the same time, the Web
server must be connected with the intranet server
through special processing program, and the more
complex data processing should be given to the
intranet server for unified processing. In addition, as
the Web server and intranet data server to connect,
so pay attention to analyze the security of the entire
network, in the intranet server and Web Server
Building Gateway, and install software firewall on
each server to avoid the phenomenon of malicious
attacks (Shih Ping-wang, 2022).
Figure 2: Web server.
Network gates. In order to ensure the security of
the system data, the staff should separate the internal
network from the external network, and the
intermediate position should be isolated by the
network gate.
Intrusion detection system. The main function of
intrusion detection system is to monitor and control
the running status of the system and the network in
real time, it can predict the attack result in advance
and guarantee the data security. At the same time,
intrusion detection system and firewall can be used
simultaneously to achieve the interaction between
the two.
Hardware firewall. The firewall is usually
installed behind the external network router,
according to the pre-set security measures to solve
special access and services, enhance network
security, reasonable control security risks.
Unified standard interface. In order to realize the
data sharing between the system and the external
system, the system design many unified standard
interfaces, the internal manager can control directly
through the client, the system can access the related
data through the interface form, thus realizes the
system data sharing function, strengthens the system
data consistency. (7) intranet application server. The
server is used to handle client and server transfers to
data and transfer the results of processing to the
system database (Ted Wong, 2022).
2.2 Functional Module Structure Design
(1). Project Material Planning Module
The project material planning module mainly
includes three-code corresponding update
mechanism workflow, three-code automatic
matching function enhancement, three-code
corresponding batch import and report query sub-
modules. Three-code corresponding batch import
and report query can apply asset classification,
material coding and equipment classification to ERP
system by batch import template, and can select field
query report. At present, the concrete fields of the
report form are composed of asset subcategory,
equipment classification, material code, material
description, etc., according to the ERP project
network related material requirements, according to
the three code corresponding standards, the system
automatically enhances the relationship between
equipment classification and matching material code;
The work flow of the three-yard corresponding
renewal mechanism mainly aims at the material
requirements of the first project, and notifies the
Financial Department of the company in time
through this mechanism, including the material sub-
category, the reporter, the Improvement Unit, the
reporting time and other information (Ndeles, 2022).
(2). Project Construction Module Project
Construction Module has four sub-modules, that is,
legal contract verification function, sub-project
contract implementation table, project image
progress and financial progress statements, key
Design and Research of Equipment Asset Life Cycle Management System Based on ERP