and their rules, and discover valuable emotional
trends and communication trends, which has a very
positive significance for public opinion guidance
and news diffusion.
The essence of emotion analysis is a process of
text classification, which is to analyze and excavate
texts with certain emotional colors to find out the
relevant emotional tendencies (Liu, K., 2019). They
can be divided into three types: positive, negative
and neutral. The design uses machine learning
algorithm, machine learning is a branch of artificial
intelligence in recent years more hot artificial
intelligence, its main application for classification
tasks, naive Bayes, support vector machine (SVM),
maximum entropy and other algorithms in recent
years continuous development: Some scholars
improved the naive Bayes algorithm to improve the
classification accuracy in view of the fact that the
calculation of prior probability in text classification
is relatively time-consuming and has little influence
on the classification effect and the accuracy of
classification is affected by the accuracy loss of
posterior probability (Zhu, X., 2020). In the other
research, the authors proposed a Dirichlet naive
Bayes Swinburne classification algorithm based on
Map Reduce, which significantly improves the
accuracy and recall rate of traditional naive Bayes
Swinburne classification algorithm and has excellent
scalability and data processing ability (Rogers, D.,
2022). Some scholars proposed a naive Bayes
Swinburne classification algorithm with attribute
weighted complement, and conducted comparative
experiments with traditional naive Bayes and
complementary naive Bayes algorithm. The results
showed that the improved algorithm had the best
performance when the distribution of sample sets
was not balanced, and the classification accuracy,
recall rate and G-mean performance were greatly
improved (Abdalla, H. I., 2022). In the other study a
new classification model based on naive Bayes,
which can reduce the redundant attributes in the data
set, calculate the weight of each reduced conditional
attribute relative to the decision attribute, and
integrate the weight into the naive Bayes
classification model to improve the application
scenario and classification accuracy of the naive
Bayes classification model (Villa-Blanco, C., 2023).
Foreign scholars began to study text
classification in the 1960s. In 1961, Maron
published his first paper on automatic classification.
In 1975, Salton built a vector space model based on
information search, artificial intelligence and
machine learning, which made text automatic
classification obtain certain application results in
different technical fields. H.P. Luhn proposed a
classification based on word frequency statistics.
The first paper on classification algorithm was
published by Maron et al. after continuing the
research and sorting of text classification based on
this field. Later, scholars such as G. Stalton, K.Park
and K.S. Ones also obtained many achievements in
this field through the study of text classification.
Under the extensive research of foreign scholars,
text classification has been put into practice and
widely used in the field of information resource
organization and management. Sharma and Dey
proposed the SVM mixed model based on Boosting,
which improved the performance excellence of the
SVM model (Han, M.- Gao, H.). The researchers
have proposed a suicidal emotion prediction
algorithm for social networks based on machine
learning and semantic sentiment analysis in the
journal Procedia Computer Science, and a WordNet-
based algorithm for semantic analysis between
tweets in the training set and tweets in the data set
(He, J.- Hao, S. L.). The authors used machine
learning methods for text classification in the
International Conference on Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology, In order to determine the
contextual polarity of each call on the subject of the
malaria bid, our data were used to harvest people's
perceptions of malaria and understand the impact of
research and recent development assistance on
malaria aid on the subject of malaria (Cardenas, J. P.,
2014). They collected, mined and analyzed college-
related tweets through sentiment analysis based on
machine learning algorithm (Li, L. F., 2019).
2.1 Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a technology
involving computer science, artificial intelligence,
linguistics and other disciplines. It mainly involves
taking information from human language and
putting it into a form that a computer can process.
Here are some examples of how natural language
processing works:
Speech recognition: Speech recognition is the
technology that converts audio signals of human
speech into text form. The technology is usually
implemented using acoustic models and language
models, and can be applied to voice assistants,
automatic translation and other aspects.
ANIT 2023 - The International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology