The upgrades to Ethereum 2.0 has profound
implications for the NFT market. After the Paris
upgrade, Ethereum transitioned from the PoW
consensus protocol to the PoS consensus protocol,
significantly enhancing the performance, security,
scalability, and sustainability of the Ethereum
network. Reducing energy consumption and carbon
emissions and decreasing electronic waste will allow
NFTs to regain moral commendation. We collected
blockchain data and empirically demonstrated the
significant effect of Ethereum's upgrades in reducing
transaction fees. These changes will have a positive
impact on the NFT market. The Upgrades of
Ethereum 2.0 provide more space and possibilities
for the NFT market, which will powerfully promote
the further development and innovation of the NFT
This work was financially supported by the Research
Capacity Enhancement Project of Key Disciplines in
Guangdong Province (2022ZDJS146), the Key Area
Project of Guangdong General Colleges and
Universities(2021ZDZX1075), the Young Innovative
Talent Project of Guangdong General Colleges and
Universities (2022KQNCX115), Natural Science
Project of Guangdong University of Science and
Technology (GKY-2022KYZDK-9, GKY-
2022KYZDK-12, and GKY-2022KYYBK-14),
Innovation Strength Engineering Project of Guangdong
University of Science and Technology (GKY-
2022CQTD-2, GKY-2022CQTD-4), and Quality
Engineering Project of Guangdong University of
Science and Technology (GKZLGC2022018,
GKZLGC2022029, and GKZLGC2022255).
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From Ethereum 1.0 to 2.0: Implications for the Blockchain-Based NFT Market