From Ethereum 1.0 to 2.0: Implications for the Blockchain-Based
NFT Market
Yungui Chen
, Yong Fan and Liwei Tian
School of Computer Science, Guangdong University of Science and Technology, Dongguan, China
Keywords: Ethereum 2.0, NFT Market, PROOF-of-Stake Consensus Algorithm.
Abstract: The Non-fungible Token (NFT), a pioneering embodiment of singularity within blockchain technology, has
been increasingly recognized for its distinctive identity and exclusive attributes. Therefore, it is often used
to protect intellectual property and gaming fields. Today, the issuance of NFTs is predominantly grounded
on Ethereum's infrastructure. This study delves into a profound dissection of Ethereum 1.0's constraints,
notably its inefficiency and disproportionate energy consumption. As we navigate the evolution of
Ethereum from its 1.0 version to the more advanced 2.0, we spotlight the enhancements it offers - optimized
performance, lessened energy consumption, and fortified security mechanisms - features reminiscent of a
metamorphosis. We used an analytical approach to extract blocks from EthereumPoS and EthereumPoW for
comparative analysis. Preliminary results indicated a pronounced reduction in transaction fees associated
with Ethereum 2.0 - a promising leap towards increasing blockchain accessibility while maintaining its
security integrity.
In the vibrant arena of blockchain technology,
branches such as Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) (Wang, Q.- Kugler,
L.) have charted groundbreaking paths. Foremost
among these, the birth of the NFT market represents
a game-changing application of blockchain
technology. By offering an unprecedented approach
to verifying digital ownership, NFTs bestow
significant value upon innovative expressions
ranging from artworks to game assets and musical
compositions. However, the accelerated evolution of
the NFT market has underscored a suite of critical
challenges chiefly tied to Ethereum, the leading
platform for NFT issuance, touching on aspects of
performance, efficiency, and ecological footprint.
Ethereum (Chen, T., Chen, H.), while being the
esteemed podium for the origination and deployment
of NFTs, employs a consensus protocol hinged on
the principles of Proof of Work (PoW) (Meneghetti,
A., 2020) - an architecture that is not without its
share of complexities and challenges. These
encompass low operational efficiency, excessive
energy expenditure, and the generation of electronic
waste. These shortcomings cast shadows on the
scalability, efficiency, and environmental-
friendliness of the Ethereum network, posing a
formidable barrier to the continued growth of the
NFT marketplace.
Navigating this sea of complexities, the
Ethereum team has set sail on a sequence of
enhancements, collectively identified as Ethereum
2.0 (Cassez, F., 2022). The transformation of
Ethereum's consensus protocol from the labyrinth of
PoW to the streamlined Proof of Stake (PoS) (Saleh,
F., 2021) is anticipated to significantly escalate
network efficiency, reign in energy usage, and
amplify network scalability via avant-garde sharding
technology. This seismic shift not only holds the
promise to redefine Ethereum's operational
dynamics but also has the potential to carve deep
imprints on the canvas of the NFT ecosystem.
The focus of this paper is to unravel the
intricacies of the ripple effects Ethereum's
metamorphosis from 1.0 to 2.0 could cast onto the
blockchain-anchored NFT market. We adopt a
trident strategy: initially, we shed light on the core
issues of Ethereum 1.0 that are firmly rooted in the
PoW algorithm; subsequently, we take a deep dive
into the defining characteristics of Ethereum 2.0 and
its potential ramifications on the NFT market;
finally, employing a robust empirical approach, we
gauge the aftershocks of Ethereum's shift from the
PoW to the PoS paradigm on transactional tariffs.
Chen, Y., Fan, Y. and Tian, L.
From Ethereum 1.0 to 2.0: Implications for the Blockchain-Based NFT Market.
DOI: 10.5220/0012286800003807
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology (ANIT 2023), pages 515-519
ISBN: 978-989-758-677-4
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Currently, the prevalent method of issuing Non-
Fungible Tokens (NFTs) is based on Ethereum, and
the consensus protocol of Ethereum prior to the
Paris upgrade is Proof of Work (PoW). As depicted
in Figure 1, the PoW algorithm belongs to the class
of consensus protocols based on computational
power, where the entity with the most computational
power prevails. However, this characteristic imbues
PoW with numerous shortcomings, which have
become constraints on the popularization and
development of NFTs (Saleh, F., 2022).
Figure 1: The computational power competition model in
2.1 Low Efficiency
 
  
The PoW consensus protocol necessitates
significant node participation in competition
computing. Equation (1) describes the mathematical
logic of PoW mining. D is the target difficulty value.
All miners attempt to find the suitable nonce to
obtain a BlockHash close to D. With potential
benefits, more participants and computing power get
involved in the mining process, but only one node
can gain the right to package the block. The
calculation results of other nodes are wasted. This
leads to low efficiency in the blockchain system,
extended transactions confirmation time, and lower
throughput (Chen, Y., 2022).
2.2 Excessive Energy Consumption and
Carbon Emissions
As the computational power required for mining
grows, the energy consumption of Bitcoin and
Ethereum exhibits a consistent upward trend each
year (Gallersdörfer, U., 2020). This has raised
concerns about the escalating electricity usage and
its associated environmental consequences. The
mining process serves only one purpose preserve
choosing who ought to be rewarded. Therefore,
mining is regarded as a severe waste of resources.
Figure 2 shows the annual electricity consumption
of Ethereum from 2014 to 2022.
10-2016 08-2017 06-2018 04-2019 02-2020 12-2020 10-2021 08-2022
Monthly consumption(TWH)
Figure 2: Ethereum's electricity consumption from 2014 to
2.3 Generation of Electronic Waste
Electronic waste refers to outdated mining machines.
The lifecycle of a mining machine is typically two to
three years. Although they can continue to work
after two to three years, the likelihood of "mining"
becomes meager. With the mining difficulty
coefficient increasing, mining with old equipment is
no longer feasible, as the cost of electricity cannot
offset the mining output. If the mining electricity
consumption C exceeds the mining revenue R, the
miners will discard the equipment. These mining
machines explicitly designed for PoW are discarded
and become electronic waste. Electronic waste in
cryptocurrency mining has become a grave concern
overseas (Jana, R. K., 2022).
Ethereum 2.0 signifies the enriched edition of the
Ethereum blockchain, aiming to amplify network
speed, performance, and scalability. The
enhancement, progressing through three stages, was
initiated with the Beacon Chain, which has been
operating for two years. The second stage, The
Merge, concluded on September 15, 2022, while the
final stage, Sharding, is predicted to conclude
between 2023 and 2024.
Ethereum 2.0 (London upgrade, August 5,
2021) enacted the EIP-1559 reform proposal,
changing transaction fees computation and
allocation method. Transaction fees are made up of
two parts: the Base Fee and the Priority Fee. The
former gets burnt, while the latter is awarded to
miners as an additional charge determined by users.
This design tries to reduce transaction cost volatility,
improving predictability and usability for users.
 
ANIT 2023 - The International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology
The Merge (, called the "Paris
upgrade," denoted a significant network update
executed on September 15, 2022. This event held
great importance as Ethereum transitioned from
PoW to PoS. According to Formula (2), in the PoS
protocol, the quantity and duration of staked coins
are factors in obtaining the right to mine. As shown
in Figure 3, the one who holds more ETH and holds
it for a longer time will win. The PoS algorithm
brings several benefits, including reducing energy
consumption and the cost of running the network. In
addition, it also enhances network security and
Figure 3: The stake-based consensus model in the PoS.
Ethereum 2.0 (in the future) will have a new
feature known as sharding technology, which
divides the network into smaller segments that can
operate simultaneously, thereby enhancing the
system's efficiency and capacity to process more
transactions concurrently. Moreover, sharding aids
in reducing network congestion, transaction
confirmation latency, and transaction fees.
The Ethereum upgrades, mainly the Paris upgrade,
profoundly impact the NFT market. This impact can
be evaluated from four perspectives:
4.1 Enhancing Performance and
Scalability of NFTs
Currently, Ethereum, based on the PoW consensus
protocol, can only support about 30 TPS [Kim, H.,
2021]. This cannot meet the needs of the NFT
market. Fortunately, Ethereum will adopt a new
consensus protocol after the Paris upgrade, which is
expected to significantly enhance network
performance and scalability. According to the
estimation of the Ethereum Foundation, the PoS
consensus mechanism can help Ethereum's
transaction processing speed reach hundreds or even
tens of thousands per second. This performance
improvement will enable the NFT market to
accommodate more users and handle more
transactions, thereby promoting innovation
4.2 Improving Security and Attack
Resistance of NFTs
Because of the PoW consensus protocol, the NFT
market is vulnerable to security threats such as 51%
assaults, selfish mining, and double spending (Li, X.,
2020). These attacks can negatively impact NFT
ownership, authenticity, and scarcity. However,
Ethernet's adoption of the PoS consensus protocol
after the Paris upgrade strengthens network security
and resistance to such attacks. Vitalik Buterin's
analysis suggests that the PoS consensus protocol
can resist over 67% of malicious validators (Buterin,
V., 2020), whereas the PoW consensus protocol can
only withstand over 50% of malicious miners.
Moreover, the PoS consensus protocol introduces a
penalty mechanism that penalizes validators who
engage in malicious behavior or go offline by
confiscating their staked tokens. This mechanism
incentivizes validators to remain honest and active,
ensuring the regular operation of the network.
4.3 Reducing Energy Consumption and
Carbon Footprint of NFTs
Formula (3) shows the linear relationship between
carbon emissions and electricity consumption.
Considering the substantial power consumption
necessitated by the PoW consensus protocol,
resulting in significant energy waste and carbon
emissions, the NFT market also encounters
environmental and social responsibility concerns.
Following the Paris upgrade, Ethereum will shift to
the PoS consensus mechanism, substantially
reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint.
As per the estimations by the Ethereum Foundation,
adopting the PoS consensus mechanism has the
potential to decrease Ethereum's energy usage by
99.95%. This implies a decrease in annual energy
consumption from approximately 50.6 TWh to
around 2.62 GWh. This reduction is equivalent to
decreasing the yearly electricity usage of a medium-
sized country like Bulgaria to that of a tiny town like
Harrisburg. Such a transition would facilitate the
development of an environmentally friendly and
sustainable NFT market.
   (3)
From Ethereum 1.0 to 2.0: Implications for the Blockchain-Based NFT Market
4.4 Lowering NFTs Minting Fees and
Transaction Fees
In Ethereum 1.0, the minting and transaction costs
for NFTs (often referred to as "Gas fees") tend to be
exceedingly high, posing a significant barrier for
artists and collectors. Exorbitant Gas fees make low-
cost NFT creations impractical, constraining the
development and popularization of the NFT market.
Ethereum 2.0, by changing the consensus
mechanism and introducing sharding technology,
dramatically enhances the network's throughput,
thereby reducing the Gas cost for each transaction.
Under the PoS protocol, validators no longer need to
perform high-energy-consumption hash calculations
to compete for packaging rights; instead, they are
selected based on their token holdings and duration,
considerably lowering transaction costs. This
suggests that under Ethereum 2.0, the minting and
transaction fees for NFTs will be significantly
reduced, allowing more artists and collectors to
participate in the NFT market, improving NFT
liquidity and market activity, and propelling the
development of the NFT market.
The transaction fees of Ethereum are the most
significant confusion for NFT creators and traders.
The minting and trading of NFTs must be stored on
the blockchain, corresponding to an Ethereum
transaction. This means that the transaction fees of
Ethereum determine the minting cost and transaction
cost of NFTs. We have collected data from
operational blockchain systems to compare the
transaction fees under the PoW and PoS consensus
We collected blocks 17691772-17691873 from
EthereumPoS and blocks 17491733-17491847 from
EthereumPoW and conducted data analysis on 100
effective blocks from each. EthereumPoS represents
the Ethereum main chain executing the PoS protocol
after the Paris upgrade, while EthereumPoW
represents the Ethereum fork chain executing the
PoW protocol after the Paris upgrade.
We collected Txns, Block Byte Size, Gas Used,
and Average Gas Price from the blocks of
EthereumPoS and EthereumPoW. Using Formula
(4) and Formula (5), we can calculate the
transaction fee per transaction and the transaction
fee per byte size.
Figure 4 reveals a significant drop in average
transaction fees after Ethereum's consensus protocol
transitioned from PoW to PoS, aligning with our
expectations. It is imperative to recognize that
within the context of the Ethereum blockchain
network, ETH, Wei, and Gwei are essential units of
measurement for the cryptocurrency Ethereum
(ETH). Serving as the most granular unit, Wei
represents the foundational measure, while Gwei, a
more substantial denomination, is frequently
employed to articulate gas prices, enhancing the
clarity of transactions. The interconversion among
ETH, Wei, and Gwei adheres to the following
 
 
 (6)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Transaction Fee per transaction(1000000Gwei/TX)
Block ID
(a) transaction fee per transaction
0 20 40 60 80 100
Transaction fee per byte size(1000000Gwei/KB)
Block ID
(b) transaction fee per byte size
Figure 4: Average transaction fees for EthereumPoS and
ANIT 2023 - The International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology
The upgrades to Ethereum 2.0 has profound
implications for the NFT market. After the Paris
upgrade, Ethereum transitioned from the PoW
consensus protocol to the PoS consensus protocol,
significantly enhancing the performance, security,
scalability, and sustainability of the Ethereum
network. Reducing energy consumption and carbon
emissions and decreasing electronic waste will allow
NFTs to regain moral commendation. We collected
blockchain data and empirically demonstrated the
significant effect of Ethereum's upgrades in reducing
transaction fees. These changes will have a positive
impact on the NFT market. The Upgrades of
Ethereum 2.0 provide more space and possibilities
for the NFT market, which will powerfully promote
the further development and innovation of the NFT
This work was financially supported by the Research
Capacity Enhancement Project of Key Disciplines in
Guangdong Province (2022ZDJS146), the Key Area
Project of Guangdong General Colleges and
Universities(2021ZDZX1075), the Young Innovative
Talent Project of Guangdong General Colleges and
Universities (2022KQNCX115), Natural Science
Project of Guangdong University of Science and
Technology (GKY-2022KYZDK-9, GKY-
2022KYZDK-12, and GKY-2022KYYBK-14),
Innovation Strength Engineering Project of Guangdong
University of Science and Technology (GKY-
2022CQTD-2, GKY-2022CQTD-4), and Quality
Engineering Project of Guangdong University of
Science and Technology (GKZLGC2022018,
GKZLGC2022029, and GKZLGC2022255).
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From Ethereum 1.0 to 2.0: Implications for the Blockchain-Based NFT Market