Research on Information Communication Network Security Under
the Background of Big Data
Xiaoying Chen
Guangzhou City University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
Keywords: Big Data, Information and Communication Networks, Security Policy.
Abstract: At present, the rapid development of big data technology has a wide impact on all walks of life. This study
is based on the information communication network security management under the background of big data.
By analyzing the background and importance of network security, this paper aims to explore the
information and communication network security management strategy, research and formulate information
and communication network security risk management strategy and network security protection strategy in
view of relevant issues, so as to cope with the security challenges in the context of big data. The purpose of
this study is to improve the security of information and communication networks and provide important
reference for the security management of information and communication networks in the era of big data.
Under the background of big data, the information
communication network security management
strategy has attracted more and more attention. With
the continuous development and application of
technology, the problem of network security
becomes more and more prominent, and the
protection of information and communication
network security becomes particularly important.
The purpose of this study is to improve the security
of information communication network by studying
the strategy of security management. At present, the
rapid development of big data technology has a wide
impact on all walks of life. The extensive collection
and analysis of big data enables businesses to gain
more information about users and markets. However,
it also raises the concern of information
communication network security. Various types of
attacks are becoming more common, such as
malware and hacking. It is imperative to study the
strategy of information communication network
security management. The significance of this study
is to provide in-depth research and practical
guidance for information communication network
security management strategies. In the context of big
data, the importance of network security is more
prominent. Through the results of this study, it
provides an important reference for the information
communication network security management in the
background of big data, and provides a foundation
for further research and practice.
The development of big data is currently in a stage
of rapid growth, which is characterized by mass,
high speed, diversification and real-time, and has a
profound impact on all walks of life. With the
continuous development of computer network
technology, the problem of information
communication network security also appears. These
problems include business secrets being leaked,
users' personal information being resold by criminals,
and even high-level hackers invading national
networks and endangering national network
information security. These problems lead to the
leakage of personal privacy and the theft of
intellectual property rights of enterprises, which
brings interference to the development of science
and technology, and also puts higher requirements
on information protection technology. According to
relevant surveys, the main risk factors for data loss
are as follows, as shown in Fig. 1:
Chen, X.
Research on Information Communication Network Security Under the Background of Big Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0012287000003807
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology (ANIT 2023), pages 526-530
ISBN: 978-989-758-677-4
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Main factors of data loss risk.
First, the development of Big data has brought
many new impacts on the security of information
and communication networks. The traditional
security protection strategy will appear powerless in
the face of Big data. Because of the huge amount
and diverse types of Big data, traditional security
protection measures cannot meet their requirements
for efficient processing and protection. At the same
time, the real-time nature of Big data requires that
the information communication network security
management strategy must be capable of rapid
response and real-time monitoring. In the context of
Big data, information and communication network
security is faced with multi-level and all-round
threats and attacks. Firstly, the virtuality and
boundary ambiguity of cyberspace complicate the
network security situation. With the rise of cloud
computing and the Internet of Things, more and
more devices and systems are connected to the
network, providing more opportunities and entrances
for hackers to attack. In addition, the increasing
scale and complexity of information and
communication networks have made security
management tasks more difficult. The information
communication network in the context of Big data
contains huge data flow and massive information,
and the traditional security management methods
can no longer meet the needs of large-scale networks.
Moreover, the continuous innovation and evolution
of network attack technology have made the network
security situation even more severe. Hackers have
adopted more covert and advanced attack methods to
bypass traditional security measures, posing a huge
threat to network security. Therefore, we need to use
advanced technical means and innovative ways of
thinking to deal with information network security
management in the context of Big data, and ensure
the security and stability of the communication
Secondly, the rapid development of information
and communication networks and the wide
application of Big data have brought new challenges
to network security. With the development of Big
data technology, personal privacy and data security
are facing huge risks. The collection, storage,
transmission and processing of Big data may reveal
users' private information. The centralization and
sharing of Big data makes personal privacy exposed
and abused, and data security also faces more threats.
In addition, with the rapid growth of Big data, the
scale and complexity of network attacks are
increasing, and the risk of network security is
becoming more serious. Therefore, we need to study
and formulate information communication network
security management strategies against the
background of Big data to protect personal privacy
and data security.
In response to the above challenges, we need to
research and develop information and
communication network security risk management
strategies and network security protection strategies.
The network security risk management strategy
includes methods and measures to identify, evaluate,
and control communication network security risks.
By identifying the sources and potential threats of
network security risks, we can develop targeted risk
control measures to minimize the impact of security
risks on information and communication networks.
The security protection strategies for information
and communication networks include establishing a
security protection system, strengthening network
boundary defense, and applying encryption
technology. By establishing a comprehensive
security protection system. At the same time,
strengthening network boundary defense and
applying encryption technology can effectively
prevent unauthorized access and data theft, ensuring
network security.
3.1 Information and Communication
Network Security Risk
Management Strategy
With the rapid development of Big data technology,
the security situation of information and
communication networks has become increasingly
severe and diversified, bringing unprecedented
Research on Information Communication Network Security Under the Background of Big Data
challenges to network security management. The
study of information and communication network
security management strategies has become
particularly important, as it is of great significance
for protecting network security and preventing
network attacks.
Network security risk management strategy is a
key link in information and communication network
security. In the Big data environment, network
security risks are highly complex and uncertain.
Therefore, in terms of network security risk
management, it is necessary to strengthen the
identification, evaluation, and monitoring of network
security risks, and develop corresponding response
measures to reduce the probability and impact of
risks. The network security risk management
strategy should be comprehensive, scientific, and
able to adapt to the rapid changes in the current
network security situation. Firstly, the management
of network security risks should start with risk
identification and assessment. This means accurately
identifying and evaluating potential network security
threats in order to take timely measures to reduce
risks. Secondly, network security risk management
should focus on monitoring and controlling risks. By
establishing effective monitoring and detection
mechanisms, timely detection and response to
network security incidents can be achieved to
minimize potential losses. In addition, information
and communication network security risk
management should also focus on risk response and
emergency response. When network security
incidents occur, corresponding measures should be
taken in a timely manner to respond and handle them,
in order to reduce damage to network security.
3.2 Security Protection Strategies for
Information and Communication
Network security protection strategies are an
important aspect of ensuring the security of
information and communication networks. In the
context of Big data, the security situation of
information and communication networks is more
severe, so effective network security protection
strategies need to be developed to deal with various
potential threats. In terms of network security
protection, technical means such as network
intrusion detection systems, firewalls, data
encryption, and access control can be utilized to
ensure network security.
1) Establishing a Sound Network Security
System is the Foundation of Network Security
This system includes the security protection of
network hardware devices, network software, and
network data. For the security protection of
hardware devices, technical means such as firewalls
and intrusion detection systems can be used to
monitor and protect the security of the network. For
software security protection, potential security
vulnerabilities can be discovered and repaired in a
timely manner through methods such as
vulnerability scanning and security detection. For
data security protection, encryption technology,
access control, and other means can be used to
ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data.
(a) Data encryption technology. In order to
ensure the security and stable performance of
computer data communication networks, encryption
technology must be combined with encoding to
protect the security of data through specific keys.
Encryption technology typically consists of two
aspects: keys and algorithms. A key is a special
calculation method used to encode and decode data.
The algorithm combines the collected information
with the key to transmit data in the form of
ciphertext. With the rapid development of
information technology, encryption technology
continues to improve and improve. Especially with
the increasing emphasis on data security, encryption
technology has been widely applied in the process of
data transmission.
Figure 2: Encryption type and characteristics.
Generally, nodes in the process of data exchange
privacy steganography encryption in Big data
mobile communication networks can sense
information within the same time and region. In the
protocol layer, the redundancy of Big data mobile
communication network data cannot be reduced or
eliminated. To better solve this problem, all node
data can be aggregated to the physical layer,
compressed, and then sent to different servers
ANIT 2023 - The International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology
separately. In order to simplify the operation,
Distributed source coding technology can be
introduced in the physical layer. This technology can
effectively solve the compression problem between
non connected sources, and nodes can decode when
the code is known. Use Fig.3 to provide a detailed
description of the process of independent decoding
and joint decoding.
Figure 3: Independent decoding and joint decoding
(b) Firewall technology. This is an effective way
to improve security policies by possessing strong
data security protection capabilities. Its main
function is to isolate communication between
networks and implement access restrictions. Simply
put, it allows information that is accessed by data to
pass through, while isolating information that is not
allowed to be accessed. By using firewall
technology, malicious access can be maximally
prevented. If firewall technology is not set up, data
may be accessed arbitrarily, making it impossible to
ensure information security. Once data is
maliciously tampered with or leaked, the
consequences will be unpredictable. In the era of Big
data, firewall technology is like a "security door" for
data security, so it is highly valued.
2) Establishing a Comprehensive Network
Security Monitoring and Warning Mechanism is
also an Important Means of Network Security
By establishing a network security monitoring
system, network traffic, abnormal behaviors and
security events can be monitored in real time, and
alerts can be sent in time. At the same time, Big data
analysis technology can also be used to predict and
warn network security events, and corresponding
security measures can be taken in time to prevent
network security threats.
3) Timely Updates and Upgrades of Information
and Communication Network Security Technology
are also Key to Network Security Protection.
Network security technology is constantly
developing and evolving, and only by timely
understanding and adopting the latest security
technologies and protective measures can we better
respond to constantly changing threats. Therefore,
organizing network security experts to participate in
the research and promotion of security technologies,
as well as timely updating and upgrading network
security technologies, plays an important role in
enhancing network security protection capabilities.
Figure 4: Integrated network technology.
Aims to improve the security of information
communication network by studying the security
management strategy of information communication
network in the context of Big data. We have
proposed network security risk management
strategies and network security protection strategies
for the Big data environment to meet the challenges
of information and communication network security.
To sum up, the information and communication
network security management strategy is
increasingly important in the context of Big data.
Network security risk management and network
security protection are two key aspects of
information and communication network security
management. Through scientific and reasonable
network security risk management strategies and
network security protection strategies, network
security capabilities can be effectively improved,
network security risks can be reduced, and network
security can be protected. In the context of Big data,
the research on information communication network
security management strategy will provide important
theoretical guidance and practical experience for
network security. Network security protection
strategy is an important means to ensure the security
of information communication network in the
context of Big data. By establishing a sound network
security system, establishing comprehensive
Research on Information Communication Network Security Under the Background of Big Data
network security monitoring and warning
mechanisms, and timely updating and upgrading
network security technologies, the security
protection capabilities of information and
communication networks can be effectively
improved to cope with various potential security
This article proposes the following points for
future research directions and practical suggestions.
First of all, it is recommended to further study the
implementation effect and influencing factors of the
information and communication network security
management strategy in the context of Big data to
optimize the network security management strategy.
Secondly, it is recommended to strengthen training
and education on information and communication
network security management strategies, and
improve the security awareness and skill level of
relevant personnel. In addition, we also call for
strengthening international cooperation, jointly
addressing the challenges of network security in the
era of Big data, and promoting the development and
application of information and communication
network security.
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ANIT 2023 - The International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology