DL has revolutionized computer vision and robotics
by enabling remarkable advancements in perception
tasks. However, as discussed in this paper, a signif-
icant limitation persists in many existing DL-based
systems: the static inference paradigm. Most DL
models operate on fixed, static inputs, neglecting the
potential benefits of active perception – a process that
mimics how humans and certain animals interact with
their environment to better understand it. Active per-
ception offers advantages in terms of accuracy and ef-
ficiency, making it a crucial area of exploration for
enhancing robotic perception. While the incorpora-
tion of deep learning and active perception in robotics
presents numerous opportunities, it also poses sev-
eral challenges. Training often necessitates interac-
tive simulation environments and more advanced ap-
proaches like deep reinforcement learning. Moreover,
deployment pipelines need to be adapted to enable
control within perception algorithms. These chal-
lenges highlight the importance of ongoing research
and development in this field.
This work was supported by the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program
(OpenDR) under Grant 871449. This publication re-
flects the authors’ views only. The European Com-
mission is not responsible for any use that may be
made of the information it contains.
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IJCCI 2023 - 15th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence