Deep Learning for Active Robotic Perception
Nikolaos Passalis
, Pavlos Tosidis, Theodoros Manousis and Anastasios Tefas
Computational Intelligence and Deep Learning Group, AIIA Lab.,
Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Active Perception, Deep Learning, Active Vision, Active Robotic Perception.
Deep Learning (DL) has brought significant advancements in recent years, greatly enhancing various challeng-
ing computer vision tasks. These tasks include but are not limited to object detection and recognition, scene
segmentation, and face recognition, among others. DLs advanced perception capabilities have also paved
the way for powerful tools in the realm of robotics, resulting in remarkable applications such as autonomous
vehicles, drones, and robots capable of seamless interaction with humans, such as collaborative manufactur-
ing. However, despite these remarkable achievements in DL within these domains, a significant limitation
persists: most existing methods adhere to a static inference paradigm inherited from traditional computer vi-
sion pipelines. Indeed, DL models typically perform inference on a fixed and static input, ignoring the fact
that robots possess the capability to interact with their environment to gain a better understanding of their
surroundings. This process, known as ”active perception”, closely mirrors how humans and various animals
interact and comprehend their environment. For instance, humans tend to examine objects from different an-
gles, when being uncertain, while some animals have specialized muscles that allow them to orient their ears
towards the source of an auditory signal. Active perception offers numerous advantages, enhancing both the
accuracy and efficiency of the perception process. However, incorporating deep learning and active perception
in robotics also comes with several challenges, e.g., the training process often requires interactive simulation
environments and dictates the use of more advanced approaches, such as deep reinforcement learning, the de-
ployment pipelines should be appropriately modified to enable control within the perception algorithms, etc.
In this paper, we will go through recent breakthroughs in deep learning that facilitate active perception across
various robotics applications, as well as provide key application examples. These applications span from face
recognition and pose estimation to object detection and real-time high-resolution analysis.
In recent years, Deep Learning (DL) has led to signif-
icant advancements in a range of challenging com-
puter vision and robotic perception tasks (LeCun
et al., 2015). These tasks encompass but are not re-
stricted to object detection and recognition (Redmon
et al., 2016), scene segmentation (Badrinarayanan
et al., 2017), and face recognition (Wen et al., 2016),
among others. DLs sophisticated perception capabil-
ities have also yielded potent tools for diverse robotics
applications, resulting in the emergence of impres-
sive use cases, such as self-driving vehicles (Bojarski
et al., 2016), unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) (Pas-
salis et al., 2018), and robots capable of seamless in-
teraction with humans, notably in collaborative man-
ufacturing scenarios (Liu et al., 2019).
Despite the recent accomplishments of DL in
these domains, a notable limitation plagues most ex-
isting approaches since they adhere to a static infer-
ence paradigm, which follows the traditional com-
puter vision pipeline. Therefore, DL models perform
inference on a fixed and static input, ignoring the abil-
ity of robots, as well as cyber-physical systems (Li,
2018; Loukas et al., 2017), to interact with their en-
vironment in order to enhance their perception. For
example, we can consider the task of face recogni-
tion, where a robot captures a suboptimal profile view
of a subject to be recognized. A conventional static
perception-based DL model may struggle to identify
the subject from a specific angle, particularly if it
lacks training on profile face images for such angles.
However, it is often feasible for the robot to attain a
better and more distinguishing view by adjusting its
position relative to the human subject. Consequently,
Passalis, N., Tosidis, P., Manousis, T. and Tefas, A.
Deep Learning for Active Robotic Perception.
DOI: 10.5220/0012295800003595
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2023), pages 15-21
ISBN: 978-989-758-674-3; ISSN: 2184-3236
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
in such scenarios, the same DL model will likely suc-
ceed in recognizing the subject after the robot repo-
sitions itself for a more suitable angle. This method-
ology, known as active perception (Aloimonos, 2013;
Bajcsy et al., 2018; Shen and How, 2019), enables
the manipulation of the robot or sensor to obtain a
clearer and more informative view or signal, ulti-
mately enhancing the perception capabilities and sit-
uational awareness of robotic systems. Note that this
process closely mirrors how humans and various ani-
mals engage with and percept their surroundings. For
instance, humans tend to explore different perspec-
tives when processing complex visual stimuli, while
many mammals possess specialized ear muscles that
pivot their ears toward the source of an auditory sig-
nal in order to acquire a clearer version of the sig-
nal (Heffner and Heffner, 1992).
A number of recent, although relatively basic, ap-
proaches have illustrated that active perception can
indeed enhance the perceptual capabilities of various
models. For example, works such as (Ammirato
et al., 2017) and (Passalis and Tefas, 2020), demon-
strated that developing a deep learning system that
predicts the next best move for a robot can signif-
icantly improve the accuracy of various perception
tasks, such as object detection and face recognition,
where the viewing angle, occlusions and the scale of
each object can have a significant effect on the percep-
tion accuracy. Similar findings have also been doc-
umented in more recent research spanning a variety
of domains (Han et al., 2019; Tosidis et al., 2022;
Kakaletsis and Nikolaidis, 2023). It is also impor-
tant to emphasize that active perception methodolo-
gies can also enable the development of less compu-
tationally intensive deep learning models. This oc-
curs because these models are trained to address a
less complex problem. For example, in (Passalis and
Tefas, 2020), it is demonstrated that more lightweight
face recognition models can be used when DL mod-
els can actively interact with the environment in order
to acquire a more informative frontal view of the sub-
However, training active perception models dif-
fers significantly compared to traditional static per-
ception approaches, since models must learn also the
dynamics of the perception process in order to pro-
vide control feedback. For example, an active face
recognition model should also learn how perception
accuracy varies as the robot moves around a subject,
as well as the direction in which a robot should move
in order to improve the accuracy of face recognition.
Therefore, it becomes clear that training active per-
ception models introduces additional challenges, both
with respect to acquiring the necessary data for train-
ing, as well as for extending the traditional (usually
supervised) learning pipelines to support such setups.
The main aim of this paper is to introduce the main
active perception approaches used for training DL-
based active perception models for different applica-
tions. To this end, we will first present and discuss
the different options for acquiring the necessary data
used for training active perception models. Next, we
will present different training approaches that extend
traditional supervised learning methods for active per-
ception or employ reinforcement learning methods
to provide active perception feedback. Finally, we
will discuss applications in various fields related to
robotics, as well as discuss implications and practical
The rest of this paper is structured as follows.
First, in Section 2 we present the different method-
ologies for acquiring data for active perception, while
in Section 3 we present different learning approaches
that are used for training active perception DL mod-
els. Then, in Section 4, we provide an overview of
applications for different perception applications. Fi-
nally, Section 5 concludes this paper.
As discussed in Section 1, training active perception
models requires a shift from traditional static percep-
tion methods, presenting a distinctive challenge. This
distinction arises from the necessity for active percep-
tion models to not only grasp the static aspects of ob-
ject recognition but also to encompass the dynamics
inherent in the perception process, allowing them to
generate control feedback. For instance, when con-
sidering an active face recognition model, the model
should acquire knowledge concerning the optimal di-
rection in which the robot should navigate to enhance
the accuracy of face recognition. Unfortunately, a no-
table constraint emerges as a significant portion of
the available datasets does not inherently facilitate the
training of models for active perception tasks. Current
literature can be roughly categorized into three dis-
tinct methodologies that can be used for getting data
suitable for active perception: a) simulation-based
training, b) multi-view dataset-based training, and c)
on-demand (synthetic) data generation. An overview
of the different approaches, among with benefits and
drawbacks, is provided in Table 1.
Ideally, an active perception model would learn
as it interacts with its environment. However, get-
ting ground truth data in real-time is typically infea-
sible. Therefore, in most cases, active perception
IJCCI 2023 - 15th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
Table 1: Comparing different approaches that can be used for acquiring data that can be used for training active perception
Approach Benefits Drawbacks Examples
Simulation-based train-
flexible, any movement
can be simulated
sim-to-real gap
(Ginargyros et al., 2023; Tzi-
mas et al., 2020; Tosidis et al.,
Multi-view dataset-
based training
real data used, no sim-
to-real gap
limited flexibility, limited num-
ber of control actions, missing
(Passalis and Tefas, 2020;
Georgiadis et al., 2023)
On-demand (synthetic)
data generation through
less susceptible to sim-
to-real gap, faster than
simulation-based train-
less accurate simulation of con-
trol actions, perception dynam-
ics might not be accurately
(Dimaridou et al., 2023;
Passalis and Tefas, 2021;
Kakaletsis and Nikolaidis,
2023; Manousis et al., 2023;
Bozinis et al., 2021)
models are trained in an offline fashion. The first
category of methods employs realistic simulation en-
vironments, e.g., as in (Tosidis et al., 2022; Ginar-
gyros et al., 2023), in order to simulate the effect
of various movements and allow the agent to learn
how perception accuracy varies when performing dif-
ferent actions. This approach provides great flexi-
bility since any action can be simulated and the ef-
fect of the movement of a robot can be easily ob-
tained. However, such approaches are computation-
ally demanding, since they rely on realistic simula-
tion environments and graphics engines, such as We-
bots (Michel, 2004) and Unity (Haas, 2014), slow-
ing down the training process. Furthermore, these
approaches are also hindered by the so-called “sim-
to-real” gap (Zhao et al., 2020), since the agents are
trained using data generated by a simulator.
The second category of approaches, called “multi-
view dataset-based training” in this paper, employs
datasets that contain multiple views of the same
scene. In this way, the effect of various movements
can be quantified by fetching the view that would
correspond to the result of the said movement. For
example, in (Passalis and Tefas, 2020), the multiple
views around a person are used to simulate the effect
of an agent moving around, enabling training active
perception models that learn how to maximize face
recognition accuracy. Such approaches can overcome
the issues of computational complexity and the “sim-
to-real” gap. However, they are often too restrictive,
since the datasets should already contain the images
that can be used for every possible action an agent
can perform. This often leads to huge datasets, as well
as to agents that can be trained for a limited number
of control actions. Furthermore, such approaches of-
ten have to handle missing data, since, in many cases,
there are missing data in the corresponding multi-
view datasets.
Then, methods that generate “on-demand” data
have also been proposed. Such approaches can try
to simulate the effect of various movements start-
ing from real data and then appropriately manipulat-
ing the data, e.g., simulating occlusions (Dimaridou
et al., 2023). Another approach is to generate multi-
ple views that can then be used either for deciding the
best course of action or training the agent (Kakaletsis
and Nikolaidis, 2023). These approaches fall in be-
tween simulation-based and multi-view dataset-based
approaches since they employ real images that have
been appropriately manipulated to simulate the effect
of active perception. Therefore, even though they are
less susceptible to the sim-to-real gap and they are
typically faster, they often provide less accuracy in
simulating the effect of active perception feedback,
leading to models that might fail to capture all details
of the dynamics of the active perception process.
Training active perception models also departs from
the typical supervised learning approach that is fol-
lowed in many perception applications, such as face
recognition (Wen et al., 2016), object detection (Red-
mon et al., 2016) and pose estimation (Zheng et al.,
2023). Active perception models should not only
analyze and understand their input but also provide
some kind of control feedback, that can be then sub-
sequently used for improving perception accuracy.
Therefore, they tend to incorporate elements typi-
cally found in planning (Sun et al., 2021) and con-
trol (Tsounis et al., 2020) approaches used in robotics
applications. The degree to which such elements
are part of each model depends on the specific ap-
plication requirements. In recent literature, two ap-
Deep Learning for Active Robotic Perception
Table 2: Comparing different learning paradigms that can be used training active perception models.
Approach Benefits Drawbacks Examples
Deep Reinforcement
directly optimizes the
active perception model
slow convergence, low sample
efficiency, (usually) requires
simulation environments
(Bozinis et al., 2021; Tzimas
et al., 2020; Tosidis et al., 2022)
Supervised Learning can work with any
kind of data, easier and
faster to train
requires carefully design
heuristics to construct ground
truth data
(Passalis and Tefas, 2020; Gi-
nargyros et al., 2023; Dimari-
dou et al., 2023; Manousis
et al., 2023)
proaches are prevalent: a) deep reinforcement learn-
ing (DRL)-based training and b) supervised training
through carefully designed ground truth. An overview
of these two different approaches, along with benefits
and drawbacks, is provided in Table 2.
DRL has achieved remarkable progress in recent
years, providing beyond human performance in many
cases (Mnih et al., 2013). Such approaches naturally
fit active perception, since they enable models to learn
how to provide control feedback to maximize percep-
tion accuracy through the interaction with an environ-
ment. Such approaches almost exclusively require
the use of a simulation environment to be trained.
Even though DRL methods enable discovering com-
plex policies that can directly optimize the objective
at hand, i.e., perception accuracy, they suffer from
low sample efficiency, long training times, and un-
stable convergence (Buckman et al., 2018). On the
other hand, the supervised method typically follows
an “imitation” learning training paradigm (Hua et al.,
2021), where the best actions to be performed are
found through an extensive search in the action space.
This is better understood with the following example.
A DRL-agent training to perform active face recogni-
tion, e.g., (Tosidis et al., 2022), would learn using the
reward signal from the environment, e.g., confidence
in correctly recognizing a person. On the other hand,
a supervised approach, such as (Passalis and Tefas,
2020), would first require simulating the effect of
various movements/actions and then provide ground
truth data on which action should the agent perform at
each step. This also enables supervised approaches to
work with any kind of data available, since the actions
to be evaluated can be dictated by the capacity of the
dataset to support the corresponding action. There-
fore, even though supervised approaches can provide
more stable and faster convergence and typically do
not require a complex simulation environment, they
rely on hand-crafted heuristic-based approaches to
constructing the ground truth data.
Several recent active perception approaches have
been proposed for a variety of different applications.
In the rest of this Section, we briefly overview meth-
ods proposed for different applications, as well as
discuss practical issues that often arise in robotics.
Among the most prominent applications of active per-
ception is face recognition. Indeed, early DL-based
approaches extended embedding-based active percep-
tion methods into active ones by including an addi-
tional head that predicts the next best movement that
a robot should perform in order to increase face recog-
nition confidence (Passalis and Tefas, 2020). This ap-
proach assumes that the robot moves on a predefined
trajectory around the target in order to be compati-
ble with the multi-view dataset employed. Then, the
model is trained to both maximize face recognition
confidence, following a constrastive learning objec-
tive, as well as to regress the direction of movement
leading to the best face recognition accuracy. Note
that this direction is calculated by leveraging the mul-
tiple views available in the dataset and then selecting
the one that maximizes the confidence for the next
active perception step. The experimental evaluation
demonstrated the effectiveness of this approach over
static perception for a variety of different active per-
ception steps. However, this approach used a dataset
with a small number of individuals and a relatively
small number of possible control movements. Later
methods, such as (Dimaridou et al., 2023), build upon
this approach by a) simulating the effect of various oc-
clusions on large-scale face recognition datasets, and
b) regressing both the direction and distance the robot
should move.
A simple DRL approach for training a DRL agent
to perform drone control in order to acquire frontal
views that can be used for face recognition was ini-
tially proposed in (Tzimas et al., 2020), highlighting
the potential of DRL methods for active perception
tasks. A more sophisticated approach was also re-
IJCCI 2023 - 15th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
cently proposed building upon DRL in (Tosidis et al.,
2022). This approach leverages a realistic simulation
environment, built using Webots (Michel, 2004), and
directly trains a DRL agent to perform control in a
drone that flies around humans in order to maximize
face recognition confidence. The experimental eval-
uation demonstrated that the trained agent was able
to perform control in a variety of different situations.
However, the sim-to-real gap remains with DRL ap-
proaches, which can be a limiting factor in directly
applying such approaches in real applications.
A supervised approach was also proposed for ob-
ject detection in (Ginargyros et al., 2023), where a
rich dataset for potential movements was built us-
ing a simulation environment. This approach enabled
the models to learn the object detection confidence
manifold for different types of objects, e.g., cars and
humans, while taking into account possible occlu-
sions, allowing them to perform control tailored to the
unique characteristics of different cases. To this end, a
separate navigation proposal network was trained ac-
cording to the confidence manifold of each object, en-
abling the model to learn to propose trajectories that
will maximize object detection confidence. At the
same time, this paper also revealed limitations that
are often intrinsic to the current state-of-the-art ob-
ject detection models, since it provided a structured
approach for revealing the confidence manifold of ob-
ject detectors. A dataset that can support active vision
for object detection was also proposed in (Ammirato
et al., 2017), and a DRL agent was also trained and
evaluated. This paper demonstrated that it is possible,
given the appropriate dataset and annotations, to di-
rectly train DRL agents to perform control for active
vision tasks.
Another line of research focuses on performing
virtual control, i.e., not physically altering the posi-
tion of a robot or the parameters of a physical sen-
sor, but rather selectively analyzing specific parts of
the input in order to improve perception accuracy,
while reducing the computational load. Such ap-
proaches can be especially useful in cases where high-
resolution input images must be analyzed, while the
object of interest lies only in a small area within the
input. An especially promising approach was pre-
sented in (Manousis et al., 2023), where the heat
map extracted from a low-resolution version of a
high-resolution image was used to drive the percep-
tion process. To this end, the proposed method first
identified a region of interest in the original image
by looking for potential activations (i.e., parts where
the DL model detects something, but not necessar-
ily with high confidence), in a low-resolution ver-
sion of the input, and then performed targeted crop-
Figure 1: Active perception outputs can be represented in
a homogeneous way using an application agnostic control
specification defined by OpenDR (Passalis et al., 2022).
ping into the high-resolution image in order to select
the area that needs to be analyzed. The experimen-
tal evaluation demonstrated that significant accuracy
and speed improvements can be acquired using the
proposed method. However, a limitation of such ap-
proaches is that as the size of the region of interest
grows, the performance benefit obtained using active
perception is becoming smaller. It is worth noting that
such approaches can be also easily adjusted to per-
form control of the parameters of a camera, e.g., phys-
ical zoom, in order to acquire signals that are easier to
Another significant issue when implementing ac-
tive perception models is the existence of a common
way of expressing the outcomes of active perception.
This is especially important, since in many robotics
systems, different models might be employed for dif-
ferent perception tasks. Having to handle a com-
pletely different form of output for different models
significantly complicates the development process.
OpenDR toolkit (Passalis et al., 2022) has provided
a common application agnostic control specification
for standardizing such active perception outputs. This
specification ensures that algorithms designed for ac-
tive perception can effectively process the result. To
this end, four control axes have been identified, as
shown in Fig. 1. For all axes, it is assumed that the
robot moves in a sphere and a real value from 1 to
1 is provided for the movement on each axis. Using
this way of expressing the output of active percep-
tion approaches holds the credentials for simplifying
the development of active perception-enable robotics
systems, by enabling the the efficient re-use of com-
ponents related to handling and executing the feed-
back provided by active perception algorithms.
Deep Learning for Active Robotic Perception
DL has revolutionized computer vision and robotics
by enabling remarkable advancements in perception
tasks. However, as discussed in this paper, a signif-
icant limitation persists in many existing DL-based
systems: the static inference paradigm. Most DL
models operate on fixed, static inputs, neglecting the
potential benefits of active perception – a process that
mimics how humans and certain animals interact with
their environment to better understand it. Active per-
ception offers advantages in terms of accuracy and ef-
ficiency, making it a crucial area of exploration for
enhancing robotic perception. While the incorpora-
tion of deep learning and active perception in robotics
presents numerous opportunities, it also poses sev-
eral challenges. Training often necessitates interac-
tive simulation environments and more advanced ap-
proaches like deep reinforcement learning. Moreover,
deployment pipelines need to be adapted to enable
control within perception algorithms. These chal-
lenges highlight the importance of ongoing research
and development in this field.
This work was supported by the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program
(OpenDR) under Grant 871449. This publication re-
flects the authors’ views only. The European Com-
mission is not responsible for any use that may be
made of the information it contains.
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Deep Learning for Active Robotic Perception