Numerical Simulation of Harmonic Distortion on DC Power Distribution
System on Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger Vessel
Bagas Raihan Akbar, Adi Kurniawan and Indra Ranu Kusuma
Department of Marine Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
Marine Vessel, Modeling and Simulation, Modern Electricity, Power Electronics, Power Quality.
The distribution system on ships usually uses an AC system, while in this study, the reconfiguration of the
AC distribution system into DC will be carried out, this is a way to increase the efficiency of fuel use in ship
diesel generators. By reconfiguring the distribution system, the influence of impedance on the AC current can
be eliminated. But reconfiguring the distribution system has an additional component, namely the converter,
so that it can increase harmonic distortion and total harmonic distortion (THD) in the ship’s electrical system.
This harmonic improvement can affect the quality of the power flowed in the system because it changes the
waveform to not perfectly sinusoidal, so that the ship’s electrical equipment can experience overheating which
can reduce the performance of the ship’s electrical equipment. In this study, an analysis was carried out
to determine the number of harmonics that occur when the ship uses a DC electricity distribution system.
Harmonic disturbance analysis is simulated using computer software, considering the operational conditions
of the ship. From the results of the DC distribution simulation, total harmonic distortion (THD) was obtained
on the generator bus and got the average of each condition are at 7.30% on the generator bus. Based on IEEE
519-2014 standard, the limit of total harmonic distortion is 8%, so that the result of total harmonic distortion
is less than to the specified limit standard, but the results of Individual Harmonic Distortions (IHDs) are still
exceeding the limit of IEEE 519-2014, which still above 5%. So, it is still necessary to find solution to reduce
harmonic distortion that occurs.
Dredger ship is a specially designed ship that has
function to perform dredging such as in seas, rivers,
lakes, and so on. Dredger ships are designed for
dredging of siltation waters. There are various types
of dredger ship, one of which is Trailing Suction Hop-
per Dredger (TSHD). TSHD ships have some spe-
cial equipment used in dredging. Equipment used in-
cludes drag head gantry, trunnion gantry, intermedi-
ate gantry, etc. Most of these components require a
large supply of electricity. The electricity in ship is
supplied by generator which produces AC electricity.
The use of AC electricity on the ship itself has advan-
tages and disadvantages, which one of the disadvan-
tages is to have frequency value where in the DC Cur-
rent distribution it will eliminate the frequency value,
so that losses that occur due to impedance in the cable
can be eliminated (Budianto et al., 2022; Tessarolo
et al., 2013).
The DC power distribution system works by using
rectifier to convert AC voltage from the generators to
DC voltage, distribute it through 0 frequency DC line,
and restore it to AC before the load panels (Kurni-
awan et al., 3 02), (Kusuma et al., 2022). However,
the conversion from AC-DC-AC leads to harmonic
distortion which may causing several consequences
such as overheating to communication interference in
communication lines, which can result in the equip-
ment not being able to operate optimally or causing
damage (Tariq and Iqbal, 2014; Naji and Hussein,
2021; Benaboud and Rufer, 2019). International of
Electrical and Electronics Engineer (IEEE) contained
in IEEE 519-2014 regulates the occurrence of har-
monics with Individual Harmonic Distortion (IHD)
less than 5% and Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
less than 8% in electrical components.
This research focus on harmonic analysis due to
the application of the DC distribution system in a
TSHD ship with the comparison of the harmonic on
the original AC distribution system. If the results of
THDs are more than the standards set by the IEEE,
the passive filter will be calculated to reduce it
Akbar, B., Kurniawan, A. and Kusuma, I.
Numerical Simulation of Harmonic Distortion on DC Power Distribution System on Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger Vessel.
DOI: 10.5220/0012440000003848
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development (ICAISD 2023), pages 15-18
ISBN: 978-989-758-678-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.