The preprocessing process for forest fire prediction
data research has been obtained from the forest fire
prediction research using data selection, data clean-
ing, and feature selection. Conventional machine
learning data mining approaches can process data
well with the multilayer perceptron method with the
parameters train 0.7 and test 0.3. The multilayer per-
ceptron method yields an accuracy of 86.70% and an
F1 score of 87.93% with a hidden layer size of 32.32,
which is higher than the Random Forest, Decision
Tree, Logistic Regression, and Nave Bayes methods.
This value is quite dominant compared to other meth-
ods. This research can determine the proportion of
the possibility of forest fires occurring, and it is antic-
ipated that in future research, it can be developed by
deepening the size of the hidden layer for more accu-
rate reporting of forest fires.
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Forest Fire Data Analysis Using Conventional Machine Learning Algorithms