velopment and produce a sophisticated tool in dealing
with cases of anemia.
This study aims to implement an anemia detection
system using the working principle of mini spectrom-
etry with the PCA data processing method and data
clustering using the FCM method. This tool was cre-
ated to be the tool of choice in the process of non-
invasive detection of anemia.
The results obtained from the manufacture of this
anemia detection system are that this tool can distin-
guish anemic patients from non-anemic patients with
an accuracy of 88%. This tool is very useful in the
process of detecting anemia, which was previously
done with invasive methods now in this tool detection
of anemia is done with non- invasive methods to re-
duce the prevalence of anemia. To improve research,
this tool can be further developed as an Hb monitoring
The author would like to thank the Muhammadiyah
Kendal Hospital for giving the author permission to
take samples at the hospital. Respondents who are
willing to carry out the detection process with our tool
and parties who play a direct role in designing this
anemia detection tool.
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Non-Invasive Anemia Detection Tool with Application of Mini Spectrometry Base Machine Learning