Figure 10: K-Means segmentation results with noise.
Figure 11: K-Means Segmentation Process.
Figure 12: Active Contour + Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN) Model 1 Segmentation Results.
Figure 13: RGB Image Results + GoogleNet.
converted to RGB combined with the GoogleNet
model, namely 98.37%.
2. the fastest training and testing time was obtained
from the Citra RGB + Convolutional Neural Net-
work (CNN) Model 2 model, namely 15 minutes
56 seconds with an accuracy of 92.96%.
Figure 14: Results of training and testing with various mod-
3. the longest training and testing time was obtained
from the GoogleNet RGB + Image model, which
was 107 minutes 15 seconds with an accuracy of
4. In active contour segmentation, researchers can
obtain only lung images without image noise, but
in some images lung images are also obtained
with noise. This is because the input image has
varying noise which cannot be resolved only with
contrast adjustment and active segmentation. con-
tour only.
5. For images with Active Contour segmentation, the
CNN 2 model has a better level of accuracy than
the CNN 1 model.
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ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development