
Figure 7: Current Rice Production.
The paddy production system is a system with com-
plex problems with various variables that are interre-
lated to each other in it. In this study, paddy produc-
tion was influenced by harvested area and paddy pro-
ductivity per hectare. The system dynamics approach
is used in this study to find solutions to increase paddy
production. Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) was devel-
oped to visualize the relationship between variables in
the paddy production system, which was then devel-
oped with a Stock and Flow Diagram (SFD) to sim-
ulate the current paddy production system. Several
validations were also carried out to prove that the sim-
ulation represented the current system based on the
available data. The simulation results on the basic
model are considered valid because the validation re-
sults obtained are E1 ≤ 5% and E2 ≤ 30%. Through
the scenario of the integrated farming system imple-
mented, paddy production (15.26%) and rice produc-
tion (15%) can be increased for the next 17 years.
Overall, from 2008 to 2040 the average of paddy and
rice production increased by 15%.
The system dynamics approach is useful for pro-
viding insight for stakeholders to find solutions in in-
creasing the production of paddy or other agricultural
commodities. This study focuses on the analysis of
the integration of agriculture and livestock on paddy
and rice production behavior, but other aspects of in-
tegrated farming systems are not considered. Another
limitation of this study is the increase in paddy pro-
duction from fertilization intensification, while post-
harvest handling was not considered. Further research
can be carried out by focusing on the quality of post-
harvest handling or it can also focus on other aspects
of integrated farming systems such as the energy pro-
duced for community energy efficiency.
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ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development