Development Intelligent E-Health
Model of
Dedy Prasetya Kristiadi
, Alfredo Pasaribu
, Yoas Arnest Soetopo
, Andri Irawan
Lukman Nulhakim
and Jawahir
Department of Information System, STMIK Kuwera, Jakarta, Indonesia
Department of Information System, Universitas Raharja, Tangerang, Indonesia,
Keywords: Health Service Using Big Data, Intelligence E-Health Model, Province E-Health Model.
Abstract: The need for public health services in a country is urgent need because the community is an important asset
in a country. Therefore, the state must be able to guarantee its citizens to stay healthy with maximum ser-
vice. Rapid population growth is the main reason for strengthening the poorly coordinated national health
information system. In addition, the use of inadequate information systems for decision-making requires the
integration of all patient data in medical records, health facilities, health workers such as doctors and experts,
health financing, community participation, and health management. The intelligence model of integrated
health services is a model that will be focused on the field of health services and will build collaboration in
data collection with public and private health centers and hospitals, the Social Security Administering Agency
(BPJS) for Health, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and the World Health Organization
(WHO). Health service development will be built by implementing Data Warehouse, Big Data, Data mining,
machine learning, knowledge management, and Decision Support systems. Application development will be
built on intelligence phones, using the Internet of Things (IoT) and extracting Indonesian health information
from geo-based and up-to-date social media.
Indonesia is an archipelagic country that often faces
major natural disasters and has an impact on
casualties. Natural disasters are disasters caused by
natural upheaval. For example, earthquakes, tsunamis,
volcanic eruptions, floods, droughts, hurricanes, and
landslides (Kesehatan, 2022a). Furthermore, the
Indonesian state also often faces social disasters such
as conflicts in certain areas that result in casualties.
Relief for disaster victims often experiences delays in
medical treatment, lack of equipment and
geographical locations that are difficult to reach by
medical personnel (Sosial, 2022). Casualties and
injuries also of- ten occur on roads that require
immediate help. The readiness of health services for
medical personnel and hospitals is an urgent need to
save victims. In addition, patient administration in the
form of medical record administration and health
insurance funding is also an inseparable need
(Kesehatan, 2022b). The integration of patient data
from the lowest level of health services to the central
level must be developed immediately in line with
population growth. Based on population
administration data (Adminduk) the results of the
population census (SP2020) in September 2020
recorded a population of 270.20 million. Meanwhile,
the census as of June 2021, the population of
Indonesia is 272,229,372 inhabitants, of which
137,521,557 people are male and 134,707,815 people
are women (Negeri, 2022) and based on the Health
Profile of Indonesia in 2020 has 2,985 hospitals
consisting of 2,449 general hospitals and 536 special
hospitals (Kesehatan, 2017b) spread across provinces
and regions, cities and districts in Figure 1.
Human resources in hospitals consist of medical
personnel, pharmacy staff, nursing staff, other health
workers and non-health workers (Kesehatan, 2022b;
Kesehatan, 2020). There are 817,145 HRK in the
hospital, consisting of 569,714 health workers and
247,431 health support personnel. The data can be
seen in Figure 2.
Kristiadi, D., Pasaribu, A., Soetopo, Y., Irawan, A., Nulhakim, L. and Jawahir, .
Development Intelligent E-Health Model of Indonesian Province Using Big Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0012444400003848
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development (ICAISD 2023), pages 96-101
ISBN: 978-989-758-678-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Hospital in Indonesian.
Figure 2: Indonesian Human Resources Health.
At a lower level of government, there is a commu- nity
health service center (puskesmas) with the main
objective of seeking first-rate individual public health
with promotive and preventive actions. The num- ber
of Puskesmas in Indonesia as of December 2020 is
10,205 consisting of 4,119 consisting of inpatient
Puskesmas and 6,086 non inpatient Puskesmas. This
is explained in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Inpatient and Non Inpatient Health Centers.
The ratio of Puskesmas in patients and nonpatients to
sub-districts in 2020 is 1.4. This illustrates that the
ideal ratio of Puskesmas to subdistrict is at least 1
Puskesmas. The data can be seen in Figure 4.
Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health
Number 43 of 2019 concerning Health Centers, the
types of health workers in the Puskesmas consist of at
least doctors, dentists, nurses, midwives, public
health promotion workers, and behavioral sciences,
Figure 4: Puskesmas in Indonesian.
environmental health workers, nutritionists, pharma-
cists and/or pharmaceutical technical personnel, and
medical laboratory technology experts (Kesehatan,
2017a). The number of health workers on duty at
puskesmas in Indonesia in 2020 is 434,308 people.
The number and types of puskesmas health workers
are calculated based on a workload analysis by con-
sidering several things,
the number of
services provided, the number of residents, and their
distribu- tion. This data is described in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Health Workers at The Puskesmas.
Posyandu (Integrated service post) is a social
institution that accommodates community
empowerment in basic social services. The task of this
com- munity institution is to provide health
promotion assistance to the smallest scope of
government while at the same time providing
preventive measures against disease in the
community. For example, maintaining maternal and
child health, immunization, family planning
programs, immunization, nutrition, prevention, and
control of diarrhea. In Indonesia, there are around
80% active posyandu from 15 provinces that report.
Posyandu data is shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Posyandu at Indonesian Province.
Development Intelligent E-Health Model of Indonesian Province Using Big Data
Based on the ratio of data on rapid population growth
and the distribution of health service infrastructure
which includes posyandu, health centers, hospitals,
medical personnel, and health insurance that is not
balanced, big data is needed that allows data
integration to ensure the implementation of maximum
health services. The novelties of this research are:
1. Individual data collection from birth to death is
a must in order to provide optimal health services.
2. Data collection on pregnant women that
produces health data on birth failure, baby
defects, and death. This includes health
promotion, patient medical records, and
outpatient services.
3. In addition, data on drug readiness, facilities
such as ambulances for victims who need
immediate assistance, and the readiness of
health workers are also required.
4. Social media can also support this health service
by providing accurate and up-to-date
information about casualties due to disasters,
accidents, mal- practice cases in hospitals, etc.
5. Data integration in big data can also be used to
validate health insurance claims and information
needed by provincial and central governments in
making decisions.
Big Data is a large collection of data that is very
useful in the business world to store, manage, and
manipulate large amounts of data at high speed
according to a predetermined time to get the right
information (Kesehatan, 2017b). there are five
characteristics of big data, namely (Sudarto et al.,
Figure 7: Big Data Character.
The character of big data consists of:
1. Having the amount of data (volume) that has
been manipulated and analyzed to get optimal
results (Sudarto et al., 2018). Manipulating and
analyzing very large amounts of data requires a
lot of resources so it is only archived in log form
(Sudarto et al., 2018).
2. Increasing the amount of data (Velocity) in a short
time requires fast processing so that the data
results can be used quickly (Sudarto et al., 2018).
3. Types of data (varieties) that are stored, analyzed
and used. Data can be in the form of location co-
ordinates, video files, or data received from var-
ious media. The data must be sequential so that it
can be used maximally and quickly (Kesehatan,
4. Value is defined as the quality of valuable data,
stored and used for further processing.
5. Veracity is defined as data accuracy and
consistency with data source analysis.
Hadoop is a software framework to support
applications running on Big Data (Balusamy et al.,
2021). The Hadoop architecture consists of the
Hadoop Dis- tributed File System (HDFS) and the
MapReduce programming framework. Large files on
the machine in large clusters are stored in HDFS with
a sequential block model then each block is sent to the
machine for error checking. The MapReduce method
is used to process data allocated to each node in
Hadoop (Kristiadi et al., 2020; Kristiadi et al., 2018).
Hadoop core services on Big Data can be illustrated
in the following figure 8.
Figure 8: Hadoop on Big Data.
2.2 Proposed
Figure 9: Intelligence Health Service Model Design with
Big Data Technology.
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
The need for data integration of public health ser-
vices from the lowest levels of government aims to
monitor, prevent and improve the health of citizens. In
addition, the integration of health data supported by
computer technology with internet media can help
residents in remote areas and the government in terms
1. Areas affected information by disease outbreaks
and the availability of medical personnel,
hospitals, medicines, and patients.
2. Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS),
which provides digital information for a health
professional to use in diagnosing or treating
patients in districts in Indonesia.
3. Telemedicine, where the diagnosis and
treatment of physical and psychological
4. Citizen health informatics, which uses digital
medical information (Balusamy et al., 2021;
Kristiadi et al., 2018).
5. Knowledge management to health, namely
health care data will be processed in the form of
knowledge and experience that can be practiced
by citizens.
6. At the village level hospital which is integrated
with the provincial hospital, a special
application is built for the Health Information
System to serve appointment scheduling,
patient data management, work schedule
management, and other tasks in health
administration (Kesehatan, 2020; Negeri, 2022).
7. E-Mental health, a web-based application built to
assist patients, the public and health workers in
recognizing and curing mental patients (Kristiadi
et al., 2019; Kristiadi et al., 2021a)
8. Information on accidents that occurred in
residents that occurred outside the area where
they live.
9. Information on the management of deceased
A medical record is a file that contains records and
documents about patient identity, examination,
treatment, action, and other services that have been
pro- vided to patients and outpatients (Kesehatan,
2022c; Kristiadi et al., 2019) based on medical
practice. While the type of medical record data in
question can be in the form of text (both structured
and narrative), digital images (if digital radiology has
been applied), sound (such as heartbeat), video, or
biosignals such as electrocardiogram recordings. The
medical record consist of Patient Record and
Management. The medical record is information that
is recorded both in writ- ing and electronically about
the health condition and disease of the patient and
Management is the process of processing and
compiling the health condition and disease of the
patient so that it becomes useful infor- mation for
accountability in terms of management, fi- nances,
and the condition of the patient’s health de-
velopment (Kristiadi et al., 2021b; Rui and
An information system model that can
accommodate early health services, accident, and
elderly care, death, health workers, available drugs,
funds, and facilities must be the main focus of an
integrated system Kesehatan, 2022c). This model
presents a system consisting of a file containing
identity in the form of health services at the posyandu
(immunization, history of toddlers, etc.), medical
history, physical examination, laboratory, diagnosis,
treatment of patients from accidents to deaths
recorded both in writing and electronically called
files. medical. Data is stored in big data with good
database management. The definition of health
services recorded in medical records
is not just
recording patient registration and services but must
accommodate services before and after serving as an
implementation system (Prabaswara and Saputra,
2020; Rao and Makkithaya, 2088; Rui and Danpeng,
2015). Recording of medical record health services
can be started from registration of pregnant women,
recording of information on health services since
toddlers, health services and treatment actions
received by patients, then the archive is stored. Data
can be used when someone needs it for their needs or
other purposes (Kesehatan, 2022d; Balusamy et
Integration of health services from smaller levels
to higher health services such as puskesmas, and city
and provincial hospitals is very much needed. The
development of intelligence e-health will start by
collecting patient data from an early age for pregnant
women and birth data in public health services
(Kristiadi et al., 2021a; Kristiadi et al., 2021b). The
medical history of all patients who have been
recorded will be an important document that can be
shared with relevant parties who are referred for
services in the city and province. In addition, patient
data will be linked to the Health Social Security
Administration (BPJS) (Kristiadi et al., 2021b) the
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, the
Civil Registry Population Service (disdukcapil), and
the World Health Organization (WHO). Furthermore,
the collaboration will be extended to several local
governments that implement a health system such as
DKI Jakarta Province to treat patients suffering from
special diseases such as cancer, Covid, etc. By
enforcing service administrations such as the Healthy
Development Intelligent E-Health Model of Indonesian Province Using Big Data
Jakarta Card and the Surabaya Province with online
registration (Leng et al., 2013), residents will
also get health services at special hospitals outside the
province. The application of technology involving big
data and data warehouses is a major requirement
(Sudarto et al., 2018) in addition to data mining,
machine learning, knowledge management, and
decision support systems (Kristiadi et al., 2021b;
Kristiadi et al., 2018; Leng et al., 2013).
In terms of data warehouse, this technology will help
to prepare a flexible data warehouse scheme for
Indonesian health services, which in turn will make
decision reports fast and accurate (Kristiadi et al.,
2021a; Kristiadi et al., 2021b). Big Data in the
application of concepts such as capacity, speed, and
variation will help in the case of bigger data volumes
(Leng et al., 2013; Rui and Danpeng, 2015) in public
health services in the province, using Hadoop or
combined with other programs together in terms of
increasing speed as data processing and retrieval
performance. prompt decisions in the province
(Kristiadi et al., 2019; Kristiadi et al., 2021b).
Indonesian health sector. Meanwhile, diversity will
show that intelligence application e-health for the
province of Indonesia will handle various data. There
are such as
sound will
input data that will
studied with intelligent
maintain their
health (Nugraha and
Aknuranda, 2088; Sudarto et al., 2018).
Intelligent technologies in the form of data mining
and machine learning will be chosen to manage and
find the best patterns from various data and find
similar patterns (Kesehatan, 2022d; Nugraha and
Aknuranda, 2088). Furthermore, knowledge
management, especially in intelligence e-health, will
be designed as another method to evaluate this
intelligence e-health.
The use of the Internet of Things (IoT) in
intelligence e-health will provide convenience in the
form of ease and speed of data access, sending
messages between devices containing health
information because one device will be connected to
another device (Negeri, 2022; Sudarto et al., 2018).
Applications based on the development of
Intelligent e-health will be designed for wider e-
health starting from health services in villages, cities,
and provinces where e-health can be seen in
demographic profiles where the community and
government can open content based on their
demographics. Interests such as gender, and various
age groups (infants, children, adolescents, adults, the
elderly). In addition, we can choose content that
contains data based on categories of diseases and
outbreaks such as covid, cholera, and so on. The types
of diseases will be grouped into the most infectious,
the deadliest, and the disease in general (Kristiadi et
al., 2019). In addition, e-health for disabilities is also
developed in e- health intelligence in public health
The development of e-health intelligence in the
provinces of Indonesia will result in an enterprise
architecture that is implemented by building an e-
health website for the Indonesian province. The
implementation of the e-health website using a
personal home page (PHP) and using MySQL is
shown as the implementation of the data warehouse
and database. Furthermore, to my unstructured data as
information on health services and services by using
social media such as Twitter, Instagram, and so on.
The healthcare model will be built into a mobile
app that can be accessed with a personal cell phone.
This health care assistant model will provide
personalized health care advice based on illness
complaints, for example: about activities carried out
and nutrition needed (Sudarto et al., 2018). In
addition, this application model can provide benefits
such as medical test results and treatment, get quick
medical action, and useful information to provide
immediate help to those who are facing disasters and
diseases. This health care assistant model is also
useful for health workers who are helped by the
availability of information about the patient’s medical
record and history of treatment or similar medical
symptoms and can provide appropriate medical
information to patients (Kristiadi et al., 2021a).
Extracting health information from social media can
be used to find information that can be used for further
processing of health information based on user needs.
Data mining from social media such as news mining
must receive serious supervision to avoid
unauthorized data and furthermore, unstructured data
will be converted into structured data that can be used
(Leng et al., 2013).
Rapid population growth has a major impact on the
handling and maintenance of health. This will have an
impact on economic growth and community welfare.
Intelligent e-health development is an urgent need so
that people can prosper and carry out their activities
well. Economic development and health are
synergies, where the health of the population of a
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
country will result in economic development and will
ultimately improve their quality of life. The
application of e-health intelligence for provinces in
Indonesia will bridge health services from the
community group, ru-ral, urban and provincial levels
that are integrated into a health application. In
addition, the number of health workers, facilities, and
medicines can be immediately identified and
completed based on the patient’s need for treatment.
Health services for residents who be- come patients
will feel fast, comfortable, and of good quality. The
benefits of having online access to secure personal
health and health workers will be to provide efficient
and effective health services without wrong
treatment. In addition, legitimate information from
social media will provide great benefits for citizens in
terms of securing health services where patients and
health workers will be assisted with valid data to com-
bat health problems.
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Development Intelligent E-Health Model of Indonesian Province Using Big Data