the internet. For website blocks that have been de-
termined by the author, the proxy server can block
websites with the HTTP protocol, while for websites
that use the HTTPS protocol, proxies cannot block it
except all websites that use the HTTPS protocol are
also blocked. So in this study, the author only blocked
websites with the HTTP protocol, in this article, the
web was blocked http://www.youtube.com. Virtual
machines can be applied in building proxy servers and
are able to work optimally.
From the research, the test results using Wire-
shark were obtained with the density experienced
when searching so that the value determined based
on the rules using the packet loss value according to
the version TIPHON is divided into the four parts
QOS Throughput parameters of 1982k, Packet loss
of 0.0with an average of 0.0063 and total jitter of -
0.00328 with an average jitter of -0.00021. Testing
response time against sites using a squid proxy server
as a metadata cache can provide better response time
results than without using a proxy server with a vir-
tual machine.
Please note that ONLY the files required to com-
pile your paper should be submitted. Previous ver-
sions or examples MUST be removed from the com-
pilation directory before submission.
We hope you find the information in this template
useful in the preparation of your submission.
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ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development