Affecting Factors of Technopreneurship Intentions Islamic Higher
Education Students
Raju Wandira
, Ahmad Fauzi
, Fauzan Azim
and Gusmelia Testiana
Program Studi Sistem Informasi, UIN Imam Bonjol, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
Pendidikan Vokasional Teknik Elektronika, Universitas Muhammadiyah , Riau, Indonesia
Program Studi Sistem Informasi, UIN Raden Fatah, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia
Affecting Factors, Technopreneurship Intentions, Development of Technology.
This research is to see what affects the technepreneurial intention of students in Islamic universities. A sample
size of 145 students from Islamic universities through a survey using the Linkert scale. Data collection was
done by simple random sampling technique. The data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Model
(SEM) method with the SmartPLS application. In this study, ve constructs are proposed, namely: Techno-
preneur Intention (TI), Technopreneur Education (TE), Perceived Selfefficacy (PS), Innate Innovativeness (II),
and Facilitating Condition (FC). Based on the results of the analysis, of the six hypotheses proposed there are
four hypotheses that have a significant effect with p < 0.001 (H1, H2, H3, and H6) and two hypotheses that
are not significant with p > 0.5 (H4 and H5).
Natural wealth is no longer a benchmark in the
progress of a nation. The development of technol-
ogy has changed the paradigm of society in various
fields of life. It makes life easier and can increase hu-
man productivity. One of the significant things that
are influenced by technology in business activities.
Time and cost-efficient business processes, knowl-
edge management, database systems, and cloud com-
puting (Sulianta et al., 2019; Abdulgani and Man-
tikayan, 2018).
In Indonesia, the productive population growth
is very rapid, reaching 70 percent 2020 of the 270
million Indonesian population. A productive pop-
ulation is the main contributor to increasing eco-
nomic growth (Mahmud, 2022). According to the
2020 survey, 53.73 Indonesians have used the inter-
net and 90.75 percent have used cell phones (B.P.S.,
2020). On the other hand, according to the news por-
tal, on March 19, 2022, Indone-
sian entrepreneurs are only 3.4% and it takes 14% to
become a developed country (Hafiyyan, 2022). Of
course, this is a supporting factor and an opportu-
nity to give birth to young, innovative technopreneurs
(Salhieh and Al-abdallat, 2022). Technopreneurs be-
come an important factor in improving a country’s
economy (Pratiwi et al., 2022; Khan et al., 2019)
and stimulate innovation that increases business prof-
its (Pradhan et al., 2020). Therefore, there is govern-
ment support through the Communications and Infor-
mation Technology by opening various Digital Talent
Scholarship certified training in the field of technol-
ogy to improve productive age skills.
Technopreneur is the use of technology in devel-
oping business by creating new businesses with vari-
ous innovations. The creation of new business models
with various innovations and scientific collaborations
(Machmud et al., 2020) produces a variety of services
and goods that did not exist before (Abdulgani and
Mantikayan, 2018). Technopreneur as business devel-
opment by combining entrepreneurship with techno-
logical advances (Salhieh and Al-abdallat, 2022). As
a foundation for technopreneurs, entrepreneurs play a
role in growing business innovations in technology. It
is also a big responsibility for universities in creating
young technopreneurs.
Technopreneur is a challenge for students who
are creative, innovative, and literate about techno-
logical developments (Koe et al., 2021). Supported
by education that pays attention to student creativ-
ity and thinks critically in creating products and in-
novations. Technopreneurs play a role in sustain-
able economic development and the growth of new
businesses with increasingly fierce competition (Yor-
danova et al., 2020). Besides being the responsibil-
Wandira, R., Fauzi, A., Azim, F. and Testiana, G.
Affecting Factors of Technopreneurship Intentions Islamic Higher Education Students.
DOI: 10.5220/0012444800003848
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development (ICAISD 2023), pages 126-130
ISBN: 978-989-758-678-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ity of the government by providing certified training,
it is also the responsibility of higher education to be
able to create technopreneurs who can create business
innovations (Hidayat et al., 2018), including Islamic
higher education. With the rapid advancement and
use of technology, support from the government is an
opportunity for students to become a technopreneur.
Because in this research the target audience is Islamic
university students, so the purpose of this research is
to see the background of the intention of Islamic uni-
versity students to start becoming technopreneurs dur-
ing the study period or after completing their studies.
For that, it can be seen the development of young Is-
lamic technopreneurs in the future.
2.1 Technopreneur Intention
Technopreneur intention comes from the intention
to start entrepreneurship by producing an innovative
business (Singhry, 2015). Several studies on techno-
preneur intention have been carried out by previous
researchers. The study of Rosly, et al. (Rosly et al.,
2015) looked at the effect of creativity on the inter-
est in technopreneurship of 226 science and technol-
ogy students at UiTM Shah Alam, Malaysia. By dis-
tributing the survey, it was found that students inten-
tions to become technopreneurs were influenced by
creativity and as a consideration in identifying stu-
dent technopreneur competencies. Another study was
conducted by Koe, et al. (Koe et al., 2021) on 138
Bumiputra students who examined technopreneur in-
terests related to self-efficacy and Individual Orienta-
tion. This study obtained a positive influence on stu-
dents technopreneur intentions. On the other hand,
innovation does not affect students intentions to be-
come technopreneurs.
2.2 Technopreneur Education
The research of Sherkat and Chenari (Sherkat and
Chenari, 2022) which examined 205 students to see
the effectiveness of entrepreneur education on stu-
dents’ intentions to become entrepreneurs. In this
study, it was found that there was a positive rela-
tionship between entrepreneurial education and stu-
dents’ intentions to become entrepreneurs. In addi-
tion, there is also a study by Porforio, et al. (Por-
firio et al., 2022) which examined 1750 students re-
garding the relationship between education and en-
trepreneurial intentions. In this study, it was found
that entrepreneurship education is an important as-
pect of student entrepreneurial intentions. Other stud-
ies also obtained positive results regarding student en-
trepreneurship education (Baber, 2022).
2.3 Facilitating Condition
Baber (Baber, 2022) found that there is a positive
relationship between entrepreneurial intentions and
the condition of the facilities owned. Adequacy
of resources with adequate infrastructure affects en-
trepreneurial intentions because it will facilitate busi-
ness processes (Rahman et al., 2020). Facilitating
Conditions is one of the factors that influence en-
trepreneurial intentions (Islam and Khan, 2021).
2.4 Innate Innovativeness
Innovation is concerned with accepting and develop-
ing new ideas (Midgley and Dowling, 2021). Innate
innovation is considered a global innovation that is
different from specific innovations and applies to cer-
tain categories (Steenkamp et al., 1999). Related to
innovation has been researched by Salhieh and Al Ab-
dallat (Salhieh and Al-abdallat, 2022). This study
found that innate innovation showed a direct effect on
students technopreneur’s intentions. Another study
also found the same result, that innovation is one of
the factors that drive the entrepreneurial intentions
of Zimbabwean women (Mandongwe and Jaravaza,
2020). However, regarding innovation to techno-
preneur intentions, the author still lacks literature, be-
cause research is more directed at entrepreneurship in
2.5 Perceived Selfefficacy
A positive perception can increase a person’s confi-
dence in carrying out tasks (Murnieks et al., 2014)
so that they can face various challenges in running
a business. High or low self-affection will affect
women in entrepreneurship. There are many studies
related to the relationship between self-efficacy and
interest in entrepreneurship. There is a significant re-
lationship between self-efficacy and entrepreneurial
intention (Tu and Wang, 2017; Wu and Rudnak, 2022;
27, 2020). Similarly, the research study of Machmud,
et al. (Machmud et al., 2020) obtained significant re-
sults between the self-efficacy and technopreneurs in-
tentions of students. There is also a study by Koe,
et al. (Koe et al., 2021) with the same results. In this
study, it was found that self-affection had a significant
positive effect on the intentions of technopreneurs for
undergraduates in Malaysia.
Affecting Factors of Technopreneurship Intentions Islamic Higher Education Students
3.1 Data Collection
Data was obtained by distributing online question-
naires to students who were still carrying out lec-
tures. The questionnaire consists of two parts, the
first is about the demographic data of the respondents,
and the second is a 5-point linker scale survey with 1
indicating strongly disagree to 5 indicating strongly
agree. Students are selected according to the vari-
ous levels of the semester they are currently facing.
Questionnaires were distributed from July 20, 2022,
to August 4, 2022, which were filled out by 146 cor-
respondents consisting of IT students from various Is-
lamic universities. Which consists of 71 men and 74
women. Of 146 respondents 145 data could be pro-
cessed, due to incompleteness so the data could not
be processed. This is related to research using Smart-
PLS with a small sample size. Research conducted by
Zhang et al. with 144 samples (Zhang et al., 2010),
Fang and Chiu’s study with 142 samples (Fang and
Chiu, 2010) and another study by Tamjidyamcholo et
al. with 142 samples (Tamjidyamcholo et al., 2014).
3.2 Research Framework and
The following is a proposed concept against the
intentions of student technopreneurs. It consists
of 5 constructs, namely: Technopreneur Intention
(TI), Technopreneur Education (TE), Perceived Self-
efficacy (PS), Innate Innovativeness (II), and Facili-
tating Condition (FC).
Figure 1: Research Framework.
From the framework concept proposed above, the
following hypothesis is obtained:
H1: The condition of the facilities (FC) owned
has a significant effect on technopreneur educa-
tion (TE) on technopreneur intention.
H2: Facility condition (FC) has a significant effect
on technopreneur intention (IT)
H3: Innate innovation (II) has a significant effect
on perceived self-efficacy (PS) on technopreneur
H4: Innate innovation (II) has a significant effect
on technopreneur intentions (TI)
H5: Perceived self-efficacy (PS has a significant
effect on technopreneur intentions (TI)
H6: Technopreneur education (TE) has a signifi-
cant effect on technopreneur intentions (TI)
Data analysis in this study was carried out us-
ing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using the
SmartPLS application. SEM can provide solutions in
solving multi-regression problems with factor anal-
ysis between constructs based on the proposed the-
ory (31, 2010). This research provides quite inter-
esting results. Some results follow the proposed hy-
pothesis, some results do not follow the hypothesis.
In the process of analyzing the results shown in Fig-
ure 2, there are 27 factors, namely Facilitating Con-
dition (4), Technopreneur Education (6), Innate Inno-
vativeness (8), Technopreneur Intention (4), and Per-
ceived Self-efficacy (5) The achievement of the stan-
dard factor of each variable is on the threshold of 0.50
to achieve the validity of all variables (31, 2010; 32,
2014), so that all proposed variables can be accepted.
Figure 2: Result of Construct.
In table 1 all the proposed constructs have Cron-
bach’s alpha above 0.7, ranging from 0.846 to 0.904
which is considered quite reliable and satisfactory
so that the results of the analysis can be accepted
(Salhieh and Al-abdallat, 2022; Sherkat and Chenari,
2022; 32, 2014; Hair et al., 2012). Minimum valid-
ity is met with the average variance extracted (AVE)
value of no more than the minimum value of 0.5.
Table 2 shows the standard deviation, t-value and
p-value. This analysis shows that all proposed hy-
potheses are acceptable.
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
Table 1: Validity and Reliability.
Construct CA Rho A CR AVE
Facilitating Condition 0.846 0.850 0.896 0.683
Innate Innovativeness 0.871 0.888 0.894 0.515
Perceived Selfafficacy 0.904 0.904 0.929 0.722
Technopreneur Education 0.864 0.864 0.899 0.598
Technopreneur intention 0.882 0.822 0.919 0.739
Table 2: Validity and Reliability.
Impact O M STD
T P Decision
FC-TE 0.487 0.497 0.054 9.018 0.000 Significant
FC-TI 0.481 0.479 0.110 4.380 0.000 Significant
II-PS 0.405 0.433 0.063 6.379 0.000 Significant
0.082 0.463 0.643 Insignificant
0.105 0.551 0.582 Insignificant
TE-TI 0.309 0.316 0.080 3.871 0.000 Significant
In table 2, we can see the results of each of the pro-
posed hypotheses. Hypotheses 1 and 2 (H1 and H2)
which show that facilities have a significant influence
on technopreneurs’ education and technopreneurs’ in-
tention were obtained with a p-value of ¡0.001. This
result is in line with Baber (Baber, 2022) who found
that facilitating conditions influence technopreneurs’
intentions. However, this result is different from the
study of Singhry and Rahman (Singhry and Rahman,
2016) which found that the facilities owned were not
a factor in technopreneurs’ intention.
Hypothesis three (H3) shows a significant effect
of innate innovativeness on perceived self-efficacy.
This means that the innovations that emerge in the
students’ ideas have a significant effect on their own
beliefs in creating innovative new business opportu-
nities. However, the fourth hypothesis (H4) of innate
innovativeness did not show a significant impact on
students’ technopreneur intention with p = 0.643. Al-
though this innate innovativeness has a significant im-
pact on confidence in entrepreneurship, it is not a fac-
tor in technopreneur intention.
In the fifth hypothesis (H5), p = 0.582, which
means that it does not significantly affect perceived
self-efficacy on technopreneur intention. Although
having the confidence to start and opportunities are
not factors that influence technopreneur intention.
Meanwhile, in the sixth hypothesis (H6), that techno-
preneur education has a significant effect on techno-
preneur intention. So that the education provided re-
lated to technopreneurs becomes a factor that affects
the technopreneur intention of students.
So, from the results of the hypothesis analysis,
the results that affect the intention of Islamic students
to become a technopreneur are the existence of sup-
porting facilities to become a technopreneur accom-
panied by education or courses on technopreneurs
(H1, H2, and H6) as well as the innate interests
of the students concerned. effect on self-efficacy
(H3). Meanwhile, Innate Innovativeness and Per-
ceived Self-efficacy do not affect students’ intentions
to become technopreneurs.
For this reason, Islamic higher education insti-
tutions need to improve their curriculum related to
technopreneurs and provide supporting facilities that
can foster interest and improve students’ techno-
preneur abilities. As for the students themselves, it
is necessary to increase creativity and innovation so
as to open up great opportunities to become techno-
This study looks at the factors that influence stu-
dents’ intentions to become a technopreneur. There
are 5 constructs proposed in this study, namely:
Technopreneur Intention (TI), Technopreneur Educa-
tion (TE), Perceived Self-efficacy (PS), Innate Inno-
vativeness (II), and Facilitating Condition (FC). From
these five constructs, six hypotheses were proposed.
Data was obtained by distributing online surveys to
students. From the results of the analysis found
several significant factors that affect the intention of
technopreneur students. There are 4 hypotheses that
can be accepted (H1, H2, H3, and H6) and reject the 2
proposed hypotheses (H4 and H5). The results of this
study found that Facilitating conditions had a signif-
icant effect on Technopreneur education and techno-
preneur intentions. However, innate innovativeness
and perceived self-efficacy have no significant effect
on Technopreneur intention. The limitations of this
study cannot be avoided with limited data and vari-
ables so that it can be developed in further research
with more complete data, more samples, and better
constructs and hypotheses.
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ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development