Sign-Then-Encrypt Scheme with Cramer-Shoup Cryptosystem and
Dissanayake Digital Signature
Rahmad Bahri
, Mohammad Andri Budiman
and Benny Benyamin Nasution
Master of Informatics Program, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Politeknik Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
Signcryption, Dissanayake, Cramer-Shoup, Running Time, Avalanche Effect.
Exchanging information in the era of Internet-based technology still has security violations such as disclosure,
modification, or destruction that make everyone worry about the exchange of information. The Dissanayake
digital signature is part of asymmetric cryptography based on the factorization of prime numbers and has
interesting mathematical properties. The property of such mathematics is that the sum of 2 odd numbers is a
multiple of 4. The Dissanayake digital signature does not generate signatures directly through messages. The
Cramer-Shoup algorithm is an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm that proved to be the first effective scheme
to withstand Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Attack (ACCA) attacks compared to existing cryptographic systems.
The Cramer-Shoup algorithm is an extension algorithm of the Elgamal algorithm. This paper will implement
a sign then-encrypt scheme using Dissanayake digital signature and Cramer-Shoup algorithm and analyze
algorithms based on execution time and the avalanche effect. Based on simulation results, the characters’
length affects the execution time. The result of the process shows the length of the character linear with
execution time. From the results of the avalanche effect simulation, Dissanayake digital signature got the
average value of the avalanche effect of 51%, and the Cramer-Shoup algorithm got the average value of the
avalanche effect of 49%. Implementing the sign-then-encrypt scheme can maintain security by encrypting and
guaranteeing authenticity by adding a digital signature.
Protecting data from disclosure, modification, or
destruction is essential in the development of to-
day’s technological era. The number of security
breaches that continues to increase makes everyone
who communicates through the global network (Inter-
net) worry about protecting their data. With the cur-
rent development of technology, computer security is
needed because computer security rests on confiden-
tiality, integrity, and availability (Stallings and Bauer,
2012; Manna et al., 2017). —many techniques in pro-
tecting data at this time by designing a sound com-
puter security system—can be used in cryptography
(Panhwar et al., 2019). Cryptography is a technique
that relies on mathematics to secure information such
as confidentiality, integrity, and entity authentication.
Confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity are the ba-
sic requirements of asymmetric cryptography (Abood
and Guirguis, 2018; Molk et al., 2021; Genc¸o
Asymmetric cryptography, or public key cryptog-
raphy, has two keys (Public Key and Private Key)
used in the implementation process (Hossain et al.,
2013). In 1976, Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman
publicly introduced the concept of public key cryp-
tography (Lydia et al., 2021). Asymmetric crypto-
graphic algorithms use two keys to perform the en-
cryption and decryption process. Asymmetric cryp-
tography distributes public keys by publishing and
private keys stored by their owners or kept secret
(Khan et al., 2018; Maqsood et al., 2017).
Many security schemes have been implemented
by researchers in the field of cryptography, one of
which is signcryption, a scheme to achieve confiden-
tiality and authenticity (Elkamchouchi et al., 2018;
Kasyoka et al., 2021). In this case, confidentiality is
achieved by encryption schemes on asymmetric cryp-
tography, while authenticity can be achieved by digi-
tal signature schemes (Pandey, 2014),(Matsuda et al.,
One of the asymmetric cryptographic algorithms
Bahri, R., Budiman, M. and Nasution, B.
Sign-Then-Encrypt Scheme with Cramer-Shoup Cryptosystem and Dissanayake Digital Signature.
DOI: 10.5220/0012444900003848
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development (ICAISD 2023), pages 131-138
ISBN: 978-989-758-678-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
that can be used is Cramer-Shoup, a modern crypto-
graphic algorithm(Jain, 2017). Compared to the cur-
rent cryptographic systems, Cramer-Shoup proved the
first effective scheme without Adaptive Chosen Ci-
phertext Attack (ACCA) attacks (Liu et al., 2014).
The Cramer-Shoup algorithm is an extension algo-
rithm of the Elgamal algorithm. The Cramer-Shoup
algorithm has additional elements to guard against se-
curity attacks.
One of the digital signature schemes that can be
used is the Dissayanke algorithm. The Dissayanake
digital signature scheme algorithm is part of an asym-
metric cryptographic algorithm. There are two main
functions: forming digital signatures (signature gen-
eration) and checking or verifying the validity of
digital signatures (signature verification). The Dis-
sayanake algorithm is a very fast and simple digi-
tal signature scheme, similar to RSA digital signa-
ture, which uses prime number factorization. This
digital signature scheme indirectly creates a signature
from the message directly and adds a hash function to
strengthen the scheme (Dissanayake, 2019)
There are parameters for analyzing the security
of a cryptographic algorithm, one of which is the
avalanche effect, which is a value that indicates that
small changes made to the plaintext or key will cause
significant changes in the resulting ciphertext. The
avalanche effect value, greater than 0, states a change
between the plaintext sender and the plaintext recip-
ient by looking at the number of different bits in the
plaintext. Cryptographic algorithms that can have a
significant avalanche effect value, then the level of se-
curity in an algorithm can be said to be good.
This paper will apply a signcryption scheme with
the Dissanayake digital signature scheme algorithm
and the Cramer-Shoup algorithm. The signcryption
security scheme to be used is the sign-then-encrypt
method. To measure the security level of the scheme
developed, researchers will use the Avalanche effect
2.1 Cryptography
Cryptography is a technique that relies on mathemat-
ics to secure information such as confidentiality, in-
tegrity, and entity authentication (Vollala et al., 2021).
Cryptographic techniques are used for encoding by
hiding or encoding data (Rachmawati and Budiman,
2018). Encryption and decryption are important cryp-
tography processes. Converting plaintext into cipher-
text is called encryption and vice versa because de-
cryption is converting ciphertext into plaintext.
Figure 1: Working of Encryption and Decryption.
2.2 Asymmetric Cryptography
In 1976 Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman pub-
licly introduced the concept of public key cryptogra-
phy (Lydia et al., 2021). Asymmetric cryptography,
or public key cryptography, has two keys (public key
and private key) used in the implementation process
(Vollala et al., 2021). Asymmetric cryptography dis-
tributes the public key by publishing, and the private
key is stored by the owner or kept secret. Some ex-
amples of asymmetric algorithms are Cramer-Shoup,
Elgamal, RSA, and others.
Figure 2: Working of Asymmetric Cryptography.
2.3 Digital Signature
The digital signature is one scheme with crypto-
graphic value by relying on the message and the mes-
sage’s sender. Digital signatures guarantee data in-
tegrity, detect changes or modifications to messages
sent, and perform authenticity. Creating a signature
on a message can be done by performing a digital sig-
nature with a hash function.
Figure 3: Digital Signature Scheme.
2.4 Hash Function and Data Integrity
A hash function is often referred to as a one-way func-
tion. The hash function has long been used in the
world of computer science. A hash function is a math-
ematical calculation that takes the variable length of
an input string and converts it to a fixed length. The
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
resulting output is commonly referred to as a hash
Using a hash algorithm makes it easy to calculate
the hash value on a message and makes it impossi-
ble to modify the message without composing the re-
sulting hash value. The hash function can detect any
modifications to the sent message. The hash function
can guarantee data integrity based on specific settings
Figure 4: Message Integrity Checking.
2.5 Signcryption
This study used the sign-then-encrypt method. The
message (plaintext) in the signature uses the Dis-
sayanake Digital Signature algorithm to generate a
signature against the message. After that, the message
and signature are encrypted using the Cramer-Shoup
algorithm. This method combines digital signatures
and public key cryptography to enhance security. This
process is called authentication and encryption.
2.6 Avalanche Effect
Avalance Effect is one of the mathematical properties
in cryptography that can determine whether or not a
cryptographic algorithm is good. A cryptographic al-
gorithm can be said to satisfy the criteria avalanche
effect if the input bits change, and then it is likely that
all bits can change by at least half
Avalanchee f f ect =
di f f erentnumbero f bits
totalnumbero f bits
Cryptographic algorithms that can have a significant
avalanche effect value, then the level of security in an
algorithm can be said to be good.
3.1 Dissayanake Digital Signature
Maheshika W.D.M.G Dissanayake developed the Dis-
sanayake digital signature scheme in 2019. The Dis-
sanayake digital signature is proposed based on the
factorization of prime numbers and simple mathemat-
ical properties. This scheme has a mathematical prop-
erty: the sum of 2 different odd numbers is a multiple
of 4.
This digital signature scheme uses a public key,
which is a (e, n) A large prime number less than e,
and n is a variable chosen by the signer r.
In Dissayanake Digital Signature Algorithm, there
are three essential processes: key generation, signing,
and verifying.
1. Key generation
a Choose two different primes for the values p
and q.
b Counting n=p×q.
c Counting φ(n) = (p 1)(q 1).
d Select a prime number d so that gcd (d, φ(n) =
1, is used as the sender’s private key.
e Calculate the public key e so that e.d
modφ(n) 1
f m is a message
g generate the hash value of message m using the
hash h function
h h(m)=M, M is a hash value
i Select an integer r so that (M) + r)mod4 0
j Find the odd number (a) so that (a)=
2. Signing
Count S a
3. Verifying
a Calculate S
modn a
b Find the odd number (a) so that (a) =
c If, then a
= a, the signature is valid if then the
̸= a the signature is invalid.
3.2 Cramer-Shoup Algorithm
The Cramer-Shoup cryptosystem is a symmetric
cryptographic algorithm invented by two scientists,
Ronald Cramer, and Victor Shoup, in 1998. The
Cramer-Shoup algorithm proved to be the first effec-
tive scheme that resisted adaptive chosen ciphertext
attacks compared to cryptographic systems that ex-
isted at the time (Elkamchouchi et al., 2018). The
Cramer-Shoup algorithm is an extension algorithm of
the Elgamal algorithm. There are three essential pro-
cesses in Cramer-Shoup Algorithm: key generation,
encryption, and decryption.
1. Key Generation
a At the key generation stage, the process occurs
as follows: Generated g1, g2 where the two
Sign-Then-Encrypt Scheme with Cramer-Shoup Cryptosystem and Dissanayake Digital Signature
numbers are the subset q. It is a group of very
large primes.
b Six random numbers with a range of 0 to q-1
were selected. x1, x2, y1, y2, z
c Then the variables c, d, and h are calculated by
the following equation:
c = g1x
d = g1
h = g1
From the above calculations.
public key (g1,g2,c,d,h), private key
2. Encryption
The message m is converted to a G element. Se-
lected random numbers in the range 0 to q. Then
the value is calculated u1, u2, e, a, and v using the
public key. Here is:
u1 = g1
u2 = g2
e = h
m (7)
v = c
3. Decryption
Calculate for decryption m =
4.1 Simulation
The test that will be carried out on the Dissanayake
digital signature algorithm is how the algorithm is
in the key generation, signing process, and verify-
ing process. Key generation, encryption, and decryp-
tion will be performed in the Cramer-Shoup algorithm
4.1.1 Key Generation Process Results
Dissanayake Digital Signature
The result of the key generation process by the sender
using the Dissanayake digital signature algorithm
produces a public key and a private key
4.1.2 Results of Testing the Signing Process of
the Digital Signature Algorithm
After generating the key in the Dissanayake digital
signature algorithm, the following process is to gen-
erate the signature.
Figure 5: Key Generation Results on The Simulation.
Figure 6: The Results of Generating Signatures in The Sim-
4.1.3 Results of Verifying Process Testing
Dissanayake Digital Signature
The results of the proses of verifying on the Dis-
sanayake digital signature verifier algorithm take the
value of the signature to be verified using a public key.
Figure 7: The Results of Verifying the Simulation.
4.1.4 Cramer-Shoup Algorithm Key Generation
Process Test Results
The result of the key generation process by the sender
using the Cramer-Shoup algorithm generates a public
key and a private key.
Figure 8: Key Generation Results on the Simulation.
4.1.5 Cramer-Shoup Algorithm Encryption
Process Test Results
After generating the key in the Cramer-Shoup algo-
rithm, the following process is that it can generate the
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
Figure 9: Results of Generating Ciphertext in The Simula-
4.1.6 Results of Testing the Decryption Process
of the Cramer-Shoup Algorithm
The result of the decryption process is that the recipi-
ent can use his private key to decrypt the ciphertext.
Figure 10: The Result of The Decryption in The Simulation.
The simulation results of the running time to an-
alyze the signing and verifying process time and the
encryption and descriptive processes are based on ex-
periments with different plaintext lengths. Units of
execution time use seconds. The hardware specifica-
tions used in this study to build and test the scheme
are as follows.
Table 1: Hardware Specifications.
No Specifications Information
1 Processor Intel® Core TM i3-7020U
CPU 2.30GHz
2 RAM 8 GB DDR 4
3 Desktop 14 inch
4 OS Windows 10 Home Single
Language 64 Bit
4.2 Simulation of Signing Dissanayake
Digital Signature
The signing process using the Dissanayake digital sig-
nature algorithm calculates the processing time based
on the plaintext length, which is 50 characters, 100
characters, 200 characters, 300 characters, and 400
characters. The results of the signing process time of
the Dissayanyake digital signature algorithm can be
seen in Table 2.
Based on the processing time with character
length, it shows the average result of the signing pro-
cess of the Dissanayake digital signature algorithm,
Table 2: Simulation Results for Signature Generation.
Execution time (second)
1 2 3 Avarage
100 0.0025 0.0049 0.0040 0.0038
200 0.0039 0.0051 0.0070 0.0053
300 0.0050 0.0061 0.0090 0.0067
400 0.0070 0.0091 0.0050 0.0070
500 0.0081 0.0060 0.0100 0.0080
Figure 11: Graph of Digital Signature Generation Results.
where the average process time starts from 0.0038
s to 0.0080 s based on tests with different character
lengths. Based on Figure 12 illustrates a graph of dig-
ital signature generation results. The process results
show the length of the linear plaintext with execution
4.3 Simulation of Verifying Dissanayake
Digital Signature
The verifying process uses the Dissanayake digital
signature algorithm to calculate the processing time of
the plaintext length, which is 50 characters, 100 char-
acters, 200 characters, 300 characters, and 400 char-
acters. The results of the verifying process execution
time of the Dissayanyake digital signature algorithm
can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3: Simulation Results for Verifying.
Execution time (second)
1 2 3 Avarage
100 0.0021 0.0020 0.0020 0.0020
200 0.0030 0.0030 0.0010 0.0023
300 0.0050 0.0030 0.0020 0.0033
400 0.0060 0.0060 0.0040 0.0053
500 0.0071 0.0051 0.0061 0.0061
Based on the processing time with character
length, it shows the average result of the verifying
process of the Digital signature Dissanayake algo-
rithm. On tests with different character lengths, the
Sign-Then-Encrypt Scheme with Cramer-Shoup Cryptosystem and Dissanayake Digital Signature
Figure 12: Graph of Verifying Results.
average process execution time starts from 0.0020 s
to 0.0061 s. Figure 13 illustrates a graph of the results
of the verifying process. The process results show the
length of the linear plaintext with execution time.
4.4 Simulation of Encryption
Cramer-Shoup Algorithm
The encryption process uses the Cramer-Shoup algo-
rithm to calculate the processing time based on the
plaintext length, which is 50 characters, 100 charac-
ters, 200 characters, 300 characters, and 400 charac-
ters. The results of the encryption process execution
time of the Cramer-Shoup algorithm can be seen in
Table 4.
Table 4: Simulation Results for Encryption.
Execution Time (second)
ke-1 ke-2 ke-3 Avarage
100 0.1586 0.1576 0.1152 0.1438
200 0.2234 0.2514 0.3137 0.2628
300 0.3136 0.3518 0.4219 0.3624
400 0.4226 0.6499 0.5183 0.5303
500 0.6213 0.7639 0.6627 0.6827
Figure 13: Graph of Results for Encryption.
Based on the processing time with character
length, it shows the average result of the encryption
process of the Cramer-Shoup algorithm, where the av-
erage process time starts from 0.1438 s to 0.6827 s
based on tests with different character lengths. Figure
14 illustrates a graph of the results of the encryption
process. The process results show the length of the
linear plaintext with execution time.
4.5 Simulation of Decryption
Cramer-Shoup Algorithm
The decryption process uses the Cramer-Shoup algo-
rithm to calculate the processing time based on the
plaintext length, which is 50 characters, 100 charac-
ters, 200 characters, 300 characters, and 400 charac-
ters. The results of the decryption process execution
time of the Cramer-Shoup algorithm can be seen in
Table 5.
Table 5: Simulation Results for Decryption.
Execution time (second)
1 2 3 Avarage
100 0.1267 0.0818 0.0973 0.1019
200 0.1476 0.1620 0.2389 0.1828
300 0.2254 0.2503 0.3391 0.2716
400 0.2952 0.5022 0.3821 0.3932
500 0.3381 0.5852 0.6074 0.5102
Figure 14: Graph of Results for Decryption.
Based on the processing time with character
length, it shows the average result of the encryption
process of the Cramer-Shoup algorithm, where the
average process execution time starts from 0.1019 s
to 0.5102 s based on tests with different character
lengths. Based on Figure 15 illustrates a graph of the
results of the decryption process. The process results
show the length of the linear plaintext with execution
4.6 Simulation of Sign-then-Encrypt
The signcryption scheme process uses the Dis-
sanayake digital signature algorithm and the Cramer-
Shoup algorithm with sign-then-encrypt and decrypt-
then-sign methods to calculate the processing execu-
tion time based on the length of the plaintext, namely
50 characters, 100 characters, 200 characters, 300
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
characters, and 400 characters. The sign-then-encrypt
and Decrypt-then-sign execution can be seen in Table
Table 6: Simulation Results for Sign-Then-Encrypt and
PL Execution time (second)
sign-then-encrypt Decrypt-then-verifying
50 0.0738 0.0520 0.0973 0.1019
100 0.1341 0.0926 0.2389 0.1828
200 0.1846 0.1375 0.3391 0.2716
300 0.2687 0.1993 0.3821 0.3932
400 0.3454 0.2582 0.6074 0.5102
Figure 15: Graph of Results for Sign-Then-Enccrypt and
Based on fig.16 shows that the execution time in
the sign-then-encrypt process is longer than the run-
ning time of the decrypt-then-verifying process be-
cause the sign-then-encrypt process takes execution
time to generate prime numbers and generate keys.
Based on Figure 16 illustrates a graph of the results of
the sign-then-encrypt and decrypt-then-verifying pro-
cesses. The process results show the length of the lin-
ear plaintext with execution time.
4.7 Simulation of Avalanche Effect
Simulation in this study on the signature results of the
signing process Dissanayake digital signature and ci-
phertext from the encryption process of the Cramer-
Shoup algorithm to obtain values on the avalanche ef-
fect. Simulation is conducted to obtain the average
value of the avalanche Effect results.
Table 7: Simulation Results of Avalanche Effect Dis-
sanayake Digital Signature.
Algoritma Dissanayake Digital Signature
1 2 3
Signature 482387741 2058316320 2612119605
Plaintext modifications RAHMA4 4AHRI FASILKO8
Signature modifications 615076365 899842372 1597165780
Avalanche effect (%) 49.75 52.51 48.15
Dissanayake Digital Signature obtains an average
value of 50.14% based on the avalanche effect sim-
Table 8: Simulation Results of Avalanche Effect Cramer-
Shoup Algorithm.
Algoritma Cramer-Shoup
1 2 3
Plaintext RAHMAD BAHRI Fasilkom
Ciphertext 2393999649 269218372527562015
Plaintext modifi-
RAHMA4 4AHRI Fasilkot
Ciphertext modi-
116590405 2347432728 12651684
Avalanche effect
42.35 52.95 55.56
AVERAGE (%) 50.29
Based on the simulations using the avalanche effect,
the Cramer-Shoup algorithm obtains an average value
of 50.29%.
Based on research, the digital signature Dissayanake
algorithm has a process to guarantee authenticity by
using verifying methods and hash functions. Veri-
fying is performed on formulas using the recipient’s
public key to generate a hash value used as input in the
signing process and can provide entity authentication.
The use of S
modn a
hash functions h(m) = M can
guarantee the authenticity of the information. In the
process, the recipient can re-run the hash function to
generate a new hash value, which is then compared
with the hash value received from the sender. Based
on the simulation results on the signing and verifying
process with Dissanayake digital signature and the de-
cryption encryption process with the Cramer-Shoup
algorithm, the characters’ length affects the execution
time. The process’s result shows the linear character’s
length with execution time. From the results of the
avalanche effect simulation, Dissanayake digital sig-
nature got the average value of the avalanche effect of
50.14%, and the Cramer-Shoup algorithm got the av-
erage value of the avalanche effect of 50.29%. Imple-
menting the sign-then-encrypt scheme can maintain
security by encrypting and guaranteeing authenticity
by adding a digital signature.
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ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development