Application K-Nearest Neighbor Method with Particle Swarm
Optimization for Classification of Heart Disease
Irmawati Carolina
, Baginda Oloan Lubis
, Adi Supriyatna
and Rachman Komarudin
Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Jakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Nusa Mandiri, Jakarta, Indonesia
K-Nearest Neighbor Method, Particle Swarm Optimization, Classification of Heart Disease.
Heart disease is a condition in which there is dysfunction in the work of the heart. Diseases of the heart are
of many types such as cardiovascular, coronary heart disease and heart attack. Cardiac groaning is one of the
deadliest diseases in the world with mortality reaching 12.90% of all heart diseases. This lack of access to find
information about heart disease leads to an increase in mortality rates in each case. Therefore, a classifica-
tion system is needed that can provide information about heart attack disease and can check the classification
early about heart attack disease experienced by a person. The application of the K Nearest Neighbor algo-
rithm model and the K Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) was
carried out to find out which model provided the best results in detecting chronic kidney disease. The selec-
tion of both models is considered because the K Nearest Neighbor algorithm is one of the best data mining
algorithms, but it tends to have weaknesses in overlapping data, classes and many attributes. Therefore, the
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) optimization technique. From the results of the study, it was obtained that
the PSO-based K-NN algorithm model was able to select attributes so that it could increase a better accuracy
value with a result of 9 2.98% with an AUS value of 0.961 compared to the individual model of the K-NN
algorithm which produced an accuracy value of 92.32% and an AUC value of 0.956%.
The circulatory system is one of the most important
systems in the human body. This system has two
main functions, namely to circulate oxygen and nutri-
ents to all organs of the human body and transport the
rest of the metabolic products. One of the important
organs in the human circulatory system is the heart
(Wibisono and Fahrurozi, 2019). If the heart is dis-
turbed, blood circulation in the body can be disrupted
so that maintaining heart health is very important to
avoid various types of heart disease(Pradana et al.,
2022). Heart disease is a condition in which there is
dysfunction in the work of the heart (Sepharni et al.,
2022). Diseases of the heart are of many types such
as cardiovascular, coronary heart disease and heart at-
tack (Utomo and Mesran, 2020). Cardiacgroaning is
one of the deadliest diseases in the world with mor-
tality reaching 12.90% of all heart diseases (Pradana
et al., 2022). This lack of access to find information
about heart disease leads to an increase in mortality
rates in each case. Therefore, a classification system
is needed that can provide information about heart
attack disease and can check the classification early
about heart attack disease experienced by a person.
Some studies that discuss the classification of heart
disease include comparative research of classification
algorithms in classifying coronary heart disease data
(Wibisono and Fahrurozi, 2019) comparing 4 alo-
gorhythms, namely Naive Bayes, K-Nearest Neigh-
bor, Decision Tree, and Random Forest. The results
showed that Naive Bayes got an accuracy score of
80.33%, K-Nearest Neigbor 69.67%, Decision Tree
80.33% and Random Forest 86.66%.
Classification performance of the K-Nearest
Neighbor algorithm and cross-validation in heart dis-
ease (Azis et al., 2020). dataset1 (50:50 dataset)
obtained the best performance values at 82% accu-
racy, 82% precision, 82% recall and 82% f-measure,
at K=13. Dataset2 (20:80 dataset) obtained the best
performance values at 87% accuracy, 87% precision,
97% recall, and 92% f-measure, at K=3. Dataset3
(80:20 dataset) obtained the best performance values
at 91% accuracy, 92% precision, 60% recall and 72%
f-measure, at K=5. Performance is found in the 80:20
ratio with an accuracy of 91% considering that it is
Carolina, I., Lubis, B., Supriyatna, A. and Komarudin, R.
Application K-Nearest Neighbor Method with Particle Swarm Optimization for Classification of Heart Disease.
DOI: 10.5220/0012446200003848
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development (ICAISD 2023), pages 181-186
ISBN: 978-989-758-678-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
good to balance the precision and recall values and
the absence of outlier values on the boxplot.
Optimization of SVM and K-NN algorithms based
on Particle Swarm Optimization on the sentiment
analysis of the hashtag phenomenon #2019gantipres-
iden (Saepudin et al., 2022) the calculation results of
the SVM method have an Accuracy of 88.00% and
an AUC of 0.964 while the SVM + PSO Method pro-
duces an Accuracy of 92.75% and an AUC of 0.973.
Testing has also been compared using PSO-based k-
NN and k-NN methods. The calculation results ob-
tained from testing data using the k-NN method re-
sulted in Accuracy of 88.50% and AUC of 0.948.
Meanwhile, the PSO-based k-NN method resulted
in an Accuracy value which actually decreased by
75.25% and an AUC of 0.768.
Comparison of optimization of C4.5 and Na
Bayes data classification algorithms based on Parti-
cle Swarm Optimization Credit Risk Determination
(Rifai and Aulianita, 2018). Based on the test results,
the accuracy value of the C4.5 algorithm is 85.40%
and the accuracy value of the Na
ıve Bayes algorithm
is 85.09%. From the two algorithms, a combination
was then carried out with Particle Swarm Optimiza-
tion optimization, with the results of the C4.5 + PSO
algorithm having the highest value based on the ac-
curacy value of 87.61%, AUC of 0.860 and precision
of 88.96% while the highest recall value was obtained
by the Na
ıve Bayes + PSO algorithm of 96.75%. The
classification results of each algorithm in this study
will be compared to get the best performance evalua-
tion in breast cancer detection. Thus, one of the op-
timization data techniques is needed that aims to im-
prove the performance of the conventional data min-
ing classification method that has been chosen. One
optimization algorithm that is quite popular is Parti-
cle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Particle Swarm Opti-
mization (PSO) has solved many algorithm optimiza-
tion problems (Yoga and Prihandoko, 2018).
2.1 Dataset Acquisition
The dataset used in this study is the data uploaded by
Ronan Azarias on the page entitled heart
desease dataset. The dataset amounts to 500 data. The
attributes contained in the data include:
a. Age: patient’s age (years)
b. Sex: patient’s sex (M: Male, F: Female)
c. ChestPainType: chest pain type (TA: Typical
Angina, ATA: Atypical Angina, NAP: Non-
Anginal Pain, ASY: Asymptomatic)
d. RestingBP: resting blood pressure (mm Hg)
e. Cholesterol: serum cholesterol (mm/dl)
f. FastingBS: fasting blood glucose (1: if FastingBS
¿ 120 mg/dl, 0: otherwise)
g. RestingECG: Resting ECG results (Normal: nor-
mal, ST: with ST-T wave abnormality, LVH: show-
ing probable or definite left ventricular hypertro-
phy by Estes criteria)
h. MaxHR: maximum heart rate reached (Numeric
value between 60 and 202)
i. ExerciseAngina: exercise-induced angina (Y: Yes,
N: No)
j. Oldpeak: old peak = ST (Numerical value mea-
sured in depression)
k. ST Slope: the slope of the peak exercise ST seg-
ment (Up: upsloping, Flat: flat, Down: downslop-
ing) In addition, there is the response variable,
which in this case is a binary variable:
l. HeartDisease: output class (1: heart disease, 0:
2.2 Pre-Processing
Data cleaning is a step that is done before entering
the data mining process [9]. Data cleaning contains
several activities whose main purpose is to introduce
and improve the data to be studied. The need for
improvements to the data to be studied is due to the
fact that raw data tends not to be ready for mining.
A frequent case is the presence of missing values in
the data. Missing values in datasets come from data
whose attributes have no informational value. This in-
formation is not obtained possible due to the process
that occurs when merging data. Handling of miss-
ing value in this study was carried out by reducing
data objects (under sampling). As a result of the data
cleaning carried out, there were 456 records from the
initial number of 500 records.
2.3 K-Nearest Neighbor
K-Nearest Neighbor is also called lazy learner be-
cause it is learning-based. K-Nearest Neighbor delays
the process of modeling training data until it is needed
to classify samples of test data. The sample train data
is described by numeric attributes on the n-dimension
and stored in n-dimensional space. When a sample of
test data (label of unknown class) is given, K-Nearest
Neighbor searches for the training k sample closest to
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
the test data sample (Hidayatul and S, 2018). ”Prox-
imity” is usually defined in terms of metric distance.
In this study, distance measurements will be carried
out using euclidean distance. The euclidean distance
formula is represented in equation 1 (Lestari, 0 09).
) =
) = Euclidean distance n = Data dimensions
= Test/testing data x
= Training data r = Variable
The K-NN algorithm is basically done with the
following steps.
a. Determining the value of K
b. Calculate the distance between the test data and the
numerical training data
c. Sorting distances from smallest to largest
d. Retrieves as much data as the nearest K
e. Choosing a major class
2.4 Particle Swarm Optimization
Particle swarm optimization was formulated by Ed-
wardan Kennedy in 1995. The thought process be-
hind this algorithm is inspired by the social behavior
of animals, such as birds in groups or a group of fish.
The position of each particle can be considered as a
candidate solution for an optimization problem. Each
particle is assigned a fitness function designed accord-
ing to the corresponding problem (Fakhruddin et al.,
2020). This algorithm is about changes in behavior
or social nature consisting of the actions of each in-
dividual and the magnitude of the influence of each
other individual into one group. Each particle in the
PSO is also related to a velocity. Particles tend to
have the property to move to a better search area af-
ter going through the tracing process (Yunus, 2018).
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a very simple
optimization technique for implementing and modify-
ing multiple parameters. PSO is widely used to solve
the problem of weight optimization and feature selec-
tion (feature selection). The PSO has the advantage of
achieving a centering pattern and the ability to solve
complex optimization problems in a wide variety of
domains (Fakhruddin et al., 2020). Briefly, the PSO
process starts from the initialization of the population
to the termination of computing, such as the following
a. Initialization of population (random position and
speed) in hyperspace
b. Fitness evaluation of individual particles
c. Speed modification based on previous best (previ-
ous best:pbest) and best global or local (global or
neighborhood best; gbest or lbest)
d. Stop based on multiple conditions
e. Re-do step 2
To find the optimal solution, each article will
move towards the best position before (pbest) and the
best position globally (gbest). The formula for calcu-
lating the displacement of the position and speed of
the particle is:
(t) = V
(t 1) + c
pbest i
Gbest i
(t) = V
(t 1) +V
(t) (3)
(t) : particle velocity i current iteration t X
(t) :
the position of the particle i at iteration t C
and C
Learning Rates for Individual Ability (Cognitive) and
Influence Social (Group) r 1 and r
: random num-
bers that are distributeduniformally in intervals 0 and
1 X
Pbest i
: best position of particle i X
gbest i
: global
best position
2.5 K-Fold Cross Validation Testing
The validation model used in this study is 10 fold
cross validation. 10 fold cross validation is used to
measure model performance. Each dataset is ran-
domly divided into 10 parts of the same size. For 10
times, 9 parts are used to train the model (data train-
ing) and 1 part is used to test (data testing) the others.
each time a test is carried out. The measurement on
classification performance evaluation aims to find out
how accurate the classification model is in the class
prediction of a row of data (Yoga and Prihandoko,
2.6 Confusion Matrix
Confusion Matrix is a tool used to evaluate classifi-
cation models used to estimate true and false objects.
The predicted results will be compared with the orig-
inal class of the data. Confusin Matrix evaluates the
performance of a model based on the predictive ac-
curacy capabilities of a model (Khoerunnisa et al.,
2016). Confusion matrix is a method used to mea-
sure the performance of a classification model based
on the calculation of testing objects, where the pre-
dicted result data exists between two classes, namely
producing a positive class and a negative class.
Application K-Nearest Neighbor Method with Particle Swarm Optimization for Classification of Heart Disease
Table 1: Confusion Matrix.
Predicted Class
Class=Yes Class=No
True Positive False Negative
Class= No
False negative True Negativ
For the evaluation process with a confusion ma-
trix, the precision, recall, and accuracy values ob-
tained from the following formula will be obtained
(Kurniawan and Rosadi, 2017).
Precision = T P/(T P + F p)
Recall = T P/(T P + FN)
Accuracy = (T P + T N)/(TP + T N + FP + FN)
T P: Number of positive cases classified as positive
FP: Number of negative cases classified as positive
T N: Number of negative cases classified as negative
FN: Number of positive cases classified as negative
3.1 Calculation Results from the
K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN)
The value of k used represents the number of closest
neighbors involved in determining the prediction of
the class label on the test data. To estimate the best
value of k, it can be done using cross-validation tech-
niques (Cross Validation).
Table 2: K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm Training Value De-
termination Experiment.
K Value Accuracy AUC
1 88.82% 0.500
2 87.50% 0.886
3 91.01% 0.913
4 91.01% 0.937
5 91.67% 0.921
6 92.32% 0.952
7 92.32% 0.950
8 92.32% 0.952
9 92.32% 0.955
10 92.32% 0.956
The test results showed that the application of the
k-Nearest Neighbor method in table 11 with the de-
termination of the value of k = 10 resulted in Ac-
curacy = 92.32% and AUC = 0.956 was the highest
value. From the dataset used in the modeling, a total
of 456 tuples were obtained with details of the data
True Positive (TP) = 184, False Negative (FN) = 12,
False Positive (FP) = 23 and True Negative (TN) =
237. Based on the details of the data, accuracy, sen-
sitvity, specifity, Positive Predictive Value (PPV) and
Negative Predictive Value (NPV) values can be ob-
tained which are presented in the table 3.
Table 3: Confusion Matrix Algorithm K-NN.
True 0 True 1 Class precision
Pred. 0 184 12 93.88%
Pred. 1 23 237 91.15%
Class recall 88.89% 98.18%
Testing of this model was also carried out by look-
ing at the ROC graph expressed in AUC values of
0.956 which showed that the test accuracy of individ-
ual models of the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm was
included in the Excellent Classification level.
Figure 1: K-NN algorithm AUC Results.
3.2 Calculation Results of the K-Neares
Neighbor (K-NN) Algorithm Based
on Particle Swarm Optimization
The test results using the PSO-based k-NN method
can be seen in table 4.
The calculation results from Table 4 above show
that by entering the value of k = 6 and Population
Size = 5 produced Accuracy = 92.98% and AUC =
0.961 is the highest value among other k values, in
this PSO-based K-NN accuracy it turns out that there
is an increase in accuracy results of 0.66% from the
accuracy results of the k-NN method without PSO-
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
Table 4: PSO-Based K-NN Algorithm Training Value De-
termination Experiment.
size K value Accuracy AUC
5 1 89.91% 0.500
5 2 88.38% 0.889
5 3 92.11% 0.893
5 4 92.11% 0.927
5 5 92.76% 0.928
5 6 92.98% 0.961
5 7 92.76% 0.947
5 8 92.54% 0.943
5 9 92.76% 0.953
5 10 92.78% 0.958
based optimization.
From the dataset used in the modeling, a total of
456 tuples were obtained with details of the data True
Positive (TP) = 184, False Negative (FN) = 10, False
Positive (FP) = 23 and True Negative (TN) = 239.
Based on the details of the data, accuracy, sensitvity,
specifity, Positive Predictive Value (PPV) and Nega-
tive Predictive Value (NPV) values can be obtained
which are presented in Table 5.
Table 5: Confusion Matrix of PSO-Based K-NN Algo-
True 0 True 1 Class precision
Pred. 0 184 10 94.85%
Pred. 1 23 239 91.22%
Class recall 88.89% 95.98%
Testing of this model was also carried out by look-
ing at the ROC graph expressed in AUC values of
0.928 which showed that the test accuracy of individ-
ual models of the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm was
included in the Excellent Classification level.
Figure 2: AUC results of the PSO-based K-NN algorithm.
The indicators in the PSO attribute selection based
on Optimize Weight (Evolutionary) are population,
max number of generations, and tournament size
which can affect maximum accuracy results. The
population used in this study was 5 populations. In the
PSO indicator adjustment, the max number of genera-
tions value contains 30 and the tournament size value
is 0.25. The values of c1 and c2 are 0 each because the
particles are in the first round. Based on the process
model that has been successfully carried out, the fol-
lowing attribute weighting selection data is obtained:
Table 6: PSO Optimization Weight Indicators.
Attribute Weight
Age 0.240
Sex 0.501
ChestPainType 1
RestingBP 0
Cholesterol 0.095
FastingBS 0.076
RestingECG 0.013
MaxHR 0.229
ExerciseAngina 1
Oldpeak 0
ST Slope 0.166
Table 7: Comparative Results of Accuracy and AUC of
PSO-based K-NN and K-NN algorithms.
Algorithm Accuracy AUC
K-NN 92.32% 0.956
K-NN + PSO 92.98% 0.961
Based on tests that have been carried out on heart
disease data taken from kaggle. Testing using the
k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN), and k-Nearest Neighbor
methods based on Particle Swarm Optimization (k-
NN+PSOmaking calculations of the K-NN method
has an Accuracy of 92.32% and an AUC of 0.956
while the K-NN+PSO Method produces an Accuracy
of 92.98% and an AUC of 0.961. The application of
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) has been shown
to improve the accuracy of the K-NN algorithm on the
classification of heart disease data to identify between
p positive or negative heart disease. The application
of PSO optimization to the k-NN algorithm increased
by 0.66%. It can be concluded that in this study the
application of optimization using PSO can optimize
the accuracy value, especially in the k-NN algorithm.
Future suggestions for further research can improve
the level of accuracy can be done by combining sev-
eral algorithms and can also add several other opti-
mization algorithms.
Application K-Nearest Neighbor Method with Particle Swarm Optimization for Classification of Heart Disease
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ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development