Detachable Electric Motor Design and Data Acquisition on Smart
Wheelchair System
Laurentius Kuncoro Probo Saputra
, Yuan Lukito
and Winta Adhitia Guspara
Informatics, Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Product Design, Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Detachable Electric Motor, Data Acquisition, Smart Wheelchair System.
Mobility for people with disabilities needs to be considered to increase their participation in activities. Hence,
every action taken can be more productive. Electric vehicles are currently a major focus of development. The
application of electric motors as propulsion in wheelchairs is highly beneficial for people with disabilities, as it
enhances their mobility during activities. However, the use of electric motor propulsion in wheelchairs is a new
and interesting development, and creating a detachable electric motor propulsion device that can be used by
people who use wheelchairs is worth exploring. This study aims to examine the experience of wheelchair users
using an additional electric motor drive in their wheelchairs. Android applications for sensor data acquisition
are developed, and sensor data is transmitted from the wheelchair control system to the Android application
using Bluetooth communication. The study collects sensor data related to the use of electric motors to assess
their capabilities and responses when using this electric motor propulsion device.
The Presidential Regulation of the Republic of In-
donesia Number 55 of 2019, which concerns the Ac-
celeration of the Battery Electric Vehicle Program for
Road Transportation, has opened up new opportuni-
ties for mobility and accessibility for persons with
disabilities who use wheelchairs. There are many ef-
forts that can be made to address the basic needs of
persons with disabilities in terms of mobility devices,
such as a detachable electric drive for a wheelchair.
The current advancements in battery technology have
enabled the development of higher-density batteries
that can achieve performance optimization. These
slim, lightweight, and fast-charging batteries with
sufficient storage capacity are a major step toward
saving the power supply required for mobility. As the
number of electric vehicles increases, battery charg-
ing stations must be able to charge batteries quickly
(Tu et al., 2019). The combination of battery technol-
ogy and the Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential
to revolutionize the design of intelligent wheelchairs
for users. The IoT provides performance optimization
for electronic systems, information systems, and con-
trol systems to allow users to have complete control
of their electric vehicles.
Micro-mobility, also known as ”short movement,”
is an essential component of urban transportation and
occupies an important part of a city’s blueprint or ur-
ban space. The right type of vehicle with the appropri-
ate ”size and adaptation,” particularly for wheelchair
mobility on city roads, is critical and closely related
to the area traveled, energy consumption, and the type
of fuel used. Furthermore, the application of elec-
tric vehicle (EV) technology in wheelchair mobil-
ity supports the 10th Sustainable Development Goal
(SDGs) program, especially with respect to provid-
ing wheelchair users with independence and empow-
erment to access their needs, including those outside
their homes. According to data from the World Health
Organization (WHO), 5% to 15% of 70 million peo-
ple with disabilities must use wheelchairs to carry
out their daily activities (Shabibi and Kesavan, 2021).
This effort also collaborates with United Cerebral
Palsy Wheels for Humanity (UCP Wheels), which, in
2018, distributed 839 wheelchairs to its partners.
Currently, not many wheelchair users with disabil-
ities make use of electric motors to assist with their
daily activities. The objective of this study is to de-
velop a data acquisition application that will monitor
the movement of electric motors used by wheelchair
users. Furthermore, this data will be used for ana-
lyzing the experiences of individuals who use electric
motors in conjunction with their wheelchairs.
Saputra, L., Lukito, Y. and Guspara, W.
Detachable Electric Motor Design and Data Acquisition on Smart Wheelchair System.
DOI: 10.5220/0012446700003848
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development (ICAISD 2023), pages 192-197
ISBN: 978-989-758-678-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.