criticisms from the respondents so that some develop-
ments and improvements were made to improve the
appearance and flow in the application. It is expected
that the Entrepreneurial Mindfulness application can
increase the number of users so that they want to be
proactive in using the pplication to increase their ca-
pacity and competence as entrepreneurs
This work is supported by Research and Technol-
ogy Transfer Office, Bina Nusantara University as
a part of Bina Nusantara University’s International
Research Grant entitled Entrepreneurial Mindfulness
Based on Artificial Intelligence with contract num-
ber: 017/VR.RTT/III/2021 and contract date: 22
Maret 2021. We also want to say thanks to Uni-
versitas Teknologi Malaysia and Universitas Agung
Podomoro for the contribution as partners in research
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