Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) to Support Decision Making in
Tourism: A Bibliometric Review
Fristi Riandari, Sarjon Defit and Yuhandri
Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK, Padang, Indonesia
Multi Criteria Decision Analysis, Support Decision Making, Tourism.
Strategic management of complex decision-making problems in the tourism sector requires the implementa-
tion of appropriate planning procedures for sustainable tourism activities, taking into account the many factors
involved such as variables and stakeholders and conflicting objectives. Decision support systems apply com-
puter technology to create analytical methods and logical solutions, digitize, and program logic judgment
programs into computers. Decision Support Systems (DSS) are used to help decision makers deal with com-
plex problems or situations considering that human perception and intelligence can often reach their limits
when faced with complex systems that generate lots of data with lots of dependencies. Based on this, this
study conducted a bibliometric analysis on previous research discussing MCDA in tourism issues published
from 2010 to 2022. Article identification was carried out through a scientific database literature search that
was categorized by year of publication, research topics with the keywords MCDA, MCDM and Tourism. The
results of the analysis show that further research is needed, within jurisdictions, to choose the most appropriate
MCDA method to be applied to tourism because even in the last few decades multi-criteria decision analysis
techniques have been widely used in the tourism sector such as the AHP, TOPSIS, ELECTRE, MACBETH,
ANP methods, VIKOR and not a few new methods in the multi-criteria decision analysis technique approach
have emerged, with different popularity and success but until now there are no guidelines or approaches to
selecting the most appropriate MCDA method to be applied in tourism. Therefore, further research needs to
identify methods in the multi-criteria decision analysis technique that can achieve the best compromise solu-
tion among the most relevant destinations in complex problems such as tourism.
Productivity growth in the digital economy era is one
of the most important sources of economic develop-
ment. The information and communication technol-
ogy (ICT) sector is important in terms of innova-
tion and increased productivity by leveraging artifi-
cial intelligence, big data and computerized informa-
tion (Nakatani, 2021). ICTs have been recognized
for their role as an innovative stimulus that can en-
hance economic and social development at various
levels, both in developing and least developed coun-
tries (Wang et al., 2021). ICT usewhich is the spirit
in this era conditions humans personally and in orga-
nizational groups to rely heavily on computer-based
management (Computer Based) which is increasingly
advanced, complex and smart (Okano, 2017). As
a result, from information generation to information
communication, smartness is required in every action.
Smartness facilitates the formation of products, ac-
tions, processes and services in real-time, by engag-
ing various stakeholders simultaneously to optimize
performance and competitiveness (Liu et al., 2012).
Usually, the term smart is associated with fast and
quick results, so that the use of ICT into artificial in-
telligence, data mining into computerized information
becomes a place of choice to help provide information
for decision makers known as Decision Support Sys-
tems (DSS) or Decision Support Systems (DSS).
Development Decision Support System (DSS) is
a complex multi-stage process that requires consid-
erable effort from a methodical and technical point
of view (Ponomarev and Mustafin, 2021). A deci-
sion support system (DSS) has been developed on
the basis of an information management system, ap-
plying computer technology to create analysis meth-
ods and logical solutions, digitizing and programming
logic assessment programs into computers (Yun et al.,
2021). A Decision Support System (DSS) is also
defined as an interactive computer-based system in-
Riandari, F., Defit, S. and Yuhandri, .
Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) to Support Decision Making in Tourism: A Bibliometric Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0012447700003848
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development (ICAISD 2023), pages 244-254
ISBN: 978-989-758-678-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
tended to help decision makers utilize data and mod-
els to identify and solve problems and make deci-
sions (Bohanec et al., 2021). DSS incorporate data
and models, designed to assist decision makers in
semi-structured or unstructured tasks. In principle,
DSS does not make decisions on its own, but sup-
ports human judgment by providing appropriate, ac-
curate and timely information, relevant to the problem
at hand. This information may include suggestions
about possible courses of action. Decision Support
Systems (DSS) refers to computerized multidimen-
sional data management systems that support stake-
holders in leveraging modern data-driven approaches
to identify and solve problems and enable better de-
cision making (Talari et al., 2021). Benchmark anal-
ysis of several alternative configurations can be facil-
itated by setting up a decision support system (DSS)
where comparisons of different criteria are made di-
rectly (Ju
znic-Zonta et al., 2022). Decision sup-
port systems with technical comparisons of differ-
ent criteria are also Multi Criteria Decision Analysis
(MCDA), MCDA/MCDM is often used to solve real-
world problems with multiple, conflicting, and dis-
proportionate criteria and/or objectives (El-Aghoury
et al., 2021). In the 1960s, the first multi-criteria
decision making (MCDM) technique was developed
to facilitate the difficulty in adapting disparate ideas
and managing large amounts of complex informa-
tion in the decision-making process (Seyedmoham-
madi et al., 2018) and a growing research field that
has been studied for over 30 years (Hites et al., 2006)
developed to facilitate the decision-making process
(Yelmikheiev and Norek, 2021).
Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) is a
highly productive tool that is recognized globally for
dealing with complex decision problems. It is the
most appropriate tool for solving problems where the
solution is based on several characteristics. Breaking
the decision problem into smaller parts that are easier
to understand. It then analyzes each part separately,
and finally integrates all the parts to build a meaning-
ful solution (Kumar et al., 2022) and is a branch of
operations research and management science that the
discipline uses to deal with the optimal allocation of
scarce resources among competing activities by max-
imizing the desired benefits or minimizing the detri-
mental effects using mathematical models (Sun et al.,
2020), (Mardani et al., 2015), (Erdogan et al., 2019)
which discusses promising alternatives for dealing
with complex decision-making problems that feature
multiple, highly diverse, and conflicting goals (Ta-
lari et al., 2021), the multi-criteria method can pro-
vide supporting tools in policy and decision mak-
ing processes by providing flexibility (C¸ elikbilek and
uz, 2016). Uncertainty is a very important as-
pect in the process of multiple decision analysis crite-
ria (MCDA) (Chen, 2020). MCDA enables decision
makers to break down complex problems into sim-
pler and essential components, facilitates the amal-
gamation and integration of the knowledge of mul-
tiple decision makers with various expertise, and sup-
ports collaborative problem solving and consensus
building, especially when there are conflicts, experi-
ences or views (Wilkins et al., 2022). The MCDA
Method provides a framework for collecting, stor-
ing, and processing all relevant information character-
ized by social, political, environmental, and economic
value judgments. The MCDA method can alleviate
problems caused by limited human computing power
where intuitive or adaptive choices are replaced by
mutually justifiable and accepted models; in MCDA,
there are usually DMs with conflicting preferences
(Barney et al., 2022), this is supported by research
(Baltazar et al., 2014) who concluded that Multi Cri-
teria Decision analysis (MCDA), or Multi Criteria
Decision Making (MCDM), is a decision making tool
aimed at supporting decision makers who are faced
with many conflicting evaluations. MCDA assists in
the decision making process for complex spatial prob-
lems with reasonable accuracy (Das and Pal, 2020), is
a mathematical instrument that assesses several com-
peting criteria to provide the best alternative among
many possibilities (Singh et al., 2022). MCDA is
an important component of sustainability assessment
tools because it allows to assess the uncertainties as-
sociated with the data used and also identifies the rel-
evance and/or importance of each criterion used in a
sustainability assessment. The MCDM method can
overcome the problem of high variability, consider
various objectives and attributes, analyze quantitative
and qualitative parameters, and consider various in-
terests and perspectives (Ma et al., 2022). MCDM is
a branch of the general class of operations research
models that deal with decision problems under the
presence of many factors and criteria (Sakthivel et al.,
2015), the basic purpose of MCDM is to help decision
makers choose the best option from possible alterna-
tives in cases with a large number of criteria, and also
to state which criteria take precedence (c¸. Kaptan Ay-
han and Tas¸lı, 2020). Leveraging the MCDM method-
ology helps overcome the limitations of a more singu-
lar methodology. For example, when applying the an-
alytical hierarchical process (AHP) method, all eval-
uation criteria and subcriteria must be independent of
one another (Ma et al., 2022). Among the various
techniques, the Multi Criteria dimensional analysis
(MCDA) method makes it possible to simultaneously
deal with many issues related to tourism policy mak-
Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) to Support Decision Making in Tourism: A Bibliometric Review
ing (Arbolino et al., 2021).
The tourism sector has not only enjoyed signifi-
cant growth in recent years, tourism has also become
a source of wealth for the global economy, increasing
income-based competition among tourist destinations
(Carayannis et al., 2018). The tourism sector as a
global economic driver, together with the broad agree-
ment to operate under the principle of sustainabil-
ity and the difficulties encountered in its implemen-
tation make the measurement of tourism sustainabil-
ity a rather challenging topic for researchers and aca-
demics. Research related to tourism has been inten-
sively carried out over the last few decades such as re-
search by (Vecchio et al., 2018) who make use of big
data in smart tourism destinations by utilizing inter-
view data with a Business Analysis approach, the re-
sults of the study show an application of a data-based
business model that can combine the benefits derived
from the big data domain, both in terms of method-
ology and technology, with the demand for tourism
experience that is more personalized and co-created
and concludes that analyzing digital local experiences
enables a more direct understanding of the potential
offered by digital technologies for the intelligent con-
figuration of tourism destinations. The findings also
highlight the need to consolidate experience and de-
velop regional offerings of knowledge-intensive busi-
ness services (decision making, customer relations,
and business analysis.
Conceptually, decision-making in tourism is no
different from decision-making in other fields. In fact,
the allocation of limited resources between competing
alternatives and interests occurs every day in various
fields. The main problem in the field of tourism is
the many variables and stakeholders involved, where
each variable and stakeholder has different goals and
can conflict with each other but are interdependent on
one another. Such as the number of visits that will
affect the quality of the environment and the level of
congestion. These complex features make it difficult
for decision makers to make the right choice.
From the literature, several studies were found
using review techniques in the application of the
MCDM method, such as research by (Emovon and
Oghenenyerovwho, 2020), This paper presents a
methodical review of the application of the Multi-
Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) method in mate-
rial selection by reviewing a total of 55 papers, pub-
lished from 1994-2019. Another review combining
MCDM methods with building information modeling
(BIM) in the architecture, engineering, and construc-
tion industries using the earliest literature 2009 to the
year the research was conducted (Tan et al., 2021).
A bibliometric analysis of MCDA in health was con-
ducted in 2012, this paper documents the application
of MCDA in healthcare and aims to identify publi-
cation patterns as well as the various topics to which
MCDA has been applied, a bibliometric analysis was
carried out on articles reporting on MCDA applica-
tion in healthcare published from 1960 until 2011 (Di-
aby et al., 2013). Still in the health sector, a system-
atic literature review was conducted on MCDA in de-
cision making in health services. This study aims to
provide a comprehensive overview of MCDA stud-
ies conducted to inform decisions in healthcare and
to summarize its applicability in different decision
contexts updating a systematic review conducted in
2013 by searching Embase, MEDLINE, and Google
Scholar for MCDA studies in the field of health, pub-
lished in English between August 2013 and Novem-
ber 2020 (Gongora-Salazar et al., 2022). The last
review was conducted on the application of MCDM
in the COVID-19 pandemic, this paper aims to re-
view 72 papers published in 37 leading peer-reviewed
journals indexed on the Web of Science that used the
MCDM method in various regions of the COVID-19
pandemic (Sotoudeh-Anvari, 2022).
Over the last decade, a large number of methods
have emerged, with varying popularity and success.
One of the most prominent in the international lit-
erature is VIKOR, along with other ’classic’ meth-
TRE, etc(Papathanasiou, 2021). However, until now,
there are no guidelines or approaches to selecting
the most appropriate MCDA method to be applied
in tourism. We also wanted to identify publication
trends in the application of MCDA in tourism as well
as research topics that have been applied. Therefore,
a bibliometric analysis was carried out to analyze the
frequency of occurrence of MCDA applications in
tourism. Where tourism policy makers reveal a large
set of heterogeneous goals to be achieved through the
allocation of public resources (Arbolino et al., 2021),
this is an opportunity for researchers to approach the
MCDA on the topic of tourism.
Given the many variables involved, the optimal
solution is difficult to identify. Therefore, the MCDA
technique aims to identify combinations of alterna-
tives to be modified, in order to achieve the best com-
promise solution. Intended to achieve the best com-
promise solution among the most relevant objectives,
thus overriding the “optimality” paradigm.
The next section will provide a presentation on
the methodology, the third section will provide a brief
overview of the relevant literature. The fourth section
provides an overview of the implications of the limita-
tions of the study and finally concludes the paper with
a discussion of the main implications of the research,
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
which offer opportunities for further research.
Evaluation of sustainable tourism is a complex en-
deavor involving many stakeholders who often have
different perspectives. Therefore, various authors
have drawn attention to the potential contribution of
MCDA techniques to sustainability assessments in the
tourism sector.
This paper uses bibliometric analysis to describe
and analyze trends and publication patterns with the
MCDA approach that appear on the topic of tourism.
Data identification in citations was carried out by
searching scientific literature data in the ScieneDirect
database based on the year of publication, namely re-
search in the period 2010 to 2022 and research topics
with the keywords MCDA, MCDM and Tourism.
From the literature search, basic information such
as bibliography, including titles and abstracts will be
analyzed, then filtered for relevance. Studies that are
reviewed and those deemed out of scope (dealing with
the application of MCDA in areas other than tourism)
will be rejected. The remaining complete papers that
are within scope are perused.
Research by (Garc
on et al., 2012) conduct-
ing evaluations of sustainable tourism strategies pro-
moted by stakeholders related to National Parks (NPs)
is a major concern for park managers. This study aims
to find a balance between economic, social and en-
vironmental factors and involve stakeholders. In as-
sisting their research strategic evaluation procedures,
a methodology based on the Analytic Network Pro-
cess (ANP) and Delphi type assessment procedures
was proposed. This methodology was applied to Los
Roques NP in Venezuela. The problem includes three
sustainable tourism strategies defined by stakeholders
namely: eco-friendly resorts, eco-friendly leisure ac-
tivities, and ecological transportation systems. Repre-
sentatives from eight stakeholders participated in this
methodology, 13 sustainability criteria were selected.
It was concluded that regarding the use of the ANP-
Delphi joint approach as a tool for prioritization, 2 ex-
perts stated that the first meeting to define and agree
on criteria was successful because it allowed them to
think about what they actually expected from the pri-
oritization procedure. All stakeholders felt that the
ANP procedures enabled them to deal with prioriti-
zation in an organized and systematic manner. How-
ever, they did not find it completely satisfactory or
easy to understand until they had gone through the
Delphi round and had the possibility that stakeholder
assessments differed markedly after the Delphi round
stabilized. So that the weaknesses of the ANP method
in tourism problems that want to be improved in this
study have not been achieved. It was concluded that
regarding the use of the ANP-Delphi joint approach
as a tool for prioritization, 2 experts stated that the
first meeting to define and agree on criteria was suc-
cessful because it allowed them to think about what
they actually expected from the prioritization proce-
dure. All stakeholders felt that the ANP procedures
enabled them to deal with prioritization in an orga-
nized and systematic manner. However, they did not
find it completely satisfactory or easy to understand
until they had gone through the Delphi round and had
the possibility that stakeholder assessments differed
markedly after the Delphi round stabilized. So that
the weaknesses of the ANP method in tourism prob-
lems that want to be improved in this study have not
been achieved. It was concluded that regarding the
use of the ANP-Delphi joint approach as a tool for
prioritization, 2 experts stated that the first meeting
to define and agree on criteria was successful because
it allowed them to think about what they actually ex-
pected from the prioritization procedure. All stake-
holders felt that the ANP procedures enabled them to
deal with prioritization in an organized and system-
atic manner. However, they did not find it completely
satisfactory or easy to understand until they had gone
through the Delphi round and had the possibility that
stakeholder assessments differed markedly after the
Delphi round stabilized. So that the weaknesses of
the ANP method in tourism problems that want to be
improved in this study have not been achieved.
Further research by (R. S. Estevao and e, 2019)
who concluded that despite the increasing interest in
sustainable tourism (ST), the actual implementation
of sustainability practices in the tourism sector is still
sporadic. The research proposes a decision-making
process in the MCDA context. The decision-making
process in the MCDA context is by implementing the
JOURNEY Making approach at the structuring stage
and CI at the evaluation stage. The proposed method
and model have some limitations as in the context of
this study, our reliance on a panel of experts, although
advantageous, represents a major research challenge
largely due to the experts’ conflicting agendas and
time-consuming sessions. In addition, the ease with
which it is necessary to recruit experts within a close
geographic distance also influences the panel selec-
tion process.
To reduce the adverse impact on the environment
Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) to Support Decision Making in Tourism: A Bibliometric Review
caused by conventional (mass) Tourism, the impor-
tance of ecotourism is increasingly being highlighted
as this form of tourism contributes to environmen-
tal protection and sustainable development of an area
(L. Gigovic and S., 2016). The main objective of this
research is the development of a reliable model for
the identification of zone suitability for sustainable
ecotourism development, which will be a significant
support for planners in ecotourism development and
management strategies. The proposed model is based
on the combined application of a Geographic In-
formation System (GIS) and Multi-Criteria Decision
Analysis (MCDA) using the Fuzzy Decision Mak-
ing Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (FDEMATEL)
method to estimate and map ecotourism potential suit-
ability classes in the study area ”Dunavski kljuc”
(Serbia). The research results contribute to the theo-
retical framework for selecting suitable sites but note
that this model highlights new criteria that have not
been considered in ecotourism models but are signifi-
cant for this issue. It is important to note that the cri-
teria applied for the selection of areas for ecotourism
development vary by region and depend on current
socioeconomic and natural resources. Therefore,
this procedure allows for other criteria that have not
been included in this study. All of these factors will
have additional importance in finding the best solu-
This research (c¸. Kaptan Ayhan and Tas¸lı, 2020)
carry out a land use suitability analysis for activities
for rural tourism by following the steps of the ELEC-
TRE I method. This study did not provide clear re-
sults on the land suitability analysis for rural tourism
using the ELECTRE I method. This study only fo-
cuses on the research topic, namely tourism develop-
ment, so the performance level of the MCDA method
used in the research is unknown.
The accelerating interaction between technology
and tourism has radically changed the efficiency and
effectiveness of tourism organizations, as well as how
consumers interact with organizations. This research
offers a web-based intelligent framework for travel
agencies proposed that offers fast and reliable re-
sponse services to customers in a less costly manner.
The proposed framework integrates a case-based rea-
soning system (CBR) with a multi-criteria decision-
making technique (MCDM), namely the Analytic
Hierarchy Process (AHP), to increase accuracy and
speed in case matching in tourism destination plan-
ning. The integration of the two techniques makes it
possible to capitalize on their strengths and comple-
ment each other’s weaknesses. The results conclude
that rule-based planning does not work well when the
customer’s filtering preferences are unclear or even
change for the time being according to the customer’s
changing context. Therefore, it is not a suitable tech-
nique for tourism planning where decisions are influ-
enced by seasonal effects, from last year’s climate,
from last year’s popular region or the business re-
lationships of agents. The system in the tourism
management system must be flexible (Alptekin and
ozkan, 2011).
The application of a new approach to the selec-
tion of projects to be funded by public administration,
to maximize the efficiency of the allocation of pub-
lic resources in tourism sustainability has been car-
ried out using 2 MCDA methods namely Weighted
sum and Analytic Hierarchic Process (Arbolino et al.,
2021). The results of the study concluded that the
application of multi-criteria techniques is not always
sufficient, because none of them deal with budgetary
constraints when used individually so it is hoped that
further research may involve the application of opti-
mization models in a broader Decision Support Sys-
tem, involving aspects, a set of the criteria and objec-
tives included in the model can be modified.
Implementation of the application of the Multi-
Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) ELECTRE I
method to tourism destinations, research contributes
to reflections on the competitiveness of tourism desti-
nations which have bigger enthusiasts in recent years.
The research concludes that this paper shows that
the results of the ELECTRE I and the Weighted-Sum
Method are different in this work so that this can be
an opportunity for identifying future research (Botti
and Peypoch, 2013).
A study that tries to resolve the limitations of pre-
existing research regarding the selection of evalua-
tion variables and the calculation of their respective
weights in evaluating the competitiveness of tourist
destinations by creating an evaluation index of sev-
eral criteria for the competitiveness of tourist desti-
nations, through the use of integrated cognitive maps
and measuring attractiveness with measuring attrac-
tiveness by a categorical based evaluation technique
(MACBETH). Research is only focused on tourist
destinations in one region so that case studies in dif-
ferent regions require factor adjustments according to
the needs of each region which are different, does
not provide a clear analysis of the performance of
the methods used, contributes methodologically and
is related to the substantive results of the research
(Carayannis et al., 2018).
Subsequent research that analyzes the sustainabil-
ity of regional tourism in Spain (Carrillo and Jorge,
2017), in this paper a new procedure for the devel-
opment of composite indicators for tourism sustain-
ability analysis is proposed which uses a multicrite-
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
ria decision technique specially designed to deal with
the concept of multidimensional nature and nearly in-
commensurable entities i.e. the CI method. The re-
search results only describe some differences from ex-
isting aggregation methods, there is no logical review
of the performance of the proposed approach.
Research in the tourism sector, especially on sus-
tainable beach tourism which aims to identify fac-
tors that influence the coastal environment and build
a multi-criteria evaluation structure for beach tourism
using the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
approach. The research results focus on the results of
the analysis of tourism development. There were no
results of the analysis of the method’s performance
on cases. So even though this study utilizes MCDA in
tourism development, it has not yet provided results
of an analysis of the performance of the method used.
The research adds to the number of studies with simi-
lar topics but has not yet found an appropriate method
format used in tourism issues (Chen and Bau, 2016).
The application of the Fuzzy Rasch model in
the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to
Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) was carried out to analyze
the Tourism Destination Competitiveness (TDC) of
nine Asian countries: China, Hong Kong, Japan, Ko-
rea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and the
Philippines. The research was conducted in 2009 us-
ing 6 criteria and 15 indexes. Conclusions are drawn
exclusively from mathematical calculations, the re-
sults of the research focus on the results of the analy-
sis of tourism development. There were no results of
the analysis of the method’s performance on cases. So
even though this study utilizes MCDA in tourism de-
velopment, it has not yet provided results of an anal-
ysis of the performance of the method used. The re-
search adds to the number of studies with similar top-
ics but has not yet found an appropriate method for-
mat used in tourism issues (Huang and Peng, 2012).
Subsequent studies present a new planning ap-
proach to develop a reliable model that identifies suit-
able and unsuitable locations for rural housing de-
velopment planning in reservoir areas under tourism,
presented here is a combined application of a ge-
ographic information system (GIS) and multi crite-
ria decision analysis ( MCDA) using the DEMATEL
fuzzy method to create a suitability map for rural
housing. The conclusion of the study stated that the
application of the FDEMATEL-GIS/MCDA model
for evaluating the potential of rural housing planning
has proven positive and justified, because based on the
adopted criteria, it succeeded in distinguishing parts
of space that are highly suitable for sustainable and re-
silient rural housing planning. Sensitivity analysis by
changing the group weight coefficients shows a high
level of model stability, but there is no comparison
with other MCDA methods (Jeong et al., 2016).
This study presents a holistic approach to evalu-
ating complex national tourism policies with hybrid
MCDA to test the dependency relationship between
various dimensions and criteria of tourism policy with
DEMATEL-based analytic network process (DANP)
and VIKOR. This study has a weakness, namely this
research was conducted with a relatively expert sam-
ple group. A larger sample carrying more explana-
tory power will allow more sophisticated evaluation
analyzes and verify the current findings to increase
generalizability. Second, the evaluation criteria were
selected from a literature review on the implementa-
tion of tourism policies, based on this it is known that
the results of the analysis only focus on tourism de-
velopment indicators (Ma et al., 2022).
Subsequent studies evaluating the selection of op-
timal tourist sites using ANP and fuzzy TOPSIS in
the context of Integrated Coastal Zone Management:
A case of Qeshm Island. The conclusion of the study
states that in the case of selecting tourist sites, the pro-
posed model has significantly increased the efficiency
of the decision-making process, however to use algo-
rithms to identify and evaluate important factors in
economic and industrial development and by using
modern scientific methods (Morteza et al., 2016).
Research in the tourism sector using the Tech-
nique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal So-
lution (TOPSIS) was applied to evaluate the com-
petitiveness of tourism destinations (TDC) from the
Yangtze River Delta in China. Although the results
of the study concluded that the method that combines
TOPSIS with IEW can evaluate complex monolayer
index systems and multi-level index systems. This
method avoids errors caused by using different meth-
ods and makes the evaluation process rigorous and ra-
tional but it cannot be said that this hybrid model is
the most appropriate in tourism development (Zhang
et al., 2011).
Various research works can be found in the litera-
ture that analyze the topic of sustainable tourism with
the MCDA approach, such as:
1. Title: A combined ANPdelphi approach to eval-
uate sustainable tourism (Garc
on et al.,
Method: Analytic Network Process (ANP)-
Conclusion :
The results of the study concluded that all stake-
holders felt that the ANP procedure enabled them
to handle prioritization in an organized and sys-
tematic manner however, they did not find it com-
pletely satisfactory or easy to understand before
Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) to Support Decision Making in Tourism: A Bibliometric Review
getting to Delphi’s work.
2. Title: A socio-technical approach to the assess-
ment of sustainable (R. S. Estevao and e, 2019)
tourism: Adding value with a comprehensive
process-oriented framework
Method: Cognitive Mapping and Choquet Inte-
gral (CI)
Conclusion :
The method and model proposed in this study
have several limitations, such as dependence on
expert panels. This provides recommendations
for further research that allows replication of the
method with different panels of experts or in other
regions, thereby facilitating comparison between
results and analyzes and increasing generalizabil-
ity. Future studies may also wish to consider ap-
plying other methods and combinations within the
MCDA approach
3. Title: GIS-Fuzzy DEMATEL MCDA model for
the evaluation of the sites for ecotourism develop-
ment: A case study of “Dunavski kljuc” region,
Serbia (L. Gigovic and S., 2016)
Method: Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
dan Fuzzy Decision Making Trial and Evaluation
Laboratory (FDEMATEL)
Conclusion :
The application of the GIS-FDEMATEL MCDA
model in evaluating ecotourism potential has
proven effective and justified because it has suc-
ceeded in distinguishing parts of the area and sen-
sitivity analysis by changing the cluster weight
coefficients has shown a high level of model sta-
bility but the indicators of the 4 division zones are
not explained with certainty.
4. Title: Land use suitability analysis of rural
tourism activities: Yenice, Turkey (c¸. Kaptan Ay-
han and Tas¸lı, 2020)
Conclusion :
The conclusion of this study only focuses on the
target area of the literature, an assessment of the
performance of the method has not been carried
out so that the performance of the method in this
study is not known.
5. Title: An integrated casebased reasoning and
MCDM system for Web based tourism destination
planning (Alptekin and B
ozkan, 2011)
Method: GAnalytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Conclusion :
The conclusion of the study states that the method
used is not a suitable technique for tourism plan-
ning where decisions are influenced by seasonal
effects, from last year’s climate, from last year’s
popular region or business relations of agents.
6. Title: Multi-objective optimization technique: A
novel approach in tourism sustainability planning
(Arbolino et al., 2021)
Method: Weighted sum dan Analytic Hierarchic
Process (AHP)
Conclusion :
From the conclusion of the study it is stated that
the application of multi-criteria techniques is not
always sufficient, because none of them deal with
budget constraints.
7. Title: Multi-criteria ELECTRE method and desti-
nation competitiveness (Botti and Peypoch, 2013)
Method: LECTRE I dan Metode Weighted-Sum.
Conclusion :
The conclusion of this paper shows that the re-
sults of the ELECTRE I and the Weighted-Sum
Method are different in this work.
8. Title: The evaluation of tourism destination com-
petitiveness by TOPSIS and information entropy
e A case in the Yangtze River Delta of China
(Zhang et al., 2011)
Method: Technique for Order Preference by Sim-
ilarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS)
Conclusion :
Although the results of the study concluded that
the method that combines TOPSIS with IEW can
evaluate complex monolayer index systems and
multi-level index systems. This method avoids er-
rors caused by using different methods and makes
the evaluation process rigorous and rational but it
cannot be said that this hybrid model is the most
appropriate in tourism development.
From previous studies that have been previously de-
scribed regarding the MCDA approach in the tourism
sector. The MCDA approach with various existing
methods in identifying tourism is divided into many
discussion focuses. This seems to have happened be-
cause in practice the tourism sector is not only about
holidays, but in the tourism context there are many
factors that require special attention for the purpose
of tourism sustainability. Sustainability is meant not
only from one factor but sustainability which can be
concluded is how all the factors involved can work in
balance. The factors involved in the tourism sector are
seen as quite complex because they involve economic,
social and environmental factors. If we examine more
deeply the economic factors, social and environmen-
tal aspects in the tourism sector, of course there will
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
be many supporting variables for each factor, such as
when we talk about economic factors in the tourism
sector we don’t only think about tourist location in-
come but about regional, country, stakeholder and
community economic income. It doesn’t end here, the
problem of even one factor has become very complex
considering that the stakeholders involved conflict
with each other and influence one another in achiev-
ing this economic goal. The problem of tourism be-
comes very complex when all factors and stakehold-
ers are considered. In general, this is the background
of much research in the tourism sector. like when
we talk about economic factors in the tourism sector
we don’t only think about tourist location revenue but
about regional, country, stakeholder and community
economic income. It doesn’t end here, the problem of
even one factor has become very complex consider-
ing that the stakeholders involved conflict with each
other and influence one another in achieving this eco-
nomic goal. The problem of tourism becomes very
complex when all factors and stakeholders are con-
sidered. In general, this is the background of much
research in the tourism sector. like when we talk
about economic factors in the tourism sector we don’t
only think about tourist location revenue but about
regional, country, stakeholder and community eco-
nomic income. It doesn’t end here, the problem of
even one factor has become very complex consider-
ing that the stakeholders involved conflict with each
other and influence one another in achieving this eco-
nomic goal. The problem of tourism becomes very
complex when all factors and stakeholders are consid-
ered. In general, this is the background of much re-
search in the tourism sector. the problem of even one
factor has become very complex considering that the
stakeholders involved conflict with each other and in-
fluence one another in achieving this economic goal.
The problem of tourism becomes very complex when
all factors and stakeholders are considered. In gen-
eral, this is the background of much research in the
tourism sector. the problem of even one factor has
become very complex considering that the stakehold-
ers involved conflict with each other and influence one
another in achieving this economic goal. The problem
of tourism becomes very complex when all factors
and stakeholders are considered. In general, this is
the background of much research in the tourism sec-
Taking into account the sustainability of tourism
which is an important topic for the development of a
country, many researches in this field are carried out.
From the results of research searches in the tourism
sector with the MCDA approach, research in this field
is focused on several topics such as several studies
that seek to analyze the role of economic, social and
environmental factors and the stakeholders involved
with the aim of finding a balance between them, to-
wards sustainable tourism increasing research previ-
ously tried to analyze and create an assessment model
for sustainable tourism by applying the multiple cri-
teria decision analysis (MCDA) method, whose main
objective is to explicitly identify the relevant crite-
ria and integrate them into the decision-making pro-
cess. Considering that tourism sustainability involves
the environment as a factor of sustainability, previ-
ous research has tried to carry out an analysis of envi-
ronmental protection and sustainable development in
tourist areas by identifying suitable locations or zones
for sustainable ecotourism development. Not much
different from identifying the most suitable zones for
sustainable ecotourism development, most of the re-
search topics described in the research seek to iden-
tify land, locations that are most suitable for tourism
development aimed at stakeholders, identify the most
popular tourist destinations as tourist destinations. In
contrast to tourism location determination, research
in this sector also seeks to model web-based intel-
ligent frameworks with the aim of providing good
service quality by prioritizing fast and reliable web-
based responses and to improve accuracy and speed
in case matching in tourism destination planning us-
ing MCDA. Related to the many factors involved in
sustainable tourism, one of which is the economic fac-
tor, to reach the level of the economy to be achieved
many studies also try to identify tourism competitive-
ness and are still limited to one particular area. And
up here, research in the tourism sector also tries to
assess the sustainability of tourism by considering in-
dicators such as economic, social and environmental
aspects and reducing them into several variables from
each of these indicators. Identify factors that can af-
fect tourism sustainability for certain tourism zones to
determine sustainable tourism development that can
be implemented.
It is known that in the tourism sector there are
many interesting topics to study, even considering that
each region has different factors, several studies with
similar topics were carried out using the MCDA ap-
proach with different methods. As in determining the
location, land or zone that is most suitable for sus-
tainable tourism development, it is known that sev-
eral methods have been used, such as TOPSIS, ELEC-
TRE I, ANP, a combination of TOPSIS and ANP and
the Fuzzy Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Lab-
oratory (FDEMATEL). For the problem of sustain-
able tourism competitiveness the MCDA approach is
carried out using the TOPSIS, MACBETH, ELEC-
TRE I methods. In identifying the dependency re-
Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) to Support Decision Making in Tourism: A Bibliometric Review
lationships between dimensions involved in sustain-
able tourism that influence each other, MCDA meth-
ods such as DEMATEL-based analytic network pro-
cesses (DANP) and VIKOR and Analytic Network
Processes (ANP) are used. Identify the factors that
affect tourism sustainability using the Fuzzy Analyti-
cal Hierarchy Process (AHP) and CI approaches, se-
lecting sustainable tourism projects to be developed
using Weighted sum and Analytic Hierarchic Process
(AHP) and modeling smart applications in tourism by
integrating AHP with GIS.
Although the application of MCDA in tourism de-
velopment has been quite intensely researched in the
literature over the last few decades, until now there
is no literature that provides guidelines or approaches
for choosing the most appropriate MCDA method to
be applied in tourism and tends to focus on indica-
tors of tourism development, alternatives and some
describe the weaknesses of the MCDA method which
become opportunities for future research. This is cer-
tainly an opportunity to identify new models that can
contribute to new mathematical models that can cover
the weaknesses of the method which aims to identify
alternative combinations to be modified to achieve the
best compromise solution.
This research may miss the non-English MCDA stud-
ies that have informed decisions in the tourism sector.
Second, all searches were performed from only one
database, namely ScienceDirect, for freely accessible
publications, which may have influenced the identifi-
cation of relevant studies. Third, our search criteria
are less stringent, still in general with the search cri-
teria MCDA, MCDM and Tourism published in 2010
to 2020, which risks missing relevant scientific stud-
ies before 2010 and after 2022.
Over the past few decades, tourism has experienced
a continuous and rapid expansion, which can be ben-
eficial for the economic development of the destina-
tion and its people. However, unplanned expansions
put intense pressure on its goals and resources, even
jeopardizing its long-term existence. Therefore, the
need to support sustainability by planning tourism ac-
tivities has attracted a lot of attention and given rise to
a lively expansion of sustainable tourism. The appli-
cation of MCDA in intensive tourism issues is carried
out on research discussions where many interesting
topics are known to be studied, even considering that
each region has varying factors, several studies with
similar topics were carried out using the MCDA ap-
proach with different methods. As for the most suit-
able location, land or zone costs in the development
of sustainable tourism, several studies have used var-
ious methods on MCDA such as TOPSIS, ELECTRE
I, ANP, a combination of TOPSIS and ANP and the
Fuzzy Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Labo-
ratory (FDEMATEL). In the case of tourism com-
petitiveness the application of MCDA is carried out
using the TOPSIS, MACBETH, ELECTRE I meth-
ods. To analyze the interplay between the dimen-
sions involved in tourism, the MCDA approach con-
tinues to be carried out with such as DEMATEL-
based analytic network process (DANP) and VIKOR
and Analytic Network Processes. (ANP) and analy-
sis of factors influencing tourism sustainability with
the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and
CI approaches, selection of tourism projects to be de-
veloped using Weighted sum and Analytic Hierarchic
Process (AHP) and modeling smart applications in
tourism by integrating AHP with GIS. Even though
the discussion on this issue is getting more intensive,
the practical implementation of sustainable measures
in the tourism sector is still inadequate, this is sup-
ported based on the literature which concludes future
research opportunities in the hope of providing more
perfect results in dealing with complex problems such
as tourism and considering this situation, the methods
performance appraisal related to sustainable tourism
has emerged as a potential solution that can drive pol-
icy implementation and target sustainability. Various
researchers have investigated this question, but ac-
knowledge that some of these studies reveal that lim-
itations still often exist and need to be addressed to
provide a more robust model for the assessment of
sustainable tourism. Evaluating tourism is complex
not only because of its fuzzy boundaries but also be-
cause of its multidimensional character and being as-
sociated with multiple stakeholders who often have
conflicting interests. Responding to these challeng-
ing characteristics can become future research oppor-
tunities that can deal with complex problems in the
field of tourism which involve many tricks and in-
volve many stakeholders from various fields, who op-
pose each other, have various goals but are interde-
pendent on one another in the form of a model ap-
proach. new to MCDA. A new approach that can run
more efficiently in the field of tourism so as to find a
balance between economic, social and environmental
factors which each involve many variables and stake-
holders, proposes the MCDA method which has high
suitability and completion, high level of sensitivity.
ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development
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ICAISD 2023 - International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development