Figure 2: Flowchart Fuzzy Time Series Average-Based.
Table 9: Forecasting Accuracy Rate.
County Actual Forecasting
Town HDI 2022 HDI 2022
KS 71.09 69.45 0.0230693
IHU 70.46 69.45 0.0143344
IHI 67.37 77.70 0.1533323
PEL 72.93 71.70 0.0168655
SI 74.50 71.70 0.0375839
KPR 73.84 71.70 0.0289816
RHU 70.31 69.45 0.0122315
BKS 74.38 71.70 0.0360312
RHI 70.10 69.45 0.0092725
MRT 66.52 77.70 0.1680698
PKU 82.06 76.20 0.0714112
DMI 75.26 76.20 0.01249
4.86% and the forecast accuracy is 95.14%. It is
known that the MAPE value is ¡10%, based on the
MAPE criteria in Table 3, this shows that the ac-
curacy of the forecasting level of the Human De-
velopment Index (IPM) in Riau Province in 2022
using the Average-based Fuzzy Time Series Algo-
rithm is very good.
Based on the discussion, it can be concluded that there
has been an increase in HDI values in three cities in
Riau Province for 2023, this means that stakeholders
must make a planning strategy so that HDI values can
also increase in eight other counties that have experi-
enced a decline. The accuracy of forecasting accuracy
is 95.14%, with MAPE 4.86%.
The author would like to thank all those who partici-
pated in this research, especially the respondents who
filled out the questionnaire in this research.
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Application of Fuzzy Time Series Average-Based Algorithm in Forecasting the Human Development Index (HDI)