Table 3: Training and Testing.
No Architectural Epoch Performance Performance
(iterations) Testing Training
1 15-2-1 24 0.137000 0.25340000
2 15-3-1 19 0.130000 0.27500000
3 15-4-1 8 0.000597 0.00026630
4 15-5-1 8 0.000322 0.00075920
5 15-6-1 9 0.000133 0.00001974
6 15-7-1 4 0.000578 0.00036030
7 15-8-1 12 0.000302 0.00043620
Based on the results and discussion described above,
it can be concluded that the Levenberg Marquart
backpropagation method can predict potential mor-
tality in heart failure with MSE training and testing =
0.0150 with 11-7-1 architecture. Determination of the
method in backpropagation training is so influential
on the results, and it’s just that the determination of
the method and pattern must be adjusted to the needs.
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