Application of Data Mining for the Selection Process of Prospective
Students at ITTelkom Surabaya by Using the SPSS Modeler
Rokhmatul Insani, Muhammad Nasrullah, Anfazul Faridatul Azizah and Edriand Imens Raygrandi
Information System Departement, Telkom Surabaya Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia
Application of Data Mining, Selection Process, Prospective Students.
In a tertiary institution, the problem of student resignation is something that often occurs, which can be due to
financial factors or the ability factors possessed by students. Early detection can be carried out on prospective
students who will enter to reduce this risk. A system is needed to support the New Student Admissions (PMB)
process that can predict whether students will survive to graduate or will withdraw in the current semester.
By using data mining techniques predictions can be made on these problems, there are various methods used
to make these predictions, one of which is by using the CHAID Algorithm. Data mining is processed using
the CRISP-DM (The Cross Industry Standard Process Model for Data Mining) method. To help perform data
processing, the IBM SPSS Modeler 18.0 application is used.
Advances in information technology are growing
rapidly in all areas of life, including in the field of
education. Telkom Surabaya Institute of Technology
(ITTelkom Surabaya) is one of the private tertiary in-
stitutions in Indonesia, where students are the main
asset that must be considered for the sustainability of
the tertiary institution. However, in reality, many stu-
dents resign each semester, which impacts the cam-
pus’s finances. The resignation can be due to finan-
cial or ability factors possessed by students. To re-
duce the risk of students dropping out, early detection
can be carried out on prospective students who will
enter. The challenge is how to process the data so
that data can produce the knowledge we need. One
technique for processing a lot of data is data mining
(Insani et al., 2022).
Data mining is a technique for extracting pat-
terns from data so that you can get insight from the
data (Han et al., 2012). Data mining techniques
can be used to predict data based on past data. An
algorithm can be used to predict these problems,
namely classification. The classification method is
widely used in predicting freshmen, such as the re-
search conducted by Khoirunnisa concerning the Pre-
diction of Al-Hidayah Vocational High School Stu-
dents Entering Higher Education Using the Classifi-
cation Method (Khoirunnisa et al., 2021). Research
conducted by Nadiya Hijriana regarding the applica-
tion of the decision tree algorithm C4.5 method for
the selection of prospective university-level scholar-
ship recipients (Hijriana and Rasyidan, 2017; Utami,
2020; Atma and Setyanto, 2018). Research conducted
by Saifudin regarding the use of the classification
method for the selection of prospective students for
new student admissions at Pamulang University (Sai-
fudin, 2018). Another research conducted by Sher-
lyn regarding predictions of potential student enroll-
ment at Taman Siswa Teluk Betung Vocational School
is web-based using the classification method (Putri,
The task of classification is to predict the out-
put of variables/classes that have categorical or poly-
nomial values [7]. Where to carry out classifica-
tion several methods are often used, one of which
is CHAID. Based on research conducted by Ardian-
syah, it was found that the CHAID algorithm is one
of the algorithms with the best performance applied to
the research dataset used (Ardiyansyah et al., 2018).
CHAID stands for Chi-squared Automatic Interaction
Detector. CHAID works to estimate a single variable,
known as the dependent variable, which is based on
several independent variables. CHAID is an iterative
technique that tests the independent variables one by
one used in classification and arranges them based on
the chi-square statistical significance level of the de-
pendent variable (Ardiyansyah et al., 2018).
Insani, R., Nasrullah, M., Azizah, A. and Raygrandi, E.
Application of Data Mining for the Selection Process of Prospective Students at ITTelkom Surabaya by Using the SPSS Modeler.
DOI: 10.5220/0012448600003848
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development (ICAISD 2023), pages 289-294
ISBN: 978-989-758-678-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.