activity: palpitations, drowsiness, excessive fatigue,
dizziness, hypertonic crisis, myocardial infarction,
cerebral stroke, arrhythmia, stress, seizures, strong
irritability, shyness, multiple sclerosis and confusion,
memory impairment and decline, depression and loss
of speech, etc.
The psychological state often changes under the
influence of circumstances, and therefore an
additional criterion for assessing a favourable or
unfavourable state can serve as an emotional state.
Emotional state is a barometer that responds to
changes in the situation during the lesson, to various
phenomena of reality. Understanding one's own
experiences, deeper knowledge of the typical features
of behaviour will allow us to reveal the possibilities
and advantages of this criterion.
The emotional state plays an important role in the
pedagogical process. Emotional expressive speech is
one of the most important criteria for assessing a
favourable psychological state. Emotional colouring
of the teacher’s speech also serves as one of the
criteria for assessing the functional state. The speed
of speech and the strength of sound are usually
associated with the strength of the excitement
physiological state. Rhythm, especially in accordance
with the requirements of the situation in the class, its
change can only indicate a favourable or
unfavourable state of the teacher Q for a certain
period of time. The teacher shows his attitude to the
surrounding world through his speech. He rejoices or
is offended and, through his emotional state, can
cause satisfaction or anger, joy or frustration, hatred
in the students; the rudeness of the teacher provokes
fear or anxiety, coldness, that is, in human emotions,
as a reaction to his feelings and speech, manifests
himself and his attitude towards him.
Thus, the favourable functional state in the lesson
is associated with the teacher’s skill level, optimal
and productive stress on the effective solution of
educational and pedagogical tasks, the basis of
It should not be forgotten that in the transition
from comfortable to uncomfortable, on the contrary,
mood, activity, the desire to work further, satisfaction
from the lesson passed also changes, and all this
affects the functional state of the teacher. In this case,
the emotional state can serve as a criterion for
assessing the functional state at that time. In order to
ensure a comfortable position, first of all, the optimal
conditions of the environment (the teacher's readiness
for the lesson, clean, lighting room, high technical
supply, etc.) and effective tension, as well as the
maximum level of workability, in order to affect the
efficiency of the teacher-pupil activity, the optimum
voltage of the internal state, which depends on the
personal qualities.
In each case, sanitary and hygienic rules, optimal
psychophysiological loads, aesthetic and moral
norms, socio-psychological relations, good
microclimate in the team, etc., can serve as a source
of favourable conditions. However, our life is rich in
various non-standard deviations.
Teachers suffer from rapid fatigue, excessive
tension at the end of each quarter, the level of anxiety
increases. Therefore, undoubtedly, psychological
service in school should work. The psychologist
manages the scientific Counselling Centre, which
allows eliminating negative, unfavourable factors in
this school, organises formal games with elements of
psychotherapy, a cabin that reduces the load on the
car, psychotherapy and psychophysiological. That is,
the teacher learns to self-regulate the psyche, manage
his mood, find ways to get out of the emotional-
psychological stressful situation.
For the growth of creative abilities, a favourable
situation is not enough - it is also necessary to have a
psychological fullness of the individual, constant self-
education, self-knowledge. The teacher should
achieve all this through increasing the overall level of
development, acquiring new psychological
knowledge, improving institutions. Thus, a long-term
favourable situation is created by interrelated
characteristics between the external environment, the
psychological state, the personal qualities of the
teacher, the level of pedagogical skills, the level of
psycho-energetic expenditure and the development of
the general culture of the individual. All this makes it
possible to conclude that in the composition of the
main cases, a favourable emotional state determines
high readiness for activity, conscious regulation of
behaviour, well-being, activity, mood, the desire to
work in the future. An unfavourable state leads to
excessive excitement, high anxiety, anxiety,
confusion. The state of uniformity causes apathy,
depression, lethargy, a decrease in activity, a lack of
desire to work, an increase in the level of anxiety. The
study of the relationship between psychic states and
psychophysiological properties as well as
temperament shows that psychophysiological
properties and temperament are associated with the
strength of the nervous system, as well as with the