(rapid, diverse, specific), logical and articulate
reasoning, and systematic action. This includes
analysis, synthesis, the capacity to think creatively, to
summarise and generalise, to form opinions, and to
accomplish tasks. Therefore, creativity doesn't
merely help an individual to adapt to life, but rather
to transform it. Thus, we can deduce that
representatives of Generation Y are typified by their
creative activities, developed intellect, creative
potential, intellectual development, and a strong
desire for improvement. Given that the
representatives of this age group currently constitute
the 20-38-year-old generation, it's natural that these
results are higher among the representatives of
Generation Y. Our next examination pertains to, “The
profession that leaves ample time and energy for
communication with friends and relatives, for leisure,
and for pursuing various interests is the most suitable
profession for me.” We decided to present the results
of this review in the form of an image below.
Figure 4: Respondents' views on the notion that a profession which conserves time and energy for interacting with friends
and relatives, and allows for leisure time and diverse pursuits, is the most suitable profession for them.
Drawing from the results depicted in Figure 4, it can
be inferred that 31.3% of Generation Z
representatives believe that a profession which
conserves time and energy for interaction with friends
and relatives, and allows for free time and the pursuit
of varied interests, is the most suitable for them.
Given that these respondents are the youngest of
those surveyed, with many still in their formative
years and relatively untouched by life's worries
compared to other generations, it's unsurprising that
they express a desire for leisure, increased social
interaction, and enjoyment during their free time.
The examination of professional values across
different generations suggests varying preferences.
The older generation, it seems, prioritises professions
that demonstrate their agility and strength, without
causing fatigue or negative emotions. The X
generation, on the other hand, favours occupations
offering high salaries and good financial conditions.
The Y generation places importance on professions
that allow for the display of creative freedom and full
expression of their intellectual capabilities. The
youngest participants, belonging to Generation Z,
showed a stronger inclination towards occupations
that preserve time and energy for socialising with
friends and relatives, organising free time, and
pursuing diverse interests, compared to the other
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