Diagnostics of the Current Psychological Status of Children with
Chronic Somatic Diseases
Dilfuza Ilkhamova, Munisa Makhkamova, Jahongir Ortikboev, Laylo Makhkamova
and Mahsuma Nasimjanova
National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tashkent Pediatric Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Children, Development, Chronic Somatic Diseases, Psychology, Self-Esteem, Anxiety, Parent-Child
Relationships, Psychosocial Determinants, Rehabilitation.
Abstract This article discusses the findings of a study on the psychological state and personal characteristics of children
with chronic somatic diseases. It is noted that neurasthenic syndrome is predominant among children with
various forms of chronic pathology. Additionally, alterations in self-esteem and psychological well-being of
children due to the impact of the disease were identified. The study emphasizes the significance of timely
psychodiagnostics and correction of psychological disorders to determine the therapy's effectiveness and
ensure successful social and psychological adaptation of afflicted children.
In the world, ensuring the health of the population is
not only a social but also an important economic
problem in the context of economic growth. In this
area, special attention is paid to preserving physical,
psychological, and socio-spiritual health from
childhood. In 2013, at the 66th session of the United
Nations, a comprehensive action plan was approved,
which is based on the principle "without mental
health, there is no health at all." The insufficient
resolution of the problems of organizing the provision
of complex psychological assistance and
rehabilitation measures remains one of the urgent
tasks of practical medicine and psychological service.
In the world, based on the fact that chronic somatic
diseases take second place after diseases of the central
nervous system as a factor in mental and social
development delay, special attention is paid to
scientific research on the psychosocial determinants
of the rehabilitation of children with these diseases.
As part of the ongoing scientific research, priority is
given to scientific research in such areas as
identifying the role of psychological and socio-
Corresponding author
Clinical conversation and observation for preschool
children include several methods, such as the "Balls"
method, which is used to study self-esteem, the
method developed by R. Temml, V. Dorki, and M.
Amen known as "Diagnosis of anxiety," as well as the
method of Rene-Gille referred to as "The kinetic
pattern of the family."
At the initial stage of the study, a clinical conversation
was conducted with sick children and their parents.
During this conversation, various aspects were
explored, including the child's psychological history,
the attitude of both the children and their parents
towards the illness, the state of the psychological
climate within the family, the child's interpersonal
relationships, and any psychological complaints. The
results of the clinical interview revealed that the
primary psychological issue among children with
chronic somatic diseases in both age groups is
neurasthenic syndrome, which was observed in 88.5%
Ilkhamova, D., Makhkamova, M., Ortikboev, J., Makhkamova, L. and Nasimjanova, M.
Diagnostics of the Current Psychological Status of Children with Chronic Somatic Diseases.
DOI: 10.5220/0012478200003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 106-113
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
of patients. This syndrome manifested through
decreased mood (74.8%), fatigue (84.4%), reduced
performance (77.7%), sleep disturbances (68.4%), and
diminished appetite (62.9%). These symptoms were
even more pronounced in cases with severe disease
conditions. During the clinical conversation with
parents, primarily mothers, it was discovered that
59.4% of patients experienced an unfavourable family
climate, characterized by frequent quarrels between
adults, poor relationships between parents, and
instances of parental divorce. Additionally, 78.4% of
children reported issues in the interpersonal sphere,
with problems involving siblings (29.3%) or peers
(49.1%). 52.6% of mothers complained about their
child's aggressiveness, while 61.7% noted
hyperactivity and impulsivity, along with difficulties
in concentration and self-regulation. Furthermore,
22.8% of children were described as tearful, and
72.3% of mothers highlighted increased anxiety and
fear in their children. During discussions with parents
and the affected children, it became evident that
chronic pathology significantly complicates the social
interactions of these children. This was particularly
notable in the group of children with a holistic form of
viral hepatitis. Despite this form of hepatitis not being
contagious, parents of healthy children often fear
"infection" due to a lack of knowledge about the
disease's specifics. As a result, they restrict their
children from interacting with those affected, leading
to the isolation of children with a holistic form of
chronic hepatitis from society and the development of
an inferiority complex. It is widely known that a
child's health greatly influences the development of
their personality. Therefore, in the treatment and
psychological correction of negative aspects in the
personal development of sick children, it is crucial to
understand and consider the specific deviations related
to certain diseases. Our study on the personal
development of children included an examination of
their attitudes towards their health, as this aspect is
integral to a person's self-awareness. As per existing
literature and our own research, children with various
chronic diseases tend to develop a particular attitude
towards their illness. Thus, during the clinical
conversation, patients in both age groups were
presented with a self-assessment technique to
determine their awareness of their condition and their
own evaluation of the disease's impact on their
personal characteristics. According to the results of
the "Balls" method in the group of preschool children,
there was a significant decline in self-esteem in all
gradations compared to healthy children. Out of
62.2% of patients with chronic somatic diseases, the
majority rated themselves below the norm in terms of
their "health." When asked why they considered
themselves sick compared to their relatives and peers,
the children mentioned instances of headaches,
abdominal pain, and other limitations that they
experienced. Moreover, 32.8% of children also
perceived their mothers as being unwell due to fatigue,
frequent headaches, and rest periods. In terms of the
"happiness" scale, the concept of happiness in children
with chronic somatic diseases was often associated
with the satisfaction of material needs by their parents.
Children from more affluent families, regardless of
their health, perceived themselves as happier, while
those lacking parental love and attention exhibited
lower self-esteem. Evaluating themselves on the
"good-bad" scale, children were influenced by their
parents' opinions. Parents of the children in the main
group, acting as experts, noted changes in their child's
character and behavior after their illness, which
included hyperactivity, disobedience, stubbornness,
tearfulness, and a weak will. An analysis of the
children's self-assessment in terms of the impact of the
disease on other parameters, such as "happiness" and
"character," revealed that preschool-age children did
not yet associate their character traits and positive
emotions with their illness. Illness for children of this
age was more related to physical limitations, such as
following a restricted diet and avoiding strenuous
activities. In the second age group (8-12 years old), a
similar pattern was observed in the Dembo-
Rubinshtein self-assessment method. After illness,
61.6% of children reported changes in themselves,
leading to low self-esteem in areas such as "mind,"
"health," "happiness," and "character." The reduction
in self-esteem on the "mind" scale was linked to a
decline in intellectual abilities, attention, and memory.
Furthermore, the limitations imposed by the disease,
such as missing school, engaging in sports, and
socializing with peers, contributed to the lowered self-
esteem in the "health" and "happiness" scales.
A significant decrease in self-esteem was observed in
children aged 11-12 years, which corresponds to the
puberty stage. The "health," "happiness," and
"character" scales were particularly affected, with
scores being significantly lower compared to the
control group.
The study of self-esteem in children of primary school
age using the Dembo-Rubinshtein method before and
after illness indicated significant reductions in the
"health," "happiness," and "character" scales in
children with gastroduodenal pathology. (Table 1).
Diagnostics of the Current Psychological Status of Children with Chronic Somatic Diseases
Table 1: Self-esteem indicators in a group of children with gastroduodenal pathology using the Dembo-Rubinshtein method,
Self-esteem before illness
Self-esteem after illness
Health 8,16 1,25 4,41 0,90 21,184 ,000*
Happiness 8,03 1,18 5,09 0,84 16,400 ,000*
Character 7,74 1,26 5,76 0,60 12,224 ,000*
Note: * statistically significant differences are noted
Children reported that after the illness, their academic
performance declined as they found it challenging to
remember the materials they read. The need for twice-
yearly treatment in hospital conditions often caused
them to miss school, further affecting their academic
performance (Table 1). As observed from the table,
significant statistical differences exist in the self-
esteem indicators of children across the "mind"
(t=8.28; p<0.05), "health" (t=21.1; p<0.05),
"happiness" (t=16.40; p<0.05), and "character"
(t=12.22; p<0.05) scales. It can be concluded that
chronic pathology affects various aspects of a sick
child's personality. These changes in the personal
sphere are fully recognized by the children and
significantly influence the internal perception of their
In the group of children with chronic viral hepatitis,
there is also a significant decrease in self-esteem
across all scales. As seen in Table 2, there are
statistically significant differences in the "mind"
(t=4.9; p<0.05), "health" (t=13.68; p<0.05),
"happiness" (t=16.40; p<0.05), and "character"
(t=11.5; p<0.05) scales. Children in this group
mentioned that the disease hindered their
participation in sports and complained about memory
deterioration, lethargy, and apathy. When asked why
they rated themselves lower on the "happiness" scale
compared to their healthy peers, they pointed out that
they were deprived of many opportunities and began
to exhibit aggressiveness, irritability, and rudeness in
their character.
Table 2. Self-esteem indicators in a group of children diagnosed with chronic viral hepatitis using the Dembo-Rubinshtein
method, N=60.
Self-esteem before illness
Self-esteem after illness
M σ M σ
Mind 6,1 1,53 4,81 1,05 4,902 ,000*
Health 7,14 0,91 4,55 1,06 13,685 ,000*
Happiness 7,41 1,19 4,21 1,28 12,739 ,000*
Character 7,81 1,23 5,3 0,86 11,563 ,000*
Note: * statistically significant differences are noted
If self-assessment studies were conducted before and
after the disease in other nosological groups, they
were carried out only once for children with
cardiovascular diseases. This was due to the early
diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, and the children
were only able to report their current self-esteem.
Analysing the results of studying the self-esteem of
these children (Table 3), it was observed that the
"health" scale showed the greatest decrease. This is
expected since cardiovascular diseases significantly
affect the physical capabilities of the child, imposing
limitations. The children reported experiencing pain
in the region of the heart, frequent shortness of breath
during physical exertion, and fatigue. When rating
themselves according to the "happiness" scale, they
associated this concept with their health. Further
observations during the tests revealed that these
children exhibited characteristics that set them apart
from children with other diseases. They displayed
traits such as isolation, shyness, self-doubt, and a
strong dependence on their parents. However, if we
consider the indicators of the "character" scale, these
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
children rated themselves relatively higher compared
to children from other nosological groups. This could
be attributed to the presence of hyperactivity in many
children with gastroduodenal pathology, as well as
complaints from their mothers regarding their
aggressiveness and irritability. In contrast, children
with cardiovascular diseases were more gentle,
compliant, and reserved, and perhaps they perceive
themselves as having a better character since they
avoid conflicts with others. Below is a comparison of
the results obtained by the Dembo-Rubinstein method
in children with cardiovascular diseases and healthy
children (Table 3). It is essential to note that this
category of children exhibits distinctive
psychological characteristics. They were born with
their diseases and have faced restrictions from an
early age due to their condition. Additionally, their
parents tend to be overprotective, considering them
"weak," "sick," "limited," and "vulnerable."
Naturally, the parental attitudes towards the child's
illness influence the child's perception of their
condition, self-esteem, and self-perception.
Тable 3: Self-esteem indicators in groups of children diagnosed with cardiovascular disease and healthy children using the
Dembo-Rubinshtein method, N=69.
Healthy children
M σ M σ
6,09 1,04 6,58 1,31
-1,703 ,093
4,03 1,02 8,0 0,99
-16,398 ,000*
6,06 1,15 7,32 1,28
-4,230 ,000*
6,42 0,67 8,26 0,76
-10,553 ,000*
As can be observed from the table, the self-esteem
indicators of children with cardiovascular diseases
significantly differ from those of healthy children
across the "health" (t=-16.39; p<0.05), "happiness"
(t=-4.2; p<0.05), and "character" (t=-10.5; p<0.05)
gradations. An examination of the self-esteem study
results in healthy children revealed that their self-
esteem in terms of "mind," "health," "happiness," and
"character" corresponds to normal indicators.
Children in this group associated their "happiness"
and "character" ratings more with socio-
psychological factors, such as relationships with
parents, the psychological atmosphere within the
family, and the attitudes of friends. The comparison
of the self-esteem study results among children with
chronic somatic diseases showed significant
differences in self-esteem across all gradations. After
illness, children with chronic pathology noted
changes in their character, such as increased
irritability, a preference for loneliness, and at times,
irascibility and aggressiveness. During conversations,
they repeatedly mentioned fears associated with
eating, anticipating pain in the epigastric region,
medical procedures, and frequent hospitalizations.
Some patients emphasized feelings of despondency
and decreased academic performance, expressing
embarrassment over frequent illnesses. It should be
noted that particularly low self-esteem in all
gradations was observed in severe forms of the
disease, which was prevalent among children with
chronic viral hepatitis leading to liver cirrhosis.
Consequently, it can be concluded that chronic
somatic diseases significantly alter the social
development situation of a child and affect the
formation of their personal characteristics, including
self-esteem and self-attitude. The more severe the
nature of the disease, the poorer the psychological
state of the affected child. Additionally, as the child
grows older, their awareness of the disease increases,
resulting in a clearer yet more complex internal
perception of the illness. The interview and self-
assessment methods revealed that children perceive
the disease not only sensually, in terms of painful
sensations, but also psychologically, as an obstacle
hindering their goals and as a limitation not only in
the physical realm but also in psychological and
social well-being. Correlation analysis of the results
of the Dembo-Rubinstein technique before illness in
children with gastroduodenal pathology
demonstrated a negative correlation between the
"health" and "mind" gradations (p<0.01) (Table 4).
Diagnostics of the Current Psychological Status of Children with Chronic Somatic Diseases
Тable 4: Correlation coefficients between indicators of self-assessment before the disease using the Dembo-Rubinshtein
method in the group of children with gastroduodenal pathology, N=60
Indicators Mind Health Happiness Character
-,403** -,115 -,102
-,403** ,238 ,100
-,115 ,238 ,176
-,102 ,100 ,176
Note:* - р <0,05 **- р <0,01
The correlation analysis of the results of the Dembo-
Rubinstein technique after illness in children with
chronic gastroduodenitis did not uncover any
significant correlations between the gradations
"mind," "health," "happiness," and "character" (Table
Table 5 reveals that a correlation exists between the
gradations "happiness" and "character" (p<0.01) in
children with chronic viral hepatitis before the
Таble 5: Coefficients of correlations between indicators of self-assessment before the disease using the Dembo-Rubinshtein
method in the group of children with chronic viral hepatitis, N=60
Indicators Mind Health Happiness Character
,016 ,053 ,078
,016 ,101 ,208
,053 ,101 -,339**
,078 ,208 -,339**
Note:* - р <0,05 **- р <0,01
The correlation analysis of self-esteem indicators in
children with chronic viral hepatitis after illness
indicated a relationship between the gradations
"mind" and "character" (p<0.05) (Table 6).
Таble 6: Correlation coefficients between indicators of self-esteem after illness using the Dembo-Rubinshtein method in the
group of children with chronic viral hepatitis, N=60
Indicators Mind Health Happiness Character
-,010 ,055 ,316*
-,010 -,027 -,083
,055 -,027 ,018
,316* -,083 ,018
Note:* - р <0,05 **- р <0,01
In the group of children with cardiovascular diseases,
no correlations were found between the gradation
indicators. Analysing the results of the study of self-
esteem in healthy children revealed that their system
of self-esteem across the gradations "mind," "health,"
"happiness," and "character" corresponds to normal
indicators. Children in this group associated their
self-esteem ratings on the "happiness" and
"character" gradations more with socio-psychological
factors, such as relationships with parents, the
psychological climate within the family, and the
attitude of friends. Comparing the results of the study
of self-esteem in children with chronic somatic
diseases indicated statistically significant differences
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
in self-esteem across all gradations (Figure 6). After
illness, children with chronic pathology reported
changes in their character, such as increased
irritability, a desire for loneliness, and occasional
irascibility and aggressiveness. During the
conversations, they repeatedly expressed fears related
to eating and expecting pain in the epigastric region,
medical procedures, and frequent hospitalizations.
Some patients emphasized feelings of disinterest,
decreased academic performance, and
embarrassment over frequent illnesses. The study
results of the psycho-emotional state of sick children
demonstrated that both preschool and primary school-
aged children exhibited high levels of anxiety.
According to the Temple-Amen-Dorkey
methodology for studying anxiety in children,
significant differences were observed in the
indicators of the psycho-emotional state between
groups of children with chronic viral hepatitis,
gastroduodenitis, and healthy children (Table 7).
Table 7. The results of the ANOVA comparison of the anxiety index using R. Tamml, M. Dorki, & V. Amen’s method
between healthy children and those diagnosed with gastroduodenitis and chronic viral hepatitis, N=57
Gastroduodenitis N=19
Chronic viral hepatitis
Children N=19
F Level of significance (р)
M σ M σ M σ
Anxiety 35,8 9,8 56,5 9,4 37,4 12,5 22,027 ,000*
Note: * statistically significant differences are noted
According to a qualitative analysis of the results from
the "House-tree-man" methodology, it was revealed
that 84.4% of primary school-age children with
chronic somatic diseases experience a high level of
anxiety and fear. Among children with a prolonged
illness (over 3 years), high levels of anxiety (93.3%)
and fear (80.0%) were particularly characteristic.
Notably, these symptoms became more pronounced
with a severe degree of the disease, and in the group
of children aged 11-12 years (puberty), feelings of
fear and anxiety were primarily associated with their
health condition (anxiety about the future, fear of
death, etc.). In the drawings of children in the control
group, elements of anxiety and fear were rarely
expressed and significantly differed from the
drawings of sick children (p<0.001). Through this
technique, we could also gather information about the
personal characteristics of patients. Sick children,
when compared with their healthy peers, significantly
differed in suspiciousness, irritability, and
helplessness (p<0.001). It is worth noting that the
majority of children with chronic somatic diseases
depicted a hospital or portrayed a sick person as being
at home, which confirms the deep psychological
impact of their illness.
Table 8. Differences in the indicators of the “House. Wood. Man" methodology as per the nosology, N=108
Средний ранг
Wallis test
level (p)
N=35 Chronic viral
hepatitis N=40
Cardio vascular
34,63 72,00 44,95 70,83 34,034 ,000*
31,74 63,29 63,38 76,04 31,788 ,000*
50,99 51,55 68,79 49,58 5,797 ,122
Feelings of
27,50 64,14 65,71 81,50 43,534 ,000*
33,79 75,94 36,74 74,54 47,303 ,002*
31,69 72,81 50,6 66,83 36,629 ,000*
Difficulties in
33,79 57,11 73,88 72,29 30,376 ,018*
28,47 68,18 55,83 82,50 44,291 ,000*
Note: * statistically significant differences are noted
Diagnostics of the Current Psychological Status of Children with Chronic Somatic Diseases
As can be observed from the table, children with
chronic viral hepatitis experience feelings of
insecurity, high anxiety, aggressiveness, a tendency
to conflict, and a decrease in mood. The condition
further complicates when chronic viral hepatitis
progresses to liver cirrhosis. In comparison to
children from other nosological groups, patients with
cardiovascular diseases exhibit a high degree of
anxiety, an inferiority complex, and difficulties in
interacting with others (p<0.001).
The attitude of parents towards a child suffering from
a chronic disease is of great importance, as stated by
various experts (V.V. Nikolaeva, E.P. Kasatkina,
M.A. Zhukovsky). The study results on the parents'
attitude towards their child's illness revealed that
during the initial stage of the illness, parents often
show indifference. However, as the disease worsens
and the child requires hospitalization, parents may
panic and become overprotective, excessively
limiting the child's freedom and even trying to shield
them from their siblings. The parents' attitude towards
the child also depended on the family dynamics, the
number of children, and the child's financial situation.
One of the age-specific characteristics observed in
pubertal children (10-12 years old) is their desire to
assert independence and break free from parental
care. It was found that parents' efforts to restrict the
child's abilities and overprotectiveness, without
recognizing their independence, can lead to
interpersonal relationship issues between parents and
children. Children in this particular age group often
sought help from a psychologist, and their illness was
influenced by problems in interpersonal relationships,
which hindered disease remission. The PARI method
yielded the following results: [The specific results
from the PARI method should be inserted here].
Таble 9: Attitude indicators of the children’s parents using the PARY method (N=30)
Scales Average value min max Standard
Optimal emotional connection 10,17 6 16 2,7
Excessive emotional distance 16,43 12 19 1,9
Too much focus on the child 17,10 12 19 1,6
During the process of treatment, it was also
uncovered that parents impose excessive demands on
their children, which includes constant and strict
control over the child's diet, behaviour, and
acceptance of medical procedures. This situation, on
one hand, causes a sense of dissatisfaction in the
children, and on the other hand, in preschool-age
children, it leads to stubbornness, disobedience, and a
desire to defy their parents or display high levels of
Chronic somatic pathology significantly alters the
social development of preschool and primary school-
age children, impacting all aspects of their lives in a
negative manner. In preschool children, their
perception of the illness heavily relies on their
parents' understanding of the condition, often leading
to distorted views. As children grow older and enter
primary school, they begin to comprehend their
illness and assess its impact on their overall quality of
life. The psychological changes in a sick child depend
largely on the nature, severity, and duration of the
disease. More severe and prolonged illnesses have a
greater negative impact on the child's psychosocial
well-being. When implementing psycho-corrective
measures for these children, it is crucial to consider
the specific characteristics of their diseases. For
instance, art therapy, fairy tale therapy, and psycho-
gymnastics have proven to be effective in cases of
chronic viral hepatitis and cardiovascular diseases
among children. The use of fairy tale therapy, game
therapy, and psycho-gymnastics for children with
chronic gastroduodenitis has shown positive results in
alleviating the high levels of fear and anxiety
associated with the diseases and the treatment
process. For children with cerebral palsy, it is
essential to assess their sensory function, orienting-
cognitive reactions, and the development of
emotional connections with others to determine their
developmental opportunities. These children may
exhibit certain characteristics during communication,
such as low emotional responsiveness, lethargy, high
fatigue, and attention instability.
The main focus of rehabilitation for children with
chronic somatic diseases should consider their
attitude towards the illness, their relationships with
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
parents and others, and the changes in their psycho-
emotional well-being while taking into account their
overall psychological status. Rehabilitation and
habilitation efforts aimed at these children should aim
to fully restore their participation in society, enhance
their quality of life, and facilitate their social and
psychological adaptation.
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Diagnostics of the Current Psychological Status of Children with Chronic Somatic Diseases