Scientific Underpinnings of Vocational Guidance for Secondary
School Pupils
N. Majidov
, J. Majidov
and B. Majidov
National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan
Tashkent Financial Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords Socio-Economic Aspect, Vocational Guidance, Psycho Physiological Qualities, Human Factor, Personality.
Abstract This study explores the multi-dimensional landscape of career guidance, dissecting its socio-economic,
technological, medical, psychological, and pedagogical dimensions. Investigating how these facets converge
to prepare young individuals for informed career choices, the research delves into the psychological
underpinnings pivotal for efficient vocational selection. Emphasizing the significance of polytechnic
education, it examines how diverse academic subjects offer insights into a spectrum of professions, cultivating
a versatile skill set. Anchored in B.F. Lomov's motive-driven activity theory, the study scrutinizes how
internal motives steer career decisions. It highlights the role of vocational advisors in refining neuropathic
tendencies and details profession-specific requirements through professiograms. The study advocates for
student engagement and self-observation to facilitate well-informed career pathways.
Career guidance comprises a system of socio-
economic, technological, medical, psychological, and
pedagogical activities designed to ready young
individuals for a conscious selection of their
profession and speciality. The socio-economic
element of vocational guidance assesses the labour
requirement in a country or region, whilst the
technological aspect determines the physical and
moral-psychological qualities necessary for the
professional; medical and psychological elements
diagnose the level and unique characteristics of
physical and mental development of the professional
applicant and correct and further develop the
psychophysiological traits of students requiring
specialisation in pedagogy. Consequently, the crux of
active and effective vocational guidance resides in the
psychological and pedagogical activity of education
and correction. The human element serves as the
primary subject of educational influence at all stages
of career guidance work within schools.
The psychological framework of career-oriented
activity involves the constant formation of the
Corresponding author
individual traits of the student, their needs, interests,
beliefs, life experience, neurodynamic qualities and
personality traits, mental processes and relationships,
which form the foundation of professional work
efficiency and the conscious selection of profession
and specialisation.
A systematic exploration of vocational guidance
issues is particularly significant in polytechnic
education. Each academic subject is 'engaged' in
some manner in professional labour activity,
justifying or disclosing in its own way
(mathematically, physically, biologically, etc.) the
technology or economics of labour, its hygienic,
aesthetic, and humanistic aspects, and prospects for
development in relation to scientific, technical, and
social progress. Polytechnic education will contribute
to the development of students' professional skills and
interests provided each academic subject equips the
student with specific knowledge, and discloses the
commonalities in professions, which, when
integrated into the structure of other types of
professional activity, makes the student a well-
rounded individual, thus creating the conditions for
their readiness for an array of professional activities
a 'jack of all trades'. This forms one of the most
Majidov, N., Majidov, J. and Majidov, B.
Scientific Underpinnings of Vocational Guidance for Secondary School Pupils.
DOI: 10.5220/0012478400003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 119-124
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
important theoretical foundations for the
development of poly-professionalism in young
people, enabling a seamless transition of existing
interests to the required speciality, as observed in
regions with a limited range of professions and
specialities or in the presence of contraindications to
the preferred profession.
Human activity is invariably influenced by an
individual's internal qualities, knowledge,
experiences, and perspectives. Paramount among
these is the motivational mindset. A motive
represents an internal driving force, forming the basis
of psychological preparation for work in general, and
for work within a specific professional field in
particular. A motive guides the conscious selection of
a profession. B.F. Lomov contends that activity is
driven by one motive or another and is targeted
towards achieving a specific goal. The 'motive-goal'
vector functions as a central core, organising the
entirety of mental processes and states engaged
within this activity. At the initial stages of career
guidance, external stimuli (such as imitation,
command, external appeal of an activity, etc.) that do
not influence the need aspect, which internally
stimulates activity, can act as a catalyst for the
execution of professional tasks. The role of a career
advisor is to transition external stimuli to internal
stimuli through suitable pedagogical influence and
personal impact. To this end, professional
information should be emotionally charged, eliciting
in students not only cognitive but also moral and
aesthetic responses. The emotional element in
vocational guidance interactions with students, as is
known, stimulates volitional activity. The cognitive
aspect in professional actions, along with positive
emotional experiences when performing them, are the
primary components of interest, which serve as a
significant stimulus for a person's mental and
physical activity.
Every professional activity, every labour, is an
expenditure of human labour power, as the founders
of Marxism underscored. Labour activity, regardless
of its type, represents the expenditure of the human
brain, muscles, nerves, arms, and so on. For the
human labour power to be spent productively, it needs
to be more or less developed. Naturally, the
educational and vocational advisory work of the
school should aim at developing certain aspects and
qualities of a person (physical and mental) and re-
educating others. This necessitates a comprehensive
understanding of the student on the part of the
professional advisor.
In professional leadership and career choice, it is
primarily essential to consider the individual
characteristics of the person innate anatomical and
physiological, and chiefly the customary,
characteristic qualities acquired during the
educational process. Congenital typological traits of
the nervous system, exhibited in labour activity
through various variations of strength, mobility, and
balance of nervous processes, and in a person's
temperament, should be closely scrutinised by a
vocational guidance counsellor for refinement.
Psychologists such as B.M. Teplova, V.D.
Nebylytsyna, and others have proven that
significantly different characters can be formed based
on the same properties of higher nervous activity in
people, and that similar characters can be formed
based on different properties of the nervous system.
The same should be recognised concerning
introversion (directed inward, towards oneself) and
extroversion (directed outward, towards objects and
phenomena of the surrounding reality) of the
personality. In vocational guidance work, some
neuropathic and psychopathic inclinations
excessive excitability and introversion, suspicion,
aggressiveness, etc., which are manifested to one
degree or another in individual boys and girls
should be taken into account. When observing these
phenomena and planning methods and means of
overcoming them, attention should be paid to their
genesis (to discern their root: functional disorders
triggered by adverse living conditions and
upbringing, or some congenital pathogenic
circumstances alcoholism, nervous diseases of the
parents). Nevertheless, in all such cases, a delicate
pedagogical approach should be employed, with
tactfully given recommendations, educational and
labour tests taking into account the student's interests,
aimed, along with re-education, at choosing such
labour activity that will not provoke neuropathic
manifestations in behaviour.
During the processes of vocational information
provision and vocational consultation, a career
guidance counsellor should base their decisions on
the psychograms and physiograms of an individual's
personality, in addition to professiograms. It's vital to
consider the overall health of young men and women,
the state of their sensory organs - vision, hearing,
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tactile, olfactory, and gustatory sensitivity - as well as
their mental activity. This includes observation and
curiosity, creative tendencies in drawing and
sketching, an ability to perceive beauty, a sense for
novelty, a predisposition towards performing or
creative design activities, characteristics of motor
reactions such as speed, mobility or rigidity, rapidity
in acquiring skills and abilities, as well as the stability
or variability of moods, interests, and other personal
qualities of students. In all these aspects, the career
counsellor should base their decisions not on
empirical observations, but on scientifically sound
As previously mentioned, it's important for a career
counsellor to be aware of any contraindications to
specific professions. It's known that colour blindness,
which is found in 5-7% of men (and 1-1.5% of
women), is contraindicated for the professions of
drivers and fabric sellers. For many professions, a
decrease in visual acuity, hearing (drivers, radio
operators, operators, etc.), smell and taste (food
workers, chemists), as well as disorders of the
respiratory and cardiovascular systems are
contraindicated. Currently, health authorities have
available a comprehensive list of scientifically
substantiated contraindications for many professions.
For instance, contraindications for a radiotelegraph
operator include decreased hearing, poor auditory
memory, a low level of performance, and fatigue.
In all levels of vocational guidance (including
vocational information provision, vocational
consultation, and drafting of a student's profile and
recommendations), the focus should be on the
professiogram of the profession, which should detail
the following:
1. General characteristics of the profession and its
individual specialties; skill levels in the profession
and its specialties.
2. Description of labour processes, types of work
3. Working conditions (labour, primarily physical or
mental; place of work - production premises or
natural conditions; collective or individual; hygienic
working conditions, potential occupational hazards).
4. Requirements for an individual’s specialty - their
mental and physical sphere, load on the nervous
system, emotional-volitional sphere.
5. The necessary knowledge for successful execution
of labour processes.
6. Skills - mental, physical.
7. The dynamics of the development of the profession
and specialty in connection with scientific and
technological progress.
8. Potential accidents, flawed work due to a person's
moral and psychological qualities.
9. The economy of the profession, its significance and
distribution in the regions of the country.
10. Where to acquire training for the profession.
Presently, there are approximately 1500 specialties.
As it's naturally impossible for a single career
counsellor to cover all professions and specialties,
they must resort to classifying them according to the
subjects (objects) of labour, the goals of labour,
working conditions, the tools of labour used, and the
leading knowledge with which labour activity is
carried out.
Regarding the subject of labour (according to E.A.
1. Human - nature (land, water, plants, animals,
nature conservation).
2. Human - technology (machines, mechanisms, their
manufacture, use in labour).
3. Human - human (work with people, collective
work, relationships with people, management of
people's work).
4. Human - symbol system (mathematical, graphic,
5. Human - artistic representation (literature, art).
By labour goals:
1. Gnostic activity (educational, cognitive, feature
2. Transforming (scientific work, art, visual,
rationalisation activities).
3. Prospecting (geology, exploration of mineral
wealth, route mapping).
By the tools used:
1. Machine labour (turner, milling machine operator,
weaver, electric locomotive driver, driver, pilot,
tractor driver, combine operator).
2. Manual labour (locksmith, carpenter, fitter,
equipment regulator, mechanical assembly work,
drawing work).
3. Hardware labour (refinery operator, steelmaker,
thermistor technician, physicist, chemist).
4. Operator (control panel, tracking, working with
According to the leading knowledge:
Scientific Underpinnings of Vocational Guidance for Secondary School Pupils
1. Physical and mathematical knowledge
(engineering and technical work, astronomy,
2. Biological and chemical knowledge (medicine,
agronomy, pharmacology, chemical production).
3. Humanities (history, literature, art, linguistics,
By working conditions:
1. Labour in different geographical latitudes (north,
southern regions, surface reliefs, water areas).
2. Hygienic conditions (work in conditions of
occupational health, day and night work, work of
drivers, long-term travel, various conditions of food
and rest).
3. Labour in enclosed spaces, in nature (factory
production labour, agricultural labour).
The provided information regarding the classification
of types of labour ought to be supplemented and
adjusted in accordance with scientific and
technological progress, as well as changes in working
conditions. When aiming at professional orientation
with the provided classifications of activity types, it
is necessary to distinguish common elements within
professions and specialties. This is important not only
in vocational counselling work and in the preliminary
determination of students' professional aptitude, but
also when they 'try on' professions, so as to provide a
broader perspective on the professional capabilities of
each boy and girl and facilitate a conscious choice of
professional direction.
As an example, we provide a professional analysis of
individual professions, which can be utilised in all
aspects of vocational guidance for students,
particularly when determining the requirements of a
profession for a specialist.
The professions listed below have the following
requirements for a specialist:
Table 1: Requirements for specialists.
Profession, activity Requirements
1 2
Pedagogical (teacher,
Consciousness and conviction. High literacy,
knowledge of one's subject, erudition, and the desire
for constant learning, accompanied by intellectual and
emotional activity. A high level of mental and
behavioural culture, tact, humanity, optimism, and
Engineering and technical specialties
Physical and mathematical knowledge. A capacity for
spatial understanding and imagination; orientation in
space. Constructive and technical creativity, analytical
thinking; an inclination towards design; a predilection
for technical activity; an interest in a specific
engineering and technical speciality; keen observation
(visual, auditory, etc.), and an ability to predict
Driving professions
Excellent visual acuity and hearing; proficient colour
perception; swift reaction times; constructive and
technical thinking, quick-wittedness, consistent
attention, and the ability to distribute attention
effectively; spatial orientation; knowledge in the field
of physics; and a high standard of communication
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Medical specialties (doctor, paramedic, nurse),
Thorough knowledge of biology, anatomy, and
physiology; excellent understanding of human
psychology, especially that of patients; compassion;
auditory and visual observation skills; the ability to
perform manipulations. Good knowledge of electrical
engineering, physics, and chemistry; patience when
dealing with patients; optimism; an inclination
towards interacting with patients; excellent memory
for different types of diseases and their symptoms, as
well as for remedies; understanding of animal
professions (planner, economist, materials scientist,
accountant, etc.)
Strong knowledge of fundamental sciences,
particularly computing; a tendency towards thrift and
efficiency; a clear understanding of industry
development; economic thinking; the ability to
incorporate future development prospects into
planning; accuracy in calculations; understanding of
the country's economy; politeness and a cultivated
manner of communication.
The outlined requirements for professions are
general and should be specified when constructing a
specialist's professiogram, for example: maths
teacher or primary school teacher; civil engineer or
mechanical engineer; general practitioner or surgeon,
Career paths are numerous: cinema, television
programmes, excursions, reading fiction, scientific
and technical literature, conversations with
specialists, etc. However, the primary ones are
technical and labour training, classes in special
All subjects within the general education curriculum
provide opportunities for revealing certain aspects of
the labour professions of human activity. By studying
academic subjects, students grasp the role of science
in the technological process, the creation of working
conditions, the aesthetics of labour activity, and the
process of overcoming difficulties specific to their
chosen profession and its requirements. The role of
polytechnic teaching through academic subjects
cannot be overestimated. Therefore, a career
counsellor, when conducting labour education of
young people, must continuously liaise with subject
teachers and educators.
In career guidance work, considerable attention
should be given to identifying the interests,
inclinations, and abilities of boys and girls.
There are numerous ways to identify an individual's
qualities and their suitability for a particular job.
These include medical, physiological, pedagogical,
and psychological research. Specialised laboratories
and institutes engage in the theory and practice of
professional selection. The most accessible ways to
identify personality traits include:
a). Observing students during their general and labour
education and assessing the level of development of
diligence, attention, discipline, consciousness,
interest in academic subjects, and the speed of
mastering skills, etc. The conclusions from these
observations will be reliable if they are carried out
purposefully, over a long time, and not just by one
person, but by all teachers, labour instructors, and
other competent individuals. Based on the results of
these observations, characteristics of the students are
compiled, which should reflect what is essential in
their personality, especially what pertains to their
work interests and goals;
b). Conversations with students about their interests
and inclinations, successes and difficulties in
assimilating educational knowledge, abilities, and
skills, and their success in labour training. For
students to be able to assess their successes and
qualities accurately, they need to be taught self-
observation, the ability to monitor the development of
their abilities and their alignment with the
requirements of their chosen profession, and
realistically evaluate the sustainability of their
interests and opportunities in mastering a speciality;
Scientific Underpinnings of Vocational Guidance for Secondary School Pupils
c). Medical indicators such as the state of health,
vision and hearing, the nervous system, and motor
function. When determining professional suitability
for more responsible professions, for example, a pilot,
an electric locomotive driver, a driver, an operator,
etc., it's necessary to inquire about more in-depth
psychophysiological characteristics and potential
psychopathic traits of the individual.
Patient and calm observation of students is the most
effective way to identify their individual capabilities.
In all instances, it's essential for a career counsellor to
seek advice from their teachers and, particularly, a
labour instructor (teacher), from a knowledgeable
representative of the industry that the student is
interested in. Only after that should professional
reorientation be considered. Crucial in all cases is a
test of the student's resolve and verification of the
stability of their interest in the speciality, even under
challenging and less favourable conditions.
The role of young men and women in career guidance
should not be passive. Self-observation is the path to
self-understanding. It's recommended that you
answer the following questions:
1. What holds the greatest interest? What kind of
work is done willingly, without much fatigue, and
doesn't become tedious?
2. In which activity (labour, educational) are the
greatest successes achieved? Which types of work, or
educational subjects, come easily and quickly, and
mastering which brings satisfaction?
3. For which activity (profession) are the best
(theoretical and practical) knowledge and skills
4. Where and in what jobs (easy, difficult) have you
tried your hand at the vice activity of interest?
5. How did those who observed your work assess
your tests of resilience?
6. Why do you believe that you can achieve good
results in the profession that interests you?
7. What are the pros and cons of choosing your
Based on the results of the vocational guidance work,
characteristics-recommendations are compiled.
These reflect the individual psychophysical attributes
of a student who is graduating from school.
The characteristic should be optimistically oriented
towards the further development of the moral-
psychological and physical qualities of a professional
in the field where the applicant will end up (industry,
institution, special educational institution) after
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