already thinking about what profession to choose to
stay in school forever" (Raino N.).
The attitude to the teacher's profession is also
influenced by reading fiction, watching films,
performances about school, about teachers. This was
indicated by 2.4% of students: "As soon as I read a
book about a good teacher, I immediately wanted to
become a teacher and exactly the same as the one
from the book" (Raino S.).
"Since childhood, my favourite books were books
about school, I read them several times" (Nelya K.).
Books have a great influence on the formation of
attitudes towards the teaching profession. "I have
already read the Pedagogical Poem several times.
Makarenko is an ideal educator for me. If I used to
read this book just as a work of art, now I have
become more interested in the techniques of Anton
Semenovich" (Gulya K.).
Another motive for choosing a teaching
profession is respect for their teacher (4.3%). This
factor may be influenced by the results of its
activities. Its formation may be influenced by the
manner of behaviour, the style of work of the teacher,
his attitude to students, the high quality of teaching,
etc. For example: "At school, in Uzbek language and
literature lessons, I eagerly hung on every word of the
teacher. We had a teacher, Husan Fazilov. His lessons
fascinated us. He was able to find "the key to our
hearts. Even the most restless froze in their seats and
listened, afraid to miss even a word. It was he who
helped strengthen my dream. And if I achieve my
goal, I will always tell children about my first
teacher" (Nigora Yu.). "Thanks to T. V., I love this
subject, I began to read a lot of historical books. She
is one of those who influenced the life path I chose"
(Kamil S.).
As the analysis of the materials obtained showed,
2.7% of the subjects had a decisive influence on the
choice of a teacher's profession.
"I understood that only studying at a pedagogical
institute would bring me satisfaction. Maybe it's
naive, but already from school, I dreamed of teaching
work; somehow, I was preparing for it in my own
way. To a greater extent, this was facilitated by the
fact that my mother works in the kindergarten. In my
free time, I often ran to her; I loved to help the
educators at least in some way. How interesting these
kids are, demanding so much attention to themselves.
They pay with kindness for being sensitive to them"
(Dilor N.).
2.3% of students develop an interest in
pedagogical work under the influence of social
activities of schoolchildren. Any student can take the
position of an educator.
"The desire to become a teacher appeared to me
early. Even before I went to school," recalls Mardona
M., "Our neighbors in the apartment, leaving the
review, I was happy to stay with them for the older
sister. I sat them on chairs and started playing school.
And it was so interesting that even now I remember
that distant time with pleasure."
"The desire to become a teacher appeared to me
early. And I decided to check if I could work as a
teacher. My friend and I became counsellors in a
sponsored class. We took the kids to the cinema, the
circus, read books to them, held conversations with
them. They rejoiced every time we came. Happy
smiles shone on their enthusiastic faces. We loved our
mentees very much. This love for children grew
stronger every year. We gradually got acquainted
with our future profession, with difficulties
encountered in the work of a teacher" (Manzura S.).
A positive attitude towards the teaching
profession in the family is a favourable factor in
choosing this profession. 2.6% of the students came
to the kindergarten, intending to continue the family
tradition in the future. Since the interest that has
arisen under the influence of parents or teachers is the
deepest and most persistent, in this case, the
pedagogical institutes receive a very valuable
"My mum," Dilfuza writes in the essay. M, is a
primary school teacher. She often brought student
notebooks. I watched with interest as she checked
them, wrote comments, and gave grades. I knew all
her students by their last names and first names; I
knew who was studying and behaving."
"My father is a teacher. Since childhood, I have
watched him as he prepares for lessons, as he checks
notebooks and puts grades. He talks a lot about his
work, about his successes and failures. The teaching
profession is close to me. I know better than anyone
else all these difficulties, but still, I can't imagine
myself in any other role. I want to continue my
father's work and devote my life to this difficult but
noble profession" (Gulmira H.).
Along with the above-mentioned motives, some
other factors also influence students' choice of a
teaching profession. The most important of them are
the influence and example of friends, participation in
public affairs, the attitude of others to the teacher and
his work. "I like the profession of a teacher. She is
very attractive in the countryside, honourable, the
most respected. People, greeting teachers, bow their
heads and put their hand to their heart" (Ali A.). The
motive of this type among high school students is