revealing the rich linguistic layer of the 15
Uzbek language can open up linguistic possibilities,
promote the creative heritage of Alisher Navoi on a
global scale, and to achieve broader use of our
national heritage in the modern information and
communication system. Efforts to promote the works
of our ancestors among young people, and to present
examples of classic literature in a readable and
understandable way is an important task to create
philological corpora, including Alisher Navoi’s
authorship corpus. To accomplish this, semantic
tagging of Navoi’s creative heritage is imperative.
Therefore, in the first step, since the most of the
educational literature issued for secondary education
was created based on the "Khazayin ul-Maani"
collection of "Badoye’ ul-wasat" devon of the of
Alisher Navoi, to enable students to read, understand,
and familiarise themselves with the works of Alisher
Navoi, Alisher Navoi’s author corpus based on the
semantic tags of 650 gazels (Abjalova M., Gulomova
N., Rashidov H. (2022)) in the "Badoye’ ul-wasat"
collection (Alisher Navoi,3) was created.
In the world and Uzbek philology, a lot of research
has been done on the works of Alisher Navoi, his
personality, translation of his works. So far, there
exist websites featuring the biography of Alisher
Navoi and the text of his works (14,15), various
mobile applications, works of Navoi’s works in pdf
format (16,17,18,19), and several glossaries centered
around the language of Alisher Navoi’s works.
(Dictionary of Muhammad H. (2017).,8,9,13).
However, this is not enough for modern students to
study Alisher Navoi’s work and understand his
vocabulary. Information on the life and work of
Alisher Navoi in world literature and in the field of
information technologies (20,21,22,23,24) is covered
on the site pages. However, until now, neither in
world linguistics nor in literary studies, developments
have been made to create Alisher Navoi’s author
corpus. In this respect, this corpus is expected to be
one of the innovative and practical developments. In
order to fill this gap in Navoi’s corpus, a semantically
tagged base is necessary for the reader to know the
explanation of the words that are difficult to
understand today and to understand the meaning of
such a word in the verse.
650 gazels (gazel is a lyrical genre common in
Eastern literature) from the "Badoye’ ul-wasat"
collection, along with proverbs, expressions,
archaism, historical words, telmeh (in poetry, it is
considered the art of talmeh to refer to a historical
event or historical figure, to literary heroes), tashbih
(tashbih is one of the poetic arts, comparing two or
more things, phenomena or features expressed in
words from the point of view of some similarity,
commonality that exists between them), tanasib
(tanosib is the art of using words that denote
interrelated and close to each other concepts in
poetry), irsoli masal (irsoli masal is a method of using
a certain set of Proverbs, sayings, proverbs in a poem)
etc. was created Alisher Navoi’s author corpus in a
new format for higher education students, and a
search interface was also developed in the corpus for
the convenience of users. As a result of this, users will
develop the skills of independent work with Navoi’s
work, in general, the sources of the 15
thereby enhancing their understanding of the
language of that erae.
To make Navoi’s work more readable, to understand
Navoi’s philosophy, and to learn and understand the
grammar of the 15
century language, it was
determined that the text of Navoi’s works must be
grammatically equalized. As the gazels, which are an
invaluable treasure of Alisher Navoi’s work, are
semantically equalized in the corpus of authorship,
the content and importance of the educational-
educational, socio-political, philosophical-ethical
issues expressed by the creator, along with the gloss
of the artistic symbols presented in the genre, are used
in poetic art. The significance of the variety of horses,
their artistic representation, and logical reasoning is
not substantial. The basis for the creation of Alisher
Navoi's author Corpus is found in the “Badoye’ ul-
wasat” collection, which includes 21,226 explanatory
words, more than 5,000 archaisms, 170 historicisms,
43 proverbs, 30 expressions, 236 words related to the
art of talmekh, 164 words with opposite meanings
(tazad), 806 ratios, and 124 lexical units related to the
poetic art of tashbikh forAlisher Navoi. The gazels in
"Badoye’ ul-wasat" collection consist of 5001 byte –
10002 lines, a total of 66539 words, each gazel is
from 6 byte to 13 byte: 6 byte – 1, 7 byte – 437, 8 byte
– 8, 9 byte – 187, 10 byte – 1, 11 byte – 14, 12 byte –
1, 13 byte – 1 (A.Navoi. ( 2011).). Such statistical
analysis of the Alisher Navoi Author corpus is
considered important and gives the user a clear
account and shows the scope of work on the database.
The wise words and phrases created by Navoi have
become folk proverbs, while his figurative artistic
expressions have enriched the phraseology of the
Uzbek language of the people. Through such
combinations and expressions, we summarized the
typical features of the events in social life,
characteristic of folk wisdom, and showed the
possibilities of short, succinct and meaningful
expression. The lines containing compound phrases
were scientifically analyzed and included in the 5