The Influence of Allusive Names on the Perception of Artistic Text
M. M. Kurbanova
and M. F. Xomidova
National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Alisher Navoi, Verse, Intertextuality, Allusion, Perception, Artistic Text, Nationality.
Abstract: Allusive names are the most common intertextual units in literary texts. When using allusive names, the author
must take into account the reader factor and the audience. Because in any historical period, in one or another
country, culture, individuals, religious, mythological, and literary heroes, with their distinctive characters,
occupy a place in the linguistic foundation of language users, thus become allusions. Over time, they are
formed in the form of stable lexical units, and the person who hears or reads them has associations with these
names. The author, who is able to use this in harmony with his text, communicates indirectly with the reader.
That is, the author communicates with the existing information in the mind of the reader. The function of
allusion as an intertext is visible here. Allusion is actively used both in classical artistic and modern texts. In
particular, this type of intertextuality is very active in Alisher Navoi’s works. In this article, we analyze the
effect of allusion as an intertext on the meaningful perception of the text based on experimental materials.
Allusion (Latin - hint, joke) is a stylistic method
based on referring to real political, historical-
domestic, or literary facts that are considered familiar
to everyone. In essence, it is close to the art of talmeh,
which is widely used in Eastern poetry. The
difference is that in talmeh more historical and artistic
facts are referred to, while in allusion the creator can
also refer to political, domestic or artistic facts of his
time. That is, in allusion, the scope of the hint object
is wider [Kurbanova M., Yuldoshev M. (2014)].
The abundance of different precedent names and
allusive expressions in the samples of artistic texts
created in recent years has showed that there is a need
to analyze them based on the principle of
intertextuality. Because in order to understand the
implicit content beneath the allusive names given as
intertext in the text, we analyze the effect of allusion
as an intertext on the meaningful perception of the
text based on experimental materials. For example:
Usman Azim's poem "Secret letter to my poet friend
about Alpomish" begins with the following lines.
These lines can easily be understood by the Uzbek
reader. Because it contains lexical units, i.e. allusive
names, taken from the Alpomish epic, a common
cultural code for Uzbeks. If this poetic text is read by
Corresponding author
an English or a Swedish person, the meaningful
perception of the text becomes more complicated.
Because the social origin and cultural commonality of
the author and the reader are not the same. In Alisher
Navoi's ghazals, epics, tuyuq and verse (a four-line
poem), allusive names play an active role as an
intertext. We selected Navoi's allusive names as an
intertext from the verses for the experiment. The main
reason for our choice is that the brevity of the form
and the completeness of the thought in the verses help
to make a general, overall summary about the text.
The fourth rubai of Navai, included in the "Badoe ul-
wasat" devon, is about generosity and miserliness,
and it refers to one of the famous hadiths. It is known
that miserliness, a miser, is strongly condemned in
Islam. There are even authentic hadiths in this regard.
The literary version of the hadith in this context is
presented in the text:
In the text, there is a key word that helps to understand
the content of the hadith: intertextual unity, allusion.
Qurashi is the name of the tribe to which our Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) belonged. This word refers to our
Prophet (pbuh). If we pay attention to the wording,
Kurbanova, M. and Xomidova, M.
The Influence of Allusive Names on the Perception of Artistic Text.
DOI: 10.5220/0012481800003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 188-191
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
the content of the hadith will be even more clear.
Sayyidi Qurashi, i.e. the ummah of Muhammad
(pbuh), Muslims. The word Sayid is explained in the
explanatory dictionary of the Uzbek language as
By a single allusive name, it is possible to tell the
reader that whoever is stingy, even if he is a Muslim
from the descendants of Muhammad (pbuh), a
Muslim, will not enter heaven, on the contrary, an
Abyssinian, that is, an ordinary person (kafir The
meaning of the hadith, which states that if a person is
generous, he will not be near the gates of hell, is
understandable. The author opens a wide way to his
meaningful understanding by introducing a lexical
unit familiar to both the reader and himself, i.e. an
allusive name in the verse, which contains such
themes as historicity and nationality.
After the participants of the experiment have read the
verse from the text for 30 minutes, they explained in
writing what they understood. The first results of the
experiment are general statements. Two of the
participants interpreted the allusive name Qurayshi in
the text in a general way, that is, they understood it as
they read it in the text. One responded to the text that
even if he is a Quraysh, and the other, even if he is a
Sayyid, if he is stingy, he will not enter heaven. In this
case, the Sayyidi Qurayshi combination was
understood by the two recipients as separate words,
without paying attention to its underlying meaning.
That is, the meaning indicated by the intertext was not
well understood by the participants. A conclusion was
drawn based only on the word itself. This, of course,
is a process related to the reader's knowledge and
There are five statements that are understood by
connecting the intertextual unity in the verse to its
general content, i.e. statements based on intertext, and
the examinees directly perceived the text in the same
way as the meaning intended by the author. That is,
the combination Sayyidi Qurayshi was able to
understand as the ummah of our Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh), that is, as a Muslim person, and connected it
with the general meaning of the text. This process
shows the importance of the intertext for the reader in
the meaningful perception of the artistic text and the
existence of background knowledge regarding the
given allusion.
We defined the third level of understanding the
allusive combination as interpreting intertext. At this
stage, the participants of the experiment tried to
interpret only the intertext without connecting the
intertext and the general content of the text in
understanding the text. That is, the reader first tried to
understand and explain the allusion, the most familiar
unit in the text. His attention was drawn to the
intertext in the text and he began decoding the text by
interpreting it. The Qurayshi lexeme was shown as a
stimulus for the reader in understanding the text. In
the statements, the comments "Qurayshi - the name
of the offspring to which our Prophet belonged" and
"Qurayshi - the name of the tribe to which our Prophet
belonged" were specified separately. It can be
concluded that in the process of text perception, some
recipients pay attention to the intertextual texts in it,
and the background knowledge related to the intertext
is activated in the first place in their minds. In most
cases, this activated knowledge is combined with the
general content of the text, while in some cases the
reader's attention remains in the intertext, that is, he
receives and understands the text separately, without
connecting it to the general meaning of the text. This
is also one of the unique features of intertext.
What we define as the fourth stage of understanding
the intertext with the text is the acceptance of the
allusive name as a lexical unit and the statements that
are understood by replacing it with other synonyms.
The participants of the experiment replaced the
allusion of Sayyidi Qurayshi with lexical units such
as scientist, scholar, like Qurayshi, and used these
words to understand the text. In general, this process
did not negatively impact the meaningful perception
of the text.
Our final classification includes statements given
without the intertext participating in the
understanding of the text at all. Two of the
participants did not pay attention to the intertext when
explaining what they understood based on the text,
that is, they did not explain the word Sayyid or the
word Qurayshi, they left it as if these words did not
exist in the text. In this case, the extralinguistic
knowledge related to the intertext was not activated
in the thinking of the participants, so they were
content to simply leave out this combination. This
process slightly hindered the understanding of the
general content of the text; that is, the idea that the
author wanted to convey had a significant level of
impact with this intertext. Not understanding it has
slightly diluted the general content that can be derived
from the text. In general, intertext as a stimulus for
the reader had a positive effect on the understanding
and perception of the verse.
The second verse is taken from Navoi's book ‘Badoe
ul-Bidaya’. This is an intertext chosen in harmony
with the content of the text, with the word Qarun,
The Influence of Allusive Names on the Perception of Artistic Text
famous in the East, used as an allusive name for this
verse. Qarun is a legendary figure known for his
boundless wealth and greed. It is often portrayed in
fiction as a symbol of wealth and greed. he legend of
Qarun originates directly from the holy book of our
religion, the Holy Qur'an. Verses 76-81 of the Qasas
(Saga) chapter of the Holy Qur'an mention the story
of Qarun, with future generations being instructed to
learn from it.
76. Indeed, Qarun was from the people of Moses, but
he tyrannized them. And We gave him of treasures
whose keys would burden a band of strong men;
thereupon his people said to him,Do not exult.
Indeed, Allah does not like the exultant!
77. They said: “Don't forget what God has given you
and your desire for the hereafter and your share in this
world. "Don't want to make mischief on earth,
because Allah does not punish the mischief makers””.
79. hen Qarun appeared before the crowd, those who
sought amusement, and they said, "Oh, if only we had
what (wealth) was given to Qarun. He is truly the
possessor of great fortune."
80. And those bestowed with knowledge said, "Let
death be the reward of Allah for the one who believes
and does good deeds! Only the patient will attain it."
81. So we destroyed him and his courtyard. There was
no helper for him except Allah, and he himself was
not among the successful [Xomidova, M. F. (2019)].
Qarun was an extremely wealthy individual from the
family of Musa alayhissalam. Allah had given him a
lot of wealth or property to test him. His possessions
were so great that carrying the keys to his treasures
was a burden even for a group of strong men. He
showed off his state to everyone, wore expensive
clothes, and tried to arouse the envy and enmity of
others. However, he was ungrateful and rebelled
against God, who had bestowed upon him these
riches. In claiming, "I have acquired these things
through my own learning and talent", pride and
arrogance have taken hold. Having such vast wealth
at that time would drive him mad. As a result, he
displayed arrogance and violence towards his people.
Eventually, the Earth swallowed him and all the
wealth he had accumulated. Based on this story in the
Qur'an, the legend about Qarun's wealth and greed
and the fact that he was swallowed by the earth
became very popular among the people. This theme
has been widely incorporated into fiction, with
creators using combinations like 'Qarun ganji', 'Karun
Karunni yer yutishi' for various purposes in their
works. Through these references, they aimed to
convey their ideas and artistic intentions to the
readers, drawing upon the famous legend.
This image is very common in the works of Alisher
Navoi. As well as, the poets and writers who created
after him used this myth as an intertext in their works
very productively.
In his works, Alisher Navoi, while evaluating
humanity as the crown of the universe, extols the
dignity of man, elevates it to the sky, and interprets
the concepts of honor, honor and pride in beautiful
ways. At the first level, most of the participants of the
experiment tried to understand the general content of
the text by replacing the word ganj with words such
as wealth and treasure. It is clear from their statement
that the myth of Qarun did not play a very important
role for the participants in the process of perception
of the artistic text. They relate to the content of the
text by replacing the historical ganj lexeme with its
current cognates.
At the second level, namely intertext-based
meaningful perception, the participants understood
the original content of the given text and correctly
interpreted it. They directly perceived the aspect of
the legend of Qarun related to the given text. As an
intertext, general knowledge about Qarun's greed for
wealth and the owner of countless treasures was
activated in the minds of the participants of the
experiment, and they correctly understood what the
text was used for and what the author wanted to say.
"The earth swallowed him up because he was greedy
for the wealth of the world. "Sentences such as
"wealth that blinded the eyes of the soul" are
connected in accordance with the general content of
the text. In short, the allusive unit used by the author
in the text was correctly perceived by the reader.
Our third level of results obtained from the
understanding of the given text is the statements
based on the interpretation of the intertext itself,
where the recipient only commented on 1 intertext,
which he could not relate to the general content of the
text. In the statements of this type of participants
about the text, there are specific signs of intertext. The
statements of the participants of the experiment
contain the following points: In this process, the main
focus of the participants is on the intertext. Because
the text contains a well-known word - intertext.
Therefore, they focused not on the original content of
the text, but on the explanation of the unit familiar to
them. That is, the information in their mind was
activated and associated as soon as they saw the
Qarun lexeme in the text. It can be concluded that the
Qarun lexeme as an allusive name has already entered
the readers' linguistic memory, and when they hear
this word, first of all, they associate knowledge
related to it. Full understanding of the text is the
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
second stage. This is one of the main functions of
intertextual units in the artistic text.
In general, such allusive units are very diverse in the
works of Alisher Navoi, and we analyzed only some
of them on the basis of experience. As a result, we
observed that in the poems, images of mainly
religious nature are often used as intertext. On the one
hand, this is related to the worldview of the author,
and on the other hand, it is explained by their
popularity among the people. Today, in order to
understand the language of Navoi's works, to
understand their original content, it is very important
to correctly perceive intertextual units, more
precisely, allusive units, which are a type of it.
Therefore, identifying and analyzing intertextual
units in Navoi's works is one of the important tasks
for linguistics. Because the correct understanding of
intertextual units in Navoi's works opens a wide way
to understand Navoi's work. The use of allusive
names is also very common in examples of fiction
from Navoi to today. Creators ahead of themselves
referring to famous works, their heroes, socio-
historical events, they try to incorporate them into
their new texts. In conclusion, allusive names as
intertexts serve as the primary tool for creating
intertextuality in the artistic text. They enhance the
aesthetic impact of the artistic text, influence its
content perception, and further reinforce its value and
encyclopedic nature.
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Pragmatic Interpretation of Word-Sentences in Uzbek
Language. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell
Biology, 623-632.
Xomidova, M. F. (2019) "The problem of intertextuality in
modern linguistics." Central Asian Problems of
Modern Science and Education 3.4: 259-263.
Gulamkodirovna, K. Z. (2022). Gender use of word-
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The Influence of Allusive Names on the Perception of Artistic Text