English Language and Uzbek Students: A Linguocultural Point
Dilrabo Bakhronova and Umida Djalilova
Uzbek State World Language University, Uzbekistan
Keywords Interactive Methods, Conceptual Method, Contextual Method, Bilingual Understanding, Intention of the
Abstract The purpose of this study is to compare English texts with Uzbek ones from a linguocultural point of view
when teaching English to Uzbek students. It will be helpful if they use contextual and conceptual methods
because Uzbek students usually find it difficult to grasp the meaning of a text from a literal translation. The
language structures in English and Uzbek are different, therefore, in the conceptual method, all parts of the
sentence (noun, adjective, and verb) are studied by concept, and they must be arranged in the correct order.
In all languages, the verb is the main part of the sentence, so the connection between the noun and the verbs
gives them the main meaning. In addition, each word has different meanings, which can make it difficult for
students to translate. Bilingual understanding will be easier when students know the meaning of each part of
a sentence in their native language. However, teachers can use the contextual meanings of these words and
correctly describe them based on semantic and stylistic rules.
Learning English in the Non- English speaking
country is a tough task to do. As one of English as a
foreign language countries in the world, Uzbekistan
has to emphasize a good understanding of English
especially in educational field. Today it is impossible
to imagine language-learning environment without
methods, technologies and technological innovations.
Via internet, students taken the opportunity to
develop four basic language skills and grammar,
vocabulary, phonetic competences outside classroom
environment thanks to many different exercises and
activities in more independent and more
individualized learning environment.
In order to learn other foreign languages, students
should first learn the linguistic features of their own
language, its grammatical and morphological
There are many methods of learning language. On the
one hand, each method depends on the situation and
perhaps adequately solves the problems of language
teaching and learning in a certain period, on the other
hand, it reveals its shortcomings, which leads to the
emergence of a new method. Our study examines
Corresponding author
each method conceptually and selects an eclectic
approach by a different language teacher to enhance
effective language teaching and learning.
A contextual analysis is simply an analysis of a text
(in whatever medium, including multi-media) that
helps us not only to assess that text within the context
of its historical and cultural setting, but also in terms
of its textuality – or the qualities that characterize the
text as a text.
Students need to learn how to interpret, analyze, and
evaluate texts in order to become effective learners in
preparation for participation in English classes and
Uzbek life in general.
Literacy strategies that focus on teaching vocabulary
and reading comprehension help students understand
how individuals and groups use language patterns to
express ideas and key concepts to develop and defend
arguments. Using literary texts in foreign language
classroom can be an opportunity to teach various
grammar structures of foreign language in context
and internalize the grammar rules. A text-based
approach, which is given by the teacher, is a set of
concepts which aims to solve the studentsproblem
especially they who are less-communicate.
For the teaching material, the text taught is supposed
to be based on the learner’s need. It can be meant that
Bakhronova, D. and Djalilova, U.
English Language and Uzbek Students: A Linguocultural Point.
DOI: 10.5220/0012482200003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 192-195
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
the teaching material should be relevant to the
student’s experience, background and effective
needs. Besides, a strategy in determining the student’s
needs, learning objectives, tests, teaching approach,
program evaluation, and material should be all
associated one another. Consequently, the choice of
the materials used are effected by what is learnt from
each of the other components mentioned previously
and to whom the materials taught.
Concerning with vocabulary, the selected texts - will
be used by each learner as the written source to find
new English vocabulary. Each student writes his/her
own new words and classify types of the words they
found in the text they are reading. They are assigned
to alphabetically order those words and provide
themselves with part of speech, which have been
already explained in advance, and the meaning of the
selected words. To decide what part of speech of the
selected words, they can consult English dictionaries.
By the end the semester, each student is assigned to
bundle it into an English pocket dictionary which is
further used as the materials of oral vocabulary test.
This step of learning vocabulary is then called as
Student Self Vocabulary Notes.
In addition, by having read the same text during the
learning process, those adult learners are guided to
simultaneously learn Grammar in Context. This is
done to help them to understand the grammatical
rules and the way to use them in context, so that it is
hopefully more meaningful. Following the
explanation of some certain rules of English language
grammar is grammar exercises, which can be in the
form of sentence error analysis and sentence
construction by using the grammatical rules they have
just learnt. In doing the grammar exercises, they can
sometimes work in pairs and in some other time, they
work in a group of three. This means that they
collaborate and cooperate with their peers to reach
their real understanding on English grammatical
rules. They do peer revision and feedback. Those who
do not well understand the grammatical rules
implemented in a sentence, they cannot classify the
error and give any revision or feedback. This
demands their active participation in doing grammar
Related to Text–Based-Writing, the learners are
invited to read their own selected texts on their own
interesting topics. Then they are assigned to
summarize those texts. It is suggested that they read
research report articles, which are useful for them as
ideas to do future research. Therefore, in doing this
TBW, the learners are assigned to do a mini research.
The summaries of the texts are then used as reference.
After doing the mini research, the students only write
the abstract of their research reports. This is intended
to check how much the students apply some
grammatical rules (i.e. simple present tense, past
tense, active passive voices, conditional if, and
adjective-active) which they have learnt in a real
context. This model of instruction again challenges
the EFL adult learners to be more active to participate
in the EFL instruction. In the speaking part, students
prepare a small report based on the text and speak it.
It helps learners to improve and evaluate their
pronunciation and develop their speaking skills.
These strategies allow students to comprehend what
they read and view by applying their growing
contextual, semantic, grammatical and phonic
knowledge. They develop more sophisticated
processes for interpreting, analyzing, evaluating,
critiquing ideas, information and issues from a variety
of sources.
The language that students learn is important in that
it is relevant to express themselves. The “facts” of the
language are memorized as vocabulary, but the
concepts are learned when students have the chance
to manipulate them.
A contextual analysis is simply an analysis of a text
(in whatever medium, including multi-media) that
helps us not only to assess that text within the context
of its historical and cultural setting, but also in terms
of its textuality – or the qualities that characterize the
text as a text. A contextual analysis combines features
of formal analysis with features of “cultural
archeology” or the systematic study of social,
political, economic, philosophical, religious, and
aesthetic conditions that were (or can be assumed to
have been) in place at the time and when the text was
created, while this may sound complicated.
A particular language usually refers to a particular
group of people, and when you communicate with
that language, you are also communicating with the
culture that speaks that language. You can read about
another culture in your native language, but if you
utilize the language of that culture, you will
understand that culture better.
There is a verbal difference between English and
Uzbek languages. The verb gives main meaning to the
sentence. However, their structures are different, it is
sometimes difficult to translate from one to another.
While teaching English to Uzbek students, teachers
should use linguistic circumstances of each language.
Translation should be done according to the
contextual and conceptual methods of linguistics
English Language and Uzbek Students: A Linguocultural Point
first, and then the noun and verb must be connected
correctly. Teachers should mention these points.
Not all translations might be suitable for its original
language, because idiomatic expressions or proverbs
are not translated from one language to another as
they appear in original one, which means contextual
method of translation. One can give the meaning of
these expressions but may not give the real translation
which author means.
Do you struggle with words that have multiple
meanings? Have you ever come across a word that
you know (as you thought) but is used in a very
strange way? English vocabulary is especially
difficult because many words have different
meanings and can be confused. After all, it is not easy
to remember different definitions for each word. Take
the word date for example. This word refers to a
certain day of the month, and a time when two people
spend romantically with each other.
It may mean that the only way to determine correctly,
which value is being used is to look at the context.
This means that it is necessary to use the surrounding
words and sentences to understand which definition
of the ambiguous word fits here.
Even if you do not know the meaning of a difficult
word, contextual clues will help you understand it!
Can you identify the meaning of the word date in the
sentences below? I would like to fix a date for our
next meeting. Do you want to go on a date with me?
The first sentence is about arranging the day for
meeting. This is not a romantic meeting between the
two. The first definition fits here.
As mentioned above, students' grammatical
knowledge is important when translating English
texts into Uzbek. However, in English, sentences are
mostly made up of nouns and verbs. For example, I
want to drink water or water these plants. This is an
easy grammar rule, but as some students fail to
understand it, they need to improve their grammar.
If the speech goes about contextual analizing of the
text one can easily understand that idioms and some
phrases are not translated into another language word
by word. Teachers should explain whether it is idiom
or simple word that could be translated word by word.
The way of understanding context is catching the
meaning of whole text by skimming and scanning
methods and it will be helpful to understand which
meaning of the given word is suitable in the sentence.
English idioms, proverbs, and expressions are an
important part of everyday English. They come up all
the time in both written and spoken English. Because
idioms do not always make sense literally, you will
need to familiarize yourself with the meaning and
usage of each idiom. That may seem like a lot of
work, but learning idioms is fun, especially when you
compare English idioms to the idioms in your own
Therefore, readers should find their correct meanings
in their own language.
Better late than never. – Better to arrive late than not
to come at all.
Break a leg. – Good luck.
Cut somebody some slack. - Don't be so critical.
Cutting corners. – Doing something poorly in order
to save time or money.
Some of these expressions have similar ones in Uzbek
also and that is why students can use them in order to
translate correctly, but if they cannot find them in
their language, they should use correct meaning of
whole expressions. They should never translate them
word by word. sTranslation is such a delicate thing
that one wrongly chosen word can change the
meaning of the whole text and lose its impact.
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English Language and Uzbek Students: A Linguocultural Point