Moreover, there are numerous psychologists in
Uzbekistan - including M.G. Davletshin (Davletshin
M.G. (1993), E.G. Goziev (Uzakov H., G'oziev E.G.,
1992), M.M. Mamatov (Mamatov M.M., 1999), R.S.
Samarov (Samarov R.S., 1997), T.B. Norimbetov
(Practical psycho-diagnostics methods and tests.,
1998), and others - whose research primarily focuses
on familial-marital relations, the preparation of young
people for family life, and interpersonal relations.
These works hold considerable scientific potential
within the field of psychology.
Firstly, stable-extraverted and unstable-extraverted
brides exhibit higher rates of adjustment. However, a
correlational analysis did not reveal a substantial
relationship between scores of extraversion-
introversion and levels of adjustment. It was also
discovered that the intricacy of the adaptation process
contributes to an increased level of neuroticism.
Secondly, both objective and subjective factors
influence an individual's process of adaptation to a
new environment. Objective factors exert an
independent effect on a person's mentality and
desires. Conversely, subjective factors are
intrinsically linked to the individual-typological
characteristics of a person. In this regard, the social-
psychological environment and individual-
typological characteristics are incomparable in the
bride's adaptation to her new family.
Thirdly, it is necessary for practical psychologists to
carry out educational activities aimed at young
women about the importance of psychological
preparation for family life. They should diagnose
their readiness for marriage, individual-typological
characteristics, and levels of communication skills
using reliable methods. Moreover, they should
undertake measures to eliminate psychological
factors that could potentially threaten future familial
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