On Hermeneutic Concepts and Models in Translation Studies
O. M. Safarov
Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Hermeneutic Translation Concept, Models of Hermeneutic Translation, Problem of Understanding,
Philosophical Hermeneutics, Categories of Hermeneutic Translation, Principles of Hermeneutic Translation.
Abstract: In this article the issues of hermeneutical translation are discussed, based on the selected concepts of German
scholars Fritz Paepcke and Radegundis Stolze on hermeneutic translation, as well as models of hermeneutic
translation Russian scholars A.N. Kryukov, A.V. Mashenina and E. N. Mishkurov. The author of the work
points out the mistakes and shortcomings of these works, while presenting his own concept of hermeneutic
Translation, based on the hermeneutic doctrine of Friedrich Schleiermacher and his article on translation,
entitled "On the different methods of translation" (1813).
It is known that in the second half of the 20
extensive work has been conducted on the study of
translation. Consequently, theories such as fiction
translation theory, Bible translation theory, special
texts translation theory, natural correspondences
theory, equivalence levels theory, realistic translation
theory, applied translation theory, functional
translation theory, Scopus translation theory and
various models and concepts (relative, functional,
hermeneutic, cognitive, etc.) have been developed.
However, not only the general public, but also
researchers and scientists working in the field of
translation science lack sufficient knowledge about
these theories. Moreover, those who carried out their
activities in this area, either to a certain extent
imitated the mutual work, or were not aware of the
works on their own topics. A prime example of this
would be works on hermeneutic translation.
And familiarizing oneself with such works and
understanding their essence, is of great importance
not only from the point of view of the science of
translation, but from the point of view of any
philological science.
The purpose of this work is to reveal the essence of
hermeneutic translation works carried out in
Germany, Russia and Uzbekistan by analyzing their
main features.
Corresponding author
The novelty of the work can be explained by the fact
that the issues of the topic have not been studied in
such a broad aspect.
The use of hermeneutics in various disciplines has
really increased worldwide especially in the last
decades. From this point of view the following
statement of the Uzbek literary scientist A.Rasulov
should be noted:
"In Uzbek literary science of the last 10-15 years the
interest to the questions of hermeneutics increases.
The young scientists A. Erkinov, B. Karimov try to
carry it out by their contributions into the scientific
handling, D. Quronov has carried out his
investigation "Chulpan's poetics" relying on the
possibilities of hermeneutics" [Paepcke, Fritz
Another literary scholar A. Erkinov in his work
characterizes the essence of hermeneutics as follows:
"The science of hermeneutics is based on the different
ways of looking at things. In my opinion, these
differences and contrasts of thoughts testify to the
striving of human consciousness for perfection. ...
Consequently, of course, a text can be interpreted in
different ways. And this calls for democracy in
science" [Stolze, R. (1992):74].
The number of such works both in Uzbekistan and
worldwide has significantly increased in recent
decades. However, not all of them yield beneficial
results because a majority of scientists worldwide
attempt to apply philosophical hermeneutics to their
Safarov, O.
On Hermeneutic Concepts and Models in Translation Studies.
DOI: 10.5220/0012483800003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 246-248
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
specialisations without having sufficient knowledge
and experience about it.
The comparative-historical, descriptive, and
hermeneutical methods were used in this paper. The
comparative method is one of the most important
methods for achieving scientific truth. However, it
happens in many cases directly related to the
historical method, which is not possible to deny.
While the descriptive method was widely used in
revealing the essence of the issues concerning the
topic, the hermeneutical method played an important
role in the linguistic and extra-linguistic analysis of
the works carried out on hermeneutical translation.
Friedrich Schleiemacher (1768-1834) was one of the
first to argue that philosophical hermeneutics is a
philological discipline and that, as such, it can be the
methodological basis for all work on the various
sciences. Later also Wilhelm Dilthey (1833-1911)
gave us:
“Ҳans Georg Gadamer (1900-2002) esa,
ҳermeneutikaga tegli ikki bobli kitobini "Wahrheit
und Methode" (Ҳaqiqat wa usul) deb atagani ehtiborg
loyik. In the twentieth asrd, Germany's ҳhermeneutics
tardim bujicha bajarilgan ditlabki ish ҳam einan
Gadamerning falsafi ҳhermeneutics oid islari bilan
bevosita bolik bulgani ҳam eitiborga loyiqi”.
The title of Hans Georg Gadamer's (1900-2002) two-
volume book on hermeneutics, “Wahrheit und
Methode”, is also noteworthy. And many works on
hermeneutic translation are influenced by Gadamer's
hermeneutic teachings.
Fritz Paepcke (1916-1990), a teacher of French at the
Institut für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen (IÜD) of the
University of Heidelberg, published his article
"Understanding and Translation" in 1968,
"Translation as Hermeneutic Project" in 1978 and
"Translation as Hermeneutics" in 1979.
In 1981, he co-published the book "Understanding
Text and Translation" with Philippe Forget and Julius
Groos. After that he continued his work in Budapest.
In 1986 Paepcke's pupils, Klaus Berger and Hans
Michael Speyer, published his articles as a collection
through the Tütingen publisher Gunter Narr.
In one of the articles that went into it, Paepcke writes,
"To live in translation is to keep the connection
between theory and practice alive. [Seiffert, Helmut
(1992):56], and at the same time expresses in a
peculiar way the statement of Gadamer noted in the
part about translation of Gadamer's Truth and
Method, where it is said that he who carries out his
activity in a certain language must live in that same
The collection also includes an article by Paepcke,
written on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of
Gadamer's birthday. In it he notes that he considers
the philosopher to be his teacher.
The expression of hermeneutic translation in
categories can also be found in the works of Gadamer.
And Paepcke proposes the following categories as
"Understanding and Translating. Rhetoric and
Hermeneutics. Rule and play. Identity and
difference. Idiomaticity and norm. Causality and
intuition. Oversupply and undersupply. Language
and gravitation. Dealing with the other"[ Seiffert,
Helmut (1992):37].
A little later, Radegundis Stolze, who conducted a
study on this topic, denied almost all of these
categories by F. Paepcke and came to the opinion that
the categories of perception (Rezeption) and
reproduction (Produktion) should be used in the
hermeneutic translation.
According to her, the categories of
Rezeption are THEMATIK (thematics),
SEMANTIK (semantics), LEXIK (vocabulary), the
categories of Produktion are PRAGMATIK
(pragmatics) and STILISTIK (stylistics) [4:269-
But later, when these works are carefully studied, it
ecomes clear that they have no serious scientific
At the same time in that work called "Questions of
hermeneutic translation and scopos (target) theory in
German translation studies" (1999) based on the
hermeneutic teachings of F. Schleiermacher and his
article "On the different methods of translation"
(1813), a concept of hermeneutic translation
consisting of the following seven principles is
1. Perfect proficiency in two languages.
2. Knowledge of encyclopedic basics of translation.
3. Use of dictionaries and other sources.
4. Solving individual problems through inquiry.
5. Adherence to logical connection.
6. Creativity in the activity.
7. Feeling a sense of responsibility [5:58-101].
On Hermeneutic Concepts and Models in Translation Studies
This concept does not negate the linguistic theory of
translation, which is designed to "consciously
establish relationships between the source language
and the target language. [6:12].
From the above it is not difficult to understand that
the issues of hermeneutic translation are interpreted
differently in different sources. Determining the
scientific validity of any of these interpretations, is
possible only as a result of their in-depth discussion.
One of the works related to the topic is the four-stage
model of hermeneutic translation by A.N. Kryukov.
In this, he draws attention to the problem of
understanding in translation and writes that "the basis
of the linguistic theory is a substitutive-
transformational type of ontology, i.e. the idea of
translation as a transformation of the source text.
Solving the problem of understanding in translation
requires adopting a different picture of the world, or
new ontological conceptions of translation. And this,
in essence, means no longer an extensive
development of the old theory of translation, but the
creation of a new one. [7:71].
L.Nelyubin characterizes Kryukov's work as follows:
"In A.N. Kryukov's hermeneutic model, translation is
subject to the law of understanding: translation begins
with understanding and ends with it." [8:38].
In 2013 A.V. Mashenina defends her PhD thesis "The
concept of translation in philosophical hermeneutics
of Gadamer and deconstructivist philosophy of
Derrida" in Omsk.
She believes that the model of hermeneutic
translation should consist of the following: pre-
understanding, hermeneutic circle, dialogicality,
principal incompleteness, orientation on the
achievement of truth.
In the same year E. N. Mishkurov publishes his article
"On the Hermeneutic Turn" in the modern theory and
methodology of translation in the third issue of the
journal Vestnik of Moscow University.
And in his monograph "Hermeneutics of Translation
(Theoretical and Methodological Standard)" (2018)
he proposes a four-stage model of hermeneutic
translation consisting of pre-understanding,
understanding, interpretation and translation
From all of the above, we can conclude that both the
concepts of German scholars on hermeneutic
translation and the corresponding models of Russian
researchers and scholars have no solid scientific
foundation. This is because they are all developed
with insufficient understanding of the very essence of
philosophical hermeneutics. From this point of view,
the following statement by H.Seiffert should be
"Philosophical hermeneutics cannot be the most
important subject of our book for the following
reason: philosophical hermeneutics deals with
hermeneutics as good as always only abstractly.
Concrete examples are seldom given to show how
hermeneutics actually works. In the philosophical
literature, hermeneutics often remains something
high, lofty, which is not further concretized" [9:42].
And the peculiarities of hermeneutic translation lie in
the hermeneutic teachings of F. Schleiermacher and
his own article "On the different methods of
This article by F. Schleiermacher, consisting of 32
pages in a collection of article on translation "Das
Problem des Übersetzens" (H.Störig, 1973) is also of
great value from a historical point of view.
It is therefore worthwhile to study it precisely from a
historical point of view. And all superficial studies of
both Schleiermacher's hermeneutics and his
invaluable article on translation have only done great
damage to both philosophy and the science of
translation. A vivid example of this can be A.
Fedorov's negative statement about the peculiarities
of F. Schlaermacher's article [10:26] on translation.
Paepcke, Fritz (1986) Im Übersetzen leben Übersetzen
und Textvergleich.
Stolze, R. (1992). Hermeneutisches Übersetzen:
Linguistische Kategorien des Verstehens und
Formulierens beim Übersetzen.
Seiffert, Helmut (1992) Einführung in die Hermeneutik.
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