serves to understand nation’s culture, philosophy and
history. It is impossible to know the history of the
nation to which these writers belonged without
investigating writer’s and poet’s language, their
lexicon richness. The history of Russia cannot be
fully understood without the language of A. Pushkin
and M. Gorky; the history of England cannot be
grasped without analysing the language of W
.Shakespeare, G. Byron, and J. Galsworthy.
Similarly, to understand the history of the Uzbek
people, it is essential to know the language of Alisher
We can see the uniqueness of Alisher Navai’s
language, the abundance of words in it, and the poet’s
extensive use of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms,
and polysemantic words in his ghazals. Here we talk
about polysemantic words and their meaning.
Polysemy is a linguistic occurrence, which relates to
the existence of several lexical meanings of a word.
Polysemy is a result of the creation of lexical
meanings. Lexical meanings are also generated by
meaning transfer. Some aspects of this transference
formation are similar to some aspects of conversion.
It is usually observed in polysemantic words that
linguistic units have more than one meaning.
According to the Explanatory dictionary of Uzbek
language, polysemy is linguistic unit which a word or
one element has more than one meaning. [8,274]
In general linguistics, M. Breal is considered the first
linguist to use the term polysemy to describe single
word forms with several related meanings. According
to M. Breal, polysemy was primarily a diachronic
phenomenon, arising as a consequence of lexical
semantic change. When words acquire new meanings
through use, their old meanings typically remain in
the language. So, polysemy involves the parallel
existence of new and old meanings, and result in
conventionalizing new senses.. It is the synchronic
outcome of lexical semantic change [Bréal, M.
(1924),33]. M. Breal observed that polysemy is not
really an issue, as the context of discourse determines
the sense of a polysemous word and eliminates its
other possible meanings at the synchronic level. V.V.
Eliseeva considers that the polysemy of a word is the
presence of more than one meaning in a linguistic
unit, subject to a semantic connection between them
or the transfer of common or related features or
functions from one denotation to another [10, 17].
According to V.N. Nemchenko, this phenomenon is
the presence of more than one meaning of the word in
a language unit [11, 281]. D.N. Shmelev states,
“When discussing polysemy, we primarily refer to the
polysemy of words as units of vocabulary”. Lexical
polysemy is the ability of one word to serve to
designate different objects and phenomena of reality”
[11, 382]. So, polysemy has a great importance not
only from a lexical as well as a semantic point of
The frequency of polysemy in different languages is
varies depending on several factors. The progress of
civilization will make it necessary to not only form
new words, but to include fresh meanings to old ones:
in Breal's formula, the more senses a term has
accumulated, the more senses a term has accumulated
the more diverse aspects of intellectual and social
activity it represents. It would be interesting to
explore over a wider field the relation between
polysemy and cultural progress.
Meanwhile, the frequency of polysemy will also
depend on purely linguistic factors. As already noted,
languages where derivation and composition are
sparingly used will tend to fill gaps in vocabulary by
adding new meanings to existing terms. Similarly,
polysemy will arise more often in generic words
whose meaning varies according to context than in
specific terms whose sense is less subject to variation.
The relative frequency of polysemy in various
languages, may eventually provide a further criterion
for semantic typology. Although, it is again difficult
to exactly measure this feature in the present.
According to O, Muminov, “polysemy may be
analysed from two ways: diachronically and
When we analyze the polysemy diachronically it is
understood as the development of the semantic
structure of the word or we establish how the meaning
of the word has changed whether it has got new
meanings in the course of the development of the
language. From the historical point of view one of the
meanings of the word will be primary meaning; that
is such a meaning of a word which was first
registered. All other meanings are secondary
meanings. The term secondary meaning shows that
the meaning appeared in the language after the
primary meaning was already established.
When we study polysemy synchronically, we analyse
the words with a single meaning called mono-
semantic words. Polysemy is the result of the process
of accumulation of meanings. According to
Vinogradov's theory, the principal cause of polysemy
is the discrepancy between the limited number of
words and the unlimited number of concepts they can
However, we have chosen to investigate polysemy in
this article from a viewpoint of the diminution and
expansion of meanings in present time and five
centuries ago, by analyzing the mastery of the use of