Alisher Navai’s Mastery on Usage of Polysemantic Words in Literary
Ulugbek Yuldoshev
and Ranokhon Khudjaeva
Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navai, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords. Word, Lexical Meaning, Polysemantic Meaning, Literary Work, Investigate, Research, Dictionary,
Expansion, Diminution, Statistics.
Abstract. Today, various fields of linguistics, such as lexicology semasiology, phraseology, and stylistics are been
investigating by different researchers and scholars. The problems of linguistics have been important and actual
for many centuries. This article also deals with the lexical features of the Uzbek language and its development
process over various periods. It is dedicated to investigating the lexical richness of the Uzbek language and
elucidating the meanings and senses used in Alisher Navai’s literary works. In order to explain the different
polysemantic meanings of the words we addressed to the Explanatory dictionary of Alisher Navai’s literary
works and Explanatory dictionary of the present Uzbek language. The main aim of this article is to reveal
lexical meanings of words, such as avroq, aziz, band, iztirob and sadaf in the Uzbek language. Therefore, we
decided to analyze the mastery of using words and their meanings by Alisher Navai through investigation of
the usage of polysemantic words in his poems, ghazals and prose works in this article.
The issues dedicated to investigation of Alisher
Navai's scientific and literary heritage, which are
important for the global community, involve
analysing his literary works, paying attention to
words, their meanings, defining them, identifying
their spiritual breadth and contextual significance,
and translating them into foreign languages. These
have been among the most significant aims in
philological and lexicographical scientific works for
the 15
century. Alisher Navai paid attention the
word issue in his creative works. When he
contemplated the nature of words, he emphasised the
potency of their meanings. This is because it is clear
that the word, and the meaning it encapsulates, are the
initial and the most significant basis of Navai’s ideas.
Alisher Navai understands and explains a word as the
embodiment of meaning, an expression of concept,
human ideas, and the intellectual world. Therefore, he
considered the word as means which influence others
powerfully. He expressed valuable opinions about
lexical richness of his own mother language and gave
factual materials. He counted a number of linguistic
Corresponding author
units that are superior to Persian language from a
semantic-functional point of view one by one and
analyzed them from the point of view of meaning. He
mentioned distinctive features of words and verbs in
old Turkish and Persian languages from the point of
view of meaning. He justified peculiar features of
word choice in Turkish language and used them in
poems, ghazals.
Alisher Navai analyzed listed verbs from the point of
view of semantics. He stressed the similarities and
distinctive features of the meaning of the verbs on the
basis of differential-semantic method and justified
them with examples. He identified homonyms and
synonyms of the words and mentioned the existence
of polysemantic words [9, 124]. For example, he
mentioned three homonymic meanings of the “ot” in
Uzbek language. First meaning is name of person,
second meaning is animal “horse” and third meaning
is action [2, 92].
Above mentioned opinions mean that Alisher Navai
was great scientist on lexicology, word studies in his
period because of he paid great attention to the word
Language is the most important structural component
of national culture and the word is the device which
Yuldoshev, U. and Khudjaeva, R.
Alisher Navai’s Mastery on Usage of Polysemantic Words in Literary Works.
DOI: 10.5220/0012484900003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 259-264
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
serves to understand nation’s culture, philosophy and
history. It is impossible to know the history of the
nation to which these writers belonged without
investigating writer’s and poet’s language, their
lexicon richness. The history of Russia cannot be
fully understood without the language of A. Pushkin
and M. Gorky; the history of England cannot be
grasped without analysing the language of W
.Shakespeare, G. Byron, and J. Galsworthy.
Similarly, to understand the history of the Uzbek
people, it is essential to know the language of Alisher
We can see the uniqueness of Alisher Navai’s
language, the abundance of words in it, and the poet’s
extensive use of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms,
and polysemantic words in his ghazals. Here we talk
about polysemantic words and their meaning.
Polysemy is a linguistic occurrence, which relates to
the existence of several lexical meanings of a word.
Polysemy is a result of the creation of lexical
meanings. Lexical meanings are also generated by
meaning transfer. Some aspects of this transference
formation are similar to some aspects of conversion.
It is usually observed in polysemantic words that
linguistic units have more than one meaning.
According to the Explanatory dictionary of Uzbek
language, polysemy is linguistic unit which a word or
one element has more than one meaning. [8,274]
In general linguistics, M. Breal is considered the first
linguist to use the term polysemy to describe single
word forms with several related meanings. According
to M. Breal, polysemy was primarily a diachronic
phenomenon, arising as a consequence of lexical
semantic change. When words acquire new meanings
through use, their old meanings typically remain in
the language. So, polysemy involves the parallel
existence of new and old meanings, and result in
conventionalizing new senses.. It is the synchronic
outcome of lexical semantic change [Bréal, M.
(1924),33]. M. Breal observed that polysemy is not
really an issue, as the context of discourse determines
the sense of a polysemous word and eliminates its
other possible meanings at the synchronic level. V.V.
Eliseeva considers that the polysemy of a word is the
presence of more than one meaning in a linguistic
unit, subject to a semantic connection between them
or the transfer of common or related features or
functions from one denotation to another [10, 17].
According to V.N. Nemchenko, this phenomenon is
the presence of more than one meaning of the word in
a language unit [11, 281]. D.N. Shmelev states,
“When discussing polysemy, we primarily refer to the
polysemy of words as units of vocabulary”. Lexical
polysemy is the ability of one word to serve to
designate different objects and phenomena of reality”
[11, 382]. So, polysemy has a great importance not
only from a lexical as well as a semantic point of
The frequency of polysemy in different languages is
varies depending on several factors. The progress of
civilization will make it necessary to not only form
new words, but to include fresh meanings to old ones:
in Breal's formula, the more senses a term has
accumulated, the more senses a term has accumulated
the more diverse aspects of intellectual and social
activity it represents. It would be interesting to
explore over a wider field the relation between
polysemy and cultural progress.
Meanwhile, the frequency of polysemy will also
depend on purely linguistic factors. As already noted,
languages where derivation and composition are
sparingly used will tend to fill gaps in vocabulary by
adding new meanings to existing terms. Similarly,
polysemy will arise more often in generic words
whose meaning varies according to context than in
specific terms whose sense is less subject to variation.
The relative frequency of polysemy in various
languages, may eventually provide a further criterion
for semantic typology. Although, it is again difficult
to exactly measure this feature in the present.
According to O, Muminov, “polysemy may be
analysed from two ways: diachronically and
When we analyze the polysemy diachronically it is
understood as the development of the semantic
structure of the word or we establish how the meaning
of the word has changed whether it has got new
meanings in the course of the development of the
language. From the historical point of view one of the
meanings of the word will be primary meaning; that
is such a meaning of a word which was first
registered. All other meanings are secondary
meanings. The term secondary meaning shows that
the meaning appeared in the language after the
primary meaning was already established.
When we study polysemy synchronically, we analyse
the words with a single meaning called mono-
semantic words. Polysemy is the result of the process
of accumulation of meanings. According to
Vinogradov's theory, the principal cause of polysemy
is the discrepancy between the limited number of
words and the unlimited number of concepts they can
However, we have chosen to investigate polysemy in
this article from a viewpoint of the diminution and
expansion of meanings in present time and five
centuries ago, by analyzing the mastery of the use of
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polysemantic words in Alisher Navai’s literary
The word “avroq” has been used multiple times in
Alisher Navai’s literary works. Nowadays, we can
observe two meanings of the word “avroq” in present
Explanatory dictionary of Uzbek language.
According to the dictionary, “avramoq” is to make
somebody to do something by cheating and “avroq”
is the complex of seduction sentences and activities
[5, 94]. However, the meanings of the word “avroq”
have changed over many centuries. This word has
undergone semantic diminution in the Uzbek
language. According to the morphological features,
“avroq” is noun. If we analyse the derivation of the
word, the root “avra” is a verb, and “–oq” is a word-
forming suffix.
Upon analysis of various sources, we findsix
meanings of the word “avroq” in the Explanatory
Dictionary of the lexicon of Alisher Navai’s literary
And now we analyse some literary works by
Alisher Navai on his mystery of using polysemy in
different poems:
1) pages:
Kitob avroqidek bo’lg’ay musattax qolmayin
G’amim toshig’a bo’lsa bir nafar to’qquz falak
(Hazoyunul-maoniy, Volume B, p.385)
In these lines of Alisher Navai’s work, the
meaning “pages” of the word “avroq” is expressed in
Uzbek “avroqidek”. Accordingly, we can understand
the phrase “pages of the book” is equivalent to “kitob
avroqi” in Uzbek language.
2) leaves:
Yaxshi ochilmish bahorning gullari, eh bog’bon,
G’am xazoni xushtur avroqini barbod etmasa.
(Hazoyunul-maoniy, Volume A, p.386)
In the second lines of ghazal the meaning
“leaves” is expressed with “avroqi” in Uzbek
3) pieces, parts, sections:
Jon pardalaridin anda avroq,
Jondin berib ul varaqin ushshoq.
(Layli va Majnun,
Here the meanings pieces, parts, sections of the
word “avroq” are expressed in the first line of the
4) papers, documents:
Tengizda ravon qilg’an asboqini,
Chekilgan misohatning avroqini.
Iskandariy, p. 312)
Here the meaning “document” of the word
“avroq” is expressed in the second line of the poem.
We can identify the meaning of the word by the “land
surveyor (misohat)” the second line of the poem.
5) script, written words (poem, article and others),
Va ikki murattab bo’lgan devonlardin yangi
aytilg’an abet adadi aksar va xotirg’a kelur
erdikim, agar bu avroqqa rabt va tartib berilmasa…
(G’aroyibus sig’ar, V.a, p.60)
By this prose work we can observe the meaning
“book” of the word aroq.
6) сomplex, selection, code of something.
Skandarni donoga topshurdi chust,
Ki donishning avroqni etgay durust.
(Saddi Iskandariy, p.9)
As previously mentioned, we can witness that
there are six meanings of the word “avroq” were used
by Alisher Navai in order to expand the meanings of
the word.
Next word “aziz” is also very popular in present
Uzbek lexical layer. The word has also polysemantic
features. Nowadays the word is one of the most
famous anthroponomy in Uzbek language. The name
Aziz is one of the well-known names among Uzbek
people. The following meanings of the word “aziz”
exist in the Explanatory dictionary of the Uzbek
language: 1) unique, rare, scare; 2) the most necessary
and valuable thing for life; 3) dear, honourable, worth
to respect; 4) sacred, sacramental; 5) indicates a
relationship confirming the ownership of the
mentioned characteristic; 6) name of men [5, 32-33].
According to the morphological features, the
word “aziz” is an adjective. It is simple adjective by
derivational peculiarities. And we can observe the
meanings of the word “aziz” in different literary
works by Alisher Navai. According to various
sources, there are five meanings of the word “aziz” in
Alisher Navai’s literary works. And we can conclude
that the word “aziz” came across to the expansion of
the meaning linguistic occurrence during five
centuries. The fourth meaning, though the meanings
“king, office bearer, great person” of this word came
across the diminution of the meaning.
And here we can mention the usage of
polysemantic meanings of the word “aziz” in Alisher
Navai’s poems.
1) rare, scarce:
Erur ozki, firuza bo’lmish aziz,
Alisher Navai’s Mastery on Usage of Polysemantic Words in Literary Works
Chu xarmuhra qo’ndur ani bir pashiz.
(Saddi Iskandariy, V., a. p.275)
Chunki fikr etti jon aziz erdi,
Ul maqom asru fitnaxez erdi.
(Sabbai sayyor, p.166)
If we pay attention to usage of the meanings of
the word “aziz” there two words which are synonym
each other. The meaning “rare” of the word “aziz” is
expressed with “aziz” in the line “Erur ozki, firuza
bo’lmish aziz”. And the meaning “scarce” of this
word is expressed with aziz in line “Chunki fikr etti
jon aziz erdi”.
2) great, valuable, dear, sacramental:
Faqir ul aziz farzand marsiyasi bila aziz ota duosi
bobida bu baytni aytib erdim.
(Xamsatu-l-mutahayyirin, p. 698)
If we pay attention to the above-mentioned text
the word “aziz” was used in two places and has two
different meanings. The first “aziz” means “dear”,
and the second “aziz” means “great” in the English
Chun tushurdi aziz mejmonni,
Yuzidin ravshan etti ayvonni.
(Sabbai sayyor, p.87)
In these lines the word “aziz” is used to give the
meaning “sacramental” in the English language.
3) uniqual, desperate, glorious:
Mavlono Lutfiy... aziz va mutabarruk kishi erdi.
(Majolisun-nafois, p.72)
Here we can see the meaning “glorious” of the
word was used in this text.
4) king, office bearer, great person:
Yonib Misr fathig’a qildi sitez,
Sinehr ani Misr uzra etti aziz.
(Saddi Iskandariy, V., 15. p.254)
Through these poem lines, we can clearly
observe that A.Navai used different meanings of the
word “aziz”. Here, he employed the word "aziz" to
denote the meaning of "king.".
5) supreme person, sacred:
Mavlono Mashriqiy... Mir Maxmud ko’p azizlar
xizmatiga yetib erdi.
(Majolisun-nafois, p.59)
Alisher Navai used different meanings for different
words. He used seven meanings for the word “band”
in his own poetic words. According to the
Explanatory dictionary of Uzbek language, there are
four homonymic meanings of the word “band” in
Uzbek language. We can observe the following
meanings of this word in the dictionary: 1) a) a part
of a thing or instrument that is held by the hand,
handle; b) a part of something that is pressed, sealed,
connected to another thing; c) joint, knuckle; d) a thin
part of fruit connected to the tree such as apple, pear,
cherry, grape and vegetables, such as melon,
watermelon, tomato, cucumber; 2) a) a small part of
official documents (decree, protocol, law, contract);
b) poetic passage connected from the point of view of
rhythm, rhyme and content, manzuma (oriental
poetry); c) a certain part of song or musical work; 3)
a) tied, connected place of thread, rope and others; b)
barrier, dam, barrage; c) figurative captivity, prisoner;
4) a) occupied, seized; b) busy with doing something,
busy as a bee [6, 156-157]. As we see, there are four
homonymic and polysemantic sub-meanings of the
word “band” in Explanatory dictionary of present
Uzbek language. The word “band” is a noun
according to the morphological features.
Alisher Navai used seven polysemantic
meanings of the word “band” in his literary works.
Here we analyse the meanings of this word by some
poetic works.
1) nodus:
Ishqdin chun bor erdi ko’nglida band,
Bandini ko’rsa erdi hojatmand.
(Sab’ai sayyor, 137-18)
If we pay attention to the meanings of the word
“band” in above-mentioned poetic passage, we can
witness the meaning tugun of the word “band” is used
in the Uzbek language. However, we have concluded
that the figurative meaning of this word was used
here. This is because the word “band” has
syntagmatic relations with the words “ko’ngil soul”
in these poetic lines. Alisher Navai tried to express
difficulties, hard times, and problems in someone’s
heart by using the word “band” in his poetic works.
2) joint:
Ishq aro pand etmakim ne sud, ey ahbobkim,
Har fig’onda band-bandim bir-biridin ayrilur.
(Xazoyinul-maoniy, 11 a-76;)
3) shackle, yoke:
Telba qulog’iga pand- quyun oyog’iga band.
(Mahbubul-qulub, 157)
4) handcuff, arresting:
Sayid Qutb Lakadang…base zahmat tortildi, to
bandg’a qaror topti. Banddin qochib holo
Samarqandda kim, majolisda Sayid Kuroza bila
(Majolisun-nafois, 94)
5) rope, toils:
Qaysi kamand o’lmadi hargiz kamand,
Ravzai firdavs g’azoliga band.
(Hayratul-abror, 3-6)
6) handle, holder:
...Guldasta bandikim rayohii orasida xoshokni
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(Nazmul-javohir, 28)
7) trickery, necromancy (antonymic meaning):
Agarchi sipehr zolining makri beshumordur va
lekin hunari dog’i bordurkim, nechukkim, izzu
ilosinnng madori yo’qtur, bandu balosining ham
e’tibori yo’qtur.
(Munshaot, 151)
Here we can observe that Alisher Navai used
seven lexical meanings of the word “band” in his
literary work. An antonymic meaning is one
interpretation among other possible meanings of the
word. If we compare the meanings exist in
Explanatory dictionary of present Uzbek language
more than four meanings changed into antonymic in
present day lexical system. Only the meaning
“trickery, necromancy” of the word “band” is
antonymic and others are polysemantic meanings of
the word.
And the next word which has several
polysemantic meanings is the word “Iztirob”.
Nowadays this word is used by people in order to
express human being’s mental condition, too.
According to the Explanatory dictionary of present
Uzbek language, “iztirob” is originally related to
Arabic language and it has meanings such as, anxiety,
disorder, impatience, instability, mental depression, a
state of suffering, spiritual pain [7, 183]. According
to the morphological features, the word “iztirobis
noun. It expresses a person’s emotion.
But Alisher Navai used several meanings of the
word “iztirob” in his literary works. Here we can
observe how the meanings of the word are used in
literary works.
1) excitement, impatience, indecision, suffering:
…alar chun nuzul qildilar, ul faqirda iztirob asari
zohir bo’ldi.
(Nasoyimul-muhabbat, XV-128)
Pahlavonning ushoqlaridin biri bu faqir qoshig’a
iztirob bila yugurub keldi.
(Holoti Paxlavon Muhammad, 536)
Ishq asir etgan jununlar ko’nglum ishi zamon,
O’tqa tushgan telba yanglig’ iztirob o’ldi yana.
(Xazoyinul-maoniy. 1b-551)
2) fidget, tipirchilash:
Ko’ngulga hajr zaxmikim urub o’zdin iroq,
Bo’g’uzlab tashlagan qushdek to’kub qon,
iztirob, aylar.
(Xazoyinul-maoniy. 11a-107)
3) confusion:
Ko’ngluma tushti iztirob base,
Qildi savdo meni xarob base.
(Sab’ai sayyor, 116-6)
4) extremely impatience:
Suv mavji kibya iztirob ayladi,
Muhit o’rtasiga shitob ayladi.
(Saddi Iskandariy, 255a-15)
5) restlessness, not enduring:
Chun topti bu iztirob taskin,
Chekkach ayoq ul g’aribu miskin.
(Layli va Majnun. 70a 9)
6) dust:
Sinoni qachon ko’rguzub pechu tob,
Sipehr ajdariga tushub iztirob.
(Saddi Iskandariy, 293a 18)
7) urgent, pressing:
Surdilar kemani shitob bila,
Yetti qavgunlar iztirob bila.
(Sab’ai sayyor, 139-16)
8) trouble, suspense:
Bu shah olinda muncha yolg’anim
Anga yuz iztirob solg’anim.
(Sab’ai sayyor. 184-20)
9) anxiety, bother:
Topti hajr iztirobi chun taskin,
Sho’xdin so’rdi xojai miskin.
(Sab’ai sayyor, 95-20)
By analysing the usage of lexical meanings of the
word “iztirob” in several literary works by Alisher
Navai, he was able to create some polysemantic
meanings of this word. However, there are several
meanings of the word that are not used in modern the
Uzbek language such as urgent, pressing, dust
meanings. The interpretations of this word have
diminished in scope over the span of five centuries..
By these analyses of the usage of such kind of words
in Alisher Navai’s literary works, we can observe that
he became a master of the usage of different meanings
and senses of a word in different contexts.
The word “sadaf” is also the word which has
several rich and polysemantic meanings. Alisher
Navai used four polysemantic meanings of this word.
According to the Explanatory dictionary of Uzbek
language, the word “sadaf” has three meanings.
Lexical meanings of the word in the present Uzbek
language are as follows: 1) mother of pearl, pearl-
shell, pearl, nacre; 2) made of pearl, prepared [8,417-
418]. The third interpretation of this word is
perceived as its semantic meaning, although it also
holds connotative significance. The terms “pearly
white” and “shiny are regarded as connotative
interpretations of the word, according to
morphological characteristics, they are associated
with an adjective.
Here we observe the usage of different
polysemantic meanings of the word “sadaf” in
Alisher Navai’s literary works.
Alisher Navai’s Mastery on Usage of Polysemantic Words in Literary Works
1) pearl: sahovat sahobi bog’idin sadafdek og’zi
qurugan sofiy zamirlarga durri nob sochmoq.
(Nazmul-javohir, 27)
2) dish:
Xatdin o’lub andin dag’i bu sharaf,
Xatti bo'lub gavharu xotam sadaf.
(Hayratul-abror 120-26)
Gavhar uldi zimmatu odam-sadaf.
Bu sadafqa ul guhardindur sharaf.
(Lisonut-tayr. 130-11)
3) parents:
Valaddur ul duru volid sadafdur,
Sadaf ya’ni atou dur xalafdur.
(Farhod va Shirin, 32)
4) tears:
To o’qung yomg’ur kibi keldi, ko’zum bo’lmish
Bovujudi ulki durdi yuz sari daryosi bor.
(Xazoyinul-maoniy, 1b-209)
When we compare the lexical meanings of the
word expressed in Alisher Navai’s literary works with
the Explanatory dictionary of present Uzbek
language, we can observe the expansion and
diminution of the meanings of the word “sadaf”. The
broadening of the term's significance is observed in
its secondary interpretations, including phrases like
"made of pearl," as recorded in the current Uzbek
language dictionary. However, certain lexical
meanings, such as "tears," "parents," or "dish," are not
included in this dictionary. This scenario indicates a
reduction in the term's scope of meaning. Upon
analyzing the lexical usage of words like avroq, aziz,
band, iztirob, and sadaf, it became clear that Alisher
Navai could employ these words in more polysemous
manners. Several lexical interpretations of these
terms experienced a reduction in their meaning, while
some lexical meanings have emerged over centuries.
The statistical characteristics of the aforementioned
information are showcased in the subsequent table..
Table 1: Statistical analysis
and their
literary works
Avroq 6 2
Aziz 5 6
Band 7 4
Iztirob 9 3
Sadaf 4 3
In the course of studying Alisher Navai’s expertisein
the utilization lexical meanings, specifically the
polysemantic connotations of words such as “avroq”,
“aziz”, “band”, “iztirob”, “sadaf”, deduced his
profound understanding of the lexical richness of the
old Turkish language. Alisher Navai showed a keen
interest in words, manifesting diverse meanings in his
usage, thus enriching the spiritual breadth and
contextual significance of words in his literary
endeavours. Statistical analyses revealed a reduction
in themeanings of four words scrutinized during this
research, underscoring the importance of continuous
study and exploration of Alisher Navai's literary
work. This sustained inquiry and scholarly research is
crucial in enriching the present-day Uzbek lexical
system, benefiting both present and future
generations of Uzbek language speakers.
Bréal, M. (1924) Essai de sémantique: science des
significations. Paris: Gérard Monfort..
Fozilov E. (1983) Explanatory dictionary of Alisher Navai's
works lexicon. –Tashkent: “Fan”.. Volume I. – 656 p.
Fozilov E. (1983). Explanatory dictionary of Alisher
Navai's works lexicon. –Tashkent: “Fan”. Volume I.
624 p.
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