brother's complaint that "Fathullah's chest was
running", punches out in anger.
Fatxullani solamiz. (Rasulov A. 2009) (Meaning: Nor
punched with anger and said that instead of a turkey
we would take Fatxulla)
It can be seen that Nor's argumentative nature is
exposed through his own language. Such conciseness,
literary detail that creates humour in the image, the
skill of using dialogic speech and images,
characteristic of the style of Q. Otayev and Anvar
Obidjon, can also be found in the works of young
writers like S. Inoyatov, Z. Isomiddinov, N.
Abdusalomov, and N. Dushaev. The fact that 'y' is
becoming the main form of expression signals the
maturation of children's poetry in the 80s and 90s.
For instance, in S. Inoyatov's poems "Soccer Ball",
"Hasharchi-osharchilar", "Hol", some defects present
in children's nature are revealed through literary
In the poem "Hasharchi-osharchilar", it is described
how children play a game with Nuri's grandmother,
and the grandmother treats them with halwa, raisins,
and apples. Here, the poet skillfully utilises the details
of "Hashar" and achieves to illuminate children's
eccentricity and sarcasm through laughter, literarily
embodying the humorous images of "Hasharchi"
children as follows:
Ne berasiz bizlarga? (Abidjon A. 2014) (Meaning:
We liked receiving gifts from others for helping and
now, if someone asks for help, we do not like to help
for nothing; before giving help we ask for something
in return for our effort)
The poem "Hol" recounts the children electing Hol as
the goal captain, goal goalkeeper, and goal striker,
despite him not being a skilled football player.
Kitabkhan Hayron asks, "What is the reason for such
respect for Hol?" The solution to the mystery is
revealed in the dialogue at the end of the piece.
So, when creating a humorous image of characters in
children's poetry, poets tend to lean more towards
dialogue, and humorous situations that form the basis
of laughter in such poems are expressed as they
manifest themselves through the characters' speech.
Furthermore, the fact that laughter often arises at the
end of a poem enhances its value to some extent. In
the poem "Sleeper", a comedic image is created of a
boy who boasts that he wakes up an hour earlier than
his brother, Talib, who is perpetually late for school
due to his tendency to oversleep. Even in this poem,
the humorous situation is presented in the final lines.
Tokhtakhon Rahimova's humorous poems
predominantly carry a cheerful tone. His characters
are dreamy, full of fantasies, kind towards their
grandparents, and prone to laughter. The poet
portrays these qualities through cheerful and sincere
verses. For example, in the poem "Imagination", the
small protagonist is given a pen by his magical
grandfather, and he fantasises that when he writes
with the pen, "it will be a mistake if he doesn't do it."
Such a distinctive imagination of the little
protagonist, on one hand, contradicts the reader's
imagination, and on the other hand, his laziness and
joviality (he does not want to brush his teeth, does not
want to go to kindergarten) provoke involuntary
The dreams of the girl in the poem "Nurse Girl"
follow a similar pattern. She takes care of her ill
grandmother. She inquires about the cause of her
sickness. Each of her questions, each of her actions
incites a sincere and affectionate laugh from the
reader. This indicates that the poetess possesses a
good understanding of a child's psyche. According to
the girl, the primary reason her grandmother is unwell
is that she either ate too much honey or had ice cream
in the morning.
The girl "investigates" her grandmother in this
manner. The poetess has managed to portray such an
"investigation" in the poem with childlike sincerity
and vitality, through extremely cheerful lines.
It can be observed that Tokhtakhon Rahimova had a
remarkably subtle understanding of children's mental
world in her poetry and was able to depict it with
natural simplicity.
In the aforementioned observations, the works of our
poets directly related to the creation of humorous
depictions of children were analysed. However,
despite significant achievements in this respect, there
are numerous poems that fail to fully capture the
psyche of children in humorous tones. From the
moment children start recognising their surroundings,
they gaze at their environment with curiosity. They
strive to uncover its secrets and understand the truth
of life in general. This aspiration gradually gives rise
to imitation. Indeed, imitation of goodness is
beneficial. But a lack of attention to context in the
depiction fails to convince the reader about the
behaviour of the poetic protagonist. In general, the
80s and 90s witnessed substantial achievements in
Literary - Aesthetic and Educational Significance of Comedy in Uzbek Children’s Literature of the Independence Period