Abulmuhin Mirzo, listening to people's pain, and
living with the dream of a great journey. Professor
Umarali Normatov rightly stated that Sultan Husayn
Mirza, Abulmuhin Mirzo, and dozens of other
Timurid princes are shown in a unique new light in
Isajon Sultan's novel. According to Normatov, the
vivid images of these historical figures emerge from
the depths of history as a result of the writer's diligent
study of the distant past, social-political, literary-
spiritual historical environment, and his love for the
eloquence and maturity of classical prose, literary
language and style, and Alisher Navoi's work in
general[Normatov Umarali. 2021.].
In the novel, the writer inserts excerpts from the
poet's prose and poetic works in key places, thus
transporting the reader into the aura of the central
figure. The writer establishes a number of beautiful
qualities, such as humanity, loyalty to friends,
faithfulness to promises, kindness, and goodness, as
the foundation of Alisher Navoi's personality. All of
the other secondary characters in the novel serve to
highlight these rare qualities of the protagonist in a
more profound manner. In fact, this is the nature of
great prose works with historical and biographical
content, as they strive to depict the spiritual and
psychological world of the main character in every
The novel is divided into four parts: "Gharaib us-
sigar", "Navodir us-shabab", "Badoe' ul-vasat", and
"Favoid ul-kibor". These parts correspond to the
internal structure of Hazrat Alisher Navoi's book
"Khazayin ul Maoniy". The novel details Alisher's
childhood, youth, middle age experiences, and
especially the benefits of old age. The fourth part,
"Favoid ul-kibor", occupies a relatively large place in
the novel. This is natural, as it is a historical fact that
Navoi's work matured in all respects during this
period of his life. It is also a historical fact that the
masterpieces that he presented to the literary pleasure
of mankind, Uzbek literature, and world literature in
general, were written during these years.
The writer deeply understands the enjoyment of
completing "Khamsa", the situations of remaining
situations, the discussions of "Muhokamatul
lugatayn", and the flights of "Lison ut-tayr". He finds
artistic images and expressions that are suitable for
the delightful stages of Hazrat's work. In such pages
of the novel, which are related to the psychology of
creativity, the words of Isajon Sultan and Alisher
Navoi combine to create a strange, mysterious, and
attractive harmony.
The writer is well aware of the metaphorical
nature of fiction, or "symbolic language." In one
scene, a teenage poet sings a beautiful ghazal in a
circle. Sheikh Kamal Turbati turns to the people of
the assembly and gives an assessment of Alisher
Navoi's insight: "Be witness, this young man who
entered the battlefield of poetry left all the
commanders in a spot and hit Zuhra with a single
arrow, and it was a price!" [Isajan Sultan. Alisher
Navoi. Roman. 2021]. In this way, the writer uses
symbolic language to convey the idea that Alisher
Navoi is a talented poet who has achieved great
The art of artistic words is appreciated for its ability
to convey many meanings with few words. Too many
words spoken or written thoughtlessly can bring
disaster. The rules of artistry play a role in the
definition of textile images, often turning their
behavior towards the expression of an artistic idea in
accordance with the text of the character.
The author is very careful in his writing. He knows
and studies the fate of historical figures, and he writes
thoughtfully and accurately. For example, because
Navoi lives in Herat, he gives a very impartial
assessment of the image of Shaibani Khan, who
restrains his warlike campaigns. He does not make an
enemy out of Shaibani Khan.
If necessary, the author learns the names of birds,
animals, foods, weapons, various historical
household items, and even the verbs, behavior, and
clothing of the peoples living in a certain region—
Pashaji, Gabri, Lamghoni, Luri, Ghurii. For example,
in one scene, the author describes the musicians who
are playing at a party. He mentions the names of the
different musical instruments that they are playing,
such as the duhul, nadir, kos, tablaq, tabal, koshnay,
and trumpet. He also mentions the names of the
musicians who are playing these instruments, such as
the masters of nayi Rumi, steam, nafir, and tirsakki.
I think that the author has the right to know these
things and to express them in his work. When he does
so, he enters the historical and cultural environment
of the time period that he is writing about. For
example, when he describes the music that is being
played at the party, he gives the reader a sense of what
life was like in Herat in the 15th century.
Such labor, study, and research on the part of the
author does not go without a trace. It burdens the
stage of success of the literary-theoretical assessment