Principles of Creating Scientific-Critical Texts of Mutrib's Works
S. M. Madirimova
Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature, named after Alisher Navoi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Manuscript, scientific-critical text, principle, tazkira, poem, bayaz, ghazal, divan, Mutrib Khanakharob.
Abstract: Information about the life and work of the poet of Khorezm literary environment, Muhammad Hasan Mutrib
Haji Tabib (1853-1923), was studied based on scientific and comparative analysis. Mutrib’s divan
manuscripts, kept in the fund of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
under inventory numbers 903/IV, 906/VII, 2679/II, Laffasi’s tazkira manuscript number 12561, and Matnazar
Pirnazarov’s "Mutrib Khonakharobi (Collection of Pamphlet)", along with information about the creative
heritage of Bolta Davlatov in the newspaper "Khorazm reality" (Issue of July 20, 1991), "Guliston Journal"
(Issue 7 of 1974), Polvonnazir Bobojonov (Laffasiy. Tazkirayi Shuaro. 1992.), and other publications, have
been published. The rich literary heritage of the poet, which has reached through manuscript and lithographic
sources, press publications, anthologies, and chrestomaties, requires a comparative study and scientific
classification of his life and work. As a result of the comparative analysis, it was noted that the preparation of
excellent editions of the Mutrib Divan is one of the urgent tasks of textual studies. In this article, the principles
of creating a scientific-critical text of the manuscripts of Mutrib’s library are developed. These principles
were studied based on the principles relied upon by scientists such as Ye.E. Bertels, M. Osmonov, D.S.
Likhachev, P. Shamsiyev, I. Sultonov, H. Sulaymonov.
In Khorezm, especially in Khiva, in the XIX-early
XX centuries, during the reign of Muhammad
Rahimkhan II Feruz, many poets created and
arranged their divans. The poet and historian Bayani
writes that the khan himself led the development of
the Devonian tradition in the Khorezm literary
environment (Bertels Ye.E. Firdavsiy. 1960,).
Creating scientific and critical texts of classic works
is the basis for the emergence of relatively perfect
texts of lyrical and historical works. In this regard,
works by Ye.E. Bertels (1, 9), M. Osmonov (Sultonov
I. 1947), D.S. Likhachev (Shamsiev P. 1952;), I.
Sultonov (Alisher Navoiy. 1961.), H. Sulaymonov
(Rashidova M. 1991.), and preliminary works done
by textual scientists such as Shamsiev (Is’hoqov F.
1997.), S. Ganieva (Hamidova M. 1994.), L. Khalilov
(Ganikhujaev F. 1998.), M. Rashidova (Alisher
Navoiy. 2021), and F. Is’khakov (Zohidov R. 2018.)
have been examined. Specialists identified changes in
the text of each studied work and developed specific
principles for creating a scientific and critical text.
Corresponding author
It is known that the science of textology works on the
basis of specific sources, based on specific historical
facts. The study of manuscript sources, their scientific
use, and the approach based on the established system
have a special place in the composition of scientific
and critical texts. Based on the essence of the subject,
it is necessary to conduct research using certain
principles, scientific classification, and descriptions.
The principles of scientific and critical text in the
current researches are being implemented based on
the advanced experiences of our master textual
scientists. However, the principles adopted so far
have not been developed as a rigid and unchanging
template. In fact, the principles that emerged based on
the experiences of our textual scholars, such as P.
Shamsiev, S. Ganieva, and I. Sultonov, are serving as
relatively general principles for subsequent
The word “principle” means a method or approach.
The role of scientific and critical text is important in
restoring a relatively perfect version of manuscript
sources. In turn, the structure of a scientific-critical
Madirimova, S.
Principles of Creating Scientific-Critical Texts of Mutrib’s Works.
DOI: 10.5220/0012487200003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 349-353
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
text, based on scientific principles and a certain
system, allows the goal to be clearly realized.
Based on the theoretical studies of textual studies, it
can be said that the following three principles in
creating a scientific-critical text lay the groundwork
for the development of relatively complete versions
of the manuscript source:
The principle of generality
The principle of separation.
A private principle.
In the process of conducting scientific research on a
manuscript source, the researcher can use the
scientific results, in particular, the principles obtained
in previous studies from the point of view of textual
studies and source studies. This principle first has a
private appearance, and then becomes a general
principle for everybody. Such principles can be the
basis for creating a scientific and critical text of all
manuscripts. The principles developed by Ye.E.
Bertels (Bertels Ye.E. Firdavsiy. 1960,), D.S.
Likhachev (Shamsiev P. 1952;), and P. Shamsiev are
still used in the creation of scientific and critical texts
of manuscript sources. In 1994, Mavjuda Hamidova
also pays special attention to these principles in her
doctoral work on the topic "Scientific-critical text and
textual research of Alisher Navoi’s 'Saddi Iskandariy'
epic" and uses them in her research. In particular, the
scientist develops her thirteen principles based on the
nature of the topic when compiling the scientific-
critical text of the epic "Saddi Iskandari". In 1998,
Fatkhulla Ganikhujayev’s study titled "Ogahi’s book
'Taviz ul-ashiqin' and its scientific and critical text"
(Umarova S.) also served as the basis for these
principles. Additionally, these general principles led
to the creation of the scientific-critical text of Alisher
Navaiy’s "Muhokamatul-lugatayin" by Yu.
Tursunov’s book.
The second group of principles, the principle of
uniqueness, is a unique phenomenon. As a result of
repeated copying of a work over the years and
centuries, a process of distancing from the author’s
version occurs based on great differences. In order to
restore the version of the work close to the author’s
version, a comparative textual study of all sources is
required. R.Zohidov, Doctor of Philology, studied
25 (15 manuscripts and 10 lithographs) sources of
manuscripts and lithographs copied in different
periods for the scientific-critical text of the work
“Sabot ul-ojizin” by Sofi Allahyor, develops four
principles that are common to all: classification,
comparison, sorting. This, in turn, creates the
“Conditional chronological ratio of manuscripts”.
It is natural to ask how the private principle, which
is the third group of principles, can arise. This process
is carried out on the basis of the textology of each
studied work, based on the various versions of the
same work copied during the author’s time. For
example, it should be noted that such a phenomenon
occurred in the studies of the above-mentioned
scientists, such as Mavjuda Hamidova, Fatkhulla
Ganikhujaev, and Yusuf Tursunov. Apart from the
principles of P. Shamsiev, they developed the most
convenient and easy options for creating a scientific-
critical text with their own new principles. At the
same time, studying the works of the creator Mutrib
Khonakharob, who made a worthy contribution to the
development of our classical literature, and creating a
scientific and critical text of his legacy is one of the
urgent tasks of today.
At first, the poet’s works were published in current
editions from 1950. Up to now, there are not so many
works on the poet’s work. In 2001, M. Pirnazarov
published the pamphlet “Mutrib Khonakharobi
(Collection of Pamphlet)” as one of the notable works
promoting the poet’s work. About one hundred
poems of the poet were translated into current
spelling and published in this edition. However, when
comparing the poems in this edition with their
manuscript versions, it is obvious that the edition has
serious textual defects. For example, words are
omitted in the text, words are read incorrectly, and
stanzas are omitted.
Professor N. Jabborov, in his article entitled
“Studying the history of the text - the criterion of
scientific truth,” emphasized that if each work does
not have textual studies at the beginning, literary
studies lose their importance in most cases. If the
literary source is compared to a whole building,
textual studies are its foundation. Literary studies
must be built on this foundation. "Otherwise, it will
become a deposit like a building without a
foundation," is proof of this. Therefore, it is a fact that
the first textological study of each work and the
creation of its relatively complete variants are among
the urgent problems of textual studies.
In order to create a scientific-critical text of Mutrib
Khonakharob’s works, taking into account the
experiences accumulated so far in Uzbek textual
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studies, specific principles were developed based on
the following:
In order to compile a scientific and critical text of the
Divan, the principle of marking Devonian
manuscripts with the first three letters of the Latin
alphabet - A, V, D, etc. (Firstly, this principle was
noted in the researches of P. Shamsiyev).
Conditional signs of sources:
Manuscript - 2679/II, copied by Mulla Abdulkarim
divan - A.
Manuscript - 903/IV, copied by Mulla Karimbergan
divan - V.
Manuscript - 906/VII, copied by Mulla Boltaniyoz,
copied by Qurbanniyoz Mulaqqabi bin Harrot - D.x`
2. The principle of coordinating the titles of the
poet’s poems:
The titles of the poems were copied in the position of
"Qasida Mutrib" instead of "2 qasida Mutrib
Khonakharob". The number on the qasida and the
poet’s nickname "Khonakharob" have been omitted.
Or it can be found in other places in the forms "126-
Ghazali Mutrib" and "Musaddas".
In some places of the poems copied into the main text
or in the margins, the title is not given. For example,
in the primary source, after the 134th place, the title
"Mutrib Khanakharob with the 135th ghazal" should
be added to the 11-verse ghazal beginning with the
line "Bu kecha aqlimni toroj ayladi bir gul'uzor...".
This arrangement is preserved in the supporting
sources, i.e., the title is inserted.
When introducing ghazals, mukhammas, and
murabbas that are not found in the primary source,
titles should be added. For example, the manuscript
collection number 1134 includes 5 poems of the poet.
These features are not found in primary source A and
secondary sources B, D. These mukhammas should
be numbered and titled as "17-Mukhammas Mutrib
3. The principle of revising the alphabetical
arrangement of the Divan poems.
In some places, there is an error in the alphabetical
arrangement of ghazals:
Among the ghazals written on the letter گ (gof), the
ghazal on the letter ک (kof) is copied, just like the
arrangement of the above letters. For example, after
the 7-verse ghazal beginning with the verse “Bir nafas
ushshoq xaylidin mani yod etmading...", there are 6
ghazals such as “Shukrkim, bu kecha ul sarvi xiromon
kelajak...” and then again “Ochg‘il yuzing, ey dilbar,
ul sarvi ravong‘a o‘xshading...” is a ghazal starting
with the verse. In the meantime, there are two 7-
stanza ghazals ending with the letter ﻝ (lom), such as
“Bir dam muruvvat yo‘qmudur o‘lturdi hijron, ey
go‘zal...” ghazal, followed by a ghazal beginning with
the verse “Mani avval gul husninga zor etmakni
mashq etding...”. Primary source A (pages 146a-
4. The principle of placing conditional marks in the
restoration of poems in manuscript collections and
bayazes for the main source.
In this case, it is advisable to keep the original serial
number of the manuscript collection and bayaz.
Because a lot of numbers of sources can arise
confusions. They are:
Manuscript collections - 1152, 1134, 1127, 1129.
Bayazes manuscripts - 6816, 6927, 6928, 6932, 6951,
6952, 6969, 6939, 6971, 6976, 6990, 7023, 7039,
7122, 2024, 2025, 2028, 2036, 5894/4/III, 5894,
5894/IV, 5894/V, 5884/V, 1125, 1126, 1128, 1172,
1176, 1177, 1179, 1182, 1184, 1185, 1186, 1190,
1191, 1192, 1195, 1196.
Lithographic sources - 12561, 14420, 9543.
5. The principle of including poems taken from
manuscript collections and bayazs into a scientific-
critical text;
When including the ghazals that are not found in the
primary source in the scientific and critical text, they
should be numbered based on the sequence of letters
in the current alphabet, following the last number of
letters copied in the order of the Arabic alphabet. For
example, the number of ghazals written in the letter
(alif) in primary source A is 39.
A poem in the murabba genre is not found in
primary source A and auxiliary sources V, D. The
number of newly found murabba is 1: 1a.
The base source has a total of 16 variables. The
number of newly discovered mukhammas is 6. These
are: 17a, 18b, 19d, 20e, 21f, 22g.
The total number of poems is 60.
2 musaddas (72 verses) and 6 masnavis (124 verses)
copied to the “Khorazm News” newspaper were not
included among the above-mentioned poems. The
reason is that the original text of these poems is
damaged beyond reading.
Principles of Creating Scientific-Critical Texts of Mutrib’s Works
In the poet’s poems, the accusative “-ni” and the
accusative “-ning” are actively used. However, there
are also places where the scribe who copied the
poems inappropriately used “-ni” instead of “-ning”.
For example, the ninth line of ghazal 350: "Damo-
dam muddaiyni so‘zi birla jahli qatlimg‘a." In the
manuscript number 1152 (p. 583b), the accusative
case “-ning” is given. This ghazal is missing from
secondary source D.
Thirteenth verse of ghazal 357: "Xiromon
qomatingg‘a tushsa Mutribni ko‘zi, ey sho‘x..." A (p.
189a), V (p. 250b), 1152 (p. 656a) is preserved in the
manuscript collection “-ning”. This ghazal is missing
from secondary source D.
Compared to the suffix “-ni” in “Mudaiyni”,
“Mutribni”, etc., the accusative conjunction “-ning”
is considered a compatible combination, and this case
allows for a more complete understanding of the
The following comments of L. Khalilov are evidence
of these considerations: “It is a mistake to use one of
these agreements instead of the other due to the fact
that the grammatical features of the words in the place
and destination are different in the sentence” (8, 39).
7. The principle of writing words related to Arabic,
Persian, and Turkish languages based on the spelling
rules of the old Uzbek script.
In the text of Mutrib’s poems, the words related to
Arabic, Persian, and Turkish languages are not fully
followed by the spelling rules of the old Uzbek script.
These are mainly found in “Kof” instead of the letter
“Gof”, “zo” instead of the letter “zod” in the word
“Zoyi' (zoie'), “vov” in the word “Konglum” in other
places copied into “i” and so on. The fact that the
words are not copied in the same way caused the loss
of the characteristic of the poet’s language. Such
differences need not be reflected in a scientific-
critical text. Textologist P. Shamsiev’s opinion about
this is appropriate: “There is no need to record the
obvious mistakes of the scribe” (Bertels Ye.E.
Firdavsiy. 1960,). Therefore, when creating the
scientific and critical text of the poet's poems, it is
necessary to follow the spelling rules of the old Uzbek
script for words related to Arabic, Persian, and
Turkish languages and maintain the uniformity of the
vowels reflected in the words in the same system.
8. The principle of using signs to eliminate
differences in the texts of poems.
There are more than a thousand textual differences in
the text of Mutrib’s poems. These textual differences
are mainly seen in the omission of stanzas, words,
conjunctions, additions, and incorrect copying. When
choosing these, that is, variants of words and phrases
close to each other in content, the poet's style, logical
consistency, and weight serve as the main criteria.
This is confirmed by the following comments of the
Russian textologist D.S. Likhachev: “The text of the
monuments should be studied not only according to
their external signs but also according to the change
of their content and ideological direction” (3, 51).
Below, we found it necessary to give the differences
in the text of the poet’s poems based on signs. These
signs are important in constructing the scientific-
critical text of the poet’s works.
The omission of words and additions in the
composition of poems is no less than other
differences. These words and additions were also
restored from the text of manuscript bayazes and
collections copied during the poet’s lifetime. Such
differences are caused by the fact that the text of the
book was not copied under the control of the author.
At the same time, the level of education of the
secretary also depends on it. Below, when noting the
missing words and suffixes, a “-“ sign is given for the
scientific-critical text. For example, in the main
auxiliary sources, B (p. 205b) and D (p. 239b), to the
manuscript collection “Majmuat ush-shuaroi payravi
Feruzshahi” numbered 1152 (p. 37a), a 7-stanza
ghazal beginning with the verse “Mushabbak aylagan
jismimni paykoningga sallamno” is copied. The
possessive suffix “-im” in the word “Isyanim” in the
fourth verse of this ghazal is omitted from the primary
source A (pp. 86b-87a).
In the text of Mutrib's poems, the addition of one
word to the composition of another word, the addition
of words, and incorrect copying are also noticeable.
These mistakes create inaccuracies in the form of the
poem. Although this situation in the main source A is
less common than in the main auxiliary sources V, D,
it is important to choose the most suitable variants of
words for a scientific and critical text.
The “+” sign is placed in the changed and added
places of the words and additions in the verse, and the
verses of the verse reflecting the differences in the
sources are given in the form of a and b, and the
sequence number of the copied ghazal is below the
text, should be shown. For example, the word "qtlim"
(killing) in the fifth verse of the 7-verse ghazal with
the radiative “Fido” is copied in the form of "aqlim"
(climate) in the base source A (page 87a). B (p. 205b),
D (p. 239b) are correctly copied in the main auxiliary
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sources and in the manuscript collection “Majmuat
ush-shuaroi payravi Feruzshahi” numbered 1152 (p.
The word “iqlim” is derived from the Arabic
language and means region, continent. The word
“Qatlim” means to kill, to slaughter.
The word “killing” in this verse corresponds to the
essence of the verse. The essence becomes clear in the
next verse (Qil tarahhum novakingg‘a qatrayi jonim
fido): as a result of the witch's eye shooting, the lover
agrees to "execution" and sacrifices a drop of blood
for his eyelash.
It is desirable to implement the scientific-critical text
of Mutrib’s works on the basis of 8 principles. These
are the following:
- The principle of designating the manuscripts of the
devan with the first three letters of the Latin alphabet
- A, V, D in order to compile the scientific and critical
text of the devan.
- Review the titles marked in red before the first verse
of the poet’s poems; the principle of restoring
completely lost places and giving newly found poems
a title appropriate to the genre.
- The principle of revising the position of the poems
transferred to the couch in alphabetical order.
- The principle of putting special conditional marks in
restoring the poems in the manuscript collections and
bayozes for the base source.
- The principle of adding poems that are not found in
the manuscripts of the poet’s divan to the divan based
on the arrangement of the Arabic alphabet and
consecutive numbers, taken from manuscript
collections and bayazes.
- The principle of combining words with sound
changes and grammatical errors in the text.
- The principle of writing words related to Arabic,
Persian, Turkish languages based on the spelling rules
of the old Uzbek script.
- The principle of using allusions to eliminate
differences in the texts of poems.
Saktas in the main source A, main auxiliary sources
B, D and sets 1122, 1134, 1127, 1129, 6816, 6927,
6928, 6932, 6951, 6952, 6969, 6939, 6971, 6976,
6990, 7023, 7039, 70242, 2 2025, 2028, 2036, 5894/II,
5894/III, 5894/IV, 5894/V, 1125, 1126, 1128, 1172,
1176, 1177, 1179, 1182, 1184, 1185, 1186, 11910,
1191, 1196 manuscript manuscripts and 12561,
14420, 9543 poems copied to lithographic sources
were determined, and comparative-textual research
was carried out.
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Principles of Creating Scientific-Critical Texts of Mutrib’s Works