examination adhering to the criteria for studying both
poetic and prose works. The application of this
principle is well-suited for all artistic, scientific, and
historical texts of the great poet's works, helping to
identify the unique trajectory of Navoi's work
Until now, various textual research methods have
been employed in studying Navoi's works,
particularly artistic and hermeneutic methods for text
interpretation. However, the prosaic exposition of the
poetic text holds particular significance. The
outcomes of this research serve in two ways for the
evolutionary development of textology: a)
implementing scientific and popular scientific
publications of the poet, supplemented with
comprehensive commentary based on creating
scientific and critical texts of Navoi's works; b)
fulfilling the task of the primary factor for theoretical
scientific research conducted to study the text of the
poet's works.
During the former union era, significant literary
renewal occurred in the emerging field of literary
studies - the examination of Navoi's heritage.
Regrettably, at that time, the religious features of the
poet's works were not fully investigated. The textual
representation of each nation's religious values and its
international prestige is determined by the people's
adherence to religious tradition principles and the
development of religious symbols rooted in long-
standing religious traditions. A poet's artistic style
evolves from employing religious poetic images and
symbols grounded in religious and traditional values.
Tradition, based on religious perspectives, is a
spiritual and religious phenomenon essential to
identifying new features, ensuring successful
continuation, and future evolutionary development of
a specific new industry. In the course of work,
religious layers of the text and textual religious
implications in the poet's works are annotated. These
implications are commented upon based on several
principles, including textual meaning, comparison of
the manuscript, edition, and BSC, justification and
comparison with the Holy Quran's original, reliance
on "tafsirs", justification and mixing with hadith, and
more. Words with religious connotations can carry
both historical and lexical meaning, serving as a
significant source not only for textology or lexicology
history but also for classical literature history.
Therefore, such characteristic words provide
substantial information for fields like linguistics,
literary criticism, textology, source study,
ethnography, archaeology, geography, logic,
psychology, philosophy, and Sufism. Furthermore,
the analysis of the verses of the Holy Quran, hadith
and quotations, can significantly contribute to
fundamental research conducted on religion history.
The research results can serve as a vital resource in
publishing textual and literary source studies, Navoi
studies, classical works and manuals on Uzbek
language history, and addressing challenges in
scientific spheres such as palaeography, historical
lexicology, word science, bibliology, and literary
criticism. The results offer researchers, textologists,
literary critics, orientalists, linguists, and historians
the accurate interpretation of hitherto unknown,
difficult words with abstract meanings, aiding them
in studying Alisher Navoi's work comprehensively
and conducting new research.
Since past centuries, Uzbek classical literature
has made its mark, as reflected by the extensive
research material accumulated in global literary
criticism and textual criticism. The figure of Alisher
Navoi, who left his descendants a significant literary
and scientific legacy, stands out.
In Alisher Navoi's literary wealth, the "Khamsa"
("Five") holds a leading position in terms of volume
and importance. In his "Muҳokamat ul-luғatayn"
("Litigation of Two Languages"), he writes, "I put
five fingers on the five of 'Hamsa'. At first, my talent's
flowers were revealed in the garden of 'Hayrat ul-
abrar' ('Amazement of the Righteous'). Sheikh
Nizami's spirit poured pearls on my head from his
'Mahzan ul-asrar' ('Treasury of Secrets'). When my
thought was attracted to the allure of darkness in
'Farhad and Shirin', I lit my lamp from the flame of
'Shirin and Khosrov', from Mir Khosrov's breath.
When I turned the feet of love to the valley of 'Layli
and Majnun', I found precious stones that Khoja
Himmati had wasted in 'Gavhar-name'. When my
heart's gaze turned to 'Sabai Sayyar' ('Seven Planets'),
seven beauties from Ashraf's 'Khaft Paykar' ('Seven
Beauties') appeared before me. When my soul's
architect laid the foundation for 'Saddi Iskander'
('Wall of Iskander'), the drum of support and aid
resounded from Hazrati Mahdum (Jami)'s high
degree 'Hiradname' ('Book of Wisdom')".
Prominent orientalists such as E.E. Bertels, A.N.
Kononov, A.A. Semyonov, S.L. Volin, M. Salye,
Gafur Gulyam, S. Ainiy, S.M. Mutallibov, G.K.
Karimov, and H. Sulaymonov have extensively
studied this work.
However, a detailed study of A. Navoi's original
poems and scientific treatises suggests that there are
still numerous "blank spots," unexplored,
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