Legends", "Journey to Mumtoz Literature", "The
Innocent World of Childhood", and "To Love the
Country is a Matter of Faith" (Alavutdinova N. G.
(2008).). Texts about Navoi were included in the
"Journey to Classical Literature" section. Presenting
literary texts in this unique format, grouped in special
sections, guides the teacher on how to approach the
literary text. Grouping related works in one chapter
keeps the reader's focus on a particular theme for an
extended period. This fosters a consolidation of their
views on the subject matter.
The "History of Uzbek Literature" section of the 6th
grade "Literature" textbook, 1995 edition, features
stories from Alisher Navoi's epic “Hayrat al-abrar”
("Wonders of Good People") such as "Hotami Toy",
"Two Loyal Lovers", and "Dove". The article "About
Alisher Navoi and His Stories" discusses the poet's
life, the stories' content, and the embedded ideas. The
quizzes also prioritise studying the article over the
literary text. Regarding the stories taken from
"Wonders of Good People", the format of the
questions remains consistent, such as: recount the
content of the story "Hotami Toy" and describe the
characters therein, or discuss the meaning and idea
behind the story "Dove" in the epic, and so forth
(Husanboyeva Q., Niyozmetova R. (2022),). In the
study of Alisher Navoi's life and work, published in
1991 for the 7th grade, considerable space is devoted
to the works: Rubaiyat, Ghazal, "The Story of a
Stranger from the Fifth Climate". The given texts are
primarily elucidated to the reader through an
accompanying article about the work. For example,
information about the Rubaiyat's theoretical aspects
is presented. This information is brief, concise, and
showcases specific genre elements. For instance, the
content of A. Navoi's poem "Kamol et kasbikim" is
explained by highlighting the language from which
the poem is derived, its meaning, the prevalent use of
the lyrical genre of wisdom in classical Eastern
literature, its structure, and its rhyming scheme.
In the 2005 edition of the 7th grade textbook, the
scientific method is employed to cover the activities
of Mirkarim Osim (Karimov N., Normatov U.
(1999).). In the article oriented towards Hasbi, the
works of the historical writer are grouped both
chronologically and thematically. A relatively brief
article, taken from Sabir Mirvaliyev's book "Uzbek
Writers", more exalts the character of the historian-
writer rather than examining his life.The stories "The
First Spring of Youth", "Summer Desert", and
"Language of Birds" were included in the short story
collection "Darkness in the Light". Providing specific
questions and tasks after each story enabled the reader
to thoroughly grasp the brief text and drew their
attention to the truths intended by the writer—truths
which the young reader should comprehend and
"see": "Observe the development of the abilities of
the boy, Alisher. Consider how the family
environment played a role in his growth. What do you
believe was the influence of his father, mother and
uncles in his upbringing? Identify and explain
instances where Prince Hussain— the future ruler—
displays characteristic traits. Carefully read the
sections where the instability of the political situation
in the country, along with its causes and
consequences, are explained and depicted. Pay
attention to how, through whom, or by what means
the writer conveys these elements. Any minor
scenario in the works that serves to boost the student's
morale and foster national pride is revisited through
the medium of questions, and the student is "coerced"
to rely solely on their own opinion in their response:
'Pay attention to the story about Alisher's encounter
with Attar. How do you interpret the incident where
the Mongolian soldier sold a man of Maulana's stature
for a mere handful of straw, and the poor farmer
parted with his last possessions— his straw— to help
an old man?' and so forth.
The student who answers such questions feels a sense
of pride in belonging to a nation that values
knowledge and scholars, a nation that has nurtured
great individuals who have significantly contributed
to world civilisation. Some repetition is observed in
the questions and tasks: after the task 'Considering the
way Ghiyasiddin Bahadur communicates with his
son, explain what kind of person he is', another task
is given: 'Discuss Alisher's father's relationship with
his teacher. Based on that, infer what kind of people
they are.' Although the second task requires a more
comprehensive response to the first question, it
directly necessitates a partial repetition of the initial
Studying the works of Alisher Navoi is intrinsically
linked to the culture of reading. The development of
a reading culture represents one of the most pressing
academic issues within literary education, and
primarily, it's the work that cultivates aesthetic taste
in students, helps identify beautiful qualities, and
promotes mastery of writing skills, understanding of
poetic structures, and appreciation of the arts.
Currently, the development of reading competence is