the sentiments of a person struggling to find the
meaning of life in all its complexity and adversities:
Through these verses, the poet conveys the boundless
helplessness of a person yearning to fully
comprehend the world. Sometimes one strives for
knowledge and enlightenment to grasp the essence of
life, and at other times, one devotes themselves to
piety and obedience. Yet, the complexity of life and
the twists of destiny prevent the realization of their
ultimate purpose. The lyrical protagonist attempts to
understand the essence of the Sun through intellectual
prowess, but soon realizes that their understanding
falls short, unable to explain even a single particle of
light. Despite unwavering devotion, they come to the
realization that comprehending the universe's
meaning and their own purpose in this world remains
beyond reach. Profound knowledge and perfect
prayer do not provide answers. This realization leaves
them impatient, and they find themselves compelled
to tread a path filled with "May istarga singan safol"
and "xarobot aro oshufta hol."
Cause or Consequence? Why is man so intricate, and
at the same time, why is he noble? Is man noble
because of his intricacy or is he intricate because of
his glory? Hazrat poses questions that many people
contemplate, but providing a definitive answer is
difficult. Upon reflection, one can grasp to some
extent the reason for man's grandeur. Most of the
countless creatures in the universe lack a body or soul
(for example, a stone); some lack either a soul or a
body (for example, wind and air); a number of
creatures have both a body and a soul but lack speech
(for example, animals). Only man possesses the gift
of speech. The fact that man was created as the
possessor of body, soul, spirit, and language is the
reason for his dignity. And more importantly, he is
the Xalifa of the Creator!
Alisher Navoi is a thinker-poet who compellingly
demonstrated in his works that the world is boundless,
indescribably sophisticated, beautiful, and refreshing.
The poet explains the elevation of a person's career
based on the logic of his creation. According to his
interpretation, man is not merely the result of the
universe's existence, but the reason for the universe's
creation. After all, man is an expression of Alloh’s
beauty, power, and wisdom. Alloh created man in his
own image.
It seems that Alloh created man to perceive his
greatness, power, and beauty through a clear mirror.
Among the innumerable creatures in the universe,
only man is adorned with the attributes of the Creator.
Otherwise, it would not be a mirror. Alloh desired to
see himself in the mirror - human form. Human
nature, heart, emotions, and thinking are formed in
such a way that they rejoice in all beauty and
goodness, are offended by any evil and vice, and can
resist the person who offends them with their hands,
tongue or tongue. Hence, they are elevated as a
substitute for Alloh, who was envisioned in their
creation and will be worthy of an honourable career.
Honourable responsibility. In accordance with the
body, soul, and spirit that constitute the human being,
the Creator endowed him with physical, emotional,
and spiritual qualities. Even the combination of these
qualities cannot make a person honourable by itself.
One needs the quality of humanity to control the
easily aroused passions and to develop the spiritual
aspects that require relentless jihad against the ego.
He will rise to the rank of a saint only if he can
overcome his weaknesses such as lust attacks and
inclination to pleasures and become the possessor of
high spiritual qualities. Therefore, a person needs to
purify his spiritual world to attain the level of
Just as the tulip seed falls to the ground and becomes
smallpox because it sacrifices its shell, and the
cocoon becomes silk because it sacrifices its life, so a
person can rise and achieve the rank of humanity only
if he can overcome his ego and his hunger for
pleasure. Only Hazrat Navoi's unique talent can
describe such an abstract mental and spiritual
condition like humanity in such a tangible manner.
The reality of social life is that the more noble the
values on which a person relies, the more enduring
they become. Conversely, a society based on transient
spiritual values will decline. It depends on the
spiritual goals that each individual person, any
society, and the whole personality possess, along with
the moral qualities and direction of their thinking.
Changes in the system of values can first change an
individual person, and through them, the whole
society. Hence, a self-respecting person should be
concerned about the purity of spiritual examples.
Alisher Navoi emphasizes that the sorrow in a
person's heart is a great pain not only for this person
but also for others. For the lack of grief signifies that
a person has no thoughts about himself, no pain with
someone, and complete indifference to the fate of