Talent Management Practices: Unleashing Employee Engagement
Through Perceived Organizational Support
Pooja Nagpal
International School of Management Excellence (ISME) Bangalore, India
Keywords: Talent Management Practices, Employee Engagement, Perceived Organizational Support.
Abstract: Employees are most valued assets of any organizations paving a path to success. Talent are the ability, skill
and knowledge that employee brings to the organization to effectively perform their job well to achieve the
organizational goals. In the current world of “Talent War” Talent Management (TM) is not limited to just
acquiring a right talent but rather on deployment, development, engagement and retention of its employees.
This study analyzes the drivers of Talent Management Practices (TMP) and Perceived Organizational Support
(POS) impacting Employee Engagement (EE). The study comprises an analysis of data of 457 respondents
from IT sector companies from IT hub of Bangalore, India. The result indicates TMP and POS have a direct
influence on EE. The findings imply on theory and practice specifically in enhancing employee engagement
using various TMP along with POS. The study found scope for future research in comparing various sectors
using additional independent variables in a longitudinal manner.
In the dynamic VUCA world managing an
intellectual capital becomes pretty demanding and the
unique strategy adopted by organizations is talent
management (Raju, 2021). (Mehdiabadi & Li., 2016)
asserted TMP are distinctive tactics in Human
Resources Management (HRM) that attempts to
attain a competitive advantage through the tactical
development of employees using numerous HR
strategies, so that employees contribute effectively
for achieving goals and objectives. Based on the study
by (Wellins et. al., 2009), TM is the process of
finding, employing, developing, retaining and finally
deploying high potential employees to attain the
organizational objectives in most efficient manner.
POS are the set of employee’s own beliefs regarding
to the extent to which its institute they work values
their contribution along with the care towards their
wellbeing. (Eisenberger, et. al, 1986). (Astuty &
Udin, 2020) stressed POS an affective commitment
of an employee towards its organization laterally
having a positive perception towards their
organization on the facets related to getting support,
valued and being cared about. Talent management
today is a unique approach to human resource
management that seeks to gain a competitive edge via
the tactical development of competent and highly
motivated people by combining cultural, structural,
and HR methods. (Sitorus 2017). If TM strategies are
in appropriately laid in an enterprise, employees will
be able to contribute effectively and fruitfully to the
attainment of the organization's goals and objectives
(Alharebi & Khalil., 2019). Employee empowerment
results from EE strategies, which support employees
in making decisions and using their creativity to solve
problems creatively. Engaged employees are more
dedicated to their work, more productive, and more
devoted to the company. These employees have
positive attitude towards the work and coworkers and
always vigilant about the business environment
around them (Theuri, 2017). Many authors asserted
employee engagement’s as a psychological state that
has developed by the employee's interaction in the job
place and awareness of the work environment in
which they perform their day to day activities. (Khan,
1990; Turner, 2020). The primary drive for this study
is to fill some gaps in literature review regarding the
association between TMP and EE. Secondly the study
tries to examine the association between TMS (talent
acquisition, learning and development, retention and
Nagpal, P.
Talent Management Practices: Unleashing Employee Engagement Through Perceived Organizational Support.
DOI: 10.5220/0012492300003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 499-505
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
career management) leading to POS in turn impacting
2.1 Talent Management Practices
The TM concept was introduced by McKinsey
Consultants, in the book titled “The War for Talent”
in 1998 (Michaels et al., 2001). In the present
framework the organizations are functioning in
dynamic environments that are characterized by
erratic technical, political and economic changes
(Oreg et al., 2018), demonstrating how human
resources policies plays a significant role for
successful existence, sustainability of organization
and its intellectual capital. The best strategy adopted
by organizations are TMPs like identification,
development and management of high potential in the
organization, so as these employees add value to the
company at present and future (Lyria, 2013). A lot of
ambiguity is prevalent in understanding the concept
of talent management due to various definition given
by numerous authors. For some it’s mastering of a
competence in one domain of human activity, for
other it’s resourcefully completing the task and
developing the competences (Dries, N. 2013). Even
while defining the concept of TM differs among
various organizations, for few it would be
concentrating on sustainability, for others it’s would
on identifying high potential employees, for few the
strategies of HRM practices aimed at internal
development of talent. (Cooper, D.R.; Schindler, P.S.
2003). There are numerous TMP, but for the study we
have adopted four strategies like talent acquisition,
learning & development, talent retention and career
2.1.1 Talent Acquisition (TA)
Prior to talent acquisition, the phases starts with talent
attraction through strategies as shorter selection
cycle, sound employer branding, building employee
value prepositions and selecting suitable talent that
maps with organizational culture and values. Talent
acquisition aims to invite the potential workforces
having the requisite qualifications and the right fit for
the positions open Songa, J.V, Oloko, M. (2016), so
that their onboarding leads to improvement and
sustainability the organizational performance
(Boxall, P, Purcell, J.2003).
2.1.2 Learning & Development (L&D)
Organizations learning is becoming an norm special
in service sector, the learning and development are
taking up by the organizations to develop new
procedures, new technologies to develop day to day
knowledge and skills of employee. These are
implemented by organizations for ease of adoption of
changing internal and external environment, to gain
competitive sustainable environment and also
successfully compete with their rivals. To gain
competitive advantage the top management first
needs to identify employees have any technical or
qualification deficiencies and leverage on strategies
of learning and development. On this statement,
Phillips, D.R.; Roper, K.O. (2009) recommended that
the strategy formulation for the employees should be
tailored specific for different generations to keep
them engaged. The strategies need to be focused on
employee’s personal growth, professional
development and to map with work life balance.
2.1.3 Talent Retention (TR)
Talent retention is a strategic procedure to encourage
talented employees to be retained and sustained by
organization for a longer duration of time (Tephillah,
V.S.; Swamalatha., 2015). The strategies that can be
adopted by for retention of talent are by motivating
the employees, providing them with competitive
compensation, up skilling them with latest training
and also creating a path for career advancements
(Devi, S. 2017). Consequently, the retained talent
employees leave a great impact on both financial and
operation of the organization.
2.1.4 Career Management (CM)
Career management comprises activities like
collecting information of employees as their area of
interest, the norms that that follow, the career
objectives they have, the skill strength and weakness
they possess, integrating all these career strategies to
attain the prospect career goal (Greenhaus et al.,
2000). The career management activities adopted in
any organization maybe both formal and informal
activities as providing an employee job rotation to
learn various job roles on the floor, employees can
enrich their knowledge by various seminars or
conferences and providing different avenues for self-
improvement. A clear cut career path should be
formulated for high potential employees to climb the
ladder of top management in subsequent years.
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
2.2 Perceived Organizational Support
POS is an opinion of an employee about its employer
on how much the organizations that he serves values
and care about the contributions and wellbeing about
them. Employees having POS work harder to achieve
the organizational goals also they engage with their
work along with brining positivity around. The
concept of POS rests on social exchange theory
(Eisenberger, et al., 1986). Based on the study by
(Lee., 2004), the norm of reciprocity relationship is
more relevant in today’s economic environment due
to changing norms of technology and globalization.
In present dynamic work environment employees
complete complex work assignment involving longer
working hours with integrated teams. For this the
team needs to be motivated constantly give them
requisite resources, support them for better work
outcomes. To get better outcomes the managements
representatives, supervisors constitute frontline and
these are responsible for performance feedback and
empowerment of employees. The application of
talent management strategies to promote POS helps
in improving employee behavior and as a result leads
to higher employee engagement. Employee
engagement has been documented as a significant
ordinal outcome of POS (Shams et al., 2020). Further
this study will link POS between TMPs and EE.
2.3 Employee Engagement
The maiden work done in the arena of employee
engagement was by (Kahn., 1990, p. 700 & 718)
stated engagement as an instantaneous employment
and countenance of an individual’s “preferred self in
work behavior that promote themselves and others
using “physical, cognitive and emotional ability to
full perform the role”. He further stated the three
states related to engagement were dependent upon
individual himself, the intergroup influences along
with the organizational aspects. Based on the study
by (Schaufeli et al., 2002) states engaged employees
experience a positive work related state of mind that
are characterized by vigour which is linked to energy
and mental resilience at work, followed by dedication
where an employee is strongly involved in one’s work
and finally absorption being engrossed in their work.
Saks (2019) postulated that employees do not perform
only one task but usually do two roles one as the work
role demands and another as a member of
organization. The present study considers three levels
of engagements as “Cognitive, Emotional, and
Behavior Engagement”. Based on the gap of literature
review following hypothesis were formulated.
The proposed theoretical framework that incorporates
is illustrated below.
Figure 1: Conceptual Model of Author
Talent Management Practices: Unleashing Employee Engagement Through Perceived Organizational Support
The conceptual model of the author based on the
literature gap have taken antecedents of POS as talent
acquisition, learning and development, talent
retention and career management leading to
employee engagement. The previous study stated this
gap in analazing POS on EE.(P Nagpal & Senthil
Kumar., 2017). The present study tries to study the
impact of POS on EE
3.1 Objectives & Research Hypothesis
The hypothesis of the study for the examination of
factors TMP and POS influencing the EE is presented
: Talent Management Practices positively
impact Perceived Organizational Support.
: Talent Management Practices and Perceived
Organizational Support have a positive and
significant impact on Employee Engagement.
3.2 Research Problem
The empirical study seeks to ascertain how TMPs and
POS relate to employee engagement in Bengaluru's
mid-sized IT firms. Both qualitative and quantitative
methodologies were employed to collect, examine,
and present the study's findings. Surveys are used to
collect primary data, while databases are searched
electronically for relevant published studies to get
secondary data from.
3.3 Tools, Sample, Procedure,
Constructs of the Study
The structured questionnaire had 35 statements
excluding demographics and all the items were
measured by five point Likert scale (1-5). The TMPs
questionnaire are adopted (Lyria R.K., 2013). The
POS questionaries’ are derived from (Eisenberger et
al., 1986) and engagement by (Shuck, B., et al.,
2017). The IT sector consists of tech services,
consulting and outsourcing with a contributing GDP
of 7.4% and revenue of $230 billion in the financial
year 2022, Bangalore is known as the Silicon Valley
in India with 1.5 million employees in the IT and 50%
of top IT companies situated here (ibef.org). Thus IT
companies have been chosen as the population,
convenience sample is adopted to choose eight mid-
sized IT companies in Bangalore having employee
size between 50 to 249 that are in software
development and these companies were ready to take
part in the survey. Simple random sampling has been
adopted to choose the respondents and 65 participants
were randomly chosen from each company and
questionnaire was disturbed to 520 respondents
among them 457 were the useable responses that were
furthered used for analysis, analysis was done with
SPSS 25 with various test. The present study
consisted of three variables in cumulative, namely:
Talent Management Practices, Perceived
Organizational support and Employee Engagement.
The data analysis part consisted of validity and
reliability of the tool, the results and interpretation.
4.1 Validity and Reliability of the
Table 1: Internal Consistency (Cronbach Alpha).
Sl No Variable No of Items Cronbach’s
1 TMP 15 0.841
2 POS 8 0.808
3 EE 12 0.927
Table 1, interprets the Cronbach’s alpha reliability
coefficient values, in all the above scales the values
are greater than 0.800 and these values are considered
good based on the study by (George and Mallery.,
4.2 Demographic Characteristics of the
Total sample size was 457. The demographics
comprise of 258 were represented by male, and 199
female participants. The age group of 20-30 are 272,
31-40 are 127 and 41 and above 58. The designation
these IT professional had were as software engineer
282, senior software engineer 153 and Team lead 22.
4.3 Influence of TMP on POS
Table 2: Multiple Regression Analysis - Influence of TMP
on POS.
Variables B SE of B t value P value
Constant 4.705 0.307 4.005 0.001**
0.466 0.057 8.204 0.000**
L&D (X
) 0.320 0.131 2.441 0.015*
T&R (X
0.138 0.060 2.303 0.021*
) 0.780 0.091 8.563 0.001**
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Multiple R value = 0.746 R
value = 0.557
F value = 142.287 P value = <0.001** <0.005*
Table 2 states, R
is 0.557, indicating that 55.7% of
the variation in POS can be explained by the four
TMPs variables considered. Furthermore, the F value
of 142.287, obtained from the regression analysis,
establishes the overall significance of the model.
The multiple regression equation is -
Y = 4.705+ 0.466X
+0.320 X
+ 0.138X
+ 0.780X
From the regression analysis it was found that
coefficient of X
is 0.4705 represents the partial effect
of talent acquisition on POS by holding other
variables as constant and with the p value <0.000 at
95% confidence interval, POS would increase by
0.4705 for every unit increase in talent acquisition,
like wise for all other factors as stated in table 2.
4.4 Multiple Regression Analysis –
Influence TMP, POS & EE
Table 3: Variables in the Multiple Regression Analysis
SE of
t value P value
Constant 11.013 12.186 16.027 <0.001**
0.366 0.054 6.838 <0.001**
0.708 0.091 7.789 <0.001**
Multiple R value = 0.681 R
value = 0.463
F value = 195.932 P value: <0.001**
The multiple regression equation is
Y = 11.013 +0.366 X
+0.708 X
The positive sign of this coefficient suggests a
positive relationship, implying that for every unit
increase in POS, EE would increase by 0.708 units.
Like the coefficient for TMPs, the coefficient for POS
is also statistically significant at the 1% level,
underscoring its strong impact on EE.
The study found TMPs influences EE by providing
support to both the hypothesis. Hypothesis H
proposed that TMPs significantly influence POS, and
this hypothesis was accepted with TMPs accounting
for 55.7% of the variance in POS. Hypothesis H
suggested that both TMPs and POS significantly
influence EE, and this hypothesis was also accepted.
The study found that TMPs and POS together explain
46.3% of the variation in EE. Thus, the study
confirms the relationship among TMP, POS and EE
(Sumarto, L., & Rumaningsih, M. 2021).
5.1 Managerial Implications
Increasing EE is a critical issue for managers.
Researchers are paying a lot of attention to EE as it is
critical to organizational effectiveness leading to
productivity, loyalty, along with leveraging a huge
impact on customer satisfaction and building the
brand image of the organization (Gruman & Saks
2011; Lockwood, 2007). Employees probably will
increase their engagement altitudes if they have a
greater impression of management support and
believe they are treated fairly well along with the
acknowledgement of their contribution towards
organization. Thus this study provides a noteworthy
guidance’s to the managers and policy framers about
the factors that enhance EE among the workforce.
Practically speaking, the managers from Indian IT
sector can benefit greatly from the present research's
findings to enhance EE in service sector and
knowledge workers. Moreover this study gives
insight in adopting various TMP like talent
acquisition, learning and development, talent
retention and career management so that employees
have positive perception towards POS thus leading to
EE. The study supports on the idea of choosing the
right TMP to develop strong POS to enhance EE in
turn leading to employee satisfaction and elevating
productivity levels.
5.2 Recommendations for Future
Research and Limitations
The future study can delve into multiple areas to gain
a deeper understanding of how these TMP operate
and their impact on organizational outcomes. The
scope of the study can be boarding by including
various industries, sectors, or countries can
significantly enhance the robustness of the evidence
available. Additionally, adopting a longitudinal
research method could yield more comprehensive
findings while minimizing the risk of potential bias in
employee perceptions.
This study explored the TMPs and POS leading
towards EE. TMP primarily like career management,
talent acquisition, learning and learning &
development and retention impacted POS and this
Talent Management Practices: Unleashing Employee Engagement Through Perceived Organizational Support
leading to EE. The study adds to the body of
knowledge both empirically and quantitatively
examining the relationship between TMP and EE in
an Indian IT context. Many studies have not found
link between TMP, POS and EE as outcome variable.
The study also suggests to examine the same
relationship in other country, sectors and longitudinal
parameters to replicate the finding.
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Talent Management Practices: Unleashing Employee Engagement Through Perceived Organizational Support