(2001); Farooqi, Sibghatullah, 2002; Turyahebwa,
2013 and Maheshkar & Soni, 2022), 'Infrastructural
facilities' (supported by SIDBI, 2001; Farooqi,
Sibghatullah, 2002) are positive and significant on
'Overall performance of SMES'.
SMEs are the primary forces behind economic
development in all countries on earth and have a big
impact on India's GDP growth. In India, SMEs are the
second-largest sector in terms of job generation and
supporting equitable regional growth, after only
agriculture. This sector accounts for more than 90%
of all national industries, highlighting the
significance of SMEs as the backbone of the Indian
economy. These companies support big industries as
auxiliary units and significantly contribute to
inclusive growth in India. The social welfare of
billions of people is influenced by SMEs. Therefore,
it is clear that the business might generate
employment prospects, especially for low and semi-
skilled employees. The sector provides work that is
substantially more intense. MSMEs provide a
substantial contribution to the country's development,
but neither governmental organisations nor financial
institutions provide them with the necessary backing.
However, problems with infrastructure, financing,
and rising automation are reducing the sector's
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