Women Teachers and Their Long-Term Savings Approach on
Cryptocurrency Investment
A. Ruban Christopher
and A. R. Nithya
School of Management, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai, India
Keywords: Cryptocurrency, Women Teachers, Long-Term Savings.
Abstract: Enabling women empowered on cryptocurrency leverages them with greater control over their financial assets
with financial independence. Recently published research data shows that only 20+ percentage of crypto
investors in India are women. This gender gap in the cryptocurrency market may be due to a variety of factors;
This research identifies the variables that has a significant relationship on the cryptocurrency investment by
women, particularly the women teachers. An empirical study is conducted via a questionnaire, administered
online. The data is analysed in Python, a machine learning software, executed in ‘feature importance’ method
using decision tree analysis and output results are validated by ‘catboost’ algorithm. The interpretations
highlight the six independent variables that show significant relationship on cryptocurrency investment by
women teachers are namely; monthly income, long-term investment behaviour, educational stream, perceived
profit in crypto investment, percentage of long-term savings in cryptocurrency and their willingness to
participate in training.
India stood fifth in the world on the number of crypto
owners as a percentage of the total population with
19.30% and third in terms of volume with 27.45 crore
accounts as of Nov 2022 report by Finder’s
Cryptocurrency Adoption Index. The total value of
the cryptocurrency market capital as of early 2023 is
around Rs.100 lakh crores. Considering the quantum
of money getting invested, having women involved in
cryptocurrency can help address the gender gap in the
technology industry and can also help to promote
inclusivity in the cryptocurrency space. Moreover,
having women made aware of cryptocurrency can
empower them by providing the knowledge and tools
to participate in the growing digital economy.
Additionally, understanding cryptocurrency can help
women to make informed decisions about the
technology and its potential uses and risks.
Furthermore, it can help to break down barriers and
to increase the participation of women in the
cryptocurrency industry, which can lead to a more
diverse and equitable ecosystem. In this study we
* Corresponding Author
shall discuss on the long-term savings approach of the
Women Teachers on Cryptocurrency.
2.1 Risk Factor
(Prasetyo, T.G. and Kurniasari, F., 2023) (Prasetyo
and Kurniasari, 2023) study affirms that Women are
more likely than men to invest in crypto assets due to
the blockchain system's security, transparency, and
ease of use. (Prapatchon Jariyapan et al, 2022)
(Prapatchon Jariyapan et al., 2022) This study
concluded that, the cryptocurrency asset ownership
was based on the perceived usefulness of it and not
on its risk consideration.
2.2 Financial Literacy or Awareness
(Samaira Tomer, 2022) (International Journal of
Advanced Research, n.d.) As per primary data
collected, around 85% do not invest in
Christopher, A. and Nithya, A.
Women Teachers and Their Long-Term Savings Approach on Cryptocurrency Investment.
DOI: 10.5220/0012492900003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundar y Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 533-537
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
cryptocurrency due to the widespread mis-
information and their risk-aversive behavior. (Kim,
Kyoung Tae, 2022) (Kim et al., 2022) study shown
that objective investment literacy was negatively
associated while subjective literacy was positively
associated with holding cryptocurrency.
2.3 Prior Investment Experience
(Chrančoková, Martina et al ,2022) (Chrančoková et
al., 2022) study states that, People who actively
invested in cryptocurrencies cite that the possibility
of quick earnings as the main reason for investing in
cryptocurrencies, whereas the respondents who did
not invest commented that it is very high risk. Most
investors are from the city, men and with inverse
relationship on age.
2.4 Government Regulations
(Anu Bala, 2022) (Researchers, n.d.) Discussed that
currently there is no legislation that bans
cryptocurrency as illegal and it sends a positive signal
and encourages investment in cryptocurrency.
(Shukla, S., &Akshay, A. 2019) (Anu Bala, 2022)
found that, the majority of the people would like to
invest in the same if only if the Government of India
regulates its use and control.
2.5 As a Payment Tool
(Zühal Yurtsizoğlu & Kerim Ali Akgül, 2022)
(Swathy Shukla and Akshay A, 2019) this study noted
that the crypto currency system became an investment
tool and was even adopted as a national currency in
many nations. (Samiullah Jahan Shaikh, 2021)
(Yurtsızoğlu and Akgül, 2022) It observed that the
willingness to adapt cryptocurrencies as an
alternative payment option increased especially when
Tesla accepted Bitcoins, in Urban areas.
2.6 Other Factors
(Aleksander Berentsen and Fabian Schär, 2018)
(Samiullahjahan Shaikh, 2021) concludes that, in the
world of cryptocurrencies,eliminating the
intermediary results in lower costs and lesser
additional fees. This encourages people to invest and
use cryptocurrency more often.
2.7 Research Gap
Many of the existing research literatures on the
cryptocurrency investment are focusing on diverse
aspects like, Risk Factor, Financial Literacy or
awareness, Prior investment Experience, Government
Regulations, as a Payment tool and other factors like
age, gender etc... and recommend that such of these
research studies can be studied on other target
samples or by different other variables.
To analyze the relationship between long- term
savings approach of the women teachers against their
cryptocurrency Ownership.
Figure 1: Research Framework.
H1: There is a significant relationship between the
Long-Term savings approach of the women teachers
and with the cryptocurrency ownership.
This Research design is based on the Descriptive
Research method. The primary data with convenient
sampling was sourced with the help of a structured
survey questionnaire distributed via internet online to
women teachers either from school or college
including both government and private educational
institutions limiting only to the city of Chennai. The
total responses received were 272. The questionnaire
was tested for intercorrelations reliability among its
test items with Cronbach’s Alpha α = 0.72
(acceptable standard). Secondary Data were also
collected from the various research papers and web-
based articles and existing research studies
4.1 Analysis and Results
The exploratory data analysis of the surveyed data is
done using Python Programming Language to find
the insights. Python software version-3.11.1-amd64
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
is used with Anaconda (Jupyter Notebook) as a
Platform. Some graphical analysis of the data from
the dataset is shown in the output by using different
libraries of Python like NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn,
Matplotlib and Sklearn with inbuilt statistics API
functions. Here, a dataset named
'Cryptocurrency_file.csv' is used to analyse and
extract various information in both numerical as well
as in pictorial form. First, Running the Chi-Square
analysis to evaluate the relationship between all the
available independent variables against the dependent
variable of cryptocurrency ownership in Python using
the machine language function ‘chi2_contigency’. we
get the below result in [Fig 2].
Figure 2: Chi-Square output Python Console.
Table 1: Chi-Square Result Summary.
Figure 3: Decision Tree - Feature Importance Classifier output from Python console.
Women Teachers and Their Long-Term Savings Approach on Cryptocurrency Investment
Table 2: Chi-Square result summary & Common Factors Details.
Figure 4: Correlation matrix output of the variables from Python console.
In order to interpret the results of a chi- squared
test, a significance level needs to be chosen. The
significance level is the probability threshold that is
used to determine whether the results of a test are
statistically significant or not. The widely accepted
and the most common significance level used in
practice is < 0.05, which means that if the p- value of
a test is less than 0.05, the results of the test are
considered statistically significant and the null
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
hypothesis is rejected and accepts the alternative
From the above result, it shows that above 4
variables are significant as in [Table 1]. The larger the
chi-squared test statistic, the more likely it is that the
observed frequencies are different from the expected
frequencies. Now, we try another approach called
‘Feature importance using Decision tree classifier’ to
identify the variables responsible for crypto currency
ownership. The output is given in a visualisation from
as in [Fig 3] as well as in a tabular form [Table 2].
This second approach of identifying independent
variables responsible for Crypto ownership using the
feature importance result using Decision Tree
classier, gives us following 4 variables are significant.
Comparing both the approaches [Chi-square and
Decision tree classifier] for identifying the
parameters which has an impactful relationship on
crypto asset ownership, below are 2 features
commonly showing Significance is given in [Table
3]. Finally, we wanted to confirm if there are any
correlations exist between these six significant
variables and we create the correlation matrix
heatmap using Pearson method to find out
connectedness amongst them in the below [Fig 4].
From the above matrix, it is obvious that none of
the independent features are correlated with one
another. Therefore, there is no biasedness. We also
performed ‘catboost’ algorithm, based on gradient
boosting decision trees to validate the factors
identified above and got the results with 97.87% of
accuracy. Hence our prediction model is more
To summarise the findings, data analysis using
Python’s statistical tools 1) Chi-square test, 2)
Decision tree classifier 3) Correlation Matrix and 4)
catboost algorithm we conclude that, the following
six variables have more significance relationship that
has an influence on the cryptocurrency investment
are, 'long-term savings investment strategy', 'highest
educational stream', 'percentage of long-term savings
in cryptocurrency', 'monthly income range',
‘Profitable investing in stock or cryptocurrency' and
'participate in training'.
Conclusion: This research study has provided an
insight into the possible factors triaged to the
cryptocurrency investment amongst the women
teaching fraternity with their level of significant
relationship. Similarly, Python language is also
shown as a data analysis & visualization tool, further
it can also be used for Quantitative modeling and
Algorithmic trading in cryptocurrencies. This study is
also helpful to investors choosing cryptocurrency as
their long-term savings; especially women who are
more aggressive in savings as they tend to plan for
their long- term investment when it comes to
retirement, due to their longer life expectancy, breaks
in professional life, early retirement and most
importantly gender pay gap.
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Women Teachers and Their Long-Term Savings Approach on Cryptocurrency Investment