development in students as it keeps a check to
develop physical, moral, spiritual, aesthetic, social
values. Educationists, education commissions, and
policies in India expressed that education should
inculcate values in students who are the future
citizens. Gandhiji said that education is the means to
provide a complete life to any individual, it enables
the individuals to adjust in the surroundings and to
achieve perfection in all spheres of life. We are
surviving today in a world of confusion, on one side
we are so advanced in science and technology and
made a huge development in all sectors and on other
hand we are facing a problem of drugs, alcohol,
mental illness, stress etc. So, it becomes demand of
the hour to develop values and value education at all
the levels of schooling in students. Values are the
ideals, thoughts, beliefs and norms to which a society
and its people stick to. Values plays a major role in
personality development of a child and help a child
further in career. Swami Vivekananda rightly said
“we want education by which character is formed,
strength of mind is increased, intellect is expanded
and which one can stand on one’s own feet”. Ram
murti committee report 1990 recommended that
education must further provide a climate for the
nature of values, both as the personalized set of values
forming one’s character and including necessarily
social cultural and national values. The NEP 1986
focussed on the value cultivation by educational
means in students. Almost all the commissions and
committees recommended value education. Actual
aim of the education should be to develop an
individual who can meet their needs independently
and in order to achieve such goal, value education
should be a part of formal education from pre-primary
to higher education level. Now the question arises
who will impart this value education to students. It
does not solely depend on one parameter or one
person to inculcate values in students. So, we can say
parents, teachers, school, friends, society, friends
everybody has to play an equal role to develop values
awareness in students.
Social Values: Culture and tradition are the biggest
source of social values. Social values are such social
norms, aims or ideals, on the basis of which various
social situations can be evaluated. These values have
a social and cultural background. It is the reason that
there is a big difference in values of different
societies. Help, kindness, cooperation is known as
socialism. Social values shape up the society and their
individuals and develops a sense of fraternity among
them. These values should be taught to the children
from their childhood in their homes by the parents and
later on by the teachers in the school as value teaching
can prove to be the only solution of the social
problems arising at social, national and global level.
There is a great impact of social values in the life of
the students and in their achievements. There can be
a very bad consequences of avoiding these social and
moral values teaching in the school. Lack of social
values develops a criminal attitude sometimes in the
youth and leads to a disastrous future. Without social
values students are lack of self-discipline and no
sense of right and wrong actions. Respect, tolerance,
equality, and honesty are some of the social values
that build a strong and secure personality of any
individual. Therefore, the absence of these values
leads in some case to terrible consequences in the life
of any human being. If the society further don’t want
to indulge their children in crime, violence, drugs and
un lawful activities then the social values must be an
integral part of the curriculum. The social values
develop a sense of brotherhood and patriotism among
the children that further leads to the formation of
strong nation and enable them to welcome and respect
their culture as well as other culture and tradition.
These values develop a democratic way of thinking in
children. Social values help the students to adjust
better in the society, school and in their homes. Some
‘social values can be listed as: kindness, integrity,
acceptance, focus, responsibility, commitment,
loyalty, honesty, open mindness, growth, friendship,
faith, knowledge, leadership, optimism, spirituality,
empathy, respect, curiosity, gratitude, adjustment,
hard work, courage, generosity, patience, confidence,
politeness etc.
Development of values: An analysis of Allport
Baron’s report found to be exact in Indian context.
During childhood the child inherits the values from
parents, then from teachers. As the child grows, he
shapes up his values as per the situation and
atmosphere in which he lives. After attaining the age
of ten years the child starts becoming social. Girls to
more extent learn from their parents and teachers.
Radio, television, internet also play their role in
developing values among children. Religious
institutions are those pillars of the society which
mainly contributes in development of values and
social character. In this way the child learns different
behaviours and values from different institutions. So,
there is a difference in the values of the child grown
in different societies and different atmosphere which
needs to be find out and here in this research we are
trying to find such difference in the children of
different atmosphere. There are different sources of
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