plans, giving them access to financial assistance, and
helping them to find mentors and investors. Finally,
ICTs can be used to allow women entrepreneurs to
access and share best practices, knowledge, and
research, which can help them to make informed
decisions and increase their chances of success.
The willingness of Maharashtrian women
entrepreneurs to invest resources towards social
media and other modern digital marketing
technologies for the advantage of their ventures is
influenced by a variety of factors. These include
access to technology and the internet, access to
affordable digital marketing services, knowledge and
experience in the use of digital marketing tools, the
perceived benefits of digital marketing, the
availability of resources, the cost of digital marketing
versus traditional forms of marketing, and the level of
competition faced by the venture. Additionally,
cultural norms, beliefs, and attitudes can play a role
in influencing the willingness of Maharashtrian
women entrepreneurs to invest in digital marketing
The survey also revealed that the adoption and
utilization of modern digital marketing technologies
by Maharashtrian women entrepreneurs can provide
a wide range of benefits and opportunities. These
include the ability to reach a larger, more diverse
customer base, increased visibility and brand
recognition, improved efficiency in marketing
activities, access to valuable customer insights, and
the ability to easily track and measure results.
Additionally, digital marketing technologies can help
entrepreneurs to optimize their operations and gain a
competitive edge in their industry. Maharashtrian
women entrepreneurs can also leverage digital
marketing tools to become more agile, build
relationships with customers, and create a more
personalized customer experience. With the right
strategies and tools, digital marketing can open new
avenues for growth and can help Maharashtrian
women entrepreneurs to maximize the potential of
their businesses. Women entrepreneurs in
Maharashtra face various challenges that can limit
their ability to succeed in business. Addressing these
challenges will require a concerted effort from the
government, private sector, and civil society
organizations to create a more supportive ecosystem
for women entrepreneurs. By creating more
opportunities, addressing cultural and social barriers,
and promoting diversity and inclusivity, we can
unlock the full potential of women entrepreneurs in
Maharashtra and help them contribute to the state's
economic growth.
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The Power of Traditional Marketing in the Digital Age
(iasri.res.in) |
Directorate of Information Technology | Government of
Maharashtra, India | https://it.maharashtra.gov.in/
Blog, The Importance of Digital Marketing: Top 10
Reasons You Need It
Revolutionizing Marketing Strategies: A Study of Modern Marketing Technologies and Their Adoption by Maharashtrian Women
Entrepreneurs in Business Ventures