Doctors Who Treated the Harappans
Dilshad Fatima
University of Allahabad, Prayagraj, India
Keywords: Harappan Doctors, Paleo-Pathology, Skeleton, Burials, Disease, Orthopaedic, Anaemic.
Abstract: The system of burying dead has been in existence since primitive times. When Marshal, some hundred years
ago contented that cremation was the only mode of disposal of the dead was taken seriously with all the claims
of superior and standardized ceramic tradition, seals and sealing, weighing system, lapidary art, city layout
and planning and even distribution of resource. However, later researches into the Harappan Civilization
brought to light a system of burying their cadavers. Hitherto scholars like A. K. Sharma, Lucas, Kennedy and
the likes have worked on these skeletal remains to report the causes of death as well as the nutrition levels
and how well they coped with their injuries. The present paper intends to study in detail paleo-pathological
diagnosis and interpretation of diseases prevailing in those times and their treatments, pointing to the possible
existence of various medical branches and specialists of doctors.
The introductory excavated site Harappa is the brand-
site of the Harappan Civilization that flourished from
c. 2600-1900 BCE in the River Valley of Indus
Ghaggar-Hakra in modern India and Pakistan. The
Harappa Civilization is characterized by
standardization in well-planned cities, ceramic
traditions, seals and sealings, weighing systems,
lapidary art and their system of burying cadavers.
From the very Stone-age, pieces of evidence of
burying humans have been reported from many sites.
As Harappans are known to have disposal of their
dead, and the same was learnt at various sites during
the course of the excavations. The usual method of
the disposal of the dead was to in turn the body in a
pit, sometimes lined with mud bricks. The body was
laid supine in an extended position, with the head
towards the north. Over a dozen exemplary burials
were excavated. In all these case studies the pit was
rectangular, with either sharp or rounded-off corners
and large enough to take in an extended human body
(Ghosh, 1969). Over the decades a variety of ways of
disposing of their dead have been brought to the
notice many with the skeletal remains and some
without. A number of necropolises have also come to
light in recent times. Burials with skeletons not only
show the rituals and customs associated with the dead
giving an insight into the society’s view of life after
death but the skeletons also provide the health chart
of the people buried. There are several injuries and
diseases like Exostosis, Joint Diseases, burning
marks, Dental attrition, Trauma, Congenital
Perforation, Hematopoietic Disorders, Infection and
Inflammation, Sharp Cut marks, Neoplasia,
Hydrocephaly and Trepanning, Crippled man,
Paralytic man etc., which have come to notice that
need to be discussed in detail and uncover the
existence of Doctors in Harappa-Civilization.
Hitherto scholars like A. K. Sharma, Lucas, Kennedy
etc. have worked on these skeletal remains and so far,
only cultural, social, and technological aspects have
been approached and examined the vestiges. Only
further studies would be able to throw some light on
this issue in a manner that skeletal remains from the
graves have thrown some interesting sidelight on
numerous substantive stances of Paleopathological
diagnosis and interpretation. One of the remains has
proved that there might be Neurosurgeon existed in
3000 BCE because a skull of a child was unearthed
from Kalibangan to be rather unusually large, a
hydrocephalic patient. To treat this, the ‘Harappan
Neurosurgeon' took recourse to trephination,
perforations on the right temporal region and possibly
some heated instrument used to brand it. Another
instance of trephination has been reported from
This paper is specifically focusing on the diseases
and their treatments which might have been taken
after these diseases were diagnosed. Archaeologists
Fatima, D.
Doctors Who Treated the Harappans.
DOI: 10.5220/0012500800003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 667-671
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
and anthropologists have reported such details in
unearthed skeletons from sites such as Kalibangan,
Lothal and Harappa, as only bones can be collected
and observably studied. So, keeping that in mind, this
paper would tackle the diseases which had occurred
in bones only. So, there is great potential in this paper
to have a clear picture of from where the Harappa’s
pathology evolved that would have given rise to the
Paleopathological existence, which can be dated back
to the Harappa civilization. The Harappan sites
contain one of the richest and continuous records of
hominine behavior. These evidences have been
yielded in diverse palaeoecological settings. The
pattern of disease or injury that affects any group of
people is never a matter of chance. It is invariably the
expression of stresses and strains to which they were
exposed, a response to everything in their
environment and behavior. It reflects their genetic
inheritance (which is their internal environment), the
climate in which they lived, the soi1 that gave them
sustenance and the animals or plants that shared their
homeland (Calvin, 1994). Diseases and injuries
reflect the happenings, which at times get occurred in
bones. The occurrence of disease or injury has a
particular pattern which is influenced by the
individual's occupations or a specific sustained
activity, at times by climatic environments and
dietary habits. Palaeopathology attempts to study
such variations and abnormalities reflected in the
anatomical and morphological profile. Some of the
deformities may be since birth itself. Such
abnormalities can be studied mostly through the
skeletal remains recovered from various
archaeological excavations at Harappan sites.
Scholars have made strenuous efforts in the study of
palaeopathology; however, it is difficult to be too
precise while arriving at conclusions. This becomes
difficult, particularly in the absence of clinical
knowledge and training. Even then some attempts can
be made. In the majority of skeletons, no trace of the
cause of death is present, only those, which get
recorded in bones can be studied. Human skeletal
remains were excavated and examined in the
laboratory. During the course of the study, the author
noticed certain pathological and other interesting
features, some of which are described below:
The huge globular size of the child's skull from
Kalibangan suggests a case of hydrocephaly, caused
due to excessive accumulation of fluid in the brain.
This swelling and accumulation of fluid results in
severe pain. The right side of the child's skull from
Burial no. 9 at Kalibangan shows three small
trephined holes on the squamous part of the temporal,
above the right acoustic meatus. The black streak
joining the upper two holes and running up to the
opisthocranion might have been caused by some hot-
pointed instrument. The burning mark and the holes
suggest that probably some sort of primitive surgical
operation was performed on the skull of the child to
give him relief from severe pain, caused by the
swelling of the skull. This also accounts probably for
the presence of more than usual sutural marks or
wormain bones on the same skull. Another example
of Trephination has been earlier observed in one of
the human skulls from Lothal. At Lothal the operation
was performed on the right parietal bone of a child of
about 9-10 years of age. As per Dr S. K. Basu, "the
right parietal bone shows a deficiency anteriorly at
the anterior and lower quadrant almost mid-way
between the parietal eminence and the squamous
suture (Rao, 1979). In the absence of any bone repair,
one would conclude that the person did not survive
long after the cut was done or the cut was made post-
mortem." These trephinations appear to have been
made with some sharp instrument with circular edges,
the margins of the perforations do not show any
osteogenesis in the form of callous formation. The
cutting edges of the circular openings are neither
smooth nor beveled indicating that these perforations
were made post-mortem. These have always been
regarded as post-mortem cuts made the evidence of
trephination for medical purposes at Kalibangan is the
earliest instance of a surgical operation in the world
which goes back up to the middle of the third
millennium BCE. The above instances of trephination
substantiate the later literary references to
Neurological surgery practiced in India.
It is an anatomical variation where a perforation
presents in the lower end of the humerus bone, which
is also called epitrochlear foramen. Certain jobs
require robust and repeated action of the elbow,
which impacts the humerus by olecranon and
coronoid processes of the ulna on the olecranon fossa
region, which is reported from two skeletons at
Kalibangan that show such enlarged perforations. The
presence of such enlarged perforations in both the
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
humerus bones is indicating that the man was
engaged in such a type of work as wood cutting. The
man could manage to survive for many years, as some
had not died immediately after injury, so it is
assumed, that there might be some kind of aid used to
carry work on, which pieces of evidence help us to
make an assumption about the existence of specialists
concerned with orthopaedics.
At times the excess formation of a bone on the surface
of a bone, resulting in extra growth, takes place due
to some injury. This is due to the clotting of blood on
the damaged muscle. This phenomenon has been
observed in the proximal end of the right ulna
belonging to the skeleton from Burial no. eight at
Kalibangan, in the form of a craggy mass of bone on
the upper part of the shaft. The result was triangular
outgrowth bone as compared to the normal one on the
right. The cut marks around it suggest that an
orthopaedic specialist attempted surgery on this
extra-grown bone.
The description of dental remains from Harappa is
woefully incomplete and dental remains from Lothal,
Rupar and Kalibangan have not yet been published,
however, it can be surmised that the Kalibangan
Harappans were at least not vigorous flesh
consumers. Anadi Pal, who studied the permanent
dentition of 314 individuals represented by skeletal
remains unearthed from Harappa, Mohenjodaro,
Kalibangan, Lothal and Rupar etc. concluded that the
dental health of the ancient Indians was better than
that of the people of contemporary civilizations. As
the Harappan sites are located in different
geographical and slightly different climatic zones,
naturally having different food habits, the collective
conclusion is likely to give a distorted picture. The
right first and second molars and premolars of the
mandible from the skeleton from Kalibangan show
marked attrition of the cusps. The attrition is not
uniform on all the teeth. The left teeth are relatively
free from any marked wear and tear. The attrition of
right molars and premolars can be attributed to two
causes, firstly habit of using the left side more for
chewing and secondly coarse food, mixed with
powdered stone grains. The presence of powdered
stone may be due to the use of crumbly sandstone
grinders (Emery, 1963). This is also supported by the
recovery of grinders of sandstone from Kalibangan
excavations. Incidentally, it may not be out of place
to mention here that among all the skeletons
recovered from the excavation, teeth are present in
good condition even in the skeletons of persons of
advanced age. This general absence in antemortem
loss of teeth in Kalibangan skeletons even in that of
grown-up adults could observe. The stated data above
is suggesting about the contemporary existence of the
Another oblong burial from Kalibangan oriented in
the north-south direction, length-wise, yielded a
human skeleton and its closer examination showed
that the skeleton belonged to a male adult of about 30
years of age (Sharma, 1999). A glance at the in-situ
condition of the skeleton revealed that the individual
was a crippled man, showing marked pathological
deformities of the radius, ulna and hand bones of the
left side. The left hand was placed in a prone position
with the carpal and metacarpal bones badly twisted to
left outwards so that the thumb bones rested below
the bones of the second phalanges and the rest of the
fingers were twisted outwards from its point. A
comparative analysis between the ulna and radius
bones of the two sides showed that the left radius was
smaller from its right counter and similarly left ulna
was shorter from its right counter respectively. The
position of different bones and their size show that the
left side is deformed. In the case of left foot bones, it
was noticed that, though all the metatarsal bones were
present, phalanges were represented only by
rudimentary bones. These retarded rudimentary
phalanges indicated the pathological deformity of the
right foot. The left femur and tibia were shorter in
comparison to their right counterparts. So, this can be
stated that there must have been a doctor who treated
this man so that at least he could have walked
Joint diseases have not been commonly found in the
remains of Harappa. This appears most often in the
spine, where it affects both the synovial posterior
facet joints and the non-synovial joints between
vertebral bodies (Lovell, 1994). Not every articular
surface was observable for pathological lesions,
Doctors Who Treated the Harappans
because of preservation issues and difficulty
extracting skeletal elements from a clay-like matrix in
some locations of the cemetery. Around 160
appendicular joints, were examined for evidence of
marginal lipping, pitting, and eburnation. Overall, the
knee was the joint most affected by the degenerative
change. Eburnation is considered to be the most
severe expression of degenerative joint disease and
among the Harappans it affects the knee, wrist, and
ankle. Only the knee displays all three conditions. As
this has been recovered in many skeletal remains
from various sites, so it made us think that either
Harappans were using mobility aids without any
treatment or there might be an orthopedic specialist,
who diagnosed joint disease and attempted a
treatment as well.
One possible case of porotic hyperostosis (Lovell,
1997) and another of cribra orbitalia, both thought to
represent an anaemic condition, unfortunately, are
documented only by fragments of bone, and diploic
expansion could not be confirmed. These lesions are
consistent, however, with acquired iron deficiency,
which often results from chronic infection or
excessive blood loss caused by gastrointestinal
One individual exhibited a lesion indicative of a
localized infection, secondary to a penetrating wound
on a pedal phalanx. Other inflammatory lesions are
generalized and affect the shafts of long bones.
Although postmortem damage hinders diagnosis,
these non-specific lesions indicate a chronic
inflammation of the periosteum that affected one or
more long bones in five individuals, predominantly
on the tibia and fibulae.
Several injuries were observed in the Harappan
remains and resulted from both direct and indirect
trauma. Ten individuals exhibited a total of 13
traumatic lesions, but only six of these individuals
were complete skeletons in primary contexts so
interpretation is fraught with difficulty (Lovell 2014).
Two adult females from primary contexts exhibit
vertebral crush fractures. The distal right radius of a
middle-aged female exhibits a Colle’s fracture that
perhaps resulted from falling onto an outstretched
hand. Of the 28 adult crania in the Harappa sample,
two exhibited traumatic lesions. One adult female had
remodelled lesions on the occipital bone, at least one
of which may be due to a blow to the back of the head.
Cranial trauma is thought to be more likely due to
interpersonal violence than to accidents. Other
injuries may also result from interpersonal violence.
A well-healed scapular fracture, involves the lateral
border and body in a middle-aged female, although
this injury can only be caused by a blow or a fall.
Furthermore, a fall from a greater height is unlikely,
because the articulating clavicle and humerus are
unaffected and such falls usually are associated with
additional injuries. Two well-healed rib fractures
were also observed, one in an adult of indeterminate
sex found among commingled elements and the other
in an adult female with healed trauma to the occipital
bone. There is a possibility of some kind of treatment
just after the fall off by analyzing the skeletal
remains, as it is not proven that this was an accidental
Although excavations at Harappa in recent decades
have substantially increased, the amount of
information about the skeletal remains has not been
well recorded and published. Harappans were very
meticulous about the location of the cemetery area
(Sharma, 1977-78). The first fully published report is
by Lovell (1994, 1997 & 2014) with proper
descriptions of the skeletal paleopathology of the
adult remains excavated in 1987 and 1988, and of a
skeleton excavated by Dr R. Mughal in 1966. The
Harappans were very meticulous about the location of
the cemetery area. At Kalibangan, it is located
southwest of the habitation area, on the left bank of
Saraswati, far away from the living area. In order to
have better and more comprehensive knowledge
regarding patterns in diseases' occurrence during
Harappan times and related treatments, this study
would be worthwhile to identify the treatments.
Detailed study of skeletal remains would be helpful
for making palaeo-pathological theories.
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
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Doctors Who Treated the Harappans