Education for Sustainable Development and Role of Educational
Seema Yadav
and Daman Deep Kaur Gulati
The Bhopal School of Social Sciences, Bhopal, India
Keywords: Sustainable Development, Environmental Sustainability, Educational Institutes.
Abstract: Education is a crucial instrument that young people and future generations can utilise to address the social
issues that the current generation has caused. Through problem-solving, education alters people's behaviour
and consciousness, enabling them to pursue their own well-being as well as the sustainable well-being of the
Earth and communities. Both Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Education for Sustainable
Development Goals (ESDG) were formed, building on the Millennium Development Goals and SDGs. A
more effective alternative to the ESDGs currently in vogue for universal education is one that emphasises
non-anthropocentric ethics and, more practically, regrowth as two major measures for tackling
unsustainability. One of the most important guiding concepts in education is sustainable development, which
is a duty and a problem for higher education in particular. Higher Education for Sustainable Development
(HESD) seeks to impart knowledge and foster competencies, values, and attitudes that enable and inspire
students to actively contribute to sustainable development. Education must be linked to larger structural
transformation processes taking place in each of these three areas of the economy, culture, and polity if it is
to have a really transformative impact
Classic development models are contrasted with
sustainable development. Sustainable development
is integrated into the 2030 Agenda (Sánchez-
Carracedo, Moreno-Pino, Romero-Portillo, &
Sureda, 2021). The SDGs and sustainable
development are frequently seen in policy agendas
as being transformed through education (Tikly,
2019). To advance sustainable living, democracy,
and the welfare of people, education at all levels and
in all fields must be fundamentally reoriented
(Cebrián, Junyent, & Mulà, 2021). University and
college business schools have responded with new
pedagogical approaches as businesses and other
organisations increasingly acknowledge society's
need for better social and environmental
sustainability (Hoveskog, Halila, Mattsson,
Upward, & Karlsson, 2018). (Hoveskog et al., 2018)
outlines and assesses a pedagogical approach to
developing and innovating business models with the
goal of enhancing students' understanding of
sustainability, as well as their capacity to apply what
they have learned to actual business modelling for
growth. The addition of Education for Flourishing
to Education for Sustainable Development is
beneficial. In the majority of business administration
courses, (Hoveskog et al., 2018) advocate the use of
this methodology to educate the issues and solutions
relating to sustainability. Development education,
education for sustainable development, and global
citizenship education are all purposeful educational
interventions that deal with global justice and
sustainability challenges. The engineering field's most
practical exercises, instruments, and skills that support
SD in the curriculum and are a part of ESD (Acosta
Castellanos, Queiruga-Dios, & Álvarez, 2021). ESD
encourages a perspective on quality education that is
more concerned with promoting lifelong learning and
developing the skills, values, and competencies of
learners to become agents of change rather than only
emphasising quantitative learning outcomes and
national standards. Active learning techniques that
encourage group problem-solving, democratic
dialogue, and experiential education are used in ESD.
All students should have the information and skills
necessary to promote sustainable development,
according to the Sustainable Development Goals
outlined by the United Nations. The importance of
integrating education for sustainable development
Yadav, S. and Gulati, D.
Education for Sustainable Development and Role of Educational Institutes.
DOI: 10.5220/0012501200003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundar y Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 687-691
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
(ESD) ideas into all educational levels is reflected
in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
ESD is viewed as a crucial component of high-
quality education, and all educational settings, from
early childhood to higher education as well as
informal and non-formal education, may and should
support the growth of sustainability competencies
(Cebrián et al., 2021). Understanding problems that
need to be solved and essential steps among varied
viewpoints can lead to social change, and ESD has
been researched as a way to encourage such change.
The United Nations published its 10-year "ESD for
2030" policy in 2019. The Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations have been
included into Education for Sustainable
Development (ESD) at numerous schools all around
the world. Education for Sustainable Development
(ESD) has its origins in the history of two unique
fields that have attracted the attention of many
stakeholders, including the United Nations. These
fields include education and sustainable
development. The main goal of education for
sustainable development is to provide students with
the capacities and competencies to apply newly
acquired knowledge, skills, and values towards
addressing and overcoming issues in the actual
world. ESD is not simply about incorporating SD
knowledge into the curriculum's contents; it is also
heavily focused on educational practise, or the E in
ESD (Cebrián et al., 2021). Learning for change is
the goal of education for sustainable development,
which is geared towards whole system perspectives.
This involves concentrating on interdisciplinary and
cross-curricular teaching strategies and making
more of an effort to connect classroom learning to
real-world application. ESD must be viewed as an
essential component of high-quality education,
ingrained in the idea of lifelong learning: all
educational settings, from early childhood to higher
education, in formal, non-formal, and informal
education, have the power and responsibility to
promote the development of sustainability
competencies (Cebrián et al., 2021).
Since they will be the teachers who train the future
professionals, it is crucial to enhance the Education
for Sustainable Development that university
students receive (Sánchez-Carracedo et al., 2021).
ESD aims to promote skills that enable people to reflect
on their own behaviour, taking into account the social,
cultural, economic, and environmental effects of those
activities from both a local and global viewpoint
(Cebrián, Junyent, & Mulà, 2020). Researchers and
decision-makers have long been interested in education
for sustainable development (ESD) (Badea, Şerban-
Oprescu, Dedu, & Pirosşcă, 2020). Education for
sustainable development (EfSD), which prepares the
next generation to act as change agents, is required to
address the "wicked problems" of sustainability (Bach
Q. Ho, 2021).
The teaching of engineering must emphasise
sustainability. Engineering students need to develop
their ability to think strategically and comprehend the
need to put their future professional endeavours in the
context of sustainable solutions in order to create a
better society (Sánchez-Carracedo & López, 2020).
Engineering education for sustainable development
(ESD) is crucial for the development of change agents
and transformative leaders who can advance the laws,
plans, and techniques that make it possible to create a
more sustainable future (Sánchez-Carracedo & López,
2020). Engineering education for sustainable
development (ESD) is crucial for preparing future
engineers to act as agents of change and transformation
and to advance the strategies, methods, and policies that
make it possible to create a more sustainable future. All
17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined in
the 2030 UN Framework for Sustainable Development
must be accomplished through engineering (Sánchez-
Carracedo & López, 2020). Multi-stakeholder solutions
are necessary to address significant societal issues and
advance sustainable development. Education for
sustainable development (EfSD), which prepares the
next generation to be change agents, is required to
overcome the difficult issues of sustainability (Bach Q.
Ho, 2021). ESD has the potential to be successful; yet,
they also demonstrate that there isn't a single answer
that can solve all problems and that educational
practises must be tailored specifically to the audiences
they are intended for. The goal of sustainable
development (SD) is to integrate social and economic
advancement with environmental protection. The report
Our Common Future, often known as the 1987
Brundtland report, introduced the idea to the general
public in the 1980s. Up until that point, environmental
protection had been the main concern due to important
environmental issues including pollution. It was
emphasised with the SD notion that environmental
issues should be addressed in relation to social and
economic problems . The SDGs and afterwards the
ESDGs, with their unreflective encouragement for
growth, condone ongoing environmental plunder,
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
depriving millions of species of their right to flourish
and impoverishing future generations (Kopnina,
2020). ESD must be all-encompassing, taking into
account the intellectual, emotional, social, physical,
and other facets of the human experience while
fostering harmonious interactions between
individuals and their surroundings. In comparison to
the conventional learning environment, it places a
significantly more emphasis on democratic learning,
emotional wellbeing, and the development of
A significant number of the world's future leaders
are influenced by universities. Business schools are
starting to provide courses in business models and
business model innovation that not only emphasise
profit-normative aims but also emphasise social and
environmental goals (Hoveskog et al., 2018). The
primary goal of universities is to improve levels of
SD and high-quality education by educating
students and the future workforce in all areas of
research and in innovative environmentally friendly
technological ideas (Acosta Castellanos et al.,
2021). The global sustainability agenda has a major
influence on higher education for sustainable
development (HEfSD). The sustainable
development goals (SDGs) are actively being
implemented in HEfSD policy, curriculum, and
practise by many higher education institutions,
which are charged with preparing the next
generation of sustainability leaders with knowledge
and essential skills. The potential for adaptive
ability to be used as a shared learning target to
deepen and functionalize the connections between
high-quality education, education for sustainable
development (ESD), and education for disaster risk
reduction (DRR). In order to improve sustainable
learning and improve pedagogical design, five
pedagogical characteristics of learning for adaptable
capability are introduced. Learning for adaptive
capacity supports pedagogical design, strengthens
learning processes for competency development,
and may be in line with the main objectives for
achieving high-quality education for sustainable
development. This is done by implementing a well-
developed curriculum, improving the standard of
teaching practises, creating a secure and productive
learning environment, and encouraging cooperative
and transformative learning.
Universities serve as the primary drivers of the SDGs
since they encourage a shift in societal behaviour
through technical and economic advancement while
also being environmentally conscious (Acosta
Castellanos et al., 2021). Academic standards are raised
by incorporating ESD into the curricula (Acosta
Castellanos et al., 2021). Several governmental and
academic voices in the field of education for
sustainable development have emphasised the
significance of taking a holistic approach to the idea of
sustainable development. To ensure progress in the
development of values, skills, and behaviour connected
with sustainability, it is important to promote relevant
teaching methodologies and evaluation tools as well as
the personal dimension of sustainability competencies
in higher education (Cebrián et al., 2020). The
promptness has so far been insufficient to modify
institutional and cultural norms in the case of higher
education, despite the fact that many international
organisations and institutions show a visible
commitment to promoting sustainable development
(Badea et al., 2020). Through the eyes of critical theory
and eco-pedagogy, (Kopnina, 2020a) challenges the
Education for Sustainable Development Goals
(ESDG). Internationally, education for sustainable
development (ESD) is regarded as a crucial component
of children's and young people's entire education
(Samuelsson & Lindström, 2022).
The demand from critical pedagogy and eco-pedagogy
to change education so that it is both critical and
emancipated may provide far more than the SDGs'
optimistic denial or the uncritical pursuit of economic
development (Kopnina, 2020). Business students that
are engaged in promoting environmental sustainability
have developed some important concepts as a result of
the crucial subject Politics, Business, and Environment
(Kopnina, 2020). The assessed textbooks lack ESD
alignment, and thus do not promote understanding of
or engagement with the various SDGs' immediate
contexts, as specified by UNESCO. To close the gaps
in social sustainability that now exist in HEfSD, there
has to be stronger connections between social and
environmental issues. In order to implement a balanced
vision in favour of the environment, technology, and
economy within the field of engineering, it is required
Education for Sustainable Development and Role of Educational Institutes
to conduct more study and publish more literature
on a national and global scale.
In order to support human life while preserving the
environment, the economic realm is envisioned as a
system of relationships, institutions, and processes
concerned with the production, consumption,
distribution, and circulation of products and
services (Tikly, 2019). In order to expand their
knowledge of sustainability challenges, students
must be autonomous learners who draw upon their
own experiences and social situations. This is
required by ESD, which requires a learner-centered
approach (Hogan & O’Flaherty, 2021). (Kopnina,
2020) offers new perspectives on how "ecological
justice" might serve as the overarching principle
that underpins both society and the economy.
Important sustainable development topics and
concepts must be systematically included into all
formats and levels of teaching and learning as part
of ESD. Climate change, food security, disaster risk
reduction and management, biodiversity, poverty
reduction, sustainably produced goods and services,
water quality, health, extinction of plant and animal
species, waste management, and resource efficiency
are a few of these challenges. Education policy
needs to be radically reoriented and linked to larger
processes of economic, cultural, and political
transformation in the interests of social and
environmental justice if it is to play a
transformational role in connection to sustainable
(Bach Quang Ho & Inoue, 2020) clarified the
factors that encourage students' knowledge
diffusion from the perspective of network
externalities and concentrated on education for
sustainable development (ESD) on a field trip. They
came to the conclusion that ESD on a field trip can
help solve social issues and achieve sustainable
development by encouraging driving network
externalities and expanding networks. Education
aims to equip students with the action competence
they need to engage with such important agents of
change (Pauw et al., 2015). Field visits that
introduce students to different stakeholders in the
real world are effective, but since sustainable
problems lack obvious solutions, cooperative
learning (CL), in which students share knowledge, is
also helpful (Bach Q. Ho, 2021). In the real-world
EfSD, teaching accurate, pertinent, and usable
knowledge is crucial, and knowledge acquisition is
primarily accomplished through implicit learning.
Implicit learning lessons are challenging to create,
though. Despite the fact that explicit learning does not
directly advance information acquisition, implicit
learning must be integrated with it. Since it results in
knowledge gain, self-efficacy should be the targeted
learning outcome. It's crucial to focus on knowledge
acquisition through implicit learning and self-efficacy
enhancement through explicit learning if you want to
help students grow their civic engagement through
real-world EfSD utilising Cooperative Learning (Bach
Q. Ho, 2021).
ESD is distinguished by its focus on a democratic and
participatory educational process with Designing
teaching and learning in an interactive, learner-
centered style that promotes exploratory, action-
oriented, and transformative learning (Samuelsson &
Lindström, 2022). An important result of ESD is action
competence for sustainability. The findings of this
study provide credence to the claim that ESD is an
effective teaching strategy for helping students enhance
their action competence for sustainability (Olsson,
Gericke, & Boeve-de Pauw, 2022). The holistic aspect
of ESD teaching can be improved over time through
teacher professional development programmes, which
will also help students develop their action competence
for sustainability (Olsson et al., 2022). Regular school
teachers can have an impact on students through their
participation in a long-term ESD teacher professional
development programme (Olsson et al., 2022). A more
effective alternative to the currently popular ESDG for
universal education is one that emphasises non-
anthropocentric ethics and, more practically, declines
as two major measures for tackling unsustainability
(Kopnina, 2020). Living in a society that is more
sustainable has been highlighted by policymakers.
Developing future citizens who are capable of acting to
address Sustainable Development concerns is the goal
of education for sustainable development. ESD
encourages concrete, regionally pertinent, and
culturally appropriate lifelong learning opportunities
for everybody. It addresses content while taking into
account context, local concerns, and global issues,
accommodating the concept of sustainability's dynamic
nature. In order to encourage students to continuously
investigate, ESD must be achieved by effectively
adjusting the instructional materials, methods, and
tactics using information technology.
Active learning, teamwork, and perseverance are
important facets of transformational education. Active
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
classrooms may call for group or team projects.
When students leave the classroom, they will be
working in a setting that typically calls for
teamwork or a team leader. The idea of struggle is a
crucial component of transformational teaching.
Research on Education for Sustainable
Development (ESD) has seen a significant increase
in interest in recent years. In order to better
comprehend the variety of ESD approaches and the
issues they provide, a full re-evaluation of this
discipline is necessary. In spite of the scientific
agreement on climate change and global warming,
and in defiance of the EU parliament's declaration
on the climate crisis, many powerful politicians and
financially sound businesses that sell non-
renewables continue to deny the irreversible
changes. Stakeholder awareness is a significant
barrier to real-world implementation of the key
issues on ESD.
Education is essential for ensuring that all students
have the knowledge and abilities required to support
sustainable development. By 2030, the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations
goals to protect the environment, eradicate poverty,
and improve the opportunities for all people. A
long-term ESD teacher professional development
programme can benefit students by utilising the
efforts of ordinary school teachers who participate
in it. Therefore, ESD encourages skills like critical
thinking, creating better future possibilities, and
working together to reach decisions. It also calls for
significant adjustments to the way that education is
provided. There is a need to work strategically and
simultaneously on a programme that helps people
such as academics, non-academics, schools,
teachers, institutions, and the government that
consider various ways to incorporate environmental
and sustainability concerns into practise at different
levels, such as in the educational system through
local, institutional, national, or international ESD
professional training and learning. It suggests a
variety of strategies to accomplish these goals,
including utilizing domestic resources to improve
livelihoods and reduce poverty, modernizing the
agricultural sector while diversifying the economy
by growing the service industry, and promoting
industrialization based on science, technology, and
innovation. In this regard, education is implied to
have a significant role which has contradicting
Acosta Castellanos, P. M., Queiruga-Dios, A., & Álvarez, L.
G. (2021). Inclusion of education for sustainable
development in environmental engineering. A systematic
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Badea, L., Şerban-Oprescu, G. L., Dedu, S., & Pirosşcă, G. I.
(2020). The impact of education for sustainable
development on romanian economics and business
students’ behavior. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(19).
Cebrián, G., Junyent, M., & Mulà, I. (2021). Current practices
and future pathways towards competencies in education
for sustainable development. Sustainability
Ho, Bach Q. (2021). Effects of Learning Process and Self-
Efficacy in Real-World Education for Sustainable
Development. Sustainability, 13(1), 1–11.
Hogan, D., & O’Flaherty, J. (2021). Addressing Education
for Sustainable Development in the Teaching of Science:
The Case of a Biological Sciences Teacher Education
Program. Sustainability, 13(21), 1–22.
Hoveskog, M., Halila, F., Mattsson, M., Upward, A., &
Karlsson, N. (2018). Education for Sustainable
Development: Business modelling for flourishing.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 172, 4383–4396.
Kopnina, H. (2020). Education for sustainable development
goals (ESDG): What is wrong with esdgs, and what can
we do better? Education Sciences, 10(10), 1–14.
Olsson, D., Gericke, N., & Boeve-de Pauw, J. (2022). The
effectiveness of education for sustainable development
revisited–a longitudinal study on secondary students’
action competence for sustainability. Environmental
Education Research, 28(3), 405–429.
Samuelsson, L., & Lindström, N. (2022). Ethics Teaching in
Education for Sustainable Development. Athens Journal
of Education, 9(2), 211–224.
Sánchez-Carracedo, F., Moreno-Pino, F. M., Romero-
Portillo, D., & Sureda, B. (2021). Education for
Sustainable Development in Spanish University
Education Degrees. Sustainability, 13(3), 1–24.
Tikly, L. (2019). Education for sustainable development in
Africa: a critique of regional agendas. Asia Pacific
Education Review, 20(2), 223–237.
Education for Sustainable Development and Role of Educational Institutes