3.1 Importance of SDL in Personal
and Professional Development
Self-directed learning skills are found to be
associated with lifelong learning, which will enable
the learner’s continuous development in their
various roles as successful professionals and
enthusiastic individuals. The information and
communication society of the 21st century expects
humans to adapt to their way of life by updating
their knowledge in accordance with their needs,
keeping up with global change and innovation, and
developing into qualified individuals (Şentürk &
Zeybek, 2019). In today’s dynamic world,
everything is transforming at a fast pace, which
makes it imperative for learners to become self-
directed learners in order to sustain themselves.
People's lifelong learning abilities must be
developed if they are to create learning chances for
themselves in terms of personal development and
job development. The qualities and skills that
people are expected to possess have changed
concurrently with the information age's rapid
changes and conversions in information and
communication technologies.
3.2 Teachers’ Role in SDL
Teacher holds an important role in establishing self-
directed learning among learners at the higher
education level. The term coined for this approach
to teaching and learning is andragogy. This process
requires a self-directed learner to take facilitative
guidance from a teacher or mentor in gaining
mastery or learning something new. The choice of
taking the guidance of a teacher for a particular
learning experience enables learners’ sense of self-
directed learning (Gerard et al., 2022). Promoting
SDL among learners is undoubtedly a big challenge
for educators, it requires a change in perspective
from teaching the learners to facilitating the
learning process. Teachers teaching at the senior
secondary level can integrate such teaching
strategies that can help students understand the
process of self-directed learning and gain the skills
required for it on an initial level.
The teacher plays an important role in helping the
students to motivate the students for self-directed
learning. First of all, teachers need to be self-
directed learners and present themselves as a role
model for it. These SDL skills can be learned through
a supportive environment where self-directed learning
is a passion for others. Therefore, observation and
guided practices played a significant role in the SDL.
The teacher needs to develop learner autonomy, assess
the student’s readiness for learning, give them ample
opportunities to organize their learning by themselves,
motivate the learners to taking decisions for their own
learning, self-study habits, library visits, recommended
computer/mobile-assisted learning, enhancing
reflective dialogue; and let them understand the
methodology. Teachers need to motivate the learners
for autonomy, self-discipline, self-assessment, and
self-reflection skills among the learners. Researchers
suggested that at preschool learners should be ready,
aware, and motivated cognitively, socially, and
emotionally for self-directed learning. And these skills
should be continued nurturing at secondary and higher
education levels. SDL should be taken as a core skill in
higher education. Teachers should always provide
ample opportunity for self-directed learning. And all
the Institution practices must emphasize on
personalized & individualized learning, project-based
and challenge-based learning, open learning,
independent learning, etc. Overall teacher needs to play
a mediating in self-directed learning. In their teaching,
teachers must have to implement metacognitive
strategies so that learners get a deeper understanding of
how to learn them in an effective manner. A teacher
must have to involve in all teaching-learning activities
that shape self-directed learners.
3.3 Student’s Role in SDL
Now a day, self-directed learning is highly helpful to
develop the problem-solving skills of learners.
Therefore, it becomes an essential learning skill,
although, yet no more emphasis is given to it in the
various institutions. Because, it is not considered an
easy job to regulate own learning, and take
responsibility of own learning. To be a self–directed
learner, a learner needs to work on himself personally.
Firstly he/she has to work on his/her personal level; to
be ready for learning set the goals of learning, engage
in learning as well as assess own learning.
The center of self-directed learning is
individuals/learners themselves. As they themselves
have to be curious about learning, set their goals for
learning, be self-motivation, self-regulated, self-
discipline, etc. All of the learning requirements are to
be curious. To start their own learning learners, need to
ask these basic questions to themself:
● Why do they want to learn? (Learning