Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Performance of Pension
Funds: An Econometric Analysis
Neha Mangla
and Kavita Indapurkar
Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies – TC, Delhi, India
Amity School of Economics, Amity University Noida, India
Keywords: Retirement Planning, Macroeconomic Variables, Time Series Analysis, Successful Ageing.
Abstract: Retirement is a natural phase of life when after a certain age individual’s cease to work or reduce their work
hours. Retiring successfully can be ensured if one attains self-sufficiency in terms of wealth by the time of
retirement. Retirement planning is the process of making your money work for you in order to help you
achieve your goals and maintain your quality of life in later years. Like many other developing countries,
there is no social security system in India to protect the elderly from financial deprivation. The pension system
in India relies on employer and employee participation and contribution. Investing in Pension plans provide
financial support and stability to retirees when they cease to have a steady source of income. The returns on
pension funds are thus a key determinant of who enrolls in these schemes and how much money is generated
for retirement. This study investigates the impact of select macroeconomic variables, Gross Domestic Product
(GDP), exchange rate, money supply, inflation and unemployment on pension fund returns in India using time
series analysis. The study shows that changes in GDP significantly impact returns on pension funds especially
post the COVID-19 lockdown. While changes in exchange rate significantly impact returns on state
government pension funds, changes in inflation is a significant factor impacting returns on equity driven
pension funds.
With rising life expectancy and increasing proportion
of elderly in the age structure, there is growing
concern about ensuring adequacy of retirement
resources. Appropriate retirement planning during the
working age can be one of the most effective tools for
easy transitioning to retirement and ensuring
wellbeing during the retirement years.
In 2004, India switched to a defined contributory
scheme under the National Pension System, shifting
the burden of financial well-being during retirement
to individuals. Since 2009, NPS is provided to all
citizens of the country on a voluntary. Retirement
benefits in defined-contribution plans are dependent
on the performance of the pension fund scheme, and
the risk of investment in the pension plan is
completely borne by the pension plan member.
During the Pandemic, there have been significant
changes in the macroeconomy that have an impact on
the returns of these pension funds.
Pension plans provide financial security and stability
to retirees who cease to have a steady income flow.
Retirement planning enables people to maintain their
standard of living even as they transition into
retirement. These funds are managed by professional
investment managers and comprise of contributions
from both the employees and employers. The money
in these funds is invested in a diversified portfolio of
assets such as government securities, equity, bonds,
and real estate, in order to grow the fund over time.
When any pension plan member retires, the fund
provides them with a regular stream of income that is
based on the value of their pension plan account. The
stream of income depends on the fund accumulation
till retirement, that in turn depends on the returns
generated on the pension fund.
Globally, countries are working hard to reform their
pension systems. Given the increased burden on
government funds, rising life expectancy, and
changing age structure, the focus has shifted to
privately funded pension programmes managed by
the private sector. Across the globe, there has been
substantial increase in assets under retirement savings
plans. However, when compared to GDP, the amount
of assets remain low in some large and rapidly
Mangla, N. and Indapurkar, K.
Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Performance of Pension Funds: An Econometric Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0012502800003792
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR 2023), pages 739-748
ISBN: 978-989-758-687-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
developing countries like India and China. Pension
funds are expected to become more important in the
future as people around the world become
increasingly concerned about saving for their
retirement years (OECD, 2021).
The interlinkage between the equity returns, mutual
fund returns, and macroeconomic variables has been
in focus of academicians. However, even though
there is an increased focus on retirement saving plans
and pension fund investments, an analysis of the
dynamics of returns on these funds has not been
studied particularly.
Pension funds have a long-term horizon and very
stringent rules regarding premature withdrawal,
which distinguishes them from other types of funds.
This gives pension funds a lot of leeway in selecting
investments, but it also means that subscribers expect
much better returns from their pension fund
managers. The present study studies the dynamics of
pension fund returns by analyzing the impact of
macroeconomic variables on pension fund returns in
According to the World Population Prospects (2022),
global life expectancy increased to 72.8 years in 2019
and is projected to increase to an average of around
77.2 years in 2050. In India too, better health and
sanitation conditions have resulted in increased life
expectancy, and thus the number of post-retirement
years. Retirement planning has become essential in
today’s time given the increasing cost of living,
inflation and the rising life expectancy. The National
Pension System (henceforth NPS) was implemented
in India on January 1, 2004. On May 1, 2009, NPS
was made available to all Indian citizens on a
voluntary basis, as a step towards India’s endeavor to
develop an efficient and a sustainable pension system.
The contributions made by government employees
are invested in schemes of three public sector Pension
Fund Managers (PFMs). Each PFM invests majority
of the contributions in fixed income securities (85
percent) and the remaining 15 percent in stocks (Sane
& Thomas, 2014). The non-government employees
have a choice between three asset classes: G-
government bonds, C-fixed income instruments, and
E-equity market instruments for investment of their
voluntary NPS contributions.
Despite the government’s efforts to make NPS
attractive, it has been criticized on many grounds.
According to an online survey conducted by ET
Wealth (Zaidi, 2018), no assured returns, lower
returns on the annuity, availability of better
investment plans such as mutual funds, Public
Provident Fund, Equity linked saving schemes, etc.
are some reasons for criticizing the NPS investment
for retirement planning. The NPS has seen a
lukewarm response so far, with majority of
subscribers being central and state government
employees, for whom the scheme is mandatory
(Sanyal et al., 2011a). Investments in NPS till
retirement do not even guarantee a minimum pension
after retirement, thus defeating its ‘welfare’
orientation (Sanyal et al., 2011b).
In this backdrop, it is important to analyze the
performance of pension fund schemes and the factors
that impact their performance. Therefore, this study
shall broadly examine how the macroeconomic
factors, exchange rates, unemployment rate, money
supply, GDP and inflation impact the returns on
pension funds.
While attempting to find out the determinants of stock
returns and mutual fund returns, macroeconomic
variables have been paid special attention to (Nguyen
et al., 2020; Qureshi et al., 2019; Verma & Bansal,
2021; El Abed & Zardoub, 2019). Rahman et al.
(2009) used the Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR)
and the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) to
analyze the interaction between selected
macroeconomic variables and stock prices in
Malaysia and concluded that Malaysian stock market
index does have a cointegrating relationship with
changes in interest rates, exchange rate and money
supply. Yu Hsing (2014) studied the interaction
between the stock market and macroeconomic factors
in Estonia and concluded that while gross domestic
product impacts the index positively, the exchange
rate and the expected rate of inflation affect the index
negatively. Nguyen et al. (2020) used the Auto
Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model to
conclude that money supply, exchange rate and
inflation rate significantly influence stock market
returns in the long run in Vietnam. In a study on stock
market returns in Germany, El Abed and Zardoub
(2019) using the ARDL model conclude that
exchange rate and money supply have a positive but
no significant impact on stock return, while CPI has a
positive and a significant impact on the stock returns.
In the study on Asian developing economies, Qureshi
et al. 2019 conclude that there is a boom in stock
market returns when the economy is thriving whereas
the opposite holds true for bond returns. Khan (2019)
conclude that exchange rate has a negative and
significant influence on the stock returns of Shenzhen
stock exchange. In another study using Panel data
analysis Purwaningsih (2019) in their study on
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Indonesia conclude that interest rates, exchange rates,
GDP and inflation significantly impact the returns of
equity mutual fund. Unemployment is related to the
business cycle and to fluctuations in the stock market,
and thus it may also have an impact on mutual fund
flows and returns (Geske & Roll,1983; Flannery &
Protopapadakis, 2002; Bali et al., 2014).
The objective of this paper is to model the dynamic
relation between pension fund returns and
macroeconomic variables in India using time series
analysis. A study of pension fund returns can help to
identify the driving factors in determining the
performance of pension funds, and can provide
insights into how changes in these factors may impact
pension returns in the future.
The rest of the paper is organized as, Section 3
explains the data and variables; Section 4 summarizes
the methodology; Section 5 discusses the empirical
results and interpretation, and Section 6 presents the
There are many kinds of pensions schemes
offered under the National Pension System. Based on
targeted individuals there are schemes specifically for
government sector employees (like Central
Government and State Government Schemes) and
other schemes open to all citizens of India (Tier 1 and
Tier 2 schemes). Basis asset allocation there are
schemes that invest the funds primarily in fixed
income securities (like Central and State Government
Schemes and Scheme G in Tier 1 and Tier 2), and
others that invest heavily in equity markets (like
Scheme E in tier 1 and tier 2).
As a representation of the different kinds of schemes,
the study analysis the performance of two specific
pension fund schemes; the State Government Scheme
and the Scheme E in Tier 1. The State Government
Scheme has the highest asset allocation under the
schemes open for public sector employees and it
invests majority of the funds in fixed income
securities. On the other hand, the Tier 1 Scheme E
with Fund Manager HDFC is open to all citizens of
India and has the highest asset allocation. It invests
majority of funds in equity markets. HDFC Pension
Fund offered the highest average return of 16.84% in
Tier I and is identified as the best pension fund
manager with the highest ratios as per all the three
risk-adjusted performance measures, i.e., the
Treynor, Sharpe and Jensen alpha (Murari, 2020).
Overall, positive macroeconomic developments are
expected to boost market returns and flow of funds in
the economy, and vice versa. The GDP growth rate is
the primary indicator of macroeconomic conditions
(Jank, 2012; Chatziantoniou et al., 2013; Bali et al.,
2014). Apart from GDP other macroeconomic
indicators used in this study are: change in inflation
rate; money supply growth rate; change in Rs./$
exchange rate; and unemployment rate. Data from
June 2017 to August 2022 was compiled for all the
variables under study. Table 1 gives the details of the
variables used; definition, source and summary
Table 1: Description of Variables.
Definition Source Mean Std. Dev.
Returns on State
Government Pension
3-month returns calculated on a
monthly basis. Average returns
for the three fund managers
(SBI, HDFC and UTI) were
0.019 0.020
Returns on Tier 1
Scheme E (HDFC PF)
3-month returns calculated on a
monthly basis.
0.034 0.086
Inflation CPI Consumer Price Index RBI 0.004 0.006
Exchange Rate Exrt
Rate of change in exchange rate
Rs./U.S Dollar
; monthl
FRED 0.003 0.014
GDP GDP Change in monthly GDP index FRED 0.001 0.019
Money Supply (M3) Ms
Rate of change in money supply
; monthl
FRED 0.008 0.008
Unemployment Rate Un Monthly Unemployment Rate CMIE 0.075 0.031
Source: Author’s own compilation using Eviews 12 SV
Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Performance of Pension Funds: An Econometric Analysis
Choosing the appropriate method for time series
analysis is crucial as any misspecification or using the
wrong method gives biased and unreliable estimates.
The choice of methodology primarily depends on the
stationarity of the series by checking the unit root. If
all the series of interest are stationary, ordinary least
square (OLS) or VAR models can provide unbiased
estimates (Shrestha & Bhatta, 2018).
The times series for all variables were tested for
stationarity using the Augmented Dickey Fuller
(ADF) test, the Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin
(KPSS) test and the Phillips-Perron (PP) test.
Contrary to the other unit root tests, the presence of a
unit root is the alternative hypothesis in the KPSS
test. Sometimes, data tends to reject the null
hypothesis, so testing for stationarity using all the
tests helps to test if the null is rejected in all the tests
despite different null hypothesis. In our data, all the
tests showed that all the series are stationary at level.
Accordingly, long run static model using ordinary
least squares method is estimated using the following
model specification for the two types of pension
=𝛼+ 𝛽
+ 𝛽
+ 𝛽
+ 𝜀
=𝛼+ 𝛽
+ 𝛽
+ 𝛽
+ 𝜀
Table 2 reports the results of unit root tests applied to
determine the order of integration of the time series
data. ADF, PP and KPSS tests were employed to test
if the series has a unit root (series is not stationary).
Basis the ADF and PP test with the null hypothesis;
series has a unit root, the p-values for all the series
were significant at 5% level of confidence thus
rejecting the null. This indicates that all the series are
stationary at level or integrated at level. The KPSS
test, that tests the null; series is stationary, had the LM
stat value less than the critical value at 5%
confidence, for all the variables, thus accepting the
null. The KPSS test also indicates that all the series
are stationary or integrated at level.
Table 2: Unit Root Tests.
Variable ADF Test Statistic PP Test Statistic KPSS Test Statistic Final Decision
0.167919 I(0)
0.110098 I(0)
0.094482 I(0)
0.055920 I(0)
0.054377 I(0)
Ms (8.688854)* (9.484461)* 0.087092 I(0)
Un (4.352836)* (3.484874)* 4.417547 I(0)
Source: Author’s own compilation using Eviews 12 SV
Note: * represent significant at 5% level of significance; () represent negative values.
Final decision has been made based on individual
stationarity tests
Since all the series are stationary at level, only the
long run static model (without lags) is estimated using
Table 3 shows the results of the regression model with
returns on the state government pension scheme as
the dependent variable and all the macroeconomic
variables as the independent variables.
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Table 3: Regression results for returns on state government scheme.
Variable Coefficient Std. Error
CPI 0.226692 0.386329
Exrt -0.478893 0.180685
GDP 0.358255 0.162793
Ms -0.085375 0.317164
Un 0.192409 0.099132
C 0.00629 0.008072
Source: Author’s own compilation using Eviews 12 SV
*, **, *** indicates significance at the 90%, 95%, and 99% level, respectively.
The results indicate that in the long run changes in
exchange rate and GDP significantly impact the
returns on state government pension scheme at 5%
significance level. A one percent increase in the Rs./$
exchange rate decreases the pension returns on state
government scheme by .47 percent. Also, a one
percent increase in GDP increases the return
on state
government scheme by .35 percent. Changes in
unemployment rate impact returns on state
government scheme at a 10% significance level.
Changes in inflation and money supply do not have a
significant impact on the returns on state government
scheme. The model is significant as reflected in the
value of the F-statistic (3.384773) being significant at
5% significance level.
To check the stability of the coefficients and to
check for any structural breaks in the data, the
CUSUM square test is used. The test confirms that the
coefficients are stable (Figure 1).
Figure 1: CUSUM Square Test.
Next, we analyse the returns on Tier 1 Scheme E
(HDFC PF). Table 4 shows the results of the
regression model with returns on the Tier 1 Scheme
E (HDFC PF) as the dependent variable and all the
macroeconomic variables
as the independent
Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Performance of Pension Funds: An Econometric Analysis
Table 4: Regression results for return on Tier 1 Scheme E (HDFC PF).
Variable Coefficient Std. Error
CPI 0.999576 1.446423
Exrt -1.549711 0.676487
GDP 2.293429 0.609502
Ms -0.942381 1.187468
Un 0.014875 0.371151
C 0.04116 0.030221
Source: Author’s own compilation using Eviews 12 SV
*, **, *** indicates significance at the 90%, 95%, and 99% level, respectively.
The results from the regression show that the changes
in exchange rate and GDP significantly impact the
returns on Tier 1 Scheme E (HDFC PF). While
increases in GDP positively impact the returns, an
increase in the exchange rate impacts the returns on
Tier 1 Scheme E negatively. The overall significance
of the model is reflected in the F-statistic (3.384773)
being significant at 5% significance level. The
CUSUM square test for stability of the model (Figure
2) shows that the results are not stable and there exists
a structural break in the series. The test shows that the
there is a digression outside the 5% significance level
boundary at 2020 month IV.
Figure 2: CUSUM Square Test.
To confirm the structural break, the Chow Break
point test for employed. The results from the Chow
Test (Table 5) confirm the presence of a structural
break at the fourth month of 2020. The F-statistic is
significant at 5% significance level, thus rejecting the
null; no breaks at specified break points. Structural
break occurs when an event distorts the movement in
a time series. April 2020 was the month when the
country was under a complete lockdown due to the
COVID-19 Pandemic and the economic activity came
to a standstill.
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Table 5: Chow Break Point Test.
F-statistic 3.114477 Probability 0.0112
Log likelihood ratio 19.66773 Probability 0.0032
Wald Statistic 18.68686 Probability 0.0047
Source: Author’s own compilation using Eviews 12 SV
To account for the structural break, a revised
regression for returns on Scheme E Tier 1 is done.
The data is divided in two parts; till April 2020 and
post April 2020. Separate regressions were run to
check if there is a change in the factors that impact
the returns on Scheme E pension funds pre and post
the structural break
Table 6 shows the results of the regression model with
returns on the Tier 1 Scheme E (HDFC PF) as the
dependent variable and all the macroeconomic
variables as the independent variables including the
data from June 2017 to April 2020.
Table 6: Regression results for return on Tier 1 Scheme E (HDFC PF) – June 2017 to April 2020.
Variable Coefficient Std. Error
CPI 4.296811 1.815105
EXRT -1.365153 0.685897
GDP 1.969318 1.616761
MS -1.737495 1.237123
UN -0.302359 0.853247
C 0.040569 0.056277
Source: Author’s own compilation using Eviews 12 SV
*, **, *** indicates significance at the 90%, 95%, and 99% level, respectively.
The model is overall significant reflected in the F-
statistic (6.687051) being significant at 5%
significance level. Changes in inflation rate
significantly impact the returns on the Scheme E
pension fund. Changes in exchange rate impact
returns on Scheme E funds but only at a 10%
significance level. GDP, which was one of the key
impact factors for the state government scheme does
not impact the returns on Scheme E significantly
during the pre-COVID times. The CUSUM square
test (Figure 3) confirms the stability of the model.
The results of difference-in-difference method was
also in line with the results from the two separate
regressions. Residual diagnostics have been
performed and found robust.
Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Performance of Pension Funds: An Econometric Analysis
Figure 3: CUSUM Square Test.
Next, we analyse the returns post the structural break i.e., April 2020. Table 7 shows the results of the regression
model with returns on the Tier 1 Scheme E (HDFC PF) as the dependent variable and all the macroeconomic
variables as the independent variables including the data from April 2020 to August 2022.
Table 7: Regression results for return on Tier 1 Scheme E (HDFC PF) – May 2020 to August 2022.
Variable Coefficient Std. Error
CPI -2.966947 2.346576
EXRT -1.524814 1.416957
GDP 2.162815 0.833436**
MS 0.976743 2.183324
UN -0.513548 0.588774
C 0.107379 0.055316***
Source: Author’s own compilation using Eviews 12 SV
*, **, *** indicates significance at the 90%, 95%, and 99% level, respectively.
The model is overall significant with the F-statistic
(2.927130) significant at 5% significance level.
Though changes in GDP did not affect returns on
Scheme E Tier 1 pension scheme before the
pandemic, post the pandemic changes in GDP
significantly impact the return on Scheme E pension
fund. The CUSUM square test (Figure 4) confirms the
stability of the model.
PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Figure 4: CUSUM Square Test.
The present study is an attempt to examine the
dynamic interaction between macroeconomic
variables and pension fund returns in India using
monthly time series data for the period June 2017 to
August 2022. The period under consideration has
specific relevance because of the economic shock, the
COVID 19 pandemic. The entire analysis was done
with two broad objectives, first, to see how in general
macroeconomic variables impact the returns from
pension funds and second, to analyse if economic
shocks like to COVID 19 pandemic distort returns
from different pension funds.
For the first objective, out of the macroeconomic
indicators studied, changes in exchange rates and
changes in GDP significantly impact the returns on
state government scheme. While changes in exchange
rate have a negative impact, the GDP has a positive
impact on the returns. Many factors may corroborate
the observed results. An increase in exchange rate
implies depreciation of the rupee which negatively
impacts investor sentiments and increases the
exposure of the economy to exchange rate risks thus
impacting the returns negatively. GDP is a measure
of economic growth and is reflective of the overall
health of the economy. An increase in the GDP may
result in increased fund flows and positive investor
sentiments thus increasing the returns. Additionally,
though changes in inflation do not impact the returns
on the state government schemes, it does impact the
returns on Tier 1 Scheme E prior to the lockdown
For the second objective, the results of the Chow Test
confirm that the lockdown during COVID-19
distorted the returns of the Tier 1 Scheme E. In terms
of the impact of the macroeconomic variables as well,
though GDP was not a significant factor impacting
the returns during the pre lockdown period, it does
become a significant factor impacting Scheme E
returns post the lockdown. Some of the reasons
explaining the same can be stated as increased market
volatility, economic lockdown and loss of businesses
and changed investor behaviour post the economic
shock. Since Scheme E specifically invests in stocks,
its returns were distorted because of the economic
shock. On the other hand, the results show that the
economic lockdown did not have an impact on the
returns of state government pension scheme.
The importance of the macroeconomic variables
studied in this research can be useful for pension fund
managers and policymakers, as it can help them to
make more informed investment and policy
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PAMIR 2023 - The First Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR